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Articles from the August 24, 2017 edition

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  • A Light upon the Hill

    Gary Collins|Aug 24, 2017

    "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrews 10 24-25, King James Version. "This is family. Church, family, it's part of who they are. It's their identity and most the people, I don't know how many people that I walked out and greeted said, 'I was baptized here 60 years ago'," said Rev. Daniel Praeuner...

  • Eclipse watching in Pine Bluffs

    Scott Schulte|Aug 24, 2017

    Some street lights turned automatically on, birds chirped in confusion and radio stations played songs like Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon." This was part of the fun late Monday morning as the 2017 total eclipse made its way over Pine Bluffs. "It's not something that happens every day," said Stew Fornstrom, an employee at Pine Bluffs Gravel where they celebrated the eclipse with a potluck lunch. Looking north from Pine Bluffs, it was nearly complete darkness. Casper had been ground zero...

  • PRLM 49th Reunion

    Gary Collins|Aug 24, 2017

    The following lead story is taken, with permission, from the book, "My footprints on the Sands of Time," which is the memoirs of C. George Karlstrum. Karlstrum, along with his wife, Ruth, operated the Carlstrum's Dry Goods store on the northeast corner of Second and Main Streets in Pine Bluffs until 1957. Karlstrum's memoir was edited by his grandson, Doug Gibson, who has graciously allowed the Post to run the following story from them. The PRLM held its 49th reunion at City Park in Pine...

  • Literature, horses and ice cream

    Gary Collins|Aug 24, 2017

    Celebrating the end summer and saying goodbye to the Summer Reading Program of 2017, both the Burns and Pine Bluffs libraries offered ice cream and horses Saturday in each of the respective muncipalities. First up was Burns, where Rusty the Ranch Horse, 17, paid a visit to his fans in Main Strret park. It ought to be mentioned how much Rusty enjoyed the lush green grass of the park, chomping away at it to his heart's content and to his owners careful eye. Rusty is a registered paint, even...

  • Mini (me) triathlon brings families together

    Scott Schulte|Aug 24, 2017

    There is nothing quite like spending a day swimming, biking and running with one's cousins. It often is those cousins, after all, who become a youngster's first close friends. This may be one of the big reasons the Perlinski and Graesser families and their children (cousins) look forward to the annual Mini (Me) Triathlon. If nothing else, the two related families get to spend time together. "This is the third year we have done this," said Andre Grasser. "This is something we can do as a family....

  • "Girls on the Run" reaches area

    Scott Schulte|Aug 24, 2017

    As part of the back to school activities at Burns Elementary School last week, members of the Girls on the Run (GOTR) program came to town as part of its expansion. With it being in most parts of the state, GOTR executive director Cindy Bradley said, "This is one of the last areas where we aren't active. Our program is open to girls in this area." "The basis of GOTR is to increase the ability to exercise and discover and use self-esteem in the lives of young ladies," Bradley said. What started...

  • Family Fun Day in Pine Bluffs

    Scott Schulte|Aug 24, 2017

    Family Fun Day 2017 was a great success with more than 150 participants from the area. People of all ages enjoyed the day of activiites and education regarding their favorite weapon. From hand guns to archery and fishing, those in attendance were taught proper usage by local experts. Sponsors of the event where people were taught gun and archery safety included Pheasants Forever, Wyoming Game and Fish, 4-H Shooting Sports of Laramie County and the Sportsman Warehouse. "I hope it will grow each...

  • People's Choice Best Car

    Gary Collins|Aug 24, 2017

  • Back on the field

    Gary Collins|Aug 24, 2017

  • Back to school night

    Scott Schulte Gary Collins|Aug 24, 2017