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  • Burns celebrates "Music Awards" with food, and drink

    Karen Lipska|Jun 1, 2023

    The Burns High School gym was full of tables and chairs ready for an evening of laughter and tears. Mr. Zamboni Brown had his first and last awards for the Burns High School Music program. It was his first year with the music program. Brown loves music and teaches others about music. He was not afraid to perform, try any instrument, or music piece. With his encouragement the students at Burns were able to step out of their comfort zone. The night started with a carry-in supper. The parents...

  • Albin Elementary Young Authors

    Karen Lipska|Jun 1, 2023

    Instead of lunch being served at Albin Elementary, it was tables of authors. The last week of the school year the students showed their ability in writing in the lunch room. Each student of the Albin Elementary school displayed some form of their writing. It could be in a book, display, or a summary of a book. There were stations for each student. A person could moved around the room reading or talking with the students. Each grade had different styles of their books. The sixth graders read...

  • Wyoming National Guard Celebrates 135th Birthday

    Collin Gahm-Nakos Wy National Guard Public Affair|Jun 1, 2023

    CHEYENNE, Wyo. – A crowd gathers at the Joint Force Headquarters building to join in celebrating the rich heritage of the Wyoming National Guard. The Cowboy Guard, established 135 years ago, has served in a vital role as the Sword and Shield of Wyoming. With a history that predates Wyoming's statehood, the Guard has served domestically and abroad, protecting the homeland and contributing to the nation's efforts. From the Wyoming National Guard's earliest days to the modern era, its members h...

  • Pine Bluffs High School graduates 29 seniors for 2023

    Karen Lipska|May 25, 2023

    The Pine Bluffs Class of 2023 class quote was "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again" by Iron. But as we see this class had not failed to graduate. Pine Bluffs High School held their graduation on Sunday, May 21st. at 1:00 p.m. The night began with the candle bearers of the graduates choice lined the way for the seniors to take their last walk of their high school career. There were 29 students that had the pleasure of being honored for this day. The welcome was given by Hayden Hoffman...

  • Albin Town Council has new trash truck

    Karen Lipska|May 25, 2023

    A hearing for the liquor license and cracks in the parking lot was addressed at the Albin Town council on May 11th at 7:00 p.m. The hearing of the liquor license was first before the meeting. It was a time for the public to speak about their concerns. There was no one but the council at the hearing. Council member Bob Anderson made a motion for Mikes Saloon to have their liquor license another year and council member Ron Olson seconded it. It was approved by the council. Some issues were looked at during the meeting. Mayor Kelly Krakow has...

  • Burns High School sends 51 Seniors out into the world

    Karen Lipska|May 25, 2023

    Parents and friends convened at the Archer Event Center waiting for the doors to open at 3:00 p.m. while the Burns High School staff made the final touches for the Burns Graduation on Sunday May 21st. Every year is a little different because each senior class wants a different event and theBurns High School staff has learned from the past how to improve on these events. This year there were 51 students graduatiing. Families of the graduating students had their own set of seats to watch and be...

  • Pine Bluffs FFA earns Degrees and Awards at State

    Brian Cox PBHS Ag|May 25, 2023

    This year the chapter had several members compete at the convention and earn many awards. The state FFA convention was held in Cheyenne from April 19-22nd. Many contests are going on each day, and there is the general session each night. The session includes motivational speakers, awards, and State officer retiring addresses. The contests range from Agriculture Mechanics, Agronomy, Environmental and Natural Resources, Agriculture Issues, Farm Business Management, to Horse, livestock, and...

  • Planting Time is Almost Here

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|May 25, 2023

    We've had some really beautiful weather for the past few weeks. As I write this I'm thankful for what some people would call terrible weather. But after two years of drought, I think the rain has been great. Thankful, too, that it's been rain without hail. There was enough of a break that I was able to get the potatoes and onions planted. Right now, that's all that I want to plant and root vegetables are the only thing safe to go in right now. But...planting time for everything else is coming...

  • Burns celebrates Spring Concert with Zamboni Brown Farewell

    Karen Lipska|May 25, 2023

    The Burns students played the music that they received awards from. Burns High School annual spring concert was performed by the students. This was the last concert that Zamboni Brown would be conducting at Burns High School. The students and parents were excited to hear the music but sad that Brown was leaving. Brown will be moving to a Cheyenne school for marching band which is his passion and to top it off he is getting married. During the concert there were three solo singers that performed...

  • LCCC signs Thirteen from Pine Bluffs

    Karen Lipska|May 25, 2023

    It's been a great year for students signing up for Laramie County Community College. 13 students signed out of Pine Bluffs High School to attend LCCC. The college is close enough for the students to travel from school to home. Being able to save money being in college is the goal so as not to have too much debt in the future. The students signed three at a time. They were introduced and stated what they are going study. Not all of the students shared their study plans for college. However, some...

  • Local Fire Department, Police Department and Pine Bluffs FFA teach students about Fire Safety and More

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    Safety Day is not just about playing with fire, it's about learning all things safety The students were lined up with their guides to go to different stations to learn about safety for the day. The Pine Bluffs Elementary students attended Safety Day at the PineBluffs Historic High School parking lot. The Pine Bluffs Future Farmers of America Chapter had set up the events. Safety day is a time that explains to the young ones how to handle emergencies and to know what is NOT safe on equipment and...

  • Burns Town Council Election Results

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    On May 9th the town of Burns residents voted on the mayor and council members. The people had from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. to vote. Being on the council is not a once a month job. The members are always concerned with the the towns well-being. Their jobs are not the easiest with all the decisions that have to be made, which not everyone approves of but these people are willing to step up and try their best for the town of Burns. The results for mayor is James Clark who received 23 votes and Don Ackatz received 1 vote. The council member for...

  • Mother Nature brings Spring Showers, Pretty Flowers and Flooding

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    The weather has definitely changed to spring showers. The rains have increased and the snow is starting to melt. The National Weather Service will put out alerts for impeding weather phenomenons such as tornado, blizzard and flooding. Flooding has several ways to alert the public. Flood Watch is to be prepared. Flood advisory is to be aware. Flood warning take action. Flash flood warning is take action. What it means is to always be alert for facts. Creeks with fast moving water. The water is looking cloudy or muddy with a roaring sound coming...

  • Burns FFA Chapter earn awards at 2023 State Convention

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    The stage was set and the lights were bright for Future Farms of America members. This was set up to show the state of Wyoming how great they are in projects and other events. The Wyoming State Convention is an annual event. Over 1,500 members throughout the state attend the event. It started on Wednesday and ended on Saturday. The members attended workshops, participated in contests during the convention, and socialized with other members. At night there were sessions that gave out awards of events and contests that members had won throughout...

  • Special Music Awards given to three outstanding Musicians

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    During the Pine Bluffs High School spring concert, awards were given out to students. Logan Vanderlaan is the music teacher for the Pine Bluffs High School. He encouraged his students to compete in different contests throughout the years and improve in their ability of music. Three students in the high school received awards for their music skills. The first award was for the Director's Award Band. It honors the outstanding members of a high school band. Edwin Morales had the honor to receive...

  • Oceans of Fun at Burns Elementary

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    The sea animals were having fun at Burns Elementary. Oceans of Fun was the theme for the spring concert for Kinderboost through third grade. The first grade played the on the Orff instruments. The students took turns playing the song Larry the Lobster. Each group played different sections of the song. The third grade played their recorders. It was their first time showing their talents on an instrument. The song they played was Sailor, Sailor on the Sea. The Burns Elementary School Orff...

  • Preserve Our Pollinators

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|May 18, 2023

    Finally! The spring flowers are starting to bloom. That means the bees and other pollinators won't be far behind. I haven't seen any yet but I have seen a few ladybugs out already. Except for root vegetables we'll start planting shortly. For me, that will be in about two weeks in the outside gardens. Tomorrow in the greenhouse. Dandelions are up and they're the first food for the pollinators in the spring. But there's a lot we can do to help them out alter by the type of plants we put in our...

  • 15 Burns Seniors sign with LCCC

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    Fifteen students signed on the dotted line to continue their education at Laramie County Community College. LCCC was started in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1968. This was to encourage students to go to college in Laramie County. Through the years the college has been extended from offices in downtown Cheyenne to a campus located on College Drive southeast of Cheyenne . They have sports and animal programs and welding and nursing are a couple of the degrees that students can receive. Burns students...

  • Six Hornets sign with University of Wyoming

    Karen Lipska|May 18, 2023

    Six seniors out of Pine Bluffs High School have signed to attend college on May 10th. The University of Wyoming Administrator Shelley Dodd stated, "I have been doing my job for 27 years. In the last five years the counselors and colleges that thought it would be great to include other students to sign like the sports does. They feel that families and students need their time to celebrate the next step into the future. She was proud to announce that the University of Wyoming incoming freshmen is...

  • Local Fire Districts do live training in area

    Warren Wittstruck|May 11, 2023

    When there is smoke there may be dangerous fires. LCFD#5 has been busy preparing for Wildland Fires 2023 by offering the S-190/ S-130 training to dozens of local volunteer firefighters as well as many volunteers from neighboring Laramie County Districts. This recent event included nearly forty hours of training provided by local certified National Wildfire Instructors. Sunday included hands on training to fight and control wildland fire applications with proper personal protection clothing, tool...

  • Pine Bluffs Distilling goes to the Dogs - raises $6000 for Cheyenne Animal Shelter

    Karen Lipska|May 11, 2023

    The dogs were checking out the racing area and people were dressed to the nines for derby day. At Pine Bluffs Distilling in Pine Bluffs the fifth annual Corgi Derby races were held. It is an event people travel to see every year. Some of the contestants have been in the races at least three times. The idea for this event started out with wanting to bring a little high brow culture to Pine Bluffs with a race similar to the Kentucky Derby. Only instead of horses it would be Corgi dogs. Adorable,...

  • Albin Elementary Art Show

    Karen Lipska|May 11, 2023

    Every year the classes decorate the gym with their art projects for the spring concerts. Albin Elementary students had the pleasure to show their talents not only with their singing and playing instruments but with their art. The kindergarten students cut out butterflies and colored them with faces. First and second grade students created their own cherry blossoms tree with sponges. The third and fourth grade students sculpted a buffalo. The fifth grade painted pictures of calf and moose in the...

  • Planting and Growing Potatoes

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|May 11, 2023

    Last year I tried growing potatoes for the first time with unexpected success. I always try to grow varieties that are out of the ordinary so I ordered Kennebec seed potatoes rather than the russets that are carried by every grocery store. Kennebecs are much finer grained than russets and have a thinner skin. Russets have a thick skin that holds up better to harvesting with less damage. Russets have the coarse texture normally associated with potatoes and is evident regardless how they are prepa...

  • Ladies Brunch hosts Spirituality Speaker

    Karen Lipska|May 11, 2023

    The tables were set and the tea cups were ready to be filled for brunch. The Pine Bluffs United Methodist Church in Pine Bluffs hosted a Methodist Women's Spring Brunch on Saturday May 6th. They had not had it for years. There were over 25 ladies that attended. Pastor J. R. Atkins welcomed everyone to the brunch. He then introduced Heather Sisson and Karen Lipska to share their lovely singing voices for the group. The song was Certain Women. Next Sharon Sayers said a prayer for the ladies and...

  • Laramie County Communty College Spring Commencement scheduled for May 13

    Lisa Trimball LCCC|May 11, 2023

    CHEYENNE, Wyoming – Laramie County Community College will host its spring commencement ceremonies at 10 a.m. May 13 at Storey Gym in Cheyenne. The ceremony will celebrate students who have completed their academic programs during the 2022-2023 academic year, conferring more than 700 degrees to this year’s graduates. No single day reaffirms the significance of the work being done by students, faculty and staff throughout the year at LCCC as much as commencement, said President Joe Schaffer. “Our graduates are about to embark on the next stage...

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