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Articles from the July 22, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Fields of gold so Harvest begins

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Wheat harvest has started on Wednesday for a few farmers. This year, right before harvest some farmers crops got hailed on and the damage was great. As in every year for all farmers, it is the luck of the weather. They prepare for all means; pests, disease, weeds and the main one is weather. Pests, disease and weeds can destroy thirty percent of the field. Whereas weather can do a very little percentage to a hundred percent - doing complete devastation. In the tri-state area, there are two kinds...

  • Burns council discusses stop signs and traffic

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Stop signs and traffic studies was the main topic at the Burns town council meeting on July 12 at 6:30 p. m. All council members were present for the meeting. Mayor James Clark called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The consent agenda consisting of both June meetings, town treasurers report, and town and utility board vouchers was approved. The council received a letter from Rauchelle Meredith about the removal of the stop signs at Main and Fourth streets. Meredith is extremely opposed to the removal of the signs. In...

  • Coffee with a Cop

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Coffee with a cop ? Pine Bluffs Chief of Police Chance Walkama would like to have the opportunity to get to know the people along with them getting to know the police in Pine Bluffs. This would be a time for introductions to the police and the citizens of Pine Bluffs. The person or people can voice their concerns in the Pine Bluffs community while they are having "coffee with a cop". He would like to hear ideas on improving the community. One of the concerns expressed by Chief Walkama was, "If...

  • Albin Museum obtains Berryman memorabilia

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Albin Museum is small but mighty with memories. The building is a small log house. It was old building the Boys Scout's met at once upon a time. When time moved on so did the Boy's Scout club. The building was donated and became a museum for Albin. The location has moved through the years but as for now the museum is behind the Memorial Park on Main Street. When you first walk in to the right is an old dial telephone and an old phonograph player. In the corner a cabinet has books and different...

  • Xeriscaping

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Jul 22, 2021

    I've talked with several people in the last few weeks concerning lawns. FYI. Part of the Master Gardener program is helping people with plant issues, including lawns. To a person they are concerned with how much water their lawns are taking this year. I actually empathize with folks from Cheyenne because they're under some pretty stringent water restrictions. The rest of us have it a bit easier, but we all have the same issue, drought. I've been warning of a severe drought this year for the...

  • UW tardigrade research to begin on International Space Station

    Katie Shockley Editor Writer UW|Jul 22, 2021

    Tiny creatures from University of Wyoming laboratories hitched a ride in a freezer on SpaceX CRS-22 and were delivered to the International Space Station, where they await to show off their strength. Tardigrades or "water bears" have been the subject of study for UW molecular biologist Thomas Boothby and his team. On July 13, the tardigrades will begin to undergo experiments so researchers can better understand changes to their gene expression as they experience stressful environments in space....

  • National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day July 27

    Penny Merryfield|Jul 22, 2021

    Each year, the President of the United States issues a proclamation announcing July 27th as a day of national observance in honor of Korean War veterans and their families. There are observances of this day on military bases, at military cemeteries such as Arlington National Cemetery, and more informal observances held in America, South Korea, and elsewhere. A Brief History Of The Korean War Korea was, at one time, a united peninsula with no divisions between North Korea and South Korea. One of...

  • Photos of the Week

    Jul 22, 2021

  • Governor signs Temporary Executive Order to help alleviate fuel shortages

    Jul 22, 2021

    CHEYENNE, Wyo. – To help prevent potential gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel shortages, Governor Mark Gordon has signed an Executive Order (EO) that puts in place temporary emergency rules for the Wyoming Department of Transportation allowing drivers to make extra fuel deliveries. The order is effective July 20 through August 20. Demand for fuel has increased due to post-pandemic travel in the United States, with increases in travel and tourism seen throughout the state. In addition, an early fire season has resulted in increased fire s...

  • Enroll Wyoming assists seniors with insurance

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Enroll Wyoming was at the Pine Bluffs Senior Center on July 7th. Dasa Robertson is an insurance marketplace navigator for the program. This program helps with affordable health care. Enrolling senior citizen for the health programs by August 15th, along with helping all ages. This program started in 2013 being state wide. Enroll Wyoming is an affordable health care act. It is free health service to help all ages. They are associated with Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. One of the issues they are focusing on is people who are unemployed for...

  • Albin Day holds their first Cornhole Tourney

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Albin Day had their first Cornhole tournament on July 10th. There were sixteen teams of two people with a double elimination bracket. This tournament was run by Buck Hottell with help from Kraig and Mary Jacobsen. Cornhole is akin to horseshoes. A two-person team with members at the opposite ends of the boards. This year they had three sets of boards set up for the tournament. Players take turns throwing bean bags or 16 oz. bags of corn kernels at a raised platform or board with a hole at the...

  • Summer nights and movie in the park

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Mike & Sully were at the Pine Bluffs park to enjoy time with local families on a cool summer night. However, they were not their physically but on the big screen. That's how movie stars roll! Yes, it was Movie night at the park sponsored by Pine Bluffs Recreation. The movie started around 9 p. m. Seems like it would make it a late night. But hey, it's summer. Enjoy it while it's here. Everyone knows summer is short here in this neck of the woods. This is a time for everyone to come to watch a...

  • Pine Bluffs Farmers Market

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Pine Bluffs Sunday Farmers Market was July 18th at 1:00 to 5:00. The market has grown some, there were twelve vendors. First the nails can be all done in a short time. This stick-on nail can help set up your theme of the day or month. After picking out the latest look for fingernail design, step on over and quench the thirst with a tasty homemade drink or popsicle. As hot as its been everyone needs something to help them cool down. Made special for the customer right there in the vendors RV....

  • Burns Farmers Market hosts homemade items

    Karen Lipska|Jul 22, 2021

    Burns Farmers Market on June 17th in the park down town at 12:00p.m. to 3:00p.m. The Burns Farmers Market this last weekend was small but well represented. There were the regular every chance we get vendors, but also a couple of vendors that had not participated for a while. The main event was fresh vegetables. All the vendors at the Burns Farmers Market make their products themselves. As one travels through the line of vendor tables they feast their eyes on such delicacies as pickled vegetables...

  • Music of Our History Part 1

    Mike Heath|Jul 22, 2021

    My granddaughter has started exploring music in recent weeks. That she enjoys it is obvious, she asks for “music” every time she sees me and is not above taking over my phone to look for songs to play. Not even two years old yet and she has already found music that she loves, some that she’s okay with, and some that she’ll turn off. She can’t stand the Beach Boys and will change the music to something else if I let her have the phone. On the other hand she dances to “Wendy” by Bread (early 1970’s for you youngsters). She thinks classical music...

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