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  • Back to School 2023 Event held for Burns and Pine Bluffs Schools

    Karen Lipska|Aug 24, 2023

    This week, believe it or not was back to school for Laramie County School District #2. On Thursday, August 17th was a special time for the students and parents to attend a Back to School event. Carpenter Elementary and Albin Elementary had their event on Wednesday for the parents that had their kids in two different schools. Pine Bluffs Elementary, Pine Bluffs High School, Burns Elementary, and Burns High School was on Thursday. Each school welcomed the students and parents. The secretaries and...

  • Hogroast and Footstomping

    Karen Lipska|Aug 24, 2023

    Every year the Bushnell Rural Fire District is a big part of Bushnell Day. Not only are their trucks in the parade but they host the hog roast and dance for the end of Bushnell Day. This year the firefighters had a pork roast dinner. The meal was a choice of pork roast or a sandwich with delicious choices like baked beans, cheesy potatoes, cole slaw, chips, homemade dessert, and a drink for a donation. The plate was full of food. The drinks was water in a can, tea, soda pop, or an adult...

  • Cow Tongue not just for nutrition

    Karen Lipska|Aug 24, 2023

    Football is a rough and tumble game where a group of people throw and kick a ball across a field. The ball that is used for this game at one time was referred to as a pigskin due to the fact that they were originally inflated with the bladders of animals, including those from swine. However, on Bushnell Day that was no pigskin being tossed around the playing field as they had their first annual Cow Tongue Football games. First you have to wonder why (a cow tongue?) and again exactly how it was...

  • Bushnell Day Band Plays

    Karen Lipska|Aug 24, 2023

    The Martin Gilmore Band is no stranger to the area. They played old country music with a touch of folk music. The music was great to listen and dance to. The lead singer, Martin Gilmore is originally from Gering, Neb., but now lives in Denver, Colorado. He is a professor at the University of Northern Colorado where he teaches Folk and Blue Grass music. He also teaches at the Swallow Hill Music Association. Not only does he sing but Gilmore writes music, and play several instruments. Nick Amodeo...

  • Bushnell Day Truck Show

    Karen Lipska|Aug 24, 2023

    Welcome to the second annual Bushnell Day Truck Show. There were eight trucks ready for the critical eye of Bushnell Day attendees. Last year there were only three trucks for the showing. Each year it grows and so do the prizes. This year as big as it was everyone received a prize. All of the trucks were spit shined and polished and showing off all afternoon for the people to vote. The winners received a plaque and an item to go into the truck. At first people just loved looking at the trucks...

  • Laramie County School District No. 2 adds new Teachers/Staff

    Karen Lipska|Aug 17, 2023

    The leaves are changing and the weather has a bit of coolness in the air. Once we get to August it always means that it's school time again. A person can look at it as a fresh start of the year for all schools. New year, new students, new moving to a different grade and new teachers. Laramie County School District #2 has 19 new personnel in the district. It is always great to have a change. The school district has a new School Psychologist that's district wide. Her name is Stacy Meester. She is...

  • Numerous Fees Discussed in depth at Council Meeting

    Karen Lipska|Aug 17, 2023

    The discussion of different fees was at the Burns Town Council meeting on August 14th at 6:30 p.m. The council needed to adjust a few things for the night. Councilmember Rick Lakin had an emergency at his work so he was not able to attend the meeting. The other adjustment was Town Clerk Toni Shiery was having some issues with her shoulder. Councilmember Judy Johnstone was helping to keep the meeting minutes for the night. Shiery said, “ I can use the computer but cannot write yet.” In public comments Troy Whiteley voiced his concern about the...

  • LC Sheriff's put on new equipment demonstration

    Karen Lipska|Aug 17, 2023

    There were tents set up and a truck was ready for law enforcement in the area to look at new equipment of the Axon Company and the Verizon Company. This was a demonstration put on by the West Coast Roadshow for personnel of law enforcement. Laramie County Sheriff Brian Kozak had invited the media to see some of the new equipment that the Laramie County Sheriff's Department will be getting. Laramie County Undersheriff Chance Walkama explained about some of the equipment, which will be new...

  • The Mayor's Message

    Justin Fornstrom Mayor|Aug 17, 2023

    I start this month’s message proud to be a citizen of Pine Bluffs that annually celebrates our many traditions associated with Trail Days. This year seemed especially vibrant with numerous activities that ranged over all ages and interests. The significant efforts of the volunteers are appreciated and applauded. One event I’d like to highlight is the annual brick ceremony held on Sunday at the Veterans’ Memorial Plaza. The American Legion Post 60 deserves credit for hosting a great event honoring those who have served and sacrificed for the f...

  • Roses are Everybody's Flower

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Aug 17, 2023

    Roses seem to be a favorite flower for everybody, even those who don't grow them. They come in every color under the rainbow plus a few others. They're large. They're small. Some have double blooms and some are single. Most smell sweet but some have almost no scent at all. Most have thorns but not all. But whatever the characteristic, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The history of roses is about as long as the history of the world. One...

  • A Real Who Done It for Trail Days Melodrama

    Karen Lipska|Aug 17, 2023

    The Trail Days Melodrama wasn't exactly a melodrama now was it? It seems it had a different take for this year. It was a "who done it" mystery instead of a western like in the past. The cast decided on a change and the people enjoyed it. There were a few changes for this year. Instead of being in the little theatre, they moved it to the main gym at the Pine Bluffs Historic High School. Also, two dinners were added with a show. This was one way the people could meet the cast before the show and...

  • 13th Annual Covered Wagon Car Show brings out the best in the area

    Karen Lipska|Aug 17, 2023

    For the last 13 years the annual Covered Wagon and Bike show has been happening at Trail Days. Jeff Weller, coordinator of the event thought it was 14 years but he stood corrected. Time goes by fast like cars. Weller said, "I apologize for not getting the number right on the years." Every year the south street of the Knotty Pine Saloon and the parking lot is filled with cars, trucks, and motorcycles. There were some return competitors and a few new ones, too. This year there were six motorcycles...

  • Bands and Music of Trail Days

    Karen Lipska|Aug 17, 2023

    Trail days are full of activities along with music throughout the time. There were four bands that performed for the weekend. The first band was at Pine Bluffs Distilling after the Toast to Trail Days with the Town Council. It was City Creek Band from Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming. They played country and rock & roll music. It ranged from Chris LeDoux, to Beyonce, and even Nirvana. If they don't t a song the members are willing to learn the music on the spot. They have opened for National...

  • Bushnell Day - Saturday, August 19

    Penny Merryfield with Roberta Marshall|Aug 17, 2023

    This fun trip is just a short distance away. Bushnell, Nebraska seems like a trip back in time with it's dirt roads, neighborly atmosphere and great small town values, but don't let that fool you. Bushnell is a wonderful active town and it has penned as the Bushnell Day theme - "Penning the Past, Framing the Future" with all of the above with in that frame of thought. At last year's Bushnell Day, a visitor to the town was talking while in line for food, and was overheard saying, "This has been...

  • Burns holds National Night Out

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    The night was full of inclement weather but in Burns, Wyoming it was important to the people to spend time with the Laramie County Deputies. August 1st was National Night Out. The Laramie County Sheriff’s department was out in the community meeting people at different locations. Burns was one of the designated places for the event. National Night Out is slated as a time for law enforcement and the community to take a little time to have fun and learn about each other. This event was started in 1984 in the suburbs of Philadelphia, P...

  • Trail Days Parade Winners and more

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    Trail Days is a celebration everyone looks forward to every year. It started on Wednesday August 2nd and carried through to Sunday August 6th. This was the 73rd year for Trail Days. The Theme was 'Feels Like Home'. The weather was beautiful and perfect for most of the activities. At the Hunter Thompson Basketball camp there was a great turn out of kids for the beginning of the celebration. But in the afternoon on Friday with Fun Friday at the pool scheduled to start, it was shut down due to ligh...

  • Tomatoes 2023

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Aug 10, 2023

    Tomatoes are such a universally loved fruit that they deserve a unique, and special, mention every year. Stop and think about it. Tomatoes are everywhere. In ketchup, pizza sauce, marinara sauce, on sandwiches (gotta love the BLT), in stew, just name something. Then, of course, there are fresh tomatoes. I may be prejudice but I love my tomatoes right off the vine, not harvested green then allowed to ripen while they're in transit to the store. Tomatoes are coming into season now for local grower...

  • Pine Bluffs Council's Toast to Trail Days

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    The Pine Bluffs Town Council likes having this special event for the Trail Days Celebration every year. This is the second Toast to Trail Days with the Council. It was held on Friday August 4th from 4:00 p.m. through 6:00 p.m. Pine Bluffs Distilling was a great place for the people to mingle with the council. The food was supplied by Bluffs Bakery and Currie"s Family Dining and was sponsored by Farmers State Bank and Gross Wilkinson Ranch, Inc. It was a charcuterie table with cheeses, meats,...

  • 73rd Trail Days Tractor Show

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    This year for Trail Days the first Tractor Show was hosted and coordinated by none other than Spencer Rabou, who loves tractors and farming. This is a very good thing because as we all know, tractors and farming go hand in hand. The show was held after the parade on Saturday. The turnout of tractors was great for the first year. There were a total of 12 tractors in the show. There were 11 John Deere's and one Farmall. People were wandering around looking and probably inspecting the great...

  • More Trail Days at the Park!

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    On hot days a lot of folks like ice cream. During Trail Days that weather was pretty warm and a bit windy. Last year the Pine Bluffs Lion's Club started serving ice cream in the park after the parade. This year they was a different locale which was more in the middle of the park.Ice cream eaters had a choice of strawberry or chocolate topping with sprinkles on their vanilla ice cream. The event was free with a choice to donate. They went through five gallons of ice cream and served about 150...

  • Longhorn Stampede 2023

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    The Trail Days committee believes a good run or walk for the day is a great start for the Saturday morning events for Trail Days. This is the 23rd annual 5K/ 1 mile Longhorn Stampede Fun Walk/Run. It started at 7:00 a.m. at the Pine Bluffs Community Center. The course is marked off throughout the town ending at the Community Center. Sonja Fornstrom gave the rules of the Walk/Run then she blow the horn. Of course, the runners were first off the starting line. There were 45 participants that were...

  • A Royal Coronation

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    The exciting wonderful celebration of Trail Days started off with the Queen Coronation on Wednesday August 2nd. This is the time for the people of the community to have the opportunity to be introduced to the new Queen and her attendant for Trail Days before the melodrama. The queen of the 2023-2024 Trail Days is Maddie Brown, daughter of Theresa and Chad Brown. She is a senior this year at Pine Bluffs High School. Brown said, " I am excited to represent Pine Bluffs and help at Trail Days. This...

  • More Trail Days - Feels Like Home

    Karen Lipska|Aug 10, 2023

    Pie can be eaten anytime of the day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, an afternoon or late night snack. Mmmmm! Pie!! During Trail Days is was a special social time with the pie. The United Women in Faith had their annual Trail days Pie social after the parade on Saturday August 5th located at the Pine Bluffs Methodist Church on Main Street. The women choose someone in the community who is having health issues. This year's recipient was Ken Johnson. Johnson graduated from Pine Bluffs and been a support...

  • Brody Cress Releases New Barrel at Pine Bluffs Distilling

    Karen Lipska|Aug 3, 2023

    It is always fun and exciting to support one of Laramie County's hometown cowboys at Cheyenne Frontier Days. Brody Cress is from Hillsdale, Wyoming. He has been in rodeo all of his life. His dad belonged to the Professional Rodeo Committee Association. He was a saddle bronc rider. Cress' brother is a pro rodeo saddle bronc rider, also. He and his brother Blaze had rode in the youth rodeo in Pine Bluffs when they were very little. Cress graduated in 2014 from East High School. He then went into...

  • Bushnell Grand Marshal Announced - Roberta Marshal

    Karen Lipska|Aug 3, 2023

    It may be a small village but Bushnell, Nebraska comes alive in the summertime for their annual celebration, aBushnnd as is custom to start the celebration with a fabulous parade, it is also a custom to honor a Grand Marshal selected by the Town Committee. committee. This year Roberta Marshal has been selected to receive the honor of Grand Marshal. Even though Marshal has not lived in the community her entire life, she has been given great support by the community. Roberta (Marshal) married...

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