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  • Burns Senior Hogan Allen Burns Lions Club Student of the Quarter

    Karen Lipska|Mar 2, 2023

    Hogan Allen has been hard at work. This student has earned two awards for the month of February. He has earned the Burns Lions Club student of the quarter. Every quarter the Burns Lions Club rewards a student from the Burns Junior/Senior High School a certificate and a monetary gift. The Burns Lions Club wants to give credit to hard working students. At the meeting the students parent/parents are acknowledged. This time it was Allen's chance to have a voice on what he is doing in and outside of...

  • Albin Community Center receives Shelter Supplies

    Karen Lipska|Mar 2, 2023

    The emergency shelter in Albin and a building permit were on the agenda at the Albin Town council meeting held on February 9th. Mayor Kelly Krakow gave his update for the month. He brought to the council's attention about the Wyoming Association of Municipalities summer convention that is being held in Cody, Wy. on June 7th through June 9th. If anyone on the council is interested in going please let Jillian know. The council approved for Reichert's final payment for the water/sewer project by AVI. Mayor Krakow informed the council that the emer...

  • Wyoming's Food, Fun, & 4-H Program Inspires Young Chefs Across the State

    University of Wyoming Extension|Mar 2, 2023

    Casper, Wyo.-Feb. 27, 2023-A new twist on a traditional 4-H project area has inspired culinary adventures in Wyoming kitchens across the state. Designed to help young chefs hone their cooking skills at home, the Food, Fun & 4-H program provides monthly recipes, cooking utensils and informational materials to Wyoming 4-H members. Launched in November 2022 with funding from the Ellbogen Foundation, the program is coordinated by University of Wyoming Extension educators Kellie Chichester of...

  • Bare Root Tree and Shrubs

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Mar 2, 2023

    Spring is coming and the Laramie County Master Gardeners' Bare Root Tree and Shrub Sale is in full swing. This isn't your normal sale making great profits then dropping everything onto your shoulders. The LCMG offers different varieties of trees and shrubs each year to fulfill our mission to help people with their gardening. Trees are offered slightly above cost to cover the incidental costs of getting them into your hands. Since all of the labor is volunteer and many incidentals are donated,...

  • Boys and Girls Club now at LSCD No. 2 Elementary Schools

    Karen Lipska|Mar 2, 2023

    Pine Bluffs Elementary and Burns Elementary have started an after school club this year. Laramie County School District #2 was able to start the Boys and Girls Club with help from and under the tutelage of the Cheyenne Boys and Girls Club. Club. This gives the students an opportunity for more activities and maybe something to do after school. The Boys and Girls club help the students to learn and be active. There are opportunities to show a students report card to win something. The students...

  • We salute our amazing women entrepreneurs during Women's History Month

    Aikta Marcoulier SBA regional administrator|Mar 2, 2023

    By Aikta Marcoulier, SBA Regional Administrator As we enter the third year of the Biden-Harris administration, we're fortunate to have a president who understands the vital role women entrepreneurs play in our economy. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) supports the president's business advocacy by nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit and making sure small business has a voice at the table in Washington, DC. During Women's History Month, and International Women's Day, we salute women...

  • Burns FFA place at Arizona National Livestock Show

    Karen Lipska|Mar 2, 2023

    The Burns Future Farmers of America team received a few awards at several contests. Their first achievement was at the Arizona National Livestock show. The Burns FFA team consisting of Cooper Sanchez, Blair Sanchez, Regan Allen, and Kiernynn Simmons won their first contest with the National Livestock Skill-a- thon. This is a contest that tests the members knowledge about animal science and livestock management practices. It covers beef, sheep, swine, and goats. In each area the member or team...

  • Hunter Thompson Named CSC Academic All-District

    Wyoming Athletics|Mar 2, 2023

    LARAMIE, Wyo. (Feb. 23, 2023) – University of Wyoming forward Hunter Thompson had been named to the College Sports Communicators Men's Basketball Academic All-District Team. It is the first time he has earned the honor in his career. He is currently in a master's program in health services. The 2022-23 Academic All-District® Men's and Women's Basketball Teams, selected by College Sports Communicators, recognize the nation's top student-athletes for their combined performances on the court a...

  • Wrestling headed for StateWrestling headed for State

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

  • School Board Recognizes Julianne Randall

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    The Board of Trustees recognized one person and a school. The week before the school board meeting there was bad weather for the COW meeting that was going to happen at Albin which was changed to the Pine Bluffs Laramie County School District #2 Office. Laramie County School District #2 Board of Trustees did manage to get to Albin Elementary for the regular meeting. First chairman Mike Olsen recognized board trustee Julianne Randall, who has been on the board for 16 years. She has held every office on the board. This last year she was...

  • Awards presented to LC Fire District No. 3

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    The freshness of the new building was exciting for Laramie County Fire District #3 in Albin. The Fire Board had been working on getting a new fire station in Albin, and "Voila". They had their first banquet in the new fire hall. It is also the time of year to congratulate the fire fighters for their hard work saving lives. Fire departments never blink an eye about the weather, the person or how bad the tragedy is. Fire Chief Lee Peterson gave out awards during the banquet. Recognition for years...

  • Edwin Morales recieves Full Ride Scholarship

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    Having great grades in school payed off for a Pine Bluffs student. Edwin Morales has applied for a scholarship at the University of Wyoming. Morales is an active student at Pine Bluffs High School. He plays basketball, belongs to the National Honor Society, and the Wyoming Academic Challenge. Morales has won two awards this school year. The National Hispanic Recognition Award and the National Rural and Small Town Award for his ACT. Now,Morales received a full ride scholarship to the University...

  • Hillsdale Ladies hold annual fundraiser for Scholarships

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    The Hillsdale Ladies were creating a Fiesta! Throughout the year the Hillsdale Ladies raise funds for families in need and for scholarships. Their organization was established in 2005 for the purpose of helping their community and neighbors. Concerning this event, the money raised will be going to two families and to scholarships. The Chavez family, whose father has cancer and very little time left in this world, and the Pine family that lost an 11-year-old child. The Hillsdale ladies started awarding scholarships in 2014 with funds made...

  • Pollinators- The Monarch Buttlerfly

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Feb 23, 2023

    Monarch butterflies are fascinating creatures that are invaluable to pollination. Unfortunately, their numbers are declining. In the U.S. there are two groups of Monarchs, Eastern and Western. The group is determined by which side of the Rocky Mountains they live on and where they hibernate over the winter. The Eastern Monarch is the group we get and it's numbers are down approximately 80% since the 1980's. Monarchs are no longer found in South America. The Monarch is one of several pollinators...

  • "Almost, Maine" in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    The lights are on the stage at the Pine Bluffs Historic High School was set for the True Troupe and their production. This is a group that travels to different towns in Wyoming to put plays for the community. They are from Cheyenne. “Almost, Maine” by John Cariani was nine little skits in one. It has two acts. This was base on the emotion of love from the heart. Each skit gave a different look of the heart, emotion, and love. There were nine different ways to look at the issue. The beginning was the prologue/Inter logic/ Epilogue. The cha...

  • Know your Laramie County School District No. 2 School Board

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    Laramie County School District #2 has been showing the Board of Trustees how much they appreciate them. Different classrooms have been sending cards and snacks to the Board of Trustee's at meetings. The Board of Trustee's are determined to serve the students and their parents the best they know how. They appreciate all the people that are in the schools or helping with the schools. The Board of Trustees would like to give a big thank you to all of the communities, staff, parents, and...

  • Burns Snowcoming 2023

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    The Burns High School students were having a great week of activities. It is a time to have a little fun during the middle of the winter. On Monday the High School students could dress in their favorite flannels for the day. Tuesday was Valentines day. The suggestion was for people to dress in pink, red or purple. Wednesday was dress as a senior citizen day. Which most older people would question this idea. Thursday was dress as your favorite character day. And when you think about it this was...

  • Pine Bluffs Snowcoming 2023

    Karen Lipska|Feb 23, 2023

    All week long the students in high school have been enjoying different activities throughout the Snowcoming week. Different dress up themes was one way for them to strut their stuff. This is a way for the staff and students to not get in a rut and have fun during the school hours. At the end of the school week on Thursday,The Snowcoming dance was held in the commons area at the Pine Bluffs High School. The dance started at 7:00 p.m. that evening, being not too late for the students and the...

  • Two Burns Sophomores work to pass a senate bill

    Karen Lipska|Feb 16, 2023

    Two sophomores at Burns High School work on passing a senate bill. Molly Allen and Annie Fowler were in their health class learning about mental health listening to "Ted Talk." The topic was about a girl in Oregon who got her state to pass a bill to allow mental health days. After the class the girls talked with Mrs McKinney exclaiming that they should try to do that. With the help of their teachers, Mrs. McKinney and Mr. Mercer, the girls went to work on an e-mail to send to their local senate...

  • Cripple Creek Estates hot topic at Burns Town Council

    Karen Lipska|Feb 16, 2023

    There were lots of questions for the Burns town attorney about the Cripple Creek Estates at the Burns Town Council meeting held on February 13th. The chamber was full of visitors for the meeting along with two Laramie county commissioners, Linda Heath and Brian Lovett. The main concern of the night was addressed by Greg Hacker, Burns town attorney. He asked Bill Porter who is the developer of the Cripple Creek estates and Kelly Schroeder with AVI Engineering Planning Surveying about some documen...

  • Burns Community comes together for Chavez Family

    Karen Lipska|Feb 16, 2023

    When the times get rough the community comes together to help others. In this case it's for the Chavez family of Carpenter, Wy. In November of 2022 Francisco Chavez was diagnosed with cancer. The kids go to Burns High School. Chavez had surgery to remove a kidney where the cancer was at. Then he has been doing chemo and radiation. The cancer had spread rapidly throughout his body. Now, unfortunately there is a short time for Chavez. His family is trying to survive the hospital stays and soon a...

  • Women of Faith hold Bake Sale for Pine Bluffs Good Samaritan Funds

    Karen Lipska|Feb 16, 2023

    At the Texas Trail Market there was a sweet smell in the air. Every year the Saturday of Super Bowl Sunday, the churches in Pine Bluffs put on a bake sale. It is ran by the Catholic Church women. The women invited all the churches to help raise money for the Good Samaritan fund in Pine Bluffs. The Good Samaritan is a fund for travelers or people in need. The police have to be contacted and they will determine the need. Gas money, vouchers to the grocery store, and money for a motel is given to...

  • Before Moving to the Country

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Feb 16, 2023

    We love it! The clean air, unobstructed views, nothing between us and the North Pole but a few fence posts, and the beauty of the starlit night sky amplified by the lack of artificial light. That's country living at its best. But, there's a lot more to it than just the beauty and the wonder of it all. There is a lot of hard work and not just a few hindrances that thwart our enjoyment. Some are just part of life and others...well...others can be our neighbors. There are some common courtesies...

  • Senator Lummis Starts Bipartisan Push to Help Wyoming Veterans Access Breast Cancer Screenings

    Senator Cynthia Lummis|Feb 16, 2023

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) joined Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) in launching a bipartisan push to help Wyoming veterans access timely and comprehensive breast cancer screenings. This week, Sens. Lummis and Ossoff sent a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) highlighting the challenges veterans face when seeking mammogram services, which are key medical examinations that help detect early signs of breast cancer. "We owe a great deal to Wyoming veterans, and I am...

  • Mike's Saloon takes First in Rural Category for Bar Bucks 2023

    Karen Lipska|Feb 16, 2023

    For the second year in a row this bar has won. Bar bucks are available at every bar in Laramie County at Christmas time to raise money for the Laramie County Christmas basket program. The Christmas baskets help Laramie county residents throughout the holidays. The bars have special events during this time to make people aware of bar bucks and raising the money to help others. This year Mike's Saloon in Albin, Wyoming won for the second time in a row in the rural category. Jan Anderson did the...

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