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Articles from the May 12, 2016 edition

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  • Weekly rodeo series hangs up spurs

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 12, 2016

    As the Double Bar G Rodeo (then the Outlaw Saloon Rodeo Series) wrapped up its first summer in 1998, Dennis and Maxleene Goodwine told the Pine Bluffs Post they looked forward to being back the next summer, and for 17 more years, they were. That final August night in 1998, spectators from England, France, Germany and the Czech Republic were in the stands to watch the rodeo that defined a summer Friday night in Pine Bluffs. Now, that 18-year tradition is coming to an end, Dennis Goodwine told...

  • Trump on the national stage, Liz Cheney on the Wyoming stage, are setting the tone

    Bill Sniffin|May 12, 2016

    When it comes to national and state elections, 2016 will be remembered as a real doozy. Most folks I talk with cannot remember a national election campaign like the one that we are witnessing. For two things, there has never been a campaign this long and there has never been one with so many candidates. The media is covering it like a sporting event. But it is not. It has become a Reality Show. Nationally, the Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders campaigns are providing most of the entertainment...

  • Critically acclaimed musicians to visit Pine Bluffs

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 12, 2016

    Classical piano and viola is coming to Pine Bluffs. With the help of the Wyoming Arts Council and Piatigorsky Foundation, viola soloist Marcus Thompson and pianist Doris Stevenson will be in Pine Bluffs May 23. According to a press release the Piatigorsky Foundation is committed to “artistic excellence and public outreach” and has “fascinated many avid concert goers as well as curious first-timers.” Pine Bluffs Resident Jeannie Hockersmith is helping to organize the event. She said she has supported bringing in internationally acclaimed talent...

  • Margaret "Midge" Sarah McDowall

    May 12, 2016

    Margaret "Midge" Sarah McDowall passed away in Corvallis, OR on the 8th of April, 2016 with loving family and care givers by her side. Midge was born to James and Minnie McDowall on the 10th of February, 1927 near Pine Bluffs, WY. She is survived by her brother Jim McDowall of Kimball, NE and her three daughters, Sharon Johnston and Teresa Matteson of Oregon and Marian Gorden of Washington. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother, Dick McDowall. Midge has five grandchildren, six... Full story

  • Roping to replace rodeo on summer Friday nights

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 12, 2016

    While bucking broncs and bulls will no longer be a part of summer Friday nights in Pine Bluffs, a new event is taking its place. Dennis Goodwine, who put on the Double Bar G Rodeo Series (See related story on Page 1.) along with his wife, Maxleen, recently said the event is leaving Pine Bluffs. While that iconic part of summer will no longer occur in Pine Bluffs, the Pine Bluffs Roping Club is taking over for Friday night. And members don't plan to disappoint. "It's still going to be fun for...

  • Burns puts a stop on stop sign removal

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 12, 2016

    Burns Town Council declined a proposal to remove stop signs at a four-way intersection at Fourth and Main Streets during its meeting Monday. Burns resident Jim Clark addressed the council during the public comment portion of the meeting and said intersection would be better off as a two-way stop sign. "There's never been an accident there," Clark said. Council member Rocky Stoner spoke in favor of keeping the intersection a four-way stop and mentioned a recent near-miss at the intersection. "I...

  • Community Calendar

    May 12, 2016

    Items for possible inclusion in the weekly community calendar should be typewritten or legibly printed. All submissions should include the name and daytime telephone number of the person submitting the information in case questions arise. Items which may be included in the calendar are church events, club meetings, and school events. If your club will not be meeting or has a change, please contact us so we can update the calendar with the correct information as soon as possible. Items should be received on Monday at 5 p.m., one week prior to...

  • Rotary Club honors Pine Bluffs NHS seniors

    May 12, 2016

    Eight Pine Bluffs seniors who are members of the National Honor Society were honored by the Rotary Club of Cheyenne on April 27 at Little America. Every year, the Rotary Club invites the senior members of NHS from LCSD#1 and LCSD#2 in order to honor the achievements of the students and local chapters. Back row, left to right: Kyle Jeffres, Wyatt Norman, Casey Kukowski, Caleb Pachel. Front row, left to right: Taylen Fornstrom, Brooke Darden, Jaclyn Davison, Bryce Eastman, sponsor Anna...

  • Garcia is SEWAC Athlete of the Year

    May 12, 2016

    Pine Bluffs senior Jorge Garcia runs in the 800 meter during the SEWAC track and field meet in Burns Friday, May 6. In addition to winning the 800, 1600 and 3200 meter races, Garcia was named the SEWAC Athlete of the Year....

  • Lady Hornets take first at SEWAC meet; Hornets place second

    Jimmie Earls, Pine Bluffs Post Editor|May 12, 2016

    "There has been a lot of consistency to this track season due to the weather," said Coach Dustin Lee following his team's performance last Friday at the SEWAC meet in Burns. "Many meets were moved or cancelled and it was very hard to get anything going at practice. However, we have made the best of things and not made excuses. We have a very talented boys and girls team this year. We have decided not to let anything get in the way of our success." The Pine Bluffs Lady Hornets came in first in...

  • Burns hosts conference meet; Girls take second, boys place fourth

    Jimmie Earls, Pine Bluffs Post Editor|May 12, 2016

    Last Friday was a perfect day for Burns Jr/Sr High School to host the SEWAC track meet for the first time. The Lady Broncs placed second behind Pine Bluffs and the boys took fourth place behind Lingle-Ft. Laramie, Pine Bluffs and Niobrara County. "It was a beautiful day and shocked everyone with being a hot day to compete," said Burns girls coach Brooks Hoffman. "It was fun to host the SEWAC meet for the first time at Burns and have two opportunities to run on our home track." Individuals girls...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|May 12, 2016

    Good morning Banner County! We woke up after a nice Mother’s Day weekend to more cloudy skies and puddles in the yard. I would think the farmers are getting somewhat tired of all of this moisture. Save a little of it for July please. I did get some mowing done last week, but not all of it. A lot of graduations are taking place this weekend, so maybe once those are over it will dry up. Always has to rain then so the roads can be a mess and field trips can be a challenge! The elementary students e...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|May 12, 2016

    This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. The Hereford Community Church honored the mothers by having them choose the hymns. There was a special guest speaker from the Gideons. Mr. Ed Munson read a tribute to mothers, then he told about the Gideons. They distribute Bibles and New Testaments all over the world. Scriptures are printed in over 100 different languages and distributed in over 200 countries. Mr. Munson gave testimonies from a few of the people who have received scriptures from the G...

  • KoC golf tourney nets 52 participants

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 12, 2016

    The Knights of Columbus recently held its annual golf tournament the weekend of May 7. Fifty-two people turned out from the event, including participants from Laramie, Upton, Cheyenne, Torrington and Loveland, Colo. There were 13 total teams for the event. “They love supporting us in this event due to the fact they have so much fun, laughter and the challenge of Leaning Rock. They all say that Leaning Rock is the best kept secret in the State of Wyoming. It's so very beautiful,” event Chairman Dennis Talich said. Talich said he has been the eve...

  • No Till Notes: "Herbicide Resistance"

    Mark Watson|May 12, 2016

    A growing concern across the country is the development of herbicide resistance in weed species to glyphosphate herbicide more commonly referred to as Roundup. This herbicide has grown in popularity in crop production since it first came on the market years ago. With advanced technology we now have crops such as soybeans, corn, sugar beets, and alfalfa which tolerate the herbicide. These genetically modified crops can be planted and the glyphosphate herbicide applied on them to control weeds in...

  • Looking Back

    May 12, 2016

    1 Years Ago May 11, 1916 Verna Lerwick visited Friday and Saturday with Evona Hockersmith. Alfred Pence was the guest of Dwain and Wesley Hockersmith Thursday and helped celebrate Wesley’s birthday. The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mr. Mabbitt, which occurred at Cheyenne hospital, a result of injuries received April 29, when his team became frightened when crossing the tracks at Pine Bluffs, throwing him under the wheels of a train.. Egbert Happenings We had another small fire in Egbert Sunday morning which would have soon be...

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