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Articles written by charlene smith

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  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jun 19, 2014

    Summer begins this weekend. With it comes new life, new adventures and opportunities to make cherished memories. Pastor and Mrs. John Morrison of the Albin Baptist Church began a journey that would include all those things. They traveled down to Texas for the celebration and ceremony of their son’s wedding. Congratulations to the Morrison family and we all hope they had a safe trip and made lasting memories. The first baseball games for the Wildcats were this past week. The little sluggers showe...

  • Sticking to the simple things in life

    Charlene Smith|Jun 19, 2014

    Remember when we were young and summer days were planned around baseball games, what time the pool opened, and our piggy banks funding the local ice cream shop. Sometimes, a financial endeavor was hosted in the driveway with lemonade to get more quarters for more ice cream. Simple, really. Sell something sweet to get something sweet after enjoying a sweet summer day full of activities. Life doesn’t have to be complicated. Getting something sweet doesn’t either. A trip down to the local ice cre...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jun 12, 2014

    Father’s Day is upon us. It’s that day when we try to tell those big, burly, noisy (or small, skinny, quiet) men how much they mean to us. It may not be a father by blood or marriage that you honor this weekend. It may be a man who looks after you. Fixes your trailer hitch, it helps you connect a propane tank when you can’t figure it out. Or maybe it is a man who puts your son’s prosthetic foot back on his fake leg. For all those men in our lives, we say, Happy Father’s Day. Fish, golf, gri...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jun 5, 2014

    About 40 years ago, Alyce Krakow was sending her children to school. Living out in the country, far out, the school district gave the Krakow’s two options; drive a bus or drive their children to meet the closest bus. Alyce choose the job opportunity and has no regrets. “They were paying for the fuel and transportation and giving me a paycheck, so I don’t think it was a bad deal.” Alyce had a grandson of one of her first students on her bus this year, and realized just how fast 40 years goes by...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 29, 2014

    Baseball season is here. Jillian is looking for help coaching, officiating, and in the concession stand. For more information or to sign up your little slugger for the season, stop by the community center or call 307-246-3386. Albin Baptist Church will be having Vacation Bible School Monday through Thursday, June 2-5 from noon till 2:45 p.m. for kids age 4 through 6th grade. Registration will be at 11:45 a.m. Monday. Lunch will be served at noon each day. Lots of learning and fun at Son Rock...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 22, 2014

    What a nice weekend to celebrate our area graduates. A few storms here and there, but the rain, as always, was welcomed and didn’t cause too much trouble. The flower garden next to the post office would benefit from some loving care. Many people help with the weeds and care, but I am sure they would like an extra hand or two. Town cleanup day is May 31 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Anything you want picked up needs to be out by your dumpster. No tires, batteries, oil, pesticides or paint. Please sepa...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 15, 2014

    It is a little odd to start the second week in May with a snow day for the schools. It was an early taste of the lazy summer days to come for the students in a couple of weeks. And as the overused saying goes, “we needed the moisture.” If you missed the book fair earlier this week, there is still time. It goes on through Friday and it is “buy one get one free.” Stop by and support the Albin Elementary and pick up some great books for summer reading. The spring concert is tonight, Thursday, start...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 8, 2014

    Nice weather report from Albin. We enjoyed a beautiful weekend and didn’t start the week with a snow storm. The tulips are popping open all over town. John Eklund is doing well. Saturday they thought he might get to come home soon. Might be there already. Keep him and Suzi in your prayers as his recovery will be long. The last few weeks of school have found their way onto the calendar. The Albin Wildcats will be released for the summer May 23. The school will have a parent field day May 22. A...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 1, 2014

    Another blanket of snow covered our neighborhood. If you were thinking, you would have sprinkled weed and feed on the green grass. The hum of lawn mowers filled the air Friday night and Saturday before the storm. What a nice sound reminding us summer is on its way. Speaking of trimming the grass, remember to not put your grass clippings in the dumpsters. The burn area down by the arena is open and you are able to dump them there. Better yet, plant a garden or a flower bed and use the cut grass...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Apr 24, 2014

    The weather turned the corner to spring this past weekend. What a great time to get out and freshen up the green turf around our homes. Earth Day was Tuesday and we often take this time of the year to clean our little patch of the earth. If you have waste to get rid of after cleaning, check with the town before dumping certain items from your lawns into the dumpsters. The town is restricted on what it can take to the landfill but you can take grass, tree limbs and other cleanup items to the...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Apr 17, 2014

    Albin Elementary Kindergarten Screening April 23, 2014 Must be 5 years old by September 15, 2014. Please call school at 307-245-4090 for an appointment. Pd. Adv. A white blanket of fresh spring snow coated our roads and blooming flowers. The tulips and irises will probably still bloom but those fragile crocus and little purple shoots are all but a spring memory. We are smack dab in the middle of calving and planting season. Branding dates are being set and the farming and ranching world is...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Apr 10, 2014

    Things on the streets of Albin are pretty quiet. It was warm enough this weekend, however, to tempt some young folks on to the basketball court. The sounds of summer are slowly getting easier to hear. Spring Soccer has begun and Jillian McLaughlin is still in need of refs. Come out and cheer on the Wildcats as they kick in a few goals. The Albin Baptist Church has a weekly bible study group on Wednesdays. 5 p.m. is the Spanish version and 7 p.m. is English. On Thursday mornings at 6:30 a.m....

  • Albin Community News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Apr 3, 2014

    Hopefully you weren’t fooled too much Tuesday. I think the biggest fool around is the weatherman. That old “lion” seemed to have eaten the “lamb.” The roads around home are drying up and the spring flowers are starting to find their way through the mud. Soon it will be time for the little guys to start running on the green green grass of the sports fields. Jillian McLaughlin tells us spring soccer season will start soon. If you want to sign up your little guy or possibly coach or ref, contact t...

  • Albin community news

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Mar 27, 2014

    Up here in Albin, the streets have declared a cease and decist (sp) on precipitation. Not only the gravel streets but the paved ones are buckling under all this water. What is it? Spring showed bring May flowers? We should have enough for the Rose Bowl Parade. The Farm and Home Show sounded like it went well. Jillian K., Jillian M. and Michelle served over 100 people the free lunch. Many speakers presented valuable information and a bunch of booths were in to browse through. The Sunday lunch... Full story

  • Who can fast with these recipes around?

    Charlene Smith|Mar 20, 2014

    Charlene Smith [email protected] The humble and reflective season of Lent is upon us. This time of the year, for 40 days, Christians reflect on all they have been given and at what cost. Some step up their appreciation by charitable giving, sacrificing something and fasting. Fasting was once an expected discipline of the Christian faith. The effort is still used to humble yourself in the eyes of God. As we move farther away from rules of religion and legalistic practices and...

  • Student of the week: Austin Burson

    Charlene Smith|Mar 13, 2014

    Young people have many chances in life. Chances to turn mistakes into success. And, unfortunately, some chances to turn failures into a path misfortune. Austin Burson, son of Robert "Allen" and Mary Burson, used his computer talent for "no-good" when he was a sophomore. Now, as a senior, he looks back on that time as a great opportunity. "I downloaded a program into the school's administration site and they caught me," Austin grins with shameful confidence. "But the next day, BOCES (Board of...

  • Local youth wins big at state science fair

    Charlene Smith|Mar 13, 2014

    Tim Love, son of Taft and Jill Love of Burns, is just a sixth grader. But he has already impressed scientists and teachers with his forethought and knowledge of water and life systems in the water. Tim was one of the finalists at the Burns science fair selected to go onto the state competition. His project dealt with copper sulfate and its affects of living organisms in an aquatic environment. The Wyoming Teachers Association and the Powder River Basin Resource Council presented the William...

  • Albin community news

    Charlene Smith|Mar 13, 2014

    Believe it or not, the warm weather and Wyoming wind made it possible for some locals to leave their “island in the mud.” It is not quite spring yet, but it seems to be coming around the bend. News from the Albin Community Center; The farm show is Wednesday March 19 from 9-4 p.m. Garage sale at the community center Friday March 14 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. & Saturday March 15, 10-4 p.m. Tables are $10 if anyone wants one. Come by and shop or spring clean your home. Charlene Smith is opening the Old Sch... Full story

  • Legislative Update

    John Eklund and Charlene Smith|Mar 6, 2014

    Representative John Eklund spoke about the recent decisions in the Wyoming House of Representatives and was pleased with the congruency of the decisions between the communities, counties and legislature. "The House approved $175,000 for the hardship model for communities," Eklund explained. "It was great to see the communities and counties agreeing with us for this model. Some of the bigger towns and counties could have overpowered the smaller ones but they didn't." Eklund was also pleased with... Full story

  • I'm not lost, just not here anymore

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 6, 2014

    Do you ever wonder where lost things go? Not like the last game of the season that was lost. We all know those losses take up residence in the deep scars of our memory labeled regret. And not the losses of years or memory. Again, unfortunately, as the years and the unnecessary trips to the cupboard when I needed something from the fridge tell me those all go away, far far away, never to be found again. A black hole somewhere inside. I am curious, though, where the lost things such as passports,...

  • Athlete of the Week: Marquice Rivers

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 6, 2014

    Marquice Rivers, son of Mary Needham, did not have the start to his senior year that he would have liked. "The football team didn't do so well," Marquice says. "But we are doing really well with basketball. It has been a lot of fun." Marquice is looking forward to the state tournament in Casper this week, as it is his first time on a state playoff team. Marquice went to state in track but does not plan to participate this year. "I really don't like running," Marquice said as he considers the...

  • State Bound: Hornets teams make state together after 22 year drought

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 6, 2014

    Pine Bluffs Hornets have a winning style. Game in and game out, win or lose, they focus on the task at hand and when complete refocus on the next task. This methodology has worked well, bringing the Hornets and Lady Hornets to the highest level of competition: the state tournament in Casper numerous times in the past two decades. But not since 1992 have both teams formatted a winning strategy together and made the final tournament. Dust off the purple and gold, fill the tanks with gas, because o... Full story

  • State Competition: Been there

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 6, 2014

    A small bus filled with expectant athletes traveled from southeastern Laramie County to Casper last Thursday. Inside were 16 of the Burns/Pine Bluffs wrestlers hoping to make a big impact on the state mats. Coach Dan Clayson was pleased with the training and the preparation and was confident the squad could hold their own. River Schroeder placed third for the highest finish of the 16. Senior Cecil Brockman ended his high school career with a fourth place state finish. Nolan Schindler placed fift... Full story

  • Wyoming State competition: Doing that

    Charlene Smith|Mar 6, 2014

    Since 1996, the Burns Broncs have ended the basketball season without more than a pat on the back and a "good job" from the coaches and parents. This year, Coach Sean Patterson and the parents are hopeful for something more. Something that could adorn the glass chambers just inside the high school doors: A championship trophy. The Burns Broncs have been to Casper since March 1996, but never quite made it to the championship round. Ironically, this team of seniors has gone to state every year sin...

  • Lady Broncs' season ends at regionals

    Charlene Smith|Mar 6, 2014

    The Lady Broncs looked forward to an aggressive battle at the 2A East Regional Tournament leading to a trip to Casper. After a disappointing loss to Big Horn in the first round, 47-41, Burns knew it would be an uphill battle. Burns led by six with less than half of the fourth quarter left, but missed rebounds and flat scoring led Big Horn to the victory. In the consolation round, Burns met Lusk, and kept up with the scoring and lead halfway through the game. In the fourth, however, Lusk found th...

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