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Articles written by gary collins

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  • Local Korean War vet receives honor for service

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 30, 2017

    Wyoming veterans of the Korean War were honored with medals from Governor Meade and Consul General Shin Chae-Hyun of the Republic of Korea (ROK) for their service to both countries. Present for the ceremony, along with about 30 other veterans, was Willard Allan Jones, his wife Bunny and their son, Mike. Jones goes by his middle name, Allan. Willard, said Jones is his father's name. "He's buried in the cemetery here," Jones said. "If you put Willard in there nobody will know who he is," Mrs...

  • Four PBHS students inducted into National Honor Society

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 30, 2017

    Continuing a 54 year tradition, four Pine Bluffs High School (PBHS) students were inducted into the school's National Honor Society (NHS), David J. Souder chapter in a Tuesday evening ceremony. After reciting the new member pledge, the four had become members of the school's chapter, which was established in 1963 and named in Honor of David Souder. David James Souder was a senior at PBHS for the first semester of the 1957-8 school year. On January 1, 1958, while hunting with a friend, he...

  • Pine Bluffs cousins cut ribbon on Wyoming Malting

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 23, 2017

    After five years of dreaming, planning and work, two Pine Bluffs cousins are about to slap the Pine Bluffs brand on vodka and other spirits, while providing Wyoming malted barley to brewers across the state and region. The dream began in the Las Vegas, Nev. garage of Chad Brown in March, 2012. Brown at the time was employed as a corporate securities investigator in Las Vegas for the Nevada Gaming Control Board. His cousin, Gene Purdy, a Pine Bluffs farmer, and his family had come out to visit hi...

  • Mystery of the Pharaoh's Curse

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 23, 2017

    Local kids were magically transported back to Egypt's Valley of the Kings last Tuesday when the Pine Bluffs Library hosted Teen Mystery Night. Eight youths were split into two teams of four with the team of Grace Steenbergen, Ethan Morrison, Kashten Martinez and Alex Flores correctly deducing that Clare Burks had choked Amari Fahdi in an effort to protect her son from his own actions. Fahdi had been named Queen of the Nile at the Junior/Senior Prom's "An Evening at the Pyramids" and, along with...

  • Town to help residents replant damaged trees

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 23, 2017

    Pine Bluffs residents with hail-damaged and dying trees on their property have been afforded relief by actions of the town council meeting and through an unexpected insurance windfall. In a proposal presented by town Treasurer Kim Patterson, Pine Bluffs will begin a reforestation project. According to the proposal, The Town will reserve a total of $35,000 for the program from insurance funds to remove and replant trees on resident's property. Residents will be allotted up to $1,500 dollars in an interest free loan. They will be required to...

  • Students will still have school choice with new boundaries

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 23, 2017

    The new school boundaries proposed by the Laramie County School District (LCSD) No. 2 have some parents concerned that they will no longer be able to choose the school their children attend. The boundaries were proposed at the March 13, 2017 regular meeting of the LCSD Board of Trustees in Albin. They are an outgrowth of a cap on school transportation funding for 2018-19, imposed by the legislature. Anticipating the possibility of future cuts in such funding, the LCSD board established a committee of parents, bus drivers, patrons, and district...

  • No more bright lights, big city

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 23, 2017

    Trading life in the big city of Denver, Colo. for the quiet rural life of Albin, Wyo. the Anchondo family have come to appreciate the value in raising their children in the community they now call home. They arrived in Albin seven years ago when the father, Rodrigo Anchondo was unable to find steady work in the Colorado capital. Liliana Anchondo, wife of Rodrigo, grew up in Denver, but life there had become difficult with only one pay check coming in. "They told us that there was a job over...

  • Fire crews respond to truck rollover

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 16, 2017

    One person was transported by ambulance to Cheyenne Regional Medical Center last Saturday night following a two-vehicle accident near westbound Exit 386 on Interstate 80. Trooper Tyler Matheney with the Wyoming Highway Patrol received a call at approximately 7:10 p.m. and responded to a roll-over at the junction of Highways 30 and 213. Authorities said a semi hauling oil mud side-swiped a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado pick-up truck exiting the off ramp. The pickup was at the stop sign of the...

  • Faith and begorrah: The history behind some popular Irish traditions

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 16, 2017

    On the day tradition states St. Patrick of Ireland passed away, celebrants the world over have been dying their beer green. The custom of green beer came about in Ireland when drinkers would add green shamrocks to their beer, their way of “drowning the shamrock.” Legend has it that Saint Patrick, who lived in the fifth century, used the three-sided shamrock as a way to illustrate the Trinity. In the book, Declaration, purportably written by St. Patrick himself, the future Belfast-born cleric was kidnapped by Irish raiders when he was 16. Dur...

  • LCCC speaker series focuses on National Women's History Month

    Gary Collins|Mar 16, 2017

    Wyoming was the first territory and then the first state to allow women to vote, serve on a jury or allow a woman, Esther Hobart Morris, to serve in public office. When Wyoming was being considered for statehood it almost did not get in because of the territory's stance on women. The territorial government had this response: “We will remain out of the Union a hundred years, rather than come in without the women.” In celebration of National Women's History month, the Laramie County Community College (LCCC) Eastern Laramie County Outreach Cen...

  • Rescue dogs steal the show

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 16, 2017

    With the wind howling and shaking the building, it was a perfect Sunday for snuggling in bed and that is precisely how Bootzilla the Pitbull wanted to spend her morning. However, while stardom has its privledges, it also has its responsiblities. An interview had been scheduled and Bootzilla gamely got out of bed to meet her obligations to the public. Seven-year-old Bootzilla is one of the stars of the traveling show, "The Canine Stars." The show was founded by Keri Caraher and Ethan Wilhelm in...

  • The "steaks" were high at music bingo

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 16, 2017

    The 14th Annual Music Bingo and Raffle was held by the Pine Bluffs Music Boosters last Friday. In addition to the individual bingo winners, the two winners of the big raffle each received a quarter side of beef. They were Char Madden of Pine Bluffs and Tory Whetham of Kimball. A second raffle was held and the winners, Michael Lerwick and Donna Weller each received a K-lawn treatment from Thompson K-lawn of Pine Bluffs. Pine Bluffs Music Teacher Misty Curtis stated that the night was a big...

  • Anderson steps down from Albin Public Works Dept.

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 16, 2017

    The town of Albin is beginning the process of replacing their Public Works supervisor in light of the resignation of Arron Anderson, tendered at the regular monthly meeting of the council, Thursday, March 9. Anderson is leaving to work for the county after five years with the town of Albin. The new position is a step up for the young man, who took on the work in the town, March, 2012. He has no intention of leaving the town high and dry or of leaving them out of compliance with regulations. “I'd be willing to stay on as your certified o...

  • Town takes steps to replace storm-damaged trees

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 16, 2017

  • A Wyoming Jewell

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 9, 2017

    "A lilting fluting breeze, a soft rhythmic whisper in the trees, this was the beguine dance by an unseen and barely heard zephyr; the metronome for the first movement of a symphony. One droning 'A' note tuned instruments in a mellow tone. "The Plains Blizzard Symphony Sunday Matinee" began on Jan. 2, 1949, and flowed over the open prairies of Wyoming." So wrote Carpenter's Loretta Jewell in the preface of book two of her four volume, "The Blizzard in Black and White, Winter of 1948-49: True...

  • Happy wife, happy life

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 9, 2017

    Nicely situated in the north end of Bushnell, Neb. is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Laboray. Guests arriving at the house will be ignored by the two cats, Pounce and Tommy Kat, surveying the world from their front yard. Passing through the open porch and knocking on the door, one is greeted by a friendly,"Come on in," from Jeanne Laboray, a good natured woman with a musical voice. Entering one is met by the Laboray's two dogs, Little Black Lady, a basset hound/dachshund mixed puppy, and Sweet...

  • Learning can be trivial

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 2, 2017

    The Pine Bluffs High School Wyoming Academic Challenge (WAC) team competed against local adults in an exhibition match, answering general knowledge trivia questions at the Pine Bluffs library. The event, held Tuesday, Feb. 21, was organized by Holly Bauer, branch assistant at the Pine Bluffs branch of the Laramie County Library system. "I wanted to get more teens coming in the library and I thought it would be nice to have the two different age groups, adults and teens, do something fun together...

  • Heritage Society is on the right track

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 2, 2017

    Considered the first to be built in Wyoming, the Union Pacific Railroad depot of Pine Bluffs was constructed in 1907, relocated in 1918 and demolished in November 1980. The depots on the railroad line where constructed ten miles apart, allowing the old steam engines to take on water. The station west of Pine Bluffs being in Egbert. Over time, with the introduction of diesel engines these stations became obsolete and the railroad started to demolish them. In 1980, this fate befell the depot in...

  • Auxiliary offers travelers some cookies and company

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 2, 2017

    Cookies, coffee and cider were on the menu served up to travelers by the women of the American Legion Post 60 Auxiliary, Friday, Feb. 24, at the Interstate 80 Rest Area just outside of Pine Bluffs. One Friday every month, the auxiliary heads out to the rest area to offer goodies to travelers, donations appreciated, to raise a little money and offer a friendly Pine Bluffs hospitality to those wearied by the road. The money raised goes to help veterans with those little items, such as socks or a...

  • After seven months, town is still looking to repair hail storm damage

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 2, 2017

    Due to the President's Day holiday, the regular meeting of the Pine Bluffs Town Council was held Tuesday, Feb. 21, with the mayor and all councilman present. Seated at the council table, in addition to the elected officials, were Town Clerk Carleen Graves, Town Treasurer Kim Patterson and Caleb Wilkins, sitting in for Alex Davison, of the law firm Patton and Davison, who represent Pine Bluffs. The session opened with Mayor William Shain welcoming the visitors, followed by the Pledge of...

  • From tragedy to triumph

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 23, 2017

    Leslie Fennell of Burns got into the alpaca business almost four years ago this March. But never did she think that business could literally go up in smoke. Fire erupted in Fennell's barn on the morning of January 26, taking the lives of Legacy Miss Lately, one of her alpacas and its newborn cria, Magalena. Suffering injuries as a result of the fire was Fennell's rooster, rechristened Smokey Joe. He, along with Fennell, sustained smoke inhalation. In addition, Smokey Joe's comb was burned and...

  • Post 60 Auxilary observes National Salute to Veteran Patients Week

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 23, 2017

    Veterans at the Cheyenne VA Medical Center were treated Wednesday, Feb. 15, to snacks and compassion by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit, attached to Post 60 of the Pine Bluffs American Legion. The auxiliary, led by President Diane Wise, turned out to serve those who had served, as part of the National Salute to Veteran Patients Week. Joining Wise, in the Arrowhead Wing of the Cheyenne VA, were secretary/treasurer of the unit Jo Radcliffe, unit members Wanda Miller and Betsy Kirkpatrick....

  • New HVAC system at Texas Trail Market provides added comfort for shoppers

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 23, 2017

    Comfortable conditions have returned to the Texas Trail Market with the installation last week of a new heating and air conditioning system. An unexpected windfall occurred when the market received a return on their investment from their former distributor, Affiliated Foods Midwest. "We were able to get some funds through our old supplier that we had invested in them, that came back to us after the merger. So we used some of those funds to get our heating and air conditioning," said General...

  • Graves has a heart for FFA

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 23, 2017

    Aspiring one day to attend medical school, Kenzie Graves, a junior at Pine Bluffs High School and vice-president for the school's FFA chapter, hopes one day to become a heart surgeon. Raised on a farm with approximately 350 head of cattle and a good amount of acreage in cultivation, which she and her brother work during the summer, Graves, has not lost her interest in agriculture. "I'm thinking about minoring in agra business, thought that's not going to be my major, I don't think," Graves said....

  • Ag is a way of life for Lind

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 23, 2017

    Content one day to take over the family farm, Tristan Lind, a Pine Bluffs High School senior and FFA chapter member, also has an interest in welding. "When I go to college, I plan to major in farm and ranch management and I want to get my welding certificate. Then I'll be going back to the family farm," Lind said. His farm consists of approximately 4,000 acres, but they do not run any livestock on their property. "We farm corn, wheat, sugar beets and pinto beans," Lind said. While Lind enjoyed...

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