Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Articles written by Penny Merryfield

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 341

  • Property Bid Awarded at Town Council

    Penny Merryfield|Jul 11, 2024

    The meeting of the Pine Bluffs town council on Monday night started with a thank you from the mayor for all those attending. Afterwards, Mayor Fornstrom invited everyone to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It was noted that Councilmember Janna Kestner was absent. Moving on to the agenda, Councilmember Allie Leitza moved to add to new business item no. 3 - Property Bids for 8th Street property. This was seconded by Councilmember Dave Crouse and was passed. Moving on to the consent agenda, a motion was made by Councilmember Leitza and...

  • Walter Schaefer A Veteran Story

    Penny Merryfield|Jul 11, 2024

    Walter Schaefer was born November 29, 1969 in Texarkana, Texas to Mike and Dianna Schaefer. Schaefer's dad worked for the Union Pacific Rail Road and eventually settled in Laramie. He grew up in Laramie, Wyoming. Going through the schools in Laramie, Schaefer graduated from Laramie High School in 1988. "The military has always been in my mind, especially through high school," Schaefer stated. "I enlisted in the delayed entry program between my junior and senior year. My dad was in the Army...

  • Utility Rates to go up and Fireworks discussed

    Penny Merryfield|Jul 4, 2024

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom welcomed everyone to the June 26th meeting and asked everyone to stand for Pledge of Allegiance. He then proceeded down the agenda. Council member Allie Leitza made a motion to accept the agenda. It was seconded by Council member Dave Crouse. Motion passed. Moving on the Consent Agenda which covered the review and approval of the minutes from the June 12, 2024 meeting; Payroll and a building permit; reviewed and approved; Council member Allie Leitza moved to accept the Consent Agenda. It was seconded by Council member Den...

  • Laramie County Fire District collects for Fireworks

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 27, 2024

    Monday evening, the Town of Pine Bluffs had sirens going off, all over town. This was Laramie County Fire District No. 5 walking the streets and sidewalks, going door to door to ask for donations for the annual Fireworks show in Pine Bluffs. Each year, Laramie County Fire District No. 5 takes this approach to help gather up funds to provide a great fireworks show that can be seen for miles. Many residents park down by the ballfield to watch the great display put on by Laramie County Fire...

  • Senator Barrasso's letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 27, 2024

    This past weekend was the 105th Annual Convention for the American Legion of Wyoming. This was held in Worland, Wyoming. Patrick Sheehan of Senator John Barrasso's office spoke for Senator Barrasso who could not be present due to other commitments. He spoke on behalf of Senator Barrasso and read a letter from Senator Barrasso to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Department of Veteran Affairs, in Washington D.C. This concerns all veterans. The letter reads as: John Barrasso Wyoming 307 Dirksen...

  • Town passes budget for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 20, 2024

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom welcomed everyone and invited them to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to start off the June 12 meeting of the town council for Pine Bluffs. Once the formalities were done, the town council got down to business, approving, and passing the agenda and the consent agenda . Moving into new business Ordinance number 2024–03 was read for the third reading; Treasurer Kim Patterson at this time gave a report on the budget. She stated: "I am pleased to present the Town of Pine B...

  • Fire Season hits this weekend with several fires

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 20, 2024

    Summer has arrived as well as the fire season. With the dryness of the grasslands in our surrounding areas, it is not unimaginable to see our County Fire Districts assisting each other. Two such fires this past weekend called for assistance from other districts. One fire was south of Pine Bluffs, and District No. 5, Pine Bluffs was notified of smoke south of Pine Bluffs. The called stated that smoke could be seen from an individuals house. Fire Chief Derek Walls checked it out and called for...

  • Lawn Mower Sparks Fire in Burns

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 13, 2024

    Fire, fire, fire!! That was the call out on the Heath's property in Burns on June 7th. With it being fire season, and everything so dry, it didn't take long for fire crews to reach the Heath property. Mike Heath, owner was so thankful for the crews and various fire districts that responded to his call. "I can't praise our firefighters enough for their response. These volunteers leave their jobs and rush into situations never knowing what they're really getting into or even if they'll come home...

  • Medal of Honor Recipient

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 13, 2024

    At the monthly meeting of the Robert Hogan American Legion Post 21, Edward L. Galavotti, USN retired was a guest speaker along with his committee partner to present a special event to take place with regards to a Medal of Honor recipient. This is one of three for Wyoming. Per Galavotti's presentation: Vernon Baker was born December 17, 1919, on the west side of Cheyenne, Wyoming. At the age of four he lost both parents in a car accident. By 1939 he had also lost both grandparents who had taken...

  • Pie Social Celebrates 40 Years

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 13, 2024

    There is nothing like "mom's apple pie" and bringing people together. Having pie is a traditional must have at many holidays, and events. On June 30, 2024 such a tradition is happening again. 2024 marks 40 years since the first Pine Bluffs Pie Social was held to kick off the campaign season. Lawrence Anderson started the tradition in 1984 because he believed that the citizens needed an opportunity to meet the candidates and speak with them one on one before they decided who to vote for in the...

  • New Clerk for Pine Bluffs

    Penny Merryfield|May 30, 2024

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom called the meeting to order and lead the council and visitors in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then went straight to business and both agenda and consent agenda were voted on and approved. Moving on to new business, Mayor Fornstrom announced the appointment of Leanne Person as the new town clerk. This was voted on and approved. He invited Person up front and proceeded to administer the oath of office and swear her in. She was welcomed to the town office and council. Moving...

  • Scholarships awards highlight Town Council

    Penny Merryfield|May 16, 2024

    Pine Bluffs council meeting on Monday night was a packed room needing more chairs brought in. Listing on the agenda right after the start of the meeting and agenda approval was the Mayoral Scholarships and the Thomas E. Mohren Memorial Scholarship. Mayor Justin Fornstrom came around to the front and called up Alexa Sanchez as the first recipient of the Mayoral Scholarship and presented her with a check for $500. Jasmin Garcia was asked next to come to the front and received her $500 scholarship...

  • April the month of the Military Child

    Penny Merryfield|Apr 18, 2024

    Throughout all branches of the military, April is set as the Month of the Military Child. This is done to honor the youngest members of the military families. This special month long honor to the military child was established in mid 1980s by Former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. This was set up to recognize the over 1.2 million military children for the sacrifices and challenges they face on an everyday occurrence. From their parents (yes sometimes both gone) going overseas, via a one...

  • National Lineman Appreciation Day

    Penny Merryfield|Apr 18, 2024

    Linemen take a risk everyday on their jobs. While there are many who would not do this job due to fear of heights, being in the weather, or just not their desired career, it takes a special breed to do this job. Recently, here in the tri-state area, the horrifying winds that reached in excess of 92 miles an hour brought down more than 900 poles. Many communities and out lying areas were without power when the poles were downed, snapped near the bottom, taking down the wires with them. On this...

  • New Ordinance for Pine Bluffs Town Council

    Penny Merryfield|Apr 11, 2024

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom called the meeting of the Pine Bluffs town council of April 8th to order at 6:00 p.m. All councilmembers were in attendence as well as the town attorney Alex Davison. After the Pledge of Alligence was said, the council went right into the agenda and moved on into the items to be discussed. Councilmember Allie Leitza mad a motion to approve the agenda, it was seconded and the motion passed. Moving onto the Consent agenda, a motion was made by Councilmember Allie Leitza to accept the consent agenda, which was seconded by...

  • Jasmine Lloyd A Veteran Story

    Penny Merryfield|Mar 7, 2024

    Jasmine Lloyd came into this world to Richard and Tina Lloyd in December of 2000 in the town of Mount Vernon, Washington. She would stay in Washington until after her high school graduation in 2019 from Sedro-Woolley High School. Upon graduation, Lloyd decided she would enter the military, as it was way too expensive for college at that time. "Besides," she stated, "I wasn't the best student at that time." Loyd knew with all the military influence in her life it was the right decision for her...

  • PB Police Department goes to the "Dogs"

    Penny Merryfield|Feb 15, 2024

    After Mayor Justin Fornstrom greeted everyone, he called the meeting to order. After the Pledge of Allegiance was said, the town council jumped into the meeting full speed. Motions were made and both agenda's were accepted. Moving onto new business, Mayor Fornstrom changed the line up of the items under new business. Sheriff Brian Kozak was scheduled to be present to discuss the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Pine Bluffs and the Laramie County Sheriff's office. This item was moved down...

  • When One Door Closes..........

    Penny Merryfield|Feb 1, 2024

    Sayings and quotes are something I grew up with. My grandmother Lydia always had a saying for any event or situation. To this day, I can hear her echoing in my head with one of her famous sayings. So many times, grandma’s sayings find their way into today’s life and situations. It is almost as if she is still speaking to me. The one that comes to mind right now is the famous saying from Alexander Bell who said, “When one door closes, another opens.” This is the part of his quote that is so famous. However, the whole quote is, “When one door...

  • Vietnam Peace Day

    Penny Merryfield|Jan 11, 2024

    As with any war there comes an end ... a day of peace. January 27, 1973 was a day that the United States, South Vietnam, Viet Cong and North Vietnam would sign the Paris Peace Accords, which created the end of America's involvement in the Vietnam War. It is still a war remembered by so many who have served in Vietnam or in the waters off shore. It is still strongly remembered by family and friends of the 58,220 United States military members who died in this war. This war took a total of 1 . 3...

  • Crosses for Unsung Heroes presented to local Heroes

    Penny Merryfield|Dec 28, 2023

    Semi retirement has hit, and the boredom of it has struck a cord with William "Buzz" Canady and his wife Kathy. After recovering from COVID, this Pine Bluffs couple of over twenty years residency, decided to bring a hobby to life and do a good deed at the same time. Buzz who learned to weld in high school, taught his wife of 27 years how to weld some 24 years ago. With both of them able to weld, and enjoying it, they came up with an idea, to do what they love, and be able to work together. Thus...

  • Christmas in the Trenches A Veteran Story

    Penny Merryfield|Dec 21, 2023

    During every war since the civil war, our troops have been deployed or served on Christmas Day. In the history of the Civil War, Christmas was not forgotten. Soldiers would sing Christmas songs and decorate their tents with hard-tack and salt pork. Fighting was temporarily ceased during World War I with the Christmas Truce along the Western Front. This “Truce” ended in 1916. During Christmas’ of World War II there was no “Christmas Truce” as in World War I. In the history of World War II, during the Battle of the Bulge our soldiers were fightin...

  • Building Permits, and new officer for Pine Bluffs

    Penny Merryfield|Dec 14, 2023

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom opened the town council meeting with a welcome to everyone followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Immediately following the council went right into to the approval of the agenda. Councilmember Allie Leitza made a motion to correct the Consent agenda by moving two items to the new business items. It was agreed on after some discussion moved and seconded to accept the corrected Consent agenda. Going into the new business items, first on the list was a building permit for a pr...

  • Ordinances on budget and election major topic at council meeting

    Penny Merryfield|Nov 23, 2023

    It was business as usual for the start of the Pine Bluffs town council meeting on November 13th. After agenda approval and consent agenda approval, the town council moved into new business. Items on the agenda for new business were: Building permit for 512 Walnut; Resolution 2024-04 Budget Adjustment; Charter Ordinance. Discussion was heavy and thoughts on the first item, building permit went back and forth amongst the town council members. It was moved and passed to postpone this permit indefinitely. With regards to the Resolution 2024-04...

  • A Thanksgiving Veteran's Story

    Penny Merryfield|Nov 23, 2023

    Serving in the military means often times one is away from home during Thanksgiving time. For many military members their Thanksgiving meal is one provided by the military at the chow hall. This meal, depending upon where the military member is, will depend on whether it is a full fledge traditional turkey dinner with all the normal trimmings and desserts or if their mess tent was able to do a make shift Thanksgiving meal. David J. Parshall, Navy Veteran - Cook saw many holidays aboard ship and away from famiIy. “When we cooked ‘holiday meals...

  • Happy 248th Birthday United States Marine Corps

    Penny Merryfield|Nov 9, 2023

    It was a vision of the Second Continental Congress that gave us the United States Marine Corps. On November 10, 1775 they decided there was a need for two battalions of Marines to cover and protect as landing forces with the Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War. The war lasted from 1775-1783. After the war ended, they disbanned the Continental Navy, and included in their disbanning the Continental Marines as well. Due to the growing conflict with revolutionary France, they...

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