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  • Burns Lions Club receives Their own Charter!

    Karen Lipska|Aug 22, 2024

    It is finally here! The Burns Lions Club has worked hard to establish themselves in the community and they finally received their own charter. The Burns Lions Club invited the Burns Town council, and the Pine Bluffs Lions Club to join them at this special event along with members of the Cheyenne Lions Clubs. They started the adventure one day talking about Burns Day not happening like back in the day. Kayla Madler talked about the Lions Club she belonged to in Minnesota. She was wondering about...

  • Town Council Still awaits news on RV/Mobile Home Park

    Karen Lipska|Aug 22, 2024

    The Town of Albin is still waiting for the update of the Mobile Home/ RV park. The Albin Town council met on August 15th at 7:00 p.m. The council had a visitor at the meeting. Kim Withers, who is running for Senate District #6 gave a brief introduction on herself, what she is running for and her platform. There was only old business and reports for the night. The lunch program numbers are up for the month. Mayor Kelly Krakow updated the council that he still waiting for an update on the Mobile Home/RV park from AVI. The ambulance board has...

  • Sheriff Kozak recognized as Drug Recognition Expert of the Year

    Laramie County Sheriff|Aug 22, 2024

    Sheriff Kozak led a contingent of Wyoming Drug Recognition Experts to the International Association of Chiefs of Police-Impaired Driving and Traffic Safety Conference in Washington DC, August 16-18, 2024. Sheriff Kozak was joined by Lt. Storch and Sgt. Johnson of the Laramie County Sheriff's Office, Lt. Frakes of the Rawlins Police Department, and Trooper Duncan of the Wyoming Highway Patrol, Rock Springs. At this conference, Sheriff Kozak participated as a subject matter expert on a panel...

  • Prairie Doc Perspective Week of August 18th, 2024

    Curstie Konold MPH LCSW QMHP|Aug 22, 2024

    Our brain releases chemicals into our body that impact functions in our body, such as our mood. There are four chemicals that commonly support "feeling good," and they are also known as "happiness chemicals." These four chemicals are dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Dopamine provides us with pleasure, motivation, and learning. Known as the reward chemical, dopamine may help us feel determined to accomplish our goals or meet our needs. Oxytocin is often known as the love hormone, an...

  • A Farmer's Perspective

    Ron Rabou for the Pine Bluffs Post|Aug 22, 2024

    I've sat down several times this past month to write this column. Each time it's been a different topic, and each time I was interrupted by something at the farm that was more pressing at that moment. First, I thought, "I'll just write more about politics. Afterall, it's a heated election year and I should take the few words I have to help enlighten the topics of politicians, political agendas, and the power of our voice through our vote. In this seemingly tumultuous time, what could be more...

  • Lunch is now served!

    Karen Lipska|Aug 22, 2024

    Burns residents have been excited about the activities at the Burns Community Center. At the Burns Senior Center on Monday August 19th it was the first of the meals being served at the center. The buzz of excitement was everywhere. Even the mayor of the Town of Burns Joseph Nicholson was at the Burns Senior Center to welcome and help with anything to make the day go smoother. There were 20 people that signed and called in up for the meal. The food was prepared at the Pine Bluffs Senior Center...

  • Back to School Again

    Karen Lipska|Aug 22, 2024

    It's that time of year again, and the kids are back in school. For a lot of kids It is the excitement to see what is new with friends, teachers, and the classroom. Laramie County School District #2 had a Back to School event the week before school. This helped the parents and teachers along with administrators to get the paperwork worked up and make sure everyone is up to date. The students and parents in every school had to stop and see what they need for the year once they walked in. This...

  • A Slip of the Tongue Football

    Karen Lipska|Aug 22, 2024

    The Pine Bluffs football players refereed a unique football game. Folks always look forward to the different and special events at town celebrations. During Bushnell Day it was the second annual cow tongue football. Yes people, a real cow tongue. It is real, and the kids love to play football with it. The cow tongue football game was started in Washington at a bible camp in 2015. The tongue is put in water with soap make is slick and slimy, which makes it a little tougher for the players to...

  • Trail Days Youth RodeoTrail Days Youth Rodeo

    Karen Lipska|Aug 22, 2024

    Once a year at Trail Days in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming the Youth Rodeo is held. This rodeo has produced several professional athletes in the rodeo world. The rodeo is a start for youth to develop their skills for the bigger arenas in the future. There were 129 contestants at the rodeo this year. The winners receive checks and super awesome belt buckles. Each event had a different style of belt buckle. The youth thrive on trying they're best to get it all. Most of the senior contestants have ridden at...

  • UMC Women Dish out the Pie for a Woolington Cause

    Karen Lipska|Aug 15, 2024

    Every year the pies at Trail Days are worth hunting for in the town of Pine Bluffs. The community loves to have a piece of pie and visit for awhile to catch up for the year with old friends and family. Sometimes it is just fun to try a different kind of pie. The Pine Bluffs United Methodist Church Women put on a pie social to help someone in the community. Everyone is welcome to have a slice of pie or a whole pie. With the celebration always bringing family together, it is a perfect opportunity...

  • Burns Town Council addresses school starting

    Karen Lipska|Aug 15, 2024

    The night was full of thanks and concerns at the Burns council meeting. The first meeting of the month for Burns Council was at 6:30 p.m. on August 12, 2024. The night had several thanks at the beginning with Kari Clark thanking Council member Janna Nussbaum for the work she is doing at Gary Steege Park. The next was a thank you from Shepherds Closet, Betty King. She is thrilled for the response of the public with donations and volunteers with 19 of them. Council member Judy Johnstone thanked them for all their had work. There was no old...

  • One Less Spark Is One Less Fire

    Sparke 2024|Aug 15, 2024

    Fire season is upon us and it is true that one less spark could mean one less fire. Many wildland fires are started in our grasslands and farmlands from sparks caused by improper trailer chain hookup procedures. Recently while doing traffic control on Interstate 80 a vehicle towing a trailer was throwing sparks on the roadway because the trailer chains were dragging and causing multiple sparks. Luckily the roadway was wet and it was raining or these sparks could have drifted onto the dry grass...

  • Father-Daughter Duo Rides Proudly in Cheyenne Frontier Days Parade

    Joseph Coslett Jr WNGSComm Office|Aug 15, 2024

    CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Under the clear Wyoming sky on July 25, 2024, Command Chief Master Sgt. Josh Moore had the privilege of riding alongside his daughter, Kaelan Moore, as part of the mounted color guard team, leading the way for the grand parade in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming, for Cheyenne Frontier Days. The moment was significant, as the last time a father-daughter duo did the same was in 2007. We will share this moment forever," he said. "It's something we get to celebrate every year in C...

  • USDA Investments Help to Lower Energy Costs and Create Jobs in Rural Wyoming Communities

    USDA Release|Aug 15, 2024

    CASPER, Wyo., August 12, 2024 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD) Wyoming State Director Glenn Pauley announced that USDA is partnering with agricultural producers and small businesses to expand access to clean energy and lower energy bills through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) and the Rural Energy for America Technical Assistance Grant Program (REAP TAG). The projects are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the nation’s largest single investment in rural electrification since the passage of...

  • Farm, Ranch, Business

    Maya Gilmore WriterEditor UWy Extension|Aug 15, 2024

    Lingle, Wyo.-Aug. 7, 2024-On Wednesday, Aug. 22, the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station will host a field day at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center (SAREC) near Lingle. The field day will be integrated with a precision agriculture exposition, hosted in collaboration with Eastern Wyoming Community College (EWC). The field day and expo are free and open to the public. Registration will open at 9 a.m. From 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., UW researchers will...

  • Darden Honored at Trail Days

    Trail Days Committee|Aug 8, 2024

    Former Trail Days committee member and rodeo announcer Jim Darden of Pine Bluffs was honored Saturday before the youth rodeo. Jim Darden led a fascinating early life in West Texas pursuing a rodeo career with his college buddies and worked for a stock contractor. He announced many rodeos in Oklahoma and Wyoming and always kept the crowds entertained with his quick wit and rodeo knowledge. Darden was a talented artist and had cartoons published in numerous western magazines and also painted...

  • Secretary of State's Office Announces Enhanced Campaign Finance Reporting for Reports Filed with Wyoming Counties

    Sec. of State|Aug 8, 2024

    CHEYENNE, WY – The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office has launched a new campaign finance tool featuring county and municipal campaign finance reports filed with Wyoming’s 23 counties. Campaign finance reports that have been uploaded by counties can be found by clicking on the “County Reports” tab on the Filed Reports page of the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Campaign Finance Information System. The deadline for primary campaign finance reports to be filed by candidates and committees is August 13th. “Ensuring that Wyoming’s Campaign Financ...

  • Donald Eisenhauer Post 60 holds Brick Ceremony for Local Veterans and their families during Trail Days

    Karen Lipska|Aug 8, 2024

    Veterans have worked hard to help keep our freedom safe along with the land that we as American's live on. But sometime we, as America's need to be reminded of where each of the veterans who have served their time in the military has done just that. The Donald Eisenhauer AmericanLegion Post 60 did that in a brick laying ceremony of veterans all over the world. On Sunday, August 4th at the Veterans Memorial Plaza in Pine Bluffs, part of the Trail Days celebration was the annual Bricking Laying...

  • The Mayor's Update

    Justin Fornstrom Mayor|Aug 8, 2024

    As the primary election approaches, I’d like to use my column this month to provide some information about one of the biggest campaign issues – property taxes. Wyoming residents have seen unprecedented and significant increases in their property taxes over the past two years (2022 = 35%; 2023 = 27%). However, in the two years prior, we saw decreases (2021 = -12%; 2020 = -11%). In fact, over the past ten years, we’ve seen decreases in four of those years, with two years resulting in substantial reductions (2017 = -10%; 2016 = -20%). Specifically...

  • Prairie Doc Perspective Week of August 4th, 2024

    Curstie Konold MPH LCSW QMHP|Aug 8, 2024

    Everyone we know, meet, or pass in the grocery store has their own set of personal life experiences that are unique from our own. We all come from different places, have our own set of genetics, and have different parents or families, which is part of what makes us unique from each other. We can even have different experiences than our siblings who grow up in the same home as us. Our experiences are part of what help us learn, create adaptations to the world around us, and how we continue to...

  • Steps entrepreneurs should take when navigating the lending process

    Aikta Marcoulier SBA regional administrator|Aug 8, 2024

    Over the years, one of the most asked questions I get from entrepreneurs is what grants are available for new businesses and how do I get a business loan. Securing business capital can be frustrating and defeating for many individuals that have had the dream of turning their unique idea into a new small business. Grants are mostly non-existent for most startups unless your local community organizations or government agencies offer financial incentives. To help reduce barriers for startups, the...

  • Farm, Ranch, Business

    Maya Gilmore WriterEditor UWy Extension|Aug 8, 2024

    Laramie, Wyo.-July 30, 2024-This summer, the University of Wyoming launched its first controlled environment agriculture class. Controlled environment agriculture (CEA), at its most basic, is producing food indoors. It involves facilities ranging from standard greenhouses to hydroponic vertical farming complexes. The new summer course, funded by the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP), offered a unique opportunity to start building a skilled workforce in CEA for the state of Wyoming. "This...

  • UW Extension Releases Updated Food Preservation Publication

    Maya Gilmore WriterEditor UWy Extension|Aug 8, 2024

    Laramie, Wyo.-July 30, 2024-Just in time for canning season, the University of Wyoming Extension has updated and expanded its signature food preservation publication, "Preserving Food in Wyoming." This free downloadable resource is designed to help Wyoming residents safely can or freeze their harvest at home. Appropriate for both experienced and aspiring food preservers, the publication provides research-tested recipes and step-by-step instructions for preserving vegetables, fruit, meat and...

  • More 74th Trail Days!

    Karen Lipska|Aug 8, 2024

    Pine Bluffs was full of activities during the first week of August. The celebration of Trail Days is a time for families, friends, and classmates to get together and reminisce. It is a time for some competition, challenges, hugs, and maybe a bit of dancing. It was the 74th Trail Days that started with the Coronation of the Trail Days Queen and Attendants. This years queen was Kaitlynn Schnell, daughter of Klent and Sara Schnell. The first attendant was Kierstyn Klinginsmith, daughter of Ryan...

  • Community comes together for Gage

    Karen Lipska|Aug 1, 2024

    Senior year is the year that a lot of students really look forward to. However, for one Senior at Pine Bluffs High School, senior year will be a bit different for him. Gage Woolington, two years ago started having nose bleeds at football practice. While nose bleeds are not unusual this was not the norm for Gage. Of course, Gage and his parents went to the doctors. At the time the symptoms pointed to allergies. The doctor sent them home with pills and nasal spray. Being a kid and seemingly bullet...

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