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  • The Mayor's Update

    Justin Fornstrom Mayor|Mar 21, 2024

    I start this update by again thanking the Pine Bluffs Post for the opportunity to inform citizens on recent developments occurring in our town. In January, the Town Council adopted revisions to the Charter Ordinance with regard to the election schedule. The filing period for candidates seeking municipal office is May 16-31. The primary election will be held on Tuesday, August 20th, with the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 5th. For each open position, the two candidates receiving the most votes in the primary election will...

  • Updates on mobile home/rv park and Easter activities at Albin Town Council

    Karen Lipska|Mar 21, 2024

    The updates on the Mobile home/ RV park and an upcoming fundraiser was discussed during the Albin Town Council meeting on March 14th. The new business of the night was the elected officials meeting and a WAM voting delegate. Every quarter the elected officials in Laramie County have a meeting and dinner. This is for the elected officials to catch up on each town's policies plus to get to know each other or catch up with friends. This time the meeting will be in Cheyenne at the Botanic Gardens. Mayor Kelly Krakow and the rest of the council is...

  • Easter Activities for area Communities

    Karen Lipska|Mar 21, 2024

    All the kids love the Easter activities and the adults love to be able to have time to spend with friends and family. People always plan for events during the Easter weekend. The weekend has activities that are great for all ages. If a person likes to go to church, Good Friday service is available at the Pine Bluffs United Methodist Church and at Fellowship in Carpenter. On Sunday Morning there are several churches starting at the regular time for Easter in the communities with a special celebration of Easter. There are a couple of new...

  • A Farmer's Perspective

    Ron Rabou for the Pine Bluffs Post|Mar 21, 2024

    I hate the wind. In over 50 years as a Wyoming resident, I have always detested it. As a farmer, it is heartbreaking to observe the life-giving soil moisture disappear as the wind wreaks havoc on the fields we will be planting soon. Each morning, I listen to my friend, Don Day, hoping that he will offer me a reprieve from the elements and reassure me that rain is on its way. There is no doubt that living in Wyoming has plenty advantages. Unfortunately, the weather isn't always among them. I...

  • Northwest College to Host UW Seminar on Family Businesses in Agriculture

    Randall Violett UW Extension|Mar 21, 2024

    Powell, Wyo.-March 12, 2024-Those interested in community leadership will be intrigued by the latest installment of the University of Wyoming's Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership (RMAL) 2024 seminar series to be held in Powell Monday, April 1. The seminar, hosted by Northwest College, is titled "Leading the Field: Family-Run Businesses, Industry, and Community Leadership." It addresses everything from successional planning to finding ways to work together in a family-owned business....

  • New Livestock Production and Marketing Specialist Joins UW Extension

    Benjamin Rashford UW Extension|Mar 21, 2024

    Laramie, Wyo.-March 13, 2024-The University of Wyoming Extension welcomes Rob Ziegler as the new livestock production and marketing extension specialist with the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Ziegler earned his bachelor's degree in animal and veterinary sciences from UW in 2018 while working as a laboratory technician for the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory. He went on to earn a master's degree in ruminant nutrition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2020. His...

  • Pine Bluffs FBLA at Wyoming State Leadership

    Mary Jacobsen PBHS|Mar 21, 2024

    The 2024 Wyoming State Leadership Conference for the Future Business Leaders of America was held in Laramie, Wyoming last week. Over 525 students from around the state converged on the UW campus to compete in business related events included prepared speeches and presentations, role play events and case study scenarios. Students performed in front of a panel of judges on knowledge of the business topic as well presentation skills. Chapter President Maddie Brown who has been attending the state...

  • Burns FBLA at Wyoming State Leadership

    Karen Lipska|Mar 21, 2024

    Every year is the state conference for Future Business Leaders of America in March. It is a time for the members to show off their skills on what they have learned against other members. This year the conference was in Laramie. This an event that all over Wyoming the members come to go to nationals. Burns took 19 members to the conference. There were workshops to attend and learn about colleges and leadership workshops. When the competition came around on Friday is was full of members. It was...

  • Hillsdale Casino Night

    Karen Lipska|Mar 21, 2024

    Every year the Hillsdale Ladies invite the community to have some late winter fun. They have a fundraiser for scholarships for Laramie County School District #2, which includes Burns High School and Pine Bluffs High School. The Ladies love to make sure everyone is well fed for the evening of events. This year they spiced things up with Mexican food. The ladies prepared chicken fajitas, beef and chicken enchiladas, tacos, and green chili with several desserts. This food is always homemade and...

  • Burns swears in new Mayor and Councilmember

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    The big event of the night was the swearing in of the mayor and the new council member. Town Lawyer Greg Hacker, swore in Joseph Nicholson as mayor. Mayor Nicholson thanked all the people that came to interview for the council position. The council said it was tough to choose one person. Mayor Nicholson announced that Jenna Nussbuam is the new council member. He then swore her into the position. At the end of the evening Mayor Nicholson gave assignments to all the council members. Council member...

  • Straight from the "oven" in Carpenter

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    The smell fresh bread is one of the most enticing smells. It makes the stomach growl and the mouth water just knowing how incredibly good it will taste. That is what Samira Tennyson's bread is to all that have tried it. Tennyson is originally from Switzerland. She came to the United States because of her boyfriend. They met online and hit it off great. Tennyson and her boyfriend moved to Cheyenne a year ago, they then moved to Carpenter in November. She said, "The community is great and I love...

  • More funds raised for Pine Bluffs Police Department Drug Dog

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    Knowing that there is an extra officer on duty always makes people feel a little bit safer. That is what the Pine Bluffs police department is trying to do for Pine Bluffs. However, this extra and new officer has four legs and has special training in sniffing out what is bad. Sergeant Rodney Kemp of the Pine Bluffs Police Department is working on raising money for a canine for the department. He has raised about $5,000 dollars for the new program. On March 12th, Sergeant Kemp received a $100...

  • Burns and Pine Bluffs Student of the Quarter

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    Each quarter, a student in Laramie County School District #2 is chosen on their great grades and activities. The Pine Bluffs Lions Club and Burns Lions Club have the honor of featuring the students. The Burns Lions Club had the privilege to host the Students of the quarter at their monthly meeting. The families and students joined the club for dinner before the meeting. These students have exceptional grades that have gotten the teachers and counselors attention. The Burns High School Student...

  • Prairie Doc Perspective Week of March 10, 2024

    Elizabeth A Milton LPCC LPC MH MS|Mar 14, 2024

    Transitioning to become a parent can be one of the most pivotal changes in a person's life. Rarely are the hard moments of this change talked about enough. For example, did you know 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men suffer from postpartum depression? Parents of any culture, race, age, or income level can be affected. We commonly hear and get confused about postpartum depression being the "baby blues". This is a common misconception. The baby blues are very common and happen to 80% of women in...

  • Paighton Romsa takes Regional Creed Contest

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    The Creed in Future Farmers of America is the one of the first important articles that the FFA members memorize when they start in the FFA organization. The Pine Bluffs FFA Chapter has been working hard for the members to participate in the contest. Advisor Sally Wheeler is so proud of how her members have been successful in all of their activities. The Creed contest had started local with nine members participating. Only two of the students were able to move on to the district contest. Both of...

  • Accomplished Handbell Ringer performs in Pine Bluffs

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    The sound of ting and ring with notes of music rang through the Pine Bluffs United Methodist Church. A listener said, " Instruments can sing a song in their own way." Handbells were started as simple as shells which which were struck with a stick of wood. The metal bell was traced back to 300 BC. It has been found that priest's had bells sewn on to their garments. The credit for the development of the modern handbell is accorded to brothers Robert and William Cor in Aldbourne Wiltshire,...

  • Bushnell Fire Department holds Annual Chili Supper

    Karen Lipska|Mar 14, 2024

    The heat of the hot soup and chili was scorching on how awesome the smells were at the Bushnell Fire Department Hall. It was great night on March 9th with the Bushnell Fire Department Annual Chili Supper. They have had this Annual Chili Supper for over 50 years. The fact is, the firefighters do not remember the exact date they started the event, but remember their fathers hosting the supper. The firefighters and ladies had made four different soups. There was a mild chili, hot chili, oyster...

  • Burns has three to place at State Math

    Karen Lipska|Mar 7, 2024

    One plus one equals two is the basics of math when a kid first starts school. But in Junior high and High school the students go into the formulas, pairs of numbers, letters, and equations. That was what about 410 students did at the regional State Math contest held in Cheyenne at the Story gym on Wednesday February 28th. All the students were from the Laramie County area. There were five tests for the students to participate in. The first four of the tests are twenty minutes of individual...

  • Wyoming CLASS back on agenda for Pine Bluffs Town Council

    Karen Lipska|Mar 7, 2024

    The vote of Wyoming CLASS was on the agenda at the Pine Bluffs Town Council meeting on Wednesday February 28th. The consent agenda had the normal approval of meeting minutes and claims. It had an invoice of the General engineering & Electric Infrastructure project which was a total of $ 24,958.12. That would include the hydraulic modeling at $5,667.50, construction improvement plan at $1215.25, GIS migration at $5,402.00, and electric infrastructure upgrades at $12,673.37. The last item on the consent agenda was one building permit for 1289 N...

  • Ribbon cutting ceremony marks opening of new Kimball hospital

    Karen Lipska|Mar 7, 2024

    For years the Kimball hospital has been the place to go when someone has been injured or sick in Kimball, NE., and the surrounding communities. But time takes it's toll on buildings and sometimes it is better to start from the ground up than just repair. On February 26, 2024 the new hospital was opened that was well needed in Kimball. There were over 200 people that attended the open house. Kerry Ferguson, Director of Community Relations and Foundation of Kimball Health Services said, "We were...

  • Farm, Ranch, Business

    Hudson Hill Writer UW Extension|Mar 7, 2024

    Dayton, Wyo.—March 1, 2024—The University of Wyoming Extension is now accepting applications for the fourth annual Wyoming Ranch Camp, to be held at the Padlock Ranch Monday, June 10, through Friday, June 14. Open to applicants ages 18 and older, Ranch Camp combines hands-on learning opportunities with team problem-solving and practical lessons in ranching economics, diversification, soil and range science, livestock genetics and more. Workshops and activities are led by UW Extension edu...

  • Farm, Ranch, Business

    Amber Armajo Writer UW Extension|Mar 7, 2024

    Worland, Wyo.-Feb. 28, 2024-High school and middle school students are encouraged to hop online Tuesday, March 19, for an interactive virtual career night organized by the University of Wyoming Extension. Hosted on Zoom, the annual event offers an opportunity for young people to interact with professionals in fields ranging from agriculture, firefighting and wildlife management to video production, tourism and exercise physiology. Participants will also receive information on postsecondary...

  • Spelling Bee Champ

    Karen Lipska|Mar 7, 2024

    Being able to spell a word is a skill pretty much everyone has. D-o-g, C-a-t, we've all been there, some of us many, many years ago. Our memory stores so much in our brains that spelling is just a natural occurrence. However, some have an incredible knack for spelling. But to spell the word without looking it up in the dictionary is awesome. The Laramie Country Spelling Bee was held at the Laramie County School District #1Administration Building 's Auditorium. This event brought all the schools...

  • News and updates for the Burns Community Center

    Karen Lipska|Mar 7, 2024

    Coffee and tea with some great time visiting is at the Burns Community Center. The place has been steady since they have opened on February 5th. The center has had no less than ten people or more a day, of course it all depends on the activities and weather of the day. They have received a great response to the place. Katie Ryan and her volunteers have even received a congratulations from Senator John Barrasso in the mail for opening the community center back up. There have been about 316...

  • Protecting the "Axe"

    Warren Wittstruck|Mar 7, 2024

    It's teamwork that protects the axe The Axe is one of the most ancient tools known to mankind. From its inception during the Stone Age (c. 2000 BCE), the stone head axe was made of sharpened flint. First used to cut down trees for firewood, to kill and butcher animals for food, and to defend against predatory animals or the enemy of a village. In the Bronze Age (c. 3200-600 BCE), the axe head was made of bronze, an alloy of copper, tin, arsenic, and other metals. Its function was the same as...

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