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  • High West Energy offers free Windows 10 upgrades through July 29

    Submitted|Jul 7, 2016

    Last summer, Microsoft made a bargain with current users. Any PC with Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed could download the new operating system update, Windows 10, plus get free operating system updates for years to come. To help make the transition easier, Microsoft pushed out an upgrade advisor through Windows Update to notify eligible users. The upgrade advisor app and the upgrades stop on July 29, 2016, the first anniversary of the Windows 10 launch. After this date, the updates will not be free. For assistance upgrading an operating system...

  • Kohnert inducted into Pi Theta Epsilon

    Submitted|Jun 30, 2016

    On June 20, 2016, Lindsey Jo Kohnert was inducted into Pi Theta Epsilon, a national occupational therapy honor society that recognizes and promotes academic excellence and scholarship. Lindsey is currently a doctoral candidate in the occupational therapy program at Northern Arizona University (NAU) and was invited to join Pi Theta Epsilon as she ranks among the top 35 percent of her class. Lindsey is a certified teacher and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in general and special education as well as a Master’s degree in early childhood spe...

  • Date set for EHBC alumni banquet

    Submitted|May 19, 2016

    Invitations are being readied to graduates of Eastern Laramie County schools (Egbert, Hillsdale, Burns, and Carpenter) for the 66th annual alumni banquet. Around 200 invitations were recently mailed to alumni, mostly living outside Laramie County and out-of-state, with emails being utilized to contact alumni both inside and outside the county, around the state and outside the state. Reservations are being accepted for the banquet, which will be held on June 11 with doors open at 4:00 p.m., for graduates of all four schools and their guests....

  • El Dia de los Ninos/el Dia de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day) at the Pine Bluffs Historic High School

    Submitted|May 19, 2016

  • Duffey receives Teacher Achievement Award

    Submitted|May 5, 2016

    Sharon A. Duffey was convinced her career path was firmly established as a piano performance major and private piano teacher. She had no desire to teach in a school setting – until the day she changed her mind. "After graduating, my husband and I moved to Cheyenne," she said. "A friend mentioned that schools needed substitutes and suggested I check it out. "My first assignment was music at East High, and my first class was concert choir," she continued. "As I began conducting, instructing, r...

  • Local musicians to perform in upcoming recital

    Submitted|Apr 28, 2016

    The public is invited to a Spring Recital featuring selected students of Patricia Randolph on Sunday, May 1, 3:00 p.m. at Kimball Baptist Fellowship Church located at 6th and Oak Street. Nine students who have earned Superior Awards at the District Music Contest and Wyoming Music Festival, plus two have been chosen by UNL Music faculty to hold the title of “Nebraska Youth Artist of the Year” will perform. The towns of Kimball, Sidney, Potter and Pine Bluffs, Wyo. will be represented. Admission is free. Students performing are: Bailey Bag...

  • Pine Bluffs Elementary Third Quarter Honor Roll

    Submitted|Apr 7, 2016

    Grade 6 All A’s Kylee Bruns Alexis DePaulitte Scott Fornstrom Marisol Garcia Jude Pachel Grace Steenbergen Kami Tangeman All A’s and B’s Tyler Christofferson Brian Flores Joseph Gonzales Mady Graves Leeann Haddock Tessa Long Dominic Paice Jaden Shelit Ty Sweeter Reed Thompson Kelsie Thurston Grade 5 All A’s Abby Gray All A’s and B’s Alex Flores Ryan Fornstrom Felix Gregory Kasandra Madden Miranda Michiaels Ethan Morrison Diego Paniagua Aylin Reza Dalton Schaefer Alex Sloan Jessica Weller Grade 4 All A’s Jasmin Becerra Mady Brown Janine Davis...

  • Laramie County Democrats to caucus this Saturday

    Submitted|Apr 7, 2016

    Laramie County Democratic Party will caucus on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the Cheyenne Central High School Gymnasium, 5500 Education Drive in Cheyenne. Doors will open at 9 am. Anyone wishing to participate in the presidential preference caucus vote must be in line by 11 am. Only registered Democrats can vote. The afternoon session takes place at the Historic Plains Hotel, 1600 Central Avenue immediately following the presidential preference caucus voting. A luncheon with a guest speaker is followed by the selection of delegates to the...

  • Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming presents Family Fun Fair and "Comedy for the Cause" April 2

    Submitted|Mar 17, 2016

    Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming will present a Family Fun Fair on April 2 at the Cheyenne Atlas Theatre, 211 West Lincolnway, featuring Magician Loren Poppe This family friendly event will include activities such as face painting, family photos, clowns, raffles and much more from 1-3 p.m. The main event will feature a magic show by Magician Loren Poppe at 3 p.m. “We want to provide an afternoon of wholesome fun for the entire family. All of the proceeds will benefit Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming”, says event coordinator Brandi Miller. For more inform...

  • Boy Scout district approves sixteen new Eagle Scouts

    Submitted|Mar 17, 2016

    Sixteen Boy Scouts were awarded the coveted Eagle Scout rank in the Frontier District during 2015. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank a Scout can attain. Only about 6 percent of Boy Scouts nationally are able to reach this goal. In addition to reaching numerous goals and mastering at least 21 merit badges, these Eagle Scouts had to provide leadership for a service project. The Eagle Scout projects are meant to benefit the community. The Eagle Scout candidate must ascertain a suitable...

  • Garcia receives Summit Award

    Submitted|Mar 3, 2016

    Alejandro Garcia of Pine Bluffs received the Summit Award as the male athlete with the highest grade point average at the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference's Indoor Track and Field Championships last weekend. He is a senior at Chadron State College. He has earned all A's during his three semesters at Chadron State, and also has set the school record in the 3000 meters and run a leg on the Eagles' distance medley relay that holds the school record....

  • Senior Companion program provides free help

    Submitted|Mar 3, 2016

    The senior companion program provides visits and other free supportive services such as grocery shopping and home management assistance to homebound, disabled, lonely or frail persons around Wyoming. Senior citizens over 55 volunteer to serve their peers by visiting weekly and helping with tasks which have become difficult for persons who live alone, but choose to live independently and age in place. Companions also provide Respite Services for Caregivers so that they might have a break from care giving for a short time. If interested please...

  • Porter makes Honor Roll at UW

    Submitted|Mar 3, 2016

    Eylisch Porter, a third year student at the University of Wyoming in Laramie was named to the President's Honor Roll for the fall 2015 Semester. The President's Honor Roll consists of regularly enrolled undergraduates who earned a 4.0 ("A") grade point average for the semester. To be eligible, students must have been enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours taken for letter grades. Eylisch is an English major/ Disabilities Studies minor student. To have maintained a perfect 4.00 GPA at the...

  • Bastian marks 90th

    Submitted|Feb 18, 2016

    Ben Bastian recently celebrated his 90th birthday with a family dinner in Cheyenne. Ben was born in Cheyenne and grew up on a farm near Burns. He is the only child of Wesley and Lela Bastian. He volunteered to serve during World War II and was sent to the European front, where he was wounded in battle. After the war, he married Bonnie Gaston. They moved to the family farm where they still reside. They’ve always enjoyed spending time with their family and have been wonderful role models for their children, grandchildren, as well as many n...

  • PBHS Booster Club to hold bake sale Feb. 12

    Submitted|Feb 11, 2016

    The Booster Club will be holding a bake sake in Friday, Feb. 12 during the PBHS vs. Burns home basketball games. All of the money raised will be donated to the high school to help pay for Hunger Packs. Hunger Packs are available to any child or family within our district. Hunger Packs include three breakfasts, three lunches, canned fruit, canned veggie, and three snacks for the longer weekends we have the four-day week. Hunger packs reach 30-100 kids per week district wide!! All hunger packs are packed by the PBHS Student Co...

  • Burns Jr/Sr High School First Semester Honor Roll

    Submitted|Feb 11, 2016

    Grade 12 All A’s Valeria Hernandez Dylan Kelly Eldon Kelly Hana Lerwick Jessica Malm Garrett McWilliams Matison Mikesell Jace Sharp 3.6 or above Brandyn Banville Bailey Bishop Naomi Childers Colten Gaines Kayla Nesvik River Schroeder Marissa Shook Skylar Trembath 3.0 or above Ian Goldfuss Jonny Mechels Celeste Morales Naomi Mordahl Tanner Page Nolan Schindler Jaskaran Singh Lydia Waiters Grade 11 All A’s Kelsey Faircloth Morgan Griess Reata Beck Mallory Ickes Meghan Murphy Katie Norris 3.6 and above Roman Delgado Rebecca Derner Kestrel Med...

  • Girl Scout cookie season is here

    Submitted|Feb 4, 2016

    It is arguably the most wonderful time of the year for cookie lovers and it’s almost here! The Girl Scout Cookie Season for Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming (GSMW) begins Friday, February 5. This staple of Americana is available several ways in the coming weeks: Girl Scouts will be taking pre-orders for cookies February 5 through February 28, with delivery in late March/early April. Cookies can be ordered online from a Girl Scout from February 5 to April 10. Cookies can be purchased during Booth Sales March 25-April 17. Cookie varieties a...

  • Pine Bluffs Jr/Sr High School First Semester Honor Roll

    Submitted|Jan 21, 2016

    Grade 12 All A’s Brooke Darden Taylen Fornstrom Kyle Jeffres Caleb Pachel 3.6 and above McKayla Carman Jaclyn Davison Bryce Eastman Jorge Garcia Shayna Held Wesley Lerwick Wyatt Norman Trent Werner 3.0 and above Azhane Bufford Javier DeLaCruz Michael Garcia Elizabeth Harlan Taylor Haug Alyssa Martinez Chase Merrick Elizabeth Merryfield Grade 11 All A’s Natalie Christofferson Ashlyn Culp Chris Fornstrom Melissa Fornstrom Kody Hay Sierra Shelit Brandon Steege 3.6 and above Hesston Fornstrom Jadyn Golding Nicole Kimble Kami Schaefer Hunter Tho...

  • Pine Bluffs Jr/Sr High School 2nd Quarter Honor Roll

    Submitted|Jan 21, 2016

    Grade 12 All A’s Brooke Darden Taylen Fornstrom Shayna Held Casey Kukowski Caleb Pachel 3.6 and above McKayla Carmen Jaclyn Davison Jorge Garcia Kyle Jeffres Wesley Lerwick Wyatt Norman Trent Werner 3.0 and above Amelia Briggs Azhane Bufford Spencer Cloverdale Javier DeLaCruz Bryce Eastman Michael Garcia Elizabeth Harlan Taylor Haug Alyssa Martinez Chase Merrick Elizabeth Merryfield Mariah Robinson Grade 11 All A’s Natalie Christofferson Montanna Chrystal Chris Fornstrom Melissa Fornstrom Cody Hay Sierra Shelit Brandon Steege 3.6 and above Ash...

  • Wyoming Guard members recognized

    Submitted|Jan 14, 2016

    Members of the Wyoming National Guard were recognized for their outstanding service during 2015 at the Outstanding Solider and Airman of the Year banquet, Jan. 9. The following individuals were recognized for their leadership, military bearing, knowledge of military customs, community service and personal achievements. Spc. Solomon Griffith, 115th Fires Brigade, Soldier of the Year. Sgt. 1st Class Johnny Taylor, B-Battery, 2-300th Field Artillery Brigade, Army Noncommissioned Officer of the Year. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jason Hartley, C...

  • Sleeping Beauty Auditions set for Oct. 12

    Submitted|Oct 8, 2015

    Sleeping Beauty auditions will be held for the Missoula Children's Theatre (MCT) production of Sleeping Beauty Monday, Oct. 12, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the St. Mary’s school multi-purpose room located at 2200 O’Neil Avenue Cheyenne. These auditions are open to all students, grades K thru eighth, in Laramie County School districts 1 and 2. Those auditioning should arrive by 2 p.m. and plan to stay the full two hours. Some cast members will be asked to stay for a two-hour rehearsal immediately following the audition. Among the roles to be cas... Full story

  • October Library News

    Submitted|Oct 8, 2015

    Pine Bluffs Branch Fun for Kids! Thursdays, 10:00-10:45 a.m. Oct. 8 A View from Space Oct. 15 Forest Friends Oct. 22 Let’s Sing and Dance Oct. 29 Halloween Stories Join in the fun with stories, songs, fingerplays, and more! Themed storytimes promote and model early literacy skills. (Grade-Pre-K) Movies at the Library Fridays, 1:30-3 p.m.- Oct. 16 and 30 This school year we’re showing a variety of family-friendly films. Join us, and feel free to bring your favorite snack to enjoy as you watch the movie. (Youth and Families) Rhythm of the Mac... Full story

  • Cheyenne Audubon Society plans free lecture and field trip in October

    Submitted|Oct 8, 2015

    The Cheyenne – High Plains Audubon Society’s next free lecture will feature guest speaker Alan Kirkbride of Meridan, discussing what he has learned about the man for whom the National Audubon Society is named, John James Audubon, famous 19th century ornithologist, naturalist and painter. The lecture begins at 7 p.m., Oct. 20, in the Willow Room of the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer. For more information about this and other Audubon activities, please visit the website,, or call 634-0463. Field Trip Che...

  • Pawnee girls play by the numbers

    Submitted|Oct 8, 2015

    The Pawnee Lady Coyotes are experiencing something so different this season than last; numbers. For the 2014 season, there were five girls and a note permitting the Coyotes to play while missing a player. They would lose a point each time it was time for the vacant positions to serve. They would also lose the serve. This year, they are able to have a libero and three other girls on the bench while having a full set on the court. The Coyotes may not have the best record, but they have positive...

  • Pine Bluffs student, coach recognized for sportsmanship

    Submitted|Oct 8, 2015

    On Sept. 28 Brooke Darden received a Good Sportsmanship Award from the WHSAA. The officials during the match with Kimball recognized her. They stated, “She is captain of the team and I can see why. No. 10 is a very good leader. Pine lost the match, but during play, she was always encouraging and uplifting to her teammates, as well as keeping a smile on her face.” Again, on Oct. 5, another week and another recognition. Will Gray received the WHSAA Good Sportsmanship Award for his conduct during the Southeast Game. The referee stated, “Th...

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