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  • Christmas Baskets delivered by Pine Bluffs Senior Center

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    It's that time again when boxes of much needed food is distributed to those in need of a little assistance. This time of the year the will of giving comes strong for lots of people. Some know how hard the holidays can be for families. At the Pine Bluffs Food Pantry they help people through rough times. They know life is not easy. This week there were about 25 food boxes that we like to refer to as baskets given to families for Christmas. Alisha Michaud, Director at the Senior Center and...

  • Ugly Christmas Sweater Party held at Pine Bluffs Distilling

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    This time of year with it being cold outside, sweaters come into style. Warm and cozy, just the ticket for a cold winter's eve. Now let's add Christmas to the mix and you have festive holiday sweaters galore. However, the fun part of these festive sweaters is the parties that are hosted as ugly sweater parties. The Ugly Christmas sweater became a tradition in Vancouver, Canada in 2002. It was to celebrate the feel-good and cheerfulness of the Christmas season. At Pine Bluffs Distilling they held...

  • The Mayor's Message

    Justin Fornstrom Mayor|Dec 21, 2023

    Once again, the Christmas season is upon us. It is a time when we gather with family and friends to celebrate the many traditions that makes this holiday so special. We reflect on those we lost this year and find joy in celebrating with the first timers. We take the time to rejoice, relax and prepare ourselves for the new year. This is also the time when we reflect on all that we have accomplished this past year and think about our plans for the year ahead. For the town, this has been a year of completed projects, ordinance updates, planning...

  • Building Permits, Christmas Bonuses and Ambulance Inspection report discussed at Albin Town Council

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    There was not much for the end of the year meeting other than tying up loose ends for the Albin Town council. They had their monthly meeting on December 14th at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Kelly Krakow only had the WAM winter shop dates. They are February 21 through February 23. He checked how the training for the officials was coming along. The council members that have not completed it stated that in January it should be close of being done. The council looked at the Morales Building permit. They would like to close in the porch. It was approved. The...

  • Burns Town Council votes on pay increase for all town employees

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    The vote for the cleaning bid and a report about the streets were topics at the Burns town council on December 11th at 6:45 p.m. Kayla Madler and Trevor Madler had several items for the council. First, Kayla Madler asked about a key code for her office if she did not have her key. Town clerk Toni Shiery reported that the council had just had a discussion about that. The tenants would not have a code. But if Kayla wanted a code then Shiery will get her one. Trevor Madler requested that maintenance would remove the snow in between the buildings a...

  • Jingle Bell Jukebox theme for Burns 4th-6th grader Concert

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    The students were excited to show their skills for the evening. The second concert for Burns Elementary for fourth graders through sixth graders was the end of the Christmas concerts of the Burns Elementary. The theme continued on with the Jingle Bell Jukebox. The students were decked out for Christmas in 60's style. The beginning of the night was the fifth and sixth grade band. These beginning students have had very little time to learn instruments and music for the concerts. They played five...

  • Christmas Concert performed by Pine Bluffs High School

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    The instruments were turning up preparing for a night of music. Pine Bluffs Junior High and Pine Bluffs High School held an evening of Christmas music. Pine Bluffs music teacher, Logan Vanderlaan, started the Jazz band last year. This is the second year for the group and it's sounding better each time.These students take extra time on Fridays to step up the music. The students are Rebecca McCollum on flute and vocals, Colton Daugherty on trumpet, Gage Woolington on trombone, Raelee Fankhauser...

  • Burns High School Christmas Concert

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    The students were walking the halls in black being so uniform for the concert in Burns. Burns High School had their Winter Concert for the band and choir. They have a new music teacher, Tyler Barker. Being new to Burns High School he had lots to work with to regroup for the school year. This year the Burns Junior High Choir sang on their own. They sang two songs which were All I Want For Christmas Is You, and A Bit of Holiday Cheer. The group was small but gave it their all to sing the music....

  • Hillsdale Annual Christmas Parade

    Karen Lipska|Dec 21, 2023

    The little town of Hillsdale Wyoming was hopping with excitement for the night. Once a year the town residents and surrounding residents celebrate Christmas together. They have a parade and a soup supper for the night. The evening started out with a parade. It was short but mighty with people. Like always, Santa Claus was at the beginning of the parade. He was riding with Laramie County Fire District #6 out of Burns and Hillsdale. Next was the Burns Lions Club on a train but if you were there...

  • Laramie County Fire District No. 3 vs Ambulance

    Karen Lipska|Dec 14, 2023

    The meeting at the Laramie County Fire District #3 fire hall was full of people for the meeting on December 11th. It is the monthly meeting with the Laramie County Fire board. The board checked on the different fire stations to see how everything is going. Mayor Kelly Krakow, council member Bob Anderson, Dr. Douglas Schmitz, the ambulance board, and Jeremiah Johnson as a council member and member on the ambulance board were guests for the meeting. Dr. Schmitz started explaining his background....

  • Holiday Feast held in Burns by the Town of Burns and Shepherds Closet

    Karen Lipska|Dec 14, 2023

    The tables were set and the food was smelling awesome at the Burns south gym. Shepherd's closet (The Room) and the town of Burns hosted their second annual Holiday Dinner. The dinner is held as a celebration for the residents of the town of Burns. This is a Thanksgiving style of dinner. They served turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, rolls, and pies. "Oh My." The Burns Lions Club had the pleasure of serving the dinner. They helped and laughed bringing every...

  • UW Extension Educators Recognized by Professional Associations

    University of Wyoming Extension|Dec 14, 2023

    Laramie, Wyo.—Dec. 6, 2023—Several University of Wyoming Extension educators recently received state and national honors from professional associations in their disciplines. These outstanding staff members were recognized at a UW Extension professional development conference held in Laramie last month. Hill Named WACAA Outstanding Educator The Wyoming Association of County Agricultural Agents (WACAA) recognized Hudson Hill as this year’s outstanding educator. This award goes to someone who has taken leadership in the program, tackled chall...

  • USDA Seeks Applications to Advance Economic Development and Create Jobs for People in Rural America

    USDA Release|Dec 14, 2023

    CASPER, Dec. 5, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development announced today that it is accepting applications to advance economic development and create jobs for people in rural America. USDA is making this funding available under the Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) program to support business opportunities or business enterprise projects in rural communities. Organizations eligible to receive funding include rural towns, communities, state agencies, authorities, nonprofits, federally recognized Tribes, public c...

  • Sheriff's Office Employees Recognized at Award Ceremony

    Laramie County Sheriff|Dec 14, 2023

    The Laramie County Sheriff's Office held our first annual Holiday Dinner and Awards Ceremony on December 5th. We started our awards ceremony by recognizing those individuals who took actions in the line of duty that resulted in saving someone's life. These individuals received the Life Saving Award. Deputy Herlihey received two Life Saving Awards. One for her response to an overdose call on June 17th and her second award for an overdose on June 18th. Herlihey administered Narcan in both...

  • Honoring the distinguished career of Chief Warrant Officer 5 Doug Drost in the Wyoming Army National Guard

    Sgt Kristina Kranz WNG State Pub Aff Office|Dec 14, 2023

    CHEYENNE, Wyo. – After 38 years of exceptional service, the Wyoming Army National Guard bid farewell to Chief Warrant Officer 5 Doug Drost in a ceremony held at the Joint Forces Readiness Center on Nov. 29, 2023. The event, emceed by Chief Warrant Officer 5 Shane Mickelson, highlighted Drost's remarkable achievements and contributions to the state, nation, and fellow Soldiers. Drost's career has been almost entirely in aviation units in the Wyoming Guard. He joined the military in April 1985, b...

  • 18th Annual Christmas Light Decoration Contest

    Sonja Fornstrom Pine Bluffs Rec|Dec 14, 2023

    The Pine Bluffs Recreation Department will sponsor the 18th Annual Christmas Light Decoration Contest with the judging to take place on Monday, December 18th from 6p-8p. The contest is for residents living within the town limits, businesses are excluded. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the contest but please keep in mind that homes can only win every other year so homes that were selected as winners last year will not be eligible to win again until Christmas 2024. Ten winners will be...

  • Students learn about food from the Senior Center

    Karen Lipska|Dec 14, 2023

    The Pine Bluffs Senior Center had extra helpers in the kitchen for a day. The Pine Bluffs High School Family and Consumer class helped prep lunch for the senior citizens. Mrs Nicole Sisson took her students to learn from the cooks at the senior center. Being in a classroom is a different story compared being out in the public. The Senior Center has to make sure all the meals are balanced and has the nutritional values for each and every person. They have guidelines to follow to be able to...

  • Burns High School student shows great skills for Citizenship award

    Karen Lipska|Dec 14, 2023

    Every high school in Laramie County has a student that receives a Citizenship award. This award is given by Laramie County Retired Education Personnel. The award shows how outstanding a senior is in the school. This organization is made up of teachers and personnel that have retired. They have seen students work their hardest to make a difference in the community and the school. The recipient of Burns High School was Savannah Kirkbride, daughter of Jeff and Jamie Kirkbride. Kirkbride...

  • Burns Elementary Christmas Concert

    Karen Lipska|Dec 14, 2023

    The students were running through the halls getting ready for the big night. It was the annual Christmas concert at Burns Elementary School. This is the first concert of the season. Being first it was Kinderboost through the Third grade. This year's theme was Jingle Bell Jukebox. Mrs.Rhonda Morrison was dressed in the sixties style for the theme. In the sixties the girls had poodle skirts, scarves in the their hair and around their necks with saddle shoes. Although the saddle shoe was not at the...

  • Christmas at Home Open Houses for Local Businesses

    Karen Lipska|Dec 7, 2023

    The first Monday in December is the celebration of Christmas at Home for the town of Pine Bluffs beginning with Open Houses for businesses. This started as a way for the town to promote businesses and get everyone in the town in the mood for the season. Throughout the day businesses served out drinks and treats and promoted sales for the customers for starting their Christmas shopping. This year there were five businesses that had an open house for the day. Laramie County Weed and Pest held two...

  • Polar Express stops in Pine Bluffs

    Karen Lipska|Dec 7, 2023

    The town Pine Bluffs was excited to get the Christmas Season on its way. The first Monday in December has been their annual celebration for years. It used to be downtown on Main Street. Santa Claus was delivered by horse and wagon. This year the theme of the event was The Polar Express. It started with the parade downtown that lead to the Pine Bluffs community center. Santa Claus rode on the Lions Club train with members of the 4-H group in the train with him. Conductor Charlie Hastings...

  • Church Christmas Cantata Performing Twice

    Paul Gibson|Dec 7, 2023

    The Albin Community Christmas Choir will be performing a Christmas celebration concert, a Cantata, twice to celebrate the Christmas season. The first performance will occur this coming Sunday evening, December 10th, at the Albin Baptist Church at 6 p.m. In addition to the choirs’ performance there will be a number of Christmas carols sung by the congregation. The public is invited to both performances. The second performance will occur at Pine Bluffs Crossroads Community Church on Sunday evening, December 17th at 6 p.m. The title for both p...

  • The Wyoming National Guard challenges Pine Bluffs High School Food Class to an MRE Cookoff

    Karen Lipska|Dec 7, 2023

    The MRE's were lined up on the desk for the students to be ready to prepare. The Wyoming National Guard has challenged the Pine Bluffs Foods Class to be able to change an MRE (Meals Ready to Eat). An MRE is a ration established by the first American Military during the Revolutionary War. It contents consist of enough food to feed a man for the day. At that time it contained beef, peas, and rice. During the Civil War the meals moved to canned products. They had canned meat, bread, and coffee,...

  • UW Releases New Findings on the Economic Impact of Agriculture in Wyoming

    University of Wyoming Extension|Dec 7, 2023

    Laramie, Wyo.-Dec. 4, 2023-A new publication by the University of Wyoming Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics reports that economic activity related to agricultural production contributed $2.526 billion to Wyoming's economy in 2021. This total includes direct farm-gate sales from 11 agricultural industries as well as related business-to-business purchases and spending by agricultural households. "Everyone recognizes that agriculture is big in Wyoming. Now we have a single...

  • Post 60 holds annual Christmas Social

    Karen Lipska|Dec 7, 2023

    The Pine Bluffs Senior Center was packed with people on December 3rd. The Donald Eisenhauer American Legion Post 60 and Auxiliary Unit 60 held their annual Christmas Social. Several years ago the social was held at the American Legion Post home. However, they had outgrown the building to where it was standing room only and no room to move about freely. Unfortunately, people were walking away as there was no room at the post. A suggestion was made to possibly hold the Christmas Social at the...

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