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Articles written by gary collins

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  • LCSD2 to continue on four-day school week

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 16, 2017

    The regular monthly meeting of the Laramie County School District No. 2 was held at Pine Bluffs High School Monday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m. Chairman of the meeting, Jeff Kirkbride called the session to order and after the Pledge of Allegiance asked if there were any changes to the planned agenda. There being none, the chair recognized board member Julianne Randall, who had served as a judge for the event, offered congratulations to the students and staff participated in the county spelling bee and “I would just like to acknowledge both the c...

  • Morgan reflects upon a life of no regrets

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 16, 2017

    Having paid for his funeral and his burial plot in the Pine Bluffs Cemetery, Tom Morgan, 80, passes his days at peace with life and its inevitable conclusion. A Pine Bluffs resident since 2000, Morgan resides in a Cheyenne Housing Authority apartment. "It ain't too bad. It gives me a warm, dry place to die and that's all I'm waitin' on," Morgan said. "You know, if I live to be ninety, I'll be happy. If I die tomorrow, I'll still be happy. I've lived a good life. I really have." Looking back on...

  • Her roots run deep in Pine Bluffs

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 9, 2017

    One of the 3000 babies delivered by "Doc" Morris in the Pine Bluffs area was Becky Martinez, who came into the world at the home of her grandparents May 30, 1950. Legally she is named Jennie Elizabeth Martinez, nee Redden. However, according to Martinez only the Farmers State Bank knows her as Jennie. Everybody else calls her Becky. "My dad said, 'I don't care what you name her . . .I'm calling her Becky,' and I've been Becky all of my life," Martinez said. When Martinez was six or...

  • Mr. Missile-laneous

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 9, 2017

    Veterans buried in the Pine Bluffs Cemetery no longer rest in anonymity thanks to the efforts of SSgt. Charles "Chuck" Radcliffe, Missileer, Ret. and the local American Legion Post. There are 208 veterans interred in the cemetery. Amongst those are three each from the Civil and Spanish American wars. Those who fought in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam have also been laid to rest here including a female U. S. Navy veteran from World War II. In 2012, Radcliffe wanted to do something...

  • Possible HWE Expansion

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 9, 2017

    High West Energy (HWE) is looking to expand into the fiber optic broadband internet business in the Pine Bluffs area. They are in the process of determining the amount of local interest to determine if this expansion is viable. HWE is currently only in the due diligence phase and is conducting surveys as part of a feasibility study in their target areas around Cheyenne and a five mile radius around Pine Bluffs as this is a very expensive proposition. To promote interest in this new service, they are seeking to pre-enroll customers who are...

  • Seniors two-step and potluck at Pine Bluffs Senior Center

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 9, 2017

    The Pine Bluffs Senior Center was the setting, Sunday afternoon, for the monthly dance and potluck dinner hosted by Dalton Fuller and his wife, Virginia "Gini" Fuller. The participants were well represented locally, with about 18 Pine Bluffs residents, while only one couple, Mary and Charles Atwill took the time to make the journey to Pine Bluffs. It was generally agreed, though only surmised, that the Super Bowl that evening may have contributed to the lack of out of town visitors. The Atwills...

  • Old man winter is still around

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 9, 2017

    A quick ice storm pushed through Pine Bluffs and the surrounding area on Wednesday, Feb. 1, leaving a thick layer of ice on trees, streets and sidewalks. With the quick change in local temperatures, it's no surprise the ice was gone within a couple of days....

  • "Hornet Huddle" uses imagination for fundraising

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 2, 2017

    Given budget constraints facing the Pine Bluffs Elementary School, teachers and students have become creative when they look to fund special activities. Such is the case for Pine Bluffs Elementary fourth through sixth grade science and health teacher Todd Thompson and the members of the school's student council, the "Hornet Huddle." "We are always trying to find fundraisers because here we don't have a budget to do anything and so we have to raise money to do different activities with the...

  • Coats for Kids brings needed warmth in the winter

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 2, 2017

    A man, looking a little like Santa Claus, has been bringing warmth to students in the Laramie County School District (LCSD) for the past decade. The man is Jim Lynch of Cheyenne, who began Coats for Kids 12 years ago when he saw there were children braving the winter cold without a warm coat. In the beginning, he would procure 'gently used' coats, have them dry cleaned and given them to those in need. Soon, he began contacting the schools, knowing that teachers and social workers there were...

  • Sandbergs mark 50 years in the auction business

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 2, 2017

    After almost 50 years in the business, Pat and Dale Sandberg of Sandberg Auctions in Burns have seen the industry change over five decades, but they are not ready to bang the gavel on their careers just yet. The Sandbergs are at a time in their lives when it makes sense to scale back operations. It must be admitted, though, that the current popularity of internet auctions, which has cut into the trade, played a role in their decision. While their enthusiasm for auctioneering has not diminished,...

  • Final meeting held for watershed study

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Feb 2, 2017

    The Town of Burns Community Meeting Room was the setting Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 1:30 p.m. for the fourth and final in a series of public forums for the South Platte River Watershed (SPRW) Study. Dahlgren Consulting conducted the study. The Laramie County Conservation District (LCCD) was the sponsor and it was funded by the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC). There were 20 citizens and government officials in attendance. The meeting was opened by Jim Cochran, Managing Director of the...

  • Sterle retires after 36 years at Texas Trail Market

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Jan 26, 2017

    The Pine Bluffs Senior Center was the setting Sunday afternoon for the retirement party of Texas Trail Market employee Shirley Sterle, who is leaving after 36 years with the co-op. Approximately 40 friends, family, co-workers and the board of the market were in attendance for Sterle's sendoff. Amongst these was Sterle's longtime friend and co-worker, Linda Coffman. "Shirley and I have been together, at the store, for 36 years," Coffman said. Sterle was born in Kimball but has been a Pine Bluffs...

  • Wyoming tough travelers

    Gary Collins, Pine Bluffs Post|Jan 26, 2017

    The snowstorm that hit southeastern Wyoming this Tuesday, Jan. 24 did not affect the traffic on Interstate 80. According to Charlene Smith of the Visit Cheyenne tourist information center, located in the rest area south of Pine Bluffs, the number of visitors entering the center is typical for this time of year, the snow notwithstanding. She used the term, "Wyoming tough," to illustrate how this storm did not affect daily life with no school closures and the traffic on the interstate differing...