Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Articles from the May 19, 2016 edition

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  • Flooding impacts local roads

    Zach Spadt|May 19, 2016

    A local driver drives his truck through high water near High West Energy on Highway 212 last week during flooding. Runoff from melting mountain snows blocked several roads last week, causing flooding concerns for local residents and businesses....

  • Home run for Cheyenne boy, torrents of rain and a big Happy Birthday to Tu Youyou

    Bill Sniffin|May 19, 2016

    Not sure how to weave torrential rains, big major league home runs, some crazy Cheyenne bicyclists and a few other items that caught my eye into a coherent statewide column, but here goes: The Great Cheyenne flood of 1985 dumped six inches of rain on the state’s capital city and caused devastating damage and killed some folks, too. Here in Lander, we endured 4.64 inches of showers over a 48-hour period on May 6-8 and I started to think about that Cheyenne deluge. Nearly a thousand basements were...

  • Leigh C. Cerenil

    May 19, 2016

    Leigh C. Cerenil, 58, of Pine Bluffs passed away May 14, 2016 at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. She was born March 12, 1958 in Cheyenne to George and Roseann Rice. She married Cesareo in May 1980 in Mexico. She was a member of St. Paul Catholic Church in Pine Bluffs. She is survived by her husband Cesareo Cerenil of Pine Bluffs; children Trilby Cerenil (Daniel Coles) of Cheyenne Refugio Cerenil (Misty Eisenbarth) of Pine Bluffs, and Odilon Cerenil (Crystal) of Sidney, NE, brother, George... Full story

  • Community Calendar

    May 19, 2016

    Items for possible inclusion in the weekly community calendar should be typewritten or legibly printed. All submissions should include the name and daytime telephone number of the person submitting the information in case questions arise. Items which may be included in the calendar are church events, club meetings, and school events. If your club will not be meeting or has a change, please contact us so we can update the calendar with the correct information as soon as possible. Items should be received on Monday at 5 p.m., one week prior to...

  • Drumming up hope

    Jimmie Earls, Pine Bluffs Post Editor|May 19, 2016

    Some people walk to the beat of a different drummer. But when those people are drummers, things are bound to get a little more unique. Several drummers from Laramie County, as well as Weld and Larimer counties in Colorado, are going after a Guinness world record for group drumming while raising money for St. Jude's Childrens Research Hospital. One of the event's organizers, Tim Elliott, thought of the idea initally and put a post on Facebook asking if other area drummers would be interested. "Th...

  • Hornets place first at regionals at Torrington; girls take third

    Jimmie Earls, Pine Bluffs Post Editor|May 19, 2016

    High school track and field is certainly heating up as the season closes at state this weekend. As teams prepare to head to Casper for state competition, the Pine Bluffs athletes tuned up by posting stellar showings at the regional meet in Torrington last weekend. The Hornets amassed a total of 137.33 points to take first overall after 17 scoring events. On the girl's side, they came in third with 83 points, behind first place Big Horn with 171.50 points and second place Burns, who scored 98....

  • Burns girls place second at regional

    Jimmie Earls, Pine Bluffs Post Editor|May 19, 2016

    The Burns girls track and field team came home with a second place showing from the regional in Torrington last week. The boys placed seventh as they head to Casper this week for state. "After a season of dealing with poor weather and cancelled meets the Burns girls track and field team found their stride, bringing home a second place finish at this weekends Regional Track and Field Meet," said girls coach Brooks Hoffman. "We had 12 girls qualify for state and 24 personal best performances...

  • Town freezes employee wages

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 19, 2016

    Pine Bluffs town employees will not receive their annual 3 percent cost of living raises for the 2017 fiscal year, which begins July 1 and continues through June 30, 2017. Instead, provided the town receives adequate revenue, town employees will receive one-time bonus checks equivalent to 3 percent of their annual income at the end of the fiscal year. The measure is a part of the proposed 2017 fiscal year budget which passed second reading Monday. It must pass a third and final reading to take...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|May 19, 2016

    Good morning! Is there anyone out there in newspaper land besides me that wonders each morning what kind of weather mother nature will send us for that particular day? What season will she pick? It is green and beautiful around here, but cold and with frost on occasion. The poor trees have leafed out and been snowed on more than once already and the flowers are shivering in their pots. And the grass needs mowed again. If the rain will let up and the sun will dry the yard out. On Monday, the...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|May 19, 2016

    The 55 And Up Club met on Friday, May 13, for their monthly potluck luncheon. The theme for the day was Mother’s Day. All enjoyed the good food and fellowship. All the mothers received flowers. The 55 And Up Club meets on the second Friday of the month. All those 55 and up are invited to attend. This week at the Hereford Community Church, Gunner Honstein and Shirley Wiggin were celebrating their birthdays. For the special, Steve Hauer played a humorous tape about mothers. The sermon topic for t...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 19, 2016

    Often we do not consider the circle of life going on around us. Those pesky species that coexist with us to keep our home on earth “clean” and in balance. Life may be an action in chaos but we still need balance. And those other species. Even the snakes. If you have done any yard work or have been cleaning up the shed getting ready for the town cleanup, you may have run into a few of those balance keepers. The experience definitely adds a few extra heartbeats. Consider the heart rate if you stu...

  • Council discusses daycare revisions during meeting

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 19, 2016

    Pine Bluffs town council is looking for a way to alleviate growing pains at the town's daycare. During its regularly scheduled meeting Monday, town council discussed possibly handing care of the facility off to a non-government entity or implementing a betterment plan. One option would involve the town retaining ownership of the building, but leasing it out to a childcare provider. If that option proves to be unviable, the town will look to ways to better the way the facility does business during the next two years. “We seem to have come to, i...

  • No Till Notes: Managing your bucket

    Mark Watson|May 19, 2016

    One of the best visualizations I’ve heard for managing your soil moisture and the precipitation you receive is to compare your soil’s moisture holding capacity to a bucket. The size of your bucket depends on the soil texture, organic matter content, and soil structure. With good surface residues you can get the precipitation you receive to infiltrate the soil and start filling the bucket. If you have good soil structure you can get the moisture to the bottom of the bucket, and if you have goo...

  • Looking Back

    May 19, 2016

    1 Years Ago May 18, 1916 New school building for Pine Bluffs The school board of District No. 7 has called a special election for Saturday May 27 to vote on a $2,000 bond proposition for a new school building in Pine Bluffs. Prairie Dell items Harry Edwards and family, Dick Edwards and family and P.M. Burn and family took Sunday dinner with Olive Good and family. This section of country was visited by a fine rain Saturday evening which was much needed. Miss Merna Burns called at Mr. Wisroth’s last Monday. Bert Macy is riding around in a fine...

  • Date set for EHBC alumni banquet

    Submitted|May 19, 2016

    Invitations are being readied to graduates of Eastern Laramie County schools (Egbert, Hillsdale, Burns, and Carpenter) for the 66th annual alumni banquet. Around 200 invitations were recently mailed to alumni, mostly living outside Laramie County and out-of-state, with emails being utilized to contact alumni both inside and outside the county, around the state and outside the state. Reservations are being accepted for the banquet, which will be held on June 11 with doors open at 4:00 p.m., for graduates of all four schools and their guests....

  • Liquor license, SLIB money topics in Albin council meeting

    Zach Spadt, Pine Bluffs Post|May 19, 2016

    The town of Albin has about $5,000 left over in state grants that will go back to the state if the town cannot put it to use. Different ways to appropriate the money were discussed during the town council's regularly scheduled meeting Thursday, May 12. The original grants were to cover infrastructure projects in previous years. The Wyoming State Loan and Investment Board annually loans and grants money to local governments for infrastructure and capital projects. When there is funding left over, entities can use the funds for additional...

  • El Dia de los Ninos/el Dia de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day) at the Pine Bluffs Historic High School

    Submitted|May 19, 2016

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