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Articles from the June 3, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • New mayor, and council take office

    Karen Lipska|Jun 3, 2021

    Pine Bluffs Town Council scheduled a earlier meeting to swear in the new mayor, council members and other pertinent members. At the beginning of the night Police Chief Chance Walkama welcome's the old and new council along with their guest to the meeting. Judge Mark Moran started the swearing in with receiving the oath of office from mayor elect Justin Fornstrom. Once Fornstrom was sworn in, he immediately performed his first act as mayor by swearing in the elected council members - Janna...

  • Pine Bluffs Lions Club holds a Ride for Sight

    Karen Lipska|Jun 3, 2021

    Every sport has diehard people in it, and on this day, there was proof with this race. On May 30 in Pine Bluffs at the park, the Lions Club of Pine Bluffs put on their annual Ride for Sight bicycle race. For five years they have been putting this race on to raise money for their club. Riders included men, women and children of all ages and bike riding experience. They go ask every business to sponsor this race. When they ask they state they would only ask once a year to help the club. The money...

  • Medical Professionals, Law Enforcement seeing dangerous Counterfeit Opioids

    Jun 3, 2021

    SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. – A trend in opioid use that has developed over the past couple of weeks has local medical professionals and law enforcement officials expressing concerns over public safety. Scotts Bluff County Sheriff Mark Overman said the Western Nebraska Intelligence & Narcotics Group (W.I.N.G.) has received information of a number of incidents that can be attributed to counterfeit prescription opioid pills, such as hydrocodone or oxycodone. Intelligence obtained by W.I.N.G. indicates the presence of the counterfeit pills has increased sub...

  • Gardening with Children

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Jun 3, 2021

    Our granddaughter will be 20 months old this month and she loves to be outside with us. I know that she doesn't really have a clue what we are doing or any concept of why we are doing it but she does like to mimic our actions. When I'm watching her I've taken her to the shop while I've worked with the plants with some menial tasks. She's too young to just let go on her own so there isn't much I can do. But I do enjoy watching as she picks up trash and puts it in the trash can or plant prunings...

  • Memorial Day A Veteran's Story

    Jun 3, 2021

    Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season. To many who have served or had family members serve, it is a day in which we pay respects for those who have served this country and gave the ultimate sacrifice - their lives....

  • Photos of the Week

    Jun 3, 2021

  • Carpenter holds community wide garage sale

    Karen Lipska|Jun 3, 2021

    On May 28th in Carpenter had their community garage/yard sales. It has been ten years since they had their last one. There were six places that participated in the sale. A multi family with kids clothes, tools, furniture, jellies, and baked goods. The family were very helpful on the where the other sales were. There was a gentleman selling furniture, tractors parts, lawn mowers, grills and stoves for the house to keep warm. He said he was busy all day. He was excited of the days sales. He would...

  • Burns Farmers Market - A fresh idea for veggies, and more

    Karen Lipska|Jun 3, 2021

    It was a dark and stormy night, thunder rolled and the lightning struck! Nah, just kidding! However, it was a bit chilly and wet, but that didn't stop nine vendors who wanted to kick start the Burns Farmer's Market on May 22, 2021, and a snack van, "Junk in the Trunk" supplying yummies for the tummy and hot chocolate to help keep the vendors and shoppers warm. "About 15 vendors have signed up for the season," said Danielle Allman, one of the organizers and a vendor of the Burns Farmers Market....

  • Broncs Athletic Awards

    Karen Lipska|Jun 3, 2021

    Welcome to Bronc Nation! On May 25, 2021, coaches and athletes gathered on the Burns High School football field for their annual end of the year Athletic Awards ceremony. Athletic Director Barry Ward opened the ceremony by apologizing for the fact that they could not have a banquet this year. "With the rules and regulations, this is the best that we can do at this point," he stated. In volleyball, one young lady lettered this year. For outstanding awards, two girls signed to play for college...

  • Hornets Athletic Awards

    Karen Lipska|Jun 3, 2021

    The Pine Bluffs Athletic awards was put on by the Pine Bluffs Booster Club on May 27th. There was cupcakes, cookies, and drinks served to the everyone that gathered at the community center. Will Gray, Pine Bluffs Hornets athletic director opened the awards ceremony. Each coach told of their experiences of the season, the up's and down's of the sports. He spoke of encouragement for next year. Coach Dustin Lee told a story like Carson Rabou having so many accidents. The players who qualified for lettering were awarded their letter and pin. As in...

  • Hornets and Broncs earn All-State honors

    Jim Merryfield|Jun 3, 2021

    The results are out. The Wyoming Coaches Association released its 2021 all-state awards for the boys and girls high school track and field season. These honors are not voted on. They go to the top two finishers in an individual event at the state meet or as part of a victorious relay. The southeast corner of Wyoming did fairly well. Pine Bluffs Hornets had six athletes named to the All State team and Burns had three. For the Pine Bluffs Hornets track and field team the athletes that are now All-State award winners are: Ashley Fabela, Rachel...

  • Fornstrom Racing

    Jun 3, 2021

  • Burns students join sport of trap shooting and skeet

    Jun 3, 2021

    Back in April a group of students expressed an interest in joining a sport held in Cheyenne...this would be trap shooting and skeet. In doing so, the students competting in Wyoming State High School Clay League. For skeet there were 21 students competing for Wyoming. Season Average Female - 1st Madison Foley, 2nd Jaidyn Cowley Season Male - 2nd Burke Smith Placed 1A conference 1 1st Southeast High School 2nd Cheyenne East High School Top overall skeet shooter 2nd Burke Smith 5th Kody Foley Top...

  • Ballet and Hip Hop showcased at recital

    Jun 3, 2021

    Last Friday girls ages 3-8 from Pine Bluffs put on a dance recital at the Historic High School showcasing both ballet and hip-hop dance styles. The girls have been taking classes through the En Avant Dance Studio under the teaching of the studio owner, Tenacity Bricher-Wade. Classes began last September and the girls performed in front of an audience for the first time this spring. The younger group learned basic ballet steps, concentrating on coordination and motor skills, rhythm and...

  • Like Sheep to the Slaughter – From Liberty to Dictatorship Part 6

    Mike Heath|Jun 3, 2021

    The last two years have been riddled with violence and destruction throughout the country. I’m not saying there wasn’t any in years prior but it seemed, at least to me, that it got a lot worse in 2019. Maybe it was the COVID hysteria, maybe a rebellious attitude, maybe it was an “insurrection”. I don’t know the social reasoning behind the violence but very specific groups took credit for most of it, at least the major events. What I do know is that they did their best to destroy our nation’s history and they’re still at it. In 2019, the foc...

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