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Articles written by penny merryfield

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  • Auxiliary Unit 60 donates new school supplies for students at Pine Bluffs Elementary School

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 22, 2022

    Every year as part of their Children and Youth Program, the Donald Eisenhauer Auxiliary Unit No. 60 buys new school supplies to help the local school for student needs with supplies. On September 14, the Auxiliary Unit 60 President Diane Wise, along with Auxiliary members Julie Butler and Shalane White boxed up the supplies and delivered them to the Pine Bluffs Elementary School Principal Andrea Verosky. The Auxiliary Unit No. 60 schedules this event so all the Auxiliary and Legion members may...

  • Platt maps, additions and employee handbook fill town council meeting

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 15, 2022

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom welcomed everyone and called the meeting of the Pine Bluffs Town Council to order shortly after 7:00 p.m. The council and guest stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, after which the council got down to business. First up was the 'Agenda Approval' in which Councilmember Allie Leitza made a motion to remove item one from the 'new business' agenda. This item was the Third Reading Ordinance (Animal) 2023-02. The motion was seconded and all were in favor. Moving on to the...

  • United States Air Force Happy Birthday

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 15, 2022

    The Air Force Birthday on September 18th commemorates the establishment of The United States Air Force. Almost from the moment the Wright brothers found a way to soar with the birds, the military incorporated aeronautical pursuits into their missions. However, the Air Force did not become a separate branch of the Armed Forces until September 18, 1947. The U.S. Air Force was officially founded on 18 September 1947, and in the decades since it has established itself as an air force second-to-none....

  • Remember and Honoring Patriots on 9-11

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 15, 2022

    Patriot Day is the annual observance on September 11 to remember those who were injured (6,000+) and the 2996 who died during the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. "As we join in serving causes greater than ourselves and honoring those we lost, we are reminded of the ways that the victims of 9/11 live on -- in the people they loved, the lives they touched, and the courageous acts they inspired. On Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, we pledge to...

  • Nebraska native to Walk Across Nebraska

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 15, 2022

    A native of western Nebraska has returned for a special event bringing awareness to Veterans with mental issues and suicides. Jason Hanner will start his "Walk across Nebraska" at the Wyoming/Nebraska border near Pine Bluffs. Hanner got started back in 2018/2019 with WalkforVets. "I reconnected with a sailor I served with in Cincinnati where I heard he was involved with an organization building camaraderie with former service members via go-kart racing. A young member of that team overdosed and...

  • Patriot Day An American Day

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 8, 2022

    What is a "Patriot"? According to the Oxford dictionary, a patriot is a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. This does not require a uniform, but sometimes does....a policeman, a fireman, a member of the United States Armed Forces. Looking back at September 11, 2001 many can look back and remember with fear, sadness, worry and eventually anger. It was a time of disbelief that this horrible tragedy could happen in our country. Ye...

  • Auxiliary Unit 60 Greets with Cookies

    Penny Merryfield|Sep 1, 2022

    A common question as the visitors step up to the table of cookies....What kinds do you have and what is this for? The types and flavors of cookies change each time, but it never changes as to what it is for. "It is for our we can help them when they need help-either with assistance in paying a bill, or gas in their vehicle or food for their table." explains Unit 60 President Diane Wise. Not only is this a great way to bring in monies for our veterans in need, but it is a great way...

  • Voters turn out to get their voices heard in Laramie County

    Penny Merryfield|Aug 18, 2022

    From 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday until 7:00 p.m. voters were hitting the polls insuring their voices are heard. This election in Wyoming and Laramie County has been an interesting one as well as some intense political badgering as well. Going into this election which includes the office of Governor, U.S. Representative, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Senator District 31, State Representative District 10, State Representative...

  • Resolutions, Ordinance readings and Trail Days discussed at council

    Penny Merryfield|Aug 11, 2022

    Mayor Justin Fornstrom called the monthly meeting to order at 7 p.m.for the Town of Pine Bluffs. He welcomed everyone and lead the council and visitors in the Pledge of Allegiance. Getting down to business, Councilmember Allie Leitza made a motion to accept the agenda. It was seconded and passed then moved on to the consent agenda. The Consent agenda which included the following: 1. Review and Approve: a. Special Meeting Minutes, July 27, 2022 b. Committee of the Whole Minutes, July 27, 2022 2. Consideration of Claims and Payroll 3. Building...

  • Purple Heart, Unknown Soldier - new bricks placed at Veterans Memorial Plaza

    Penny Merryfield|Aug 11, 2022

    Honoring eight veterans with memorial bricks in the Veteran Memorial Plaza took place on Sunday, August 7. This event was held by the Donald Eisenhauer American Legion Post 60 and Auxiliary Unit 60 of Pine Bluffs. Guest speaker for the event was Timothy Sheppard, Director of the Veterans Commission for the State of Wyoming. In attendance were veterans placing their bricks as well as family and friends. Also in attendance was Pine Bluffs Mayor - Justin Fornstrom and his wife Kara. Assisting with...

  • Carter Canyon Fire pulls in local fire departments to assisst

    Penny Merryfield|Aug 4, 2022

    Summer storms with lightning are suspected in starting the fast spreading Carter Canyon fire. The origin of the fire is believed to be started by lightning about five miles southwest of Gering, Nebraska. This quick moving fire has consumed over 13,000 acres and is only about thirty percent contained. The urgency of this fast moving fire brought a call out to all area fire departments. Nebraska Forest Service Public Information Officer Ben Bohall stated, "There are 35 different fire departments...

  • Ordinances, Community Master Plan topics at Town Council

    Penny Merryfield|Jul 21, 2022

    After the meeting was called to order shortly after 7:00 p.m., Mayor Justin Fornstrom welcomed everyone and then led the town council and visitors in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. After everyone was seated, the meeting started with the business at hand, Councilmember - Allie Leitza made a motion to accept the Consent agenda, which was seconded and passed. The council then moved on to do the third reading of Ordinance 2022-07. Mayor Fornstrom and Councilmember Leitza reclused themselves from this. The reading was done and they asked for...

  • Honoring Our Veterans

    Penny Merryfield|Jul 14, 2022

    Honoring our military veterans is done in many ways, and shown in many different forms. Flags, ribbons, patches and stickers display a form of thank you, pride in and a legion to our veterans. This honor is bestowed to all that have served and in every branch of service. In the town of Pine Bluffs, there are a couple of well known veteran displays. The Pine Bluffs Memorial Park on Main Street is the newest one and recently held a dedication for the "wall" 'America the Beautiful' with Governor...

  • 2022 Department of Wyoming American Legion State Convention

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 23, 2022

    Members of the American Legion from across the state of Wyoming converged on the town of Green River for their 103rd Department Convention. While the Legion members took one meeting room at the Hampton Inn, the American Legion Department of Wyoming Auxiliary held their 101st Department Convention as well, in the next meeting room. Down the hall and around the corner the Sons of the American Legion held their convention as well. During convention, reports are given for the year, as well as a...

  • Mayoral Scholarships presented at council meeting

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 16, 2022

    Immediately following the opening of the June 13, 2022 town of Pine Bluffs council meeting, Mayor Justin Fornstrom presented scholarship awards to two Pine Bluffs students. Carson Rabou and Alexis DePaulitte were this year's recipients of the 2022 mayoral scholarships in the amount of $500.00. The meeting then turned to business and the council returned to the agenda and items were discussed as they were listed. Granting the Wyoming Department of Transportation an easement for the Highway 30...

  • Honoring a brother marine

    Jennifer Sherman with Penny Merryfield|Jun 9, 2022

    The American Legion is all about the American Veteran, their service, their lives, and their families. We are a family for Veterans in that we have the American Legion Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion. and the Junior Auxiliary. We can reach out to all to assist, and support our Veterans. Recently, the Donald Eisenhauer American Legion Post 60 did just that, in a long reach of our hearts. On Saturday, June 4, 2022 we were honored to host the Eisenhauer family to honor Lloyd, Donald's...

  • Memorial Day Service held at Pine Bluffs Cemetery

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 2, 2022

    The Donald Eisenhauer American Legion Post 60 held the annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30 at the Pine Bluffs Cemetery. Those in attendance were subjected to Wyoming's chilly wind, and all stood together during the ceremony. Post 60 Commander John Wise started off the ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance and Melinda Gibson sang 'America the Beautiful' and later the National Anthem. Pastor Dan DeBruyn said a prayer written by Department of Wyoming American Legion Chaplain Brian...

  • LCFD No. 5 meets with K-2 of Pine Bluffs Elementary

    Penny Merryfield|Jun 2, 2022

    At the request of the elementary school teachers the Laramie County Fire District No. 5 in Pine Bluffs were invited to make contact with the children to share the importance of fire safety and allow the children to see real firemen and their equipment in person. This helps ease the fear of children and lets them know the firemen are their friends. "The district fire Chief asked for volunteers from our fire district to help share our mission to save the children and public from fires." said one o...

  • Pine Bluffs EMS has new director

    Penny Merryfield|May 26, 2022

    Derek Walls, out-going director of Pine Bluffs EMS steps down after serving about seven years as director. Walls has been director two different times, and has seen much growth in his seven years. Walls started out on the Fire Department in February of 2002. He began driving for the Emergency Medical Services in approximately 2003. He went on to get his EMT in 2004 and has been on the service since then. Walls went to bat to get funding for a new ambulance which was obtained in January of 2021 w...

  • National EMS Week Honoring Our EMS/EMTs

    Penny Merryfield|May 19, 2022

    May 15-21, 2022 is National EMS Week. We are lucky in our area to have wonderful volunteers who give up time from their families, jobs and their everyday lives to come to the rescue during emergencies and time of need. As with many small town and surrounding areas, an ambulance crew may cover a wider area than just their own city or town. Pine Bluffs Ambulance covers an area of the south- eastern corner of Laramie County, which reaches to the Colorado border. In 1974, President Gerald Ford...

  • Pine Bluffs Ag Science and Billy's Barnyard Greenhouse

    Penny Merryfield Brian Cox LCSD2 Ag Science|Apr 28, 2022

    While the weather has not been good for growing plants outside, it has been wonderful for the greenhouse at Pine Bluffs High School. Students in Ag Science class with Mr. Brian Cox start in the fall and learn about plant structures including soil functions, seeding, fertilizer soil treatments, germination and transplanting. The students learn to get in and get their hands dirty working with seeding, soil and watering so their plants grow and flourish. "As they get through the fall part of the...

  • Carpenter Road Property and Pioneer Park improvements discussed at Town Council

    Penny Merryfield|Apr 21, 2022

    In the physical absence of Mayor Justin Fornstrom, Councilmember Mike Ragsdale called the meeting to order leading off with the Pledge of Allegiance while Mayor Fornstrom was present through zoom. A motion was made to accept the agenda, which was seconded and voted on. The agenda was accepted as presented. Council then moved on to the Consent Agenda, which included: 1. Review and Approve March 14 & 23, 2022 Meeting Minutes 2. Consideration of Claims and Payroll 3. Review and Approve: Building Permits/Plat Map a. 401 Maple – Metal Storage C...

  • April the month of the Military Child

    Penny Merryfield|Apr 7, 2022

    Throughout all branches of the military, April is set as the Month of the Military Child. This is done to honor the youngest members of the military families. This special month long honor to the military child was established in mid 1980s by Former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. This was set up to recognize the over 1.2 million military children for the scarifices and challeges they face on an everyday occurance. From their parents (yes sometimes both gone) going overseas, via a one station or a TDY (Temporary Duty) that is three to six...

  • Building Permits Resolution 2022-xx Water Rates top agenda for Pine Bluffs town council

    Penny Merryfield|Mar 24, 2022

    Members of the community came together with the town council in person and on You-Tube to hear the meeting of March 14, 2022. The council went into action after the welcoming statement by Mayor Justin Fornstrom and all saying the pledge of allegiance. A motion was made right off to amend the agenda by council-member Allie Leitza by moving two of the building permit items to new business. It was seconded and passed. Items moved were for 401 Maple and 604 Beech. With this done the agenda was approved. Minutes from the February 14 meeting were...

  • Water Rate Study for town of Pine Bluffs

    Penny Merryfield|Feb 24, 2022

    As time progresses all things age and some breakdown, others cease to function or upgrades are required in order to have a smooth working system. There are times upgrades must be done to fill the supply and demand as well. This can apply to cost, not just equipment. The more population a town has, the more demand there will be, and older systems must be upgraded to meet the need. This brings us to the recent Water Rate Study completed for the Town of Pine Bluffs. According to this study, the last study was done in 2009 and it indicated the...

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