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Articles from the August 26, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • Bushnell Days drawn from the tri-state area

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    On August 21st the streets of Bushnell were filled with cars to celebrate the day with the town and fire department. The day was kicked off with a parade in the morning led by the Donald Eisenhauer American Legion Post No. 60 and Auxiliary Unit 60 from Pine Bluffs. They were marching "Old Glory" through town along with a float of members tossing candy to the spectators. Then along came the brightly colored and amazingly cute princesses in their own float. They are McKenzie Loy from Bushnell,...

  • Albin Town Council discuss generators and the ambulance board

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    On August 19th Albin town Council met at 7:00p.m. All Council members were at the meeting along with two guests. Allison Brennemann and Zane Willert which represent the ambulance members. On old business reviewing the lunch program and tabs, it was good. Mayor Krakow updates were about getting the generators ready to schedule start up. The Ambulance Board had two resignations: Carrie Deselms and Ed Allen. The council accepted their resignations and stated their appreciation for their year of service. There are spots open on the ambulance...

  • Burns Town Council votes in new member to council

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    The Burns Council was called to order by Mayor James Clark on August 23rd at 5:30. Dennis Bastian made a motion of the vouchers to be approved. It was seconded by Jeff Appleman. A building permit was looked at for 128 N Prairie Ave. The applicant designed a different shaped building. All the setbacks were within boundaries. Dennis Bastian made the motion and Rick Lakin seconded, all approved. On public comment, Judy Johnstone wanted to talk about the sixth-penny issue. The commissioner got a...

  • Bushnell Fire Dept. celebrates 100 years

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    In 1921 the very first meeting of the Bushnell volunteer fire department was held. They had twenty-seven members at that time. The fires were put out using burlap sacks and buckets of water. The next year the fire department purchased their first pieces of equipment which were one hook and ladder, one two-piece extension ladder, and one two and half gallon chemical extinguisher from the Bushnell Lumber Store. Through the years the equipment has changed to gasoline engines and several trucks....

  • Preparing your lawn for winter

    Mike Heath Laramie County Master Gardners|Aug 26, 2021

    If this week didn't get your attention I don't know what will. We usually keep the windows open at night during the summer and Wednesday night I wasn't sure it was still summer. Wednesday was hot but the air was dead calm, not a breeze at all that night. I remember commenting to Linda that about 3 am that would change and the wind would start blowing hard. I was being sarcastic but, lo and behold, at 3:30 am the wind kicked up and the temperature plummeted. It got cold! Frankly, the lawn was...

  • Community Service Color Guard

    Aug 26, 2021

    It is not just the serving in the military that many servicemembers do, it is the continued service to God and Country, and community, that draws on many of the members. The local American Legion Color Guard is also made up of not just the veteran, but the spouses, daughters and sons of veterans. They too still serve the Veteran, the Country and the Flag....

  • Burns High School has open house to start off the school year

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    August 19th at Burns Schools was buzzing with excitement for the new school year. Burns Elementary School was set up in the lobby with different tables to help the students and parents. Of course, the check in table with the school secretary was there to meet you first. Making sure parents received all of the required paperwork. The afterschool program and the ALEX program were two tables for the parents to sign up their children. The students and parents then wandered down to the assigned room...

  • Pine Bluffs High School has open house to start off the school year

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    Pine Bluffs Schools were getting a head start for the students to be ready for the first day of school on August 23rd. Pine Bluffs Elementary School had an open house for the students and their parents to check out the the surroundings. When they first walked in there was a table with all of the paperwork for the students. Principal Andrea Verosky met each of the students and their parents. There was a table for the PB BUZZ. This is a parent organization to support the school and the students....

  • LCCC Welder named 4th in National Skills USA Contest

    Aug 26, 2021

    CHEYENNE, WYOMING – Laramie County Community College's (LCCC) welding program demonstrated excellence in welding at the state Skills-USA competition in spring 2021. LCCC's fabrication team and an individual welder both qualified to compete at the national Skills-USA competition this summer. COVID-19 restricted the participants to a virtual event and additional complications impacted the fabrication team's ability to compete. LCCC student, David Gordon of Carpenter, Wyo. was able to compete at e...

  • Broncs Fall Sports fine tuning!

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    Even before the school opened its doors, sports players were already attending practices and gearing up for the up-coming season. With the new season, comes a new group of players to the team. New freshman players on board, as the juniors of last year are now the leaders. The Burns Broncs players are working on skills for the season. Some are learning from older players, while the seasoned players from last year work to hone their skills. Football offensive is learning skills for their plays to...

  • Cornhole Tourney Bushnell Style

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    Let the Cornhole Tournament begin! On Saturday August 21st at 2;00p.m. the Cornhole Tournament commenced. Seven sets of boards and a score board were set up in the middle of the park. Nineteen teams of men, women, and children were eager to get this show on the road. Each team had picked a unique name for themselves. Families and friends gathered to root on their favorite teams. Each team would distract the other one to gain points. In Cornhole, each member takes turns to throw the bean bag at a...

  • Antique Tractor Show

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    On Saturday August 21st at Bushnell was an antique tractor show. It was small but great to see. Zac Breazeale from Raymer, Colo., brought a 1947 Oliver 80 tractor. This tractor has been in his family for years. Breazeale's mother drove it when she was eleven years old. When he found the tractor, it was in field and the engine was froze. In the last five years he has worked on rebuilding the tractor. Breazeale has been going to different tractor shows. Logan Lee from Bushnell, Neb., was the...

  • Bushnell Day Bands

    Karen Lipska|Aug 26, 2021

    The evening of the 21st of August at Bushnell Days there was music on the night of festivals. The beginning of the pig roast dinner of the night was the beginning of the music. First was Martin Gilmore, one man band. He played folk and bluegrass music. Gilmore is originally from Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He now teaches music in Denver at the University of Northern Colorado. Gilmore has three albums out: The Martin Gilmore which is his newest album, East-West, and Martin Gilmore. The folks enjoyed...

  • Photos of the Week

    Aug 26, 2021

  • More Bushnell Day Fun!

    Aug 26, 2021

  • What is the "America First" Movement?

    Mike Heath|Aug 26, 2021

    I was speaking to one of the candidates for the US House of Representatives a few days ago and asked if he supported the America First movement. I asked because I’d heard his radio ad (very good ad) but didn’t hear any mention of the America First movement. Knowing the gentleman I was surprised. His answer was that he supported Trump. I had to scratch my head because Former President Trump is not the America First movement. Since it appears that this could be a common misunderstanding I thought I would try to clear it up. Donald Trump did use...