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  • Five Free Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Winter

    Alan Stoinski Black Hills Energy|Jan 19, 2023

    During the colder winter months, we use more energy to keep our homes warm and bright as temperatures drop and the days stay shorter. Did you know energy usage is the largest portion of your energy bill and temperature is one of the biggest factors to affect increased usage? There are several behavior changes Wyoming homeowners can make to improve their home's energy efficiency this winter, creating energy savings and providing peace of mind. Using less energy to save on monthly energy bills...

  • Peppers - Hot & Spicy or Cool & Sweet

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Jan 19, 2023

    If you research the history of peppers, you'll find most of the articles are on chili peppers. But there are hundreds of varieties in three basic types of pepper: black pepper, sweet peppers, and hot peppers. Whether you like spicy foods or cool, refreshing flavors there's a pepper just for you. Black pepper originates from India while the other types originated from the Americas. Black pepper is considered a spice while sweet and hot peppers are fruits. Black pepper, or Piper nigrum, is a reall...

  • Student Awards at Pine Bluffs Elementary

    Karen Lipska|Jan 19, 2023

    The students were bouncing around and the parents were excited. Every quarter Pine Bluffs Elementary gives awards out to the students that worked hard. There were two assemblies. The first was Kinder boost through third grade. The second was fourth grade through sixth grade. The first was the most valuable teamwork students. Lyle Sheets, Mason Smith Benjamin Anderson, Jude Petry, Reagan McGurn, Elsie Thomspon, and Henry Braaten. Next was the outstanding music students: Esme Bell, Maisy Murkin,...

  • Pine Bluffs Library recipient of Books

    Karen Lipska|Jan 12, 2023

    The angles and colors on different kinds of birds give a person enlightenment. This month is National Bird Day on January 5th with next month being National Bird Month. It is a time to respect that over 10,000 bird species are in danger of extinction. It is a time to watch the birds and learn what their habitat is. Lawrence Silvey was one of the biggest fans of birds. He gave about 672 watercolor paintings of birds to the Pine Bluffs Laramie County Library. The paintings ranged from the years of...

  • Human Trafficking Month

    Karen Lipska|Jan 12, 2023

    Human Trafficking happens everyday. January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. This week the Wyoming High Patrol is in partnership with Truckers Against Trafficking along with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance. They are keeping extra eyes and ears out for anyone that needs help. There will be extra check points to help out. There are warning signs to look for: appearing malnourished, showing signs of physical injuries and abuse, avoiding eye contact, avoiding social interaction, avoiding authority figures like law enforcement,...

  • Burns Town Council raises rates for the town

    Karen Lipska|Jan 12, 2023

    The discussion of different rates in the town was the top subject of the first meeting of the year. Burns council met on January 9 at 6:30. Scott Prestidge from Tallgrass Energy introduced himself. He is the manager of Corporate Communications of Tallgrass Energy. The company is working on a project called Trailblazer Conversion. This project will be putting CO2 underground. Prestidge said, “ This project will be between Burns and Pine Bluffs.They have started already. The test wells will be done in the next few weeks.” He explained about the...

  • Burns resident takes in saved frozen Kitten

    Karen Lipska|Jan 12, 2023

    The sound of a meowing kitten in distress got the attention of a neighbor. During the temperatures that dropped below zero in the third week of December had the area buckling down in a warm place. It was the kind of weather that was not safe for human or animal. The possibility for frostbite was in the air. The kitten was found by a neighbor in a kiddy pool frozen to the bottom of it. There was enough water from prior snow melt to be enticing but dangerous to a thirsty animal. The Cheyenne...

  • Are Food Dyes Safe or Harmful?

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Jan 12, 2023

    Food dyes have been used to artificially color foods for several decades. Primarily it's a marketing scheme used to make commercial foods more appealing to the consumer thus enticing them to buy. During processing, foods lose color and storage can also cause color loss. Dyes are used to make the foods appear fresher than they actually are. Even meats may be treated with food dye (coloring) to give an appearance of freshness. Food dyes provide absolutely no nutritional value and some may be...

  • Adult Pickleball Opens

    Sonja Fornstrom Pine Bluffs Recreation|Jan 12, 2023

    Pine Bluffs Recreation – Adult Pickleball Open Gym to begin January 11! Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America. The game combines elements of tennis, ping-pong, and badminton. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. Pickleball can be played indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a net like a tennis net. Players use a paddle that is reminiscent of ping-pong paddles but is bigger and usually made of more a...

  • Eastern Star Bake Sale

    Karen Lipska|Jan 12, 2023

  • Local Author - Liz Roadifer pens new E-book

    Karen Lipska|Jan 12, 2023

    Liz with Snowman Cookies Snowman cookies in space? Is that possible? That's the question isn't it!. But Liz Roadifer believes it in her new book "Snowman Cookies in Space" that there is such a thing. Roadifer is a local author from Pine Bluffs. She has written eighteen novels and won several awards. Roadifer won the National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, took first place in the Colorado Gold Awards-Romance Fiction-twice, the Sheila, the Sandy, the Catherine, and was a Kindle Book awards...

  • Wyoming visits Disneyland Paris

    Karen Lipska|Jan 5, 2023

    Disneyland Paris opened their heart to Wyoming. The president and CEO of Visit Cheyenne, (Wyoming), Domenic Bravo has been working on this project for 30 years. He is always looking for resources to extend tourism in Wyoming since he began working 35 years ago. To prepare for the trip, Bravo learned to speak French which he worked on for weeks. A few of the board members were fortunate enough to attend the event. President Domenic Bravo, Secretary/ Treasurer Chad Brown, and Downtown Development...

  • Locals make New Years Resolutions

    Karen Lipska|Jan 5, 2023

    Resolutions maybe a resolutions in itself. Over 16 percent of resolutions are kept for the full year. In history, over 4000 years ago ancient Babylonians celebrated the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, though for them the year began not in January but in mid-March when the crops were planted. Throughout time and traditions the celebration has changed. Resolution means a firm decision to do something or not do something. The goal is an individuals effort to aim for results. Resolutions leave a space to fail, which is the...

  • Knotty Pine celebrates New Years

    Karen Lipska|Jan 5, 2023

    This gin joint was jumping from the beginning to the end of the night as the music was playing and the people were laughing. As New Year's Eve celebrations were getting underway people were ready to let go of the old year and bring on the New Year. It was a time for friends to join forces to battle the good and the bad. It was a time to celebrate everything in our lives. At the Knotty Pine Saloon the band "Ain't From Here" entertained the masses for an end of the year celebration. This band...

  • Five Healthy Spices Probably in your kitchen Cupboard

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Jan 5, 2023

    Did you ever think that spices in your cupboard could be the key to a much healthier life? For thousands of years spices have been used for a wide variety of reasons. Some spices are used to preserve food. Some are used for flavor. Some are used for both. Maybe not known to our ancestors is that many of those spices are also good for our general health. Whether they knew or not, maybe, just maybe, spices were the reason that many of the health conditions that seem to be so prevalent today were a...

  • Burns News Years Dance

    Karen Lipska|Jan 5, 2023

    The food was smelling great and lights were lit up when you walked into the Burns south plex gym for the evening. The Burns Lions Club hosted their first New Year's Eve dance to end the year with a bang! The beginning of the evening was a soup supper including sandwiches and all the fixens' put on by The Rustic Diner. There was vegetable beef, chili, chicken noodle, cheddar potato, and creamy potato soup. The sandwiches contained roast beef with pepper jack, ham and cheddar, roast beef and...

  • New Years Traditions

    Karen Lipska|Jan 5, 2023

    Wishes of good luck and a celebration big or small are always at the beginning of the New Year. At the end of every year people are ready to start fresh. It may have been a bad year, or frustrating at times, so getting a fresh start makes the thought of the New Year bright and sparkly. Everyone around the world has their different ways to end and start the New Year. In Australia, a highlight of New Year's Eve is the Harbour of Lights Parade which kicks off festivities around the world with ships decorated with rope lights sailing across Sydney...

  • Hillsdale carries on Christmas Parade tradition

    Karen Lipska|Dec 29, 2022

    The cars were lining the streets of Hillsdale and the people were waiting for the annual Christmas parade on December 17th at 5:00 p.m. The Laramie County Fire District #6 lead the parade. The parade had two different 4-H groups. The Rowdy Riders and the Hillsdale Tiptoppers. The Rowdy riders built a float lined with lights and music coming from the pickup that was pulling the float. They also had Mrs. Wyoming America riding on their float. The Hillsdale Tiptoppers commandeered Santa Claus to...

  • Annual Ugly Sweater at PB Distilling

    Karen Lipska|Dec 29, 2022

    The night was full of festivities at Pine Bluffs Distilling for their second annual Ugly Sweater event. Ugly Sweater events started in Vancouver, British Columbia In the1980"s with Bill Cosby in The Cosby Show followed by National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. And if you like Christmas movies, (who doesn't) you'll find a few ugly sweaters in the Santa Clause movies. December 16th has been deemed National Ugly Sweater day. This has turned into parties hosting the ugliest sweater contests....

  • Local Baker takes the Cake!

    Karen Lipska|Dec 29, 2022

    Any body want a cake pop? Well, if you do head to Bluffs Bakery because those are the best doggone cake pops around! The cake pops were lined up ready for whatever comes next in the cake pop world. Which is quite the process truthfully. Bluffs Bakery and Currie's Dining have been busy for the Christmas season. Pat Currie is the baker of the business and he has been working hard. In one day he had 125 cake pops go out on an order. Cake pops have several steps to the process. First Currie bakes...

  • The Plants of Christmas- The Christmas Tree

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Dec 29, 2022

    As I write this article it's pretty cold outside, about 6 degrees below zero. By the time it goes to print it's supposed to be in the 40's. So goes Christmas in Wyoming. Cold or warm, we have one constant. What symbol says, "Christmas" to more people than the Christmas tree. Since I don't play the political correctness game I'll call it what it is, a Christmas tree. Be it live or artificial, green or another color, frosted or plain, it's still a Christmas tree. Some of my most vivid Christmas...

  • Pine Bluffs Elementary brings cheer and joy in song

    Karen Lipska|Dec 29, 2022

    A very Merry Christmas from the Pine Bluffs Elementary kids who were running to find there places while their parents were trying to find the best place to sit in the gym. The Pine Bluffs Elementary children had their Christmas program on December 19th in the Pine Bluffs Historic High School. The place was packed with parents and grandparents gearing up to watch the kids sing. In fact the students had to be in other rooms to give the people places to sit. Ms Giordano directed the students on the...

  • Burns High School band and choir perform unique concert

    Karen Lipska|Dec 29, 2022

    The voices were warming up and the instruments was tuning up in the corner. The new band director for Burns High School put on his first Christmas concert. Zamboni Brown worked hard on having a unique experience. The Burns Junior High and High School Choir was the first performance of the evening. The first song was in Latin. Dona Nobis Pachen which means grant us peace. The piece is a Mozart song. It has three parts that is a round about. It's a different type of music but the students did a...

  • Burns Town Council discusses possible town marshal

    Karen Lipska|Dec 22, 2022

    A possible gym membership and a town marshal were discussed during the regular meeting of the Burns Town Council. Some concerns from Molly Dennis, the Burns Youth League director was use of the gyms. Dennis checked to see if the Burns Youth league has priority on the use of the gyms instead of the other groups. The Council stated that the Burns Youth League has priority on the gyms. If anyone has an issue they should bring it to the council only. The other concern was the standards and a net for volleyball. Dennis used grant money to get new...

  • Traveling Christmas Village appears in Burns

    Karen Lipska|Dec 22, 2022

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go! Including on the north edge of Burns where a Christmas village is ready for the viewing pleasure of children from one to 92 (or older) throughout the Christmas season. Eddie Juve saw the little houses in Torrrington, Wyoming in 2005. After which they had not appeared again. Then he noticed they were for sale. Juve was determined to get them during a bidding war with a woman in Nebraska. He said, "They belong in Wyoming." Juve won...

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