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Articles written by pine bluffs post

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  • Thanking Volunteers - Volunteer Week in Pine Bluffs

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 30, 2020

    Volunteer week looks a little different this year due to the current situation, but here in Pine Bluffs there are still folks trying to do what they can for others. Typically, Senior Center director Alisha Michaud sees help from all over town. In the past volunteers have done several things for the center, but with the new social distancing and small group rules there are not as many opportunities as there once was. The Senior Center typically stays very busy on a normal week, seniors from the...

  • Dogs - not just man's best friend

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 30, 2020

    My mother, for lack of a better term, would have been considered a "cat person". This is not to say that she was a devoted cat aficionado, but she preferred the feline to the dog. Growing up our house usually had at least one cat hanging around, but other than the two that were there during my high school years, I am hard pressed to even remember their names. Our pets were never considered family members, they were just there for enjoyment while it lasted. My mother was also an exceptionally...

  • Safety, protection and fashion join together to mask the world

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 23, 2020

    Three women in the community are trying to make a difference during this time of uncertainty by making masks for those who are in need. Carmen Ladd, Diane Wise, and Carolyn Ragsdale have all sat down in front of their sewing machines to help make lives a little easier for the essential workers nationwide. Carmen Ladd, a retired teacher from Pine Bluffs Junior and Senior High School has made over 260 masks for all kinds of people nationwide. Originally, Dr. Lisa Burton from Cheyenne Regional...

  • Town Council talks COVID-19, clinic and Census

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 23, 2020

    Monday’s meeting of the Pine Bluffs Town Council started with a presentation from special guest Ken Hunter, CEO of Kimball Health Services. Hunter discussed the status of COVID-19 as it pertains to our local clinic and Kimball Health Services. He explained the necessity of closing our local clinic for a short period of time for safety purposes and encouraged residents to take the recommended precautions to avoid getting sick. The Pine Bluffs Health Clinic is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday and anticipates resuming normal o...

  • Pine Bluffs Census needs residents to do their part to aid in numbers total

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 23, 2020

    Pine Bluffs response to the Census has been lackluster at best with only 12.8% reporting thus far. If these numbers stay consistent what could be the potential impact? Revenues for the town’s General Fund could be affected which in turn could impact services and the operation of several departments to include town administration (the Town Clerk, Deputy Clerk, and Treasurer), first responders to include Emergency Medical Services and the Police Department, the Recreation Department, streets and alleys, parks and common areas, and the cemetery. W...

  • Mary Cushing retires after twenty years at Pine Bluffs library

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 16, 2020

    After over twenty years of service, local favorite Mary Cushing has decided to hang up her library hat in favor of retirement. Cushing has been in Pine for much of her adult life and is looking forward to spending some time with husband Bill who also retired this last year. With the Library being closed for the last few weeks Cushing was unable to spend her last bit of time there and is saddened to not have the chance to be able to say goodbye to everyone in person. Molly Williams was also sad...

  • Burns - home to new chiropractor

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 16, 2020

    Burns, Wyoming is home to a new business as of last month. Doctor Kayla Madler is a new chiropractor in the area and is open for business as an essential worker. Dr. Madler has opened her office in the old high school next to the town hall building and is looking forward to moving with her family to the area. I spoke with Dr. Madler this week to find out a little bit about her desire to be in the area. 1. Talk to me a little bit about your business. Why chiropractic? How early on did you know...

  • Pine Bluffs Distilling aids in making hand sanittizer

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 9, 2020

    Pine Bluffs Distilling along with Greeley's Weld Werks Company have partnered up to supply our small corner of the world with much needed hand sanitizer. Chris Baird, sales manager for Weld Werks, met up with local distiller Chad Brown at a brewing convention in Cheyenne. When the Corona pandemic hit Baird contacted Brown with an email suggesting a partnership. Being a brewing company, Baird didn't have the necessary supplies to be able to make hand sanitizer. Having been in the distilling game...

  • Online teaching debuts

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 9, 2020

    In a time of a global pandemic, when there is no school, not very much work, and everyone is staying home parents are feeling just how "essential" the teachers in their life are. Many parents are trying the homeschool route, and many have come to realize that teachers really are a special brand of people. As one parent said to me, "I have a whole new respect for someone that can hang out with my kid all day and not want to scream." The Laramie County School District #2 has started their online...

  • Our local ranchers discusses current times

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 9, 2020

    The first lady of Wyoming is on a campaign right now to encourage Wyomingites to eat more beef. In her effort to combat food insecurity, Jennie Gordon is releasing several videos on YouTube to show meals that can be made for less than twenty dollars a meal for those who are wanting to use beef more, but aren't sure how to fit it into their budget. Food insecurity is defined as not having consistent, reliable access to nutritious food, and Gordon is passionate about making sure that all...

  • Wyoming Women making a "Cowgirl" difference Part 2

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 2, 2020

    On September 6, 1870, Louisa Ann Swain cast the first female vote in America from Laramie, Wyoming. Since that time Wyoming women have been pushing forward and making their mark on the country from our humble state. The women in Pine Bluffs are no different, and during this time of uncertainty I wanted to focus on some of the women in our small town who are making a daily difference on their families and their communities. Let's celebrate International Women's Month by talking to some of the...

  • Burns Senior - Keenan Manlove accepted to US Naval Academy

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 2, 2020

    Local football player, track star, and all-around awesome kid, Keenan Manlove just found out that he has been accepted to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. With the way that the world is right now it's been hard to keep up with our local seniors, and as uncertain as everything is, it's hard to imagine that there would still be some positive news to report, but here in the Pine Bluffs, Burns, Albin, and Carpenter areas there are still some pretty incredible people out there making...

  • Cross Country Trip

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Apr 2, 2020

    Last Monday I got a call that every mother during this time dreads. My son attends Washington University in Seattle, and when the Corona outbreak started making news headlines I was nervous about his safety, but trying not to be panicky in any way. Last Monday the school called, and not only were his classes cancelled, which we already knew that he was doing distance learning, but his housing contract was also being cancelled. To add insult to injury, they had decided to close down housing as...

  • Wyoming Women making a "Cowgirl" difference

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 26, 2020

    Wyoming has always been in the forefront of equality and women's rights, so as we take this time to celebrate International Women's Month I wanted to take a few moments to celebrate some of the women who are continuing to make a difference in Wyoming. Elissa Ruckle is a Wyoming native and a graduate of the University of Wyoming. Ruckle has a son who is about to graduate from UW and a daughter who will attend upon completion of high school. Ruckle is owner and founder of Elevate Wyoming. Elevate...

  • Taking care of business during shut down

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 26, 2020

    The Coronavirus has strictly limited our ability to get out and about to do the things that we need to do on a daily basis. For those of us who have business in Cheyenne, the State of Wyoming and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has outlined some best practices for the state, and as of Monday here are some of those closures that will affect us here in Pine. The County Assessor’s office will now be closed to walk in customers. If you need an appointment or an interview those can be scheduled over the phone or by email. Assessment schedules w...

  • Chief Wakama address Police coverage, tickets and more

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 19, 2020

    With the recent concern about the police presence in Pine Bluffs I took a moment to sit down with Chief Chance Walkama to talk a little bit about the town, and what he sees for the future of Pine and its residents. Chief Walkama is a neighbor, a resident, a veteran, and a citizen who seems to have the best interests of our town at heart, and is constantly working to implement programs that will give our officers and our residents a place to be proud of. Walkama has an eye on reducing costs for...

  • Pine Bluffs town council jumps into the digital age!

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 19, 2020

    Like it was shot out of a rocket, the Pine Bluffs Town Council entered the digital age with its first live council meeting on Monday. What should come as no surprise to anyone, the main topic of the evening was the COVID-19 virus. Nurse practitioner and Director of the Pine Bluffs Clinic, Ann Anderson was at the meeting to talk about some of the local concerns. Anderson wanted residents to know that the clinic was still open to appointments and emergency concerns with just a few changes. Wyoming is still largely unaffected by the Corona virus,...

  • Burns Town Council approves community grant for 'neighborhood night out in Burns

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 19, 2020

    In the regular session of the Burns town council last Monday the council unanimously agreed to implement a 100 dollar charge for those seeking treatment from EMS workers, but do not require transport. In an effort to combat growing costs from the billing company the council agreed that the new charge would help to offset those growing costs while still enabling the Burns EMS workers to respond to those calls that won’t require a ride to the hospital. Ambulance Manager Jeff Bartels also reported that there were a total of twenty-one calls for t...

  • Ribbon cutting held at Dollar General

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 19, 2020

    The new Dollar General held their grand opening here in Pine Bluffs on March 7, 2020. The first person in the store was able to cut the ribbon for the celebration. Dion Clark was the first customer of the day, and she sliced the ribbon allowing people in to shop. New store Manager Sherry Boryczko handed Clark the scissors to officially start the day, though the store had actually been ringing up customers for the past couple of weeks. The Dollar General has been a welcome addition to our little...

  • Precautions for the Coronavirus and activities

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 19, 2020

    In 1347 twelve ships from the Black sea docked in Messina. To the surprise and horror of the residents there most of the sailors were dead. Those men that were still alive were covered in black boils. What would come to be known as the Black Plague started with these twelve ships. This plague would eventually take the lives of over twenty-million people in Europe. Flash forward to 2020 and a little known virus known as Corona would take the world by storm again. The Corona virus is not new by any means. Ann Anderson of the Pine Bluffs Health Cl...

  • Laramie County Coroner holds open house

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 12, 2020

    Last week the Laramie County Coroner's Office held an open house to allow residents time to come in and see the facility. Coroner Rebecca Reid and Deputy Coroner Char Madden of Pine Bluffs, led tours around the facility including the new travel trailer that was recently added to their inventory. Reid was able to impress visitors with the newly added portable x-ray machine as well as the recently finished second autopsy suite. Reid also mentioned that she was looking into new pathologists that...

  • Daylight savings time more for economics

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 12, 2020

    This weekend was the official “spring forward” for this year, and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am guaranteed to be exhausted for at least the next few days while I try to convince my brain that it is actually not an hour later than it’s supposed to be, and I did not actually lose an hour of sleep. As the Wyoming government once again decides the fate of the use of daylight savings time in the state, I was curious as to how this whole thing even got started. On July 1, 1908, in Port Arthur Ontario, the two hundred plus citizen...

  • Hornets struggle at State

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 12, 2020

    The Hornets faced the loss of their championship dreams when they fell to Wyoming Indian on the first day of the 2020 2A Tournament Championship. The 72/68 loss for the boys took them out of contention for the title, but still left them with a chance to show out for the consolation game. The boys were able to sweep Kemmerer with a 70/59 win on Friday giving them a chance to move up to the next slot where they faced Rocky Mountain. The boys fought hard and gave up almost nothing, but in the end t...

  • Lady Hornets fight at State

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 12, 2020

    The Lady Hornets came out strong in this years tournament games. The girls started the weekend with a 57/30 win over Kemmerer on Thursday. Not to be swayed by the big gym and the early time, the girls came out strong with winning on the brain. The ladies marched into the Friday semi-final game with that same spirit and managed a 63/27 resounding defeat over Niobrara County. Spirits high and an attitude to win, the Lady Hornets came into Saturday's championship game ready to fight. The Lady...

  • "ET" and Array assist in bringing Wyoming into the future

    Victoria Smithey Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 5, 2020

    Almost four years ago a young man named Eric Trowbridge "ET" started a company called Array. ET had a vision of a company that would bring Wyoming into the future. As most of us know the government is leaning harder and harder on states that make their money from fossil fuels. People are pushing against production of coal, oil, and gas, and Wyoming natives are starting to feel the pinch. Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden says that fossil fuel workers should just be able to learn a new...

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