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  • LCCC's Pennington recognized as emerging leader

    Lisa Trimball LCCC|Feb 16, 2023

    CHEYENNE, Wyoming – A Laramie County Community College coach and instructor was recognized recently as an outstanding leader by the world's largest equine breed registry and membership organization. Morgan Pennington, equine instructor and Ranch Horse & Equestrian Team coach, was selected for the 2023 American Quarter Horse Association Emerging Leader Award. The award celebrates the accomplishments of the association's exceptional members ages 21-35, recognizing a variety of categories, i...

  • Soup Contest brings out the crowd for movie

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    Soup, soup, and more soup. Who doesn't love soup on a cold winter evening! The second annual Soup Contest & “Pick A Movie” night happened on February 3rd at the Pine Bluffs Community Center. Pine Bluffs Recreation invited only the adults to bring a crockpot full of soup to the free event. There were three categories of soups to enter in. Chicken noodle soup, cream based, and broth based. At the end there was an overall “Soup Nazi”. It was a great cold night to try different soups. There were 14...

  • Burns Shepherd's Closet now "The Room"

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    There's a new outlook for Shepherd’s Closet in Burns, Wyoming. Shepherd’s Closet “The Room” is the new name. The organization understands that some people feel that the name "Shepherd’s Closet" is a church issue. So they decided to add a new name to Shepherd’s Closet, “The Room”. To the organization it is not about the name as much as it is about helping people. There are several volunteers that assist in organizing the items for people to walk through and see the piece of treasure they may be looking for. This organization receives everything...

  • Albin Community Center to host Albin Wellness Screenings

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    Every year the Albin Community Center has its annual wellness screenings. It is a perfect and convenient time to check how your blood work is doing without driving into Pine Bluffs or Cheyenne. This service is an opportunity for everyone in the Albin area to get a good start on the year for health purposes. To find out more details call the Albin Community Center at (307) 246-3386. They would love to get everyone in to the Wellness Screening. The more people that show up the better it is for more opportunities in the area....

  • Albin hosts Southeast Wyoming Farm and Home Expo

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    The gym at the Albin Community Center was full of vendors of different agricultural products. The annual Southeast Wyoming Farm and Home Expo was held Wednesday February 1st from 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. There were over 25 vendors attending the expo. There was a coffee vendor to keep everyone warm, too. People were a bit slow coming to the event. The weather has given everyone a run for their money. The ranchers and farmers were having problem getting out to the highway to get to the expo....

  • Bushnell Lions Club serves pancake feed since 1946

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    The tables were set at the Bushnell Fire Department hall on Saturday February 4th. The Bushnell Lions Club annual pancake feed was at Bushnell, Nebraska. The pancake feed has been going on since 1946 which happens to be the same time the Lions Club was chartered The Bushnell Lions Club works year round helping others. They serve in the Bushnell area. The members have been working on improving the park. Right now the members are working on renovating the public bathrooms. They support the annual...

  • School Board Appreciation with Governor Gordon

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    Once a year everyone loves to know that they are appreciated for their hard work. February 6th through February 10th is School Board Appreciation week. To be on the school board a person is elected. But that is the easy step. The next step is the hard work. The trustees had to learn about different policies, statutes, and the different paperwork for funding, etc. But the most important job is listening. The trustees listen to the staff and the parents to determine what is the right way to make...

  • Greenhouses Make for Easier Gardening

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Feb 9, 2023

    The greenhouse and hydroponics did great last year bringing in much more produce than my family could use. Some of the extra I sold, some I gave away, and I still have some in cold storage. The season started in April and ended with the cold snap in November. At the end I was getting clusters of peppers (5-6) instead of peppers growing singly. Tomatoes were left hanging on the vines and I'm still eating green tomatoes. The bottom line is that a greenhouse will extend your season and provide...

  • McCollum goes to All State Music

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    Only one student from Laramie County School District #2 qualified to go to All State Music. To play in All State Music, the school and a teacher recommend the student to apply for the honor to go play with a special guest conductor and other students throughout Wyoming. The student has to audition to qualify to go to All State. This year the audition was Etude 1 and 2, Scale 1 and 2, and Chromatic. The judges make sure the player knows the basic music to move on the next level. This year the...

  • Cooper Lakin signs with Chadron State College

    Karen Lipska|Feb 9, 2023

    The beginning of the signings for the year began with Cooper Lakin. He had the honor to be first this year in signing to Chadron State College in Chadron, Nebraska for football. Lakin has been looking at all the colleges since the beginning of his senior year. Each one has it pros and cons as colleges do. Once football season ended he decided he would like to to go to a college for football. Chadron State College was the last college he visited. He said, " The second we got there it felt like...

  • Burns Teigen Derner Top Five Final in Story writing

    Karen Lipska|Feb 2, 2023

    Being young, their minds are on their adventures in life. Teigen Derner loves animals especially mustang horses. Her mother Tansie Derner is always encouraging her kids to do activities they love. Derner received an email about the contest. She suggested that Teigen Derner enter the contest with one of the stories she wrote in the past. So Teigen Derner decided to rewrite and improve her story. The contest is in The Wild Beauty Fountain website. The mission is to protect the horses and bring awa...

  • Controlling and Using Snow

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Feb 2, 2023

    We're finally getting some decent moisture. Of course, it's the cold, fluffy stuff but moisture none the less. I hope you had planned for snow before winter as now may be too late to drive posts for a fence. Snow can be a valuable resource if we control it so we can use the moisture where we need it. We can't control snowfall but we can affect where it lands. At least to some degree. That's where windbreaks and snow fences come into play. They can be used to direct the snow into particular locat...

  • LCFD No. 5 - Volunteers with dedication and heart

    Penny Merryfield with Warren Wittstruck|Feb 2, 2023

    The sirens go off, and suddenly there is an influx of traffic heading to the local fire station. Such dedication these men and women have for their communities. This goes without saying for Pine Bluffs. Most small towns house a volunteer fire department, and this is true in our area. Their dedication, service and heart drives them to continue serving on the fire department. Yes they have heart and here is a declaration from a fire department volunteer. "If you were to ask me what makes a...

  • Senior Night held for Burns/Pine Bluffs Wrestlers

    Karen Lipska|Feb 2, 2023

    The seniors were lined up with their parents ready to honored. Each senior had the opportunity to give a message to their parents and give some advice to their fellow classmates. This year there were 13 seniors saying their good-byes to a high school sport that has given them skills on and off the mats. In Laramie County School District #2, both Pine Bluffs and Burns High School combine their wrestlers to make a team. To start the night, Tayler Beeken for Pine Bluffs High School led his parents...

  • Heartland - Extension

    Karen Lipska|Feb 2, 2023

    Bison has cornered three territories. High Point Bison is a hidden treasure in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming. The ranch was started in 1924 with Carl and Alma Klawonn who came from Stanton County, Nebraska. They settled 16 miles south of Pine Bluffs. Klawonns started by raising beef, pigs, and chickens. They farmed dry land wheat, corn, and hay. They also had dairy cows. Klawonns sold and delivered by wagon with a team of horses the crops that they grew along with cream, milk, and eggs. The farm and...

  • Burns High School hosts Suicide Awareness with Students

    Karen Lipska|Jan 26, 2023

    The loss, no hope, the question why, did I see the signs, extreme emotions come with suicide on both sides of the coin. Prevention, and surviving suicide may come side by side but the difference is a time of trials. The family of Cole Allen who graduated from Burns High School is trying to spread the news of suicide Awareness and Mental Health. Allen was a normal team roper that went to college at Central Arizona College. This happened during the Covid pandemic and the students had to work in...

  • Both Burns Gyms to see major improvements

    Karen Lipska|Jan 26, 2023

    The two gyms are getting a much needed facelift. Burns Town Council Member Joseph Nicholson took several painting businesses through the gyms to show them what needed to be done. Quotes were received from First Class Painters for $51,800 and Proficient Painting for $18,200. After a bit of research as to the quality of paint and jobs completed in the past the job was award to Proficient Painting. Both gym floors will be resurfaced in the near future also. Town Clerk Tony Shiery strongly suggests the work be completed in the month of July....

  • Soup Contest and Pick a Movie Night at

    Sonja Fornstrom Pine Bluffs Recreation|Jan 26, 2023

    Start brushing up on your culinary skills! Next Friday evening, February 3, the Pine Bluffs Recreation Department will be hosting the 2nd Annual Soup Contest & “Pick A Movie Night” at the Pine Bluffs Community Center. Spend your Friday evening tasting some delicious soups, visiting with friends and neighbors and top the night off relaxing in your favorite portable chair eating popcorn and watching a great movie! The Soup Contest & Movie Night will begin at 6:00pm with soup tasting, something you’re not going to want to miss, it’s a party f...

  • New Maintenance Equipment arrives for the Town of Albin

    Karen Lipska|Jan 26, 2023

    Maintenance is getting new equipment for the town. The Albin Town Council met on January 13th with three guests at the meeting. They were Allison Brenneman, Zane Willert, and Lee Willert. The lunch program reported it as normal standards for the month of December. Mayor Kelly Krakow had some concerns on the legislative bills that will be affecting the town of Albin. He thinks everyone staying on top of the issues would be a good idea for the town of Albin. The third reading of the building permits with revised ordinance. The residents of the to...

  • Winter Driving - Tips on how to survive on Wyoming Winter Icy and Snowy Roads

    Karen Lipska|Jan 26, 2023

    The temperatures are low, there are icy roads and drifts everywhere. Winter is tough on everything and everyone. There are two options, first stay home or be out in the weather. No one likes being in the cold, zero degree, windy, snow. Yes people like snow. The but is the rest that comes with snow is the problem. No sun has a tendency to make people depressed. No outside and moving around causes low energy. Driving in winter requires a little common sense and skill in knowing what to do. For the people that have lived that year after year they...

  • Teller performs at Knotty Pine

    Karen Lipska|Jan 26, 2023

    Campfires cracklin' and coyotes howling are what might come to a persons mind when listening to the music in the Pine Bluffs saloon. At the Knotty Pine Saloon on Saturday, January 21st, Alex Teller and Shawn Hess performed. Teller was born in Florida and raised on Long Island, New York. He now lives in Michigan. When he was around 13 years old Teller's grandpa passed away. He had learned that his grandpa had an old guitar, to find out his grandpa was not musically inclined but he loved music....

  • After the Drought is Over

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Jan 26, 2023

    At last, it looks like the drought may be ending. At least that's indication from the weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean. The La Nina in the North Pacific is diminishing and the storm systems are starting to bring in more moisture than in the past two years. It's unclear if there will be an El Nino pattern but right now I think I'll settle for having La Nina somewhere else for the next 300-400 years. I know, that's unrealistic but I don't like drought. Looking at the drought maps though,...

  • Summer Internship Program for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Seeks Hosts, Interns

    University of Wyoming Extension|Jan 26, 2023

    Laramie, Wyo.-Jan. 4, 2023-The University of Wyoming's GrowinG Internship Program for beginning farmers and ranchers seeks prospective hosts and interns for summer 2023. "It's about training the next generation," explains Benjamin Rashford, head of the UW Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics and co-director of the program. The 10-week internships pair those eager to get started in ag with experienced producers across the state. The goal is to help beginning farmers and ranchers...

  • Town of Pine Bluffs thanks Chance Walkama

    Karen Lipska|Jan 19, 2023

    Changes in the new year with sewer rates, zoning, and a temporary Chief of Pine Bluffs police. The First meeting of the year for the Pine Bluffs Council took place on January 9th. The start of the meeting the council approved of the consent agenda which included meeting minutes, claims and payroll, invoices, and building permits. New business had four subjects. The first item was purchasing a water truck for the Laramie County landfill. It has only 700 miles on it and looks new. The reason the...

  • Rustic Plate Fundraiser helps local students pay-off lunch bill

    Karen Lipska|Jan 19, 2023

    The month of December was a giving time. The Rustic Plate loves to help the community. Ashley Osterman and Danielle Allman are the owners that are constantly looking for ways to give back to their awesome community. Osterman just thought about how hard the holiday season can be on people. It's not just emotionally but financially. As mothers themselves, kids hold a very special spot in their hearts. So, Osterman suggested trying to pay the school lunch debt off. Allman jumped right on board. They started a fundraiser December 5th and ran it...

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