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News / Community News

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  • Banner Co News

    Barb Cross|Aug 20, 2015

    Good Morning Banner County! Here we are almost at the end of summer and it just does not seem possible to me. Where did the time go? I know that I did not have that much fun. I do hope we have an Indian Summer’ because I sure could use some decent weather in order to get all that needs to be taken care of finished before winter. The almanac is saying that this winter is not to be a mild one. Monday was a great day as those old yellow school buses were seen traveling the roads and depositing c... Full story

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 20, 2015

    The 55 And Up Club met for their monthly potluck dinner on Friday evening at the Grover park. Pee Wee and Cecelia Smock, Jerry Anderson and Bill McCurry provided musical entertainment for the evening. This week at the Hereford Community Church Troy Simnick celebrated his birthday. For the special, Andrea Reifschneider and Shirley Wiggin played a duet on the piano. They played She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain and Home on the Range. Pastor Opdycke's sermon topic was The Christian Walk. Next... Full story

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 20, 2015

    The funny thing about sunflowers? They don’t care if our summer has been less than bright. They don’t care if we have been smiling since last time they were here. They come and shine and brighten our world, no questions asked. And no expectations. Would it not be pleasant if more humans were like sunflowers. Expecting nothing in return and always greeting whoever passes their way with a smile and sunshine no matter who you are or what you can give them. Little kids are often sunflowers in our... Full story

  • Community Calendar

    Aug 13, 2015

    Items for possible inclusion in the weekly community calendar should be typewritten or legibly printed. All submissions should include the name and daytime telephone number of the person submitting the information in case questions arise. Items which may be included in the calendar are church events, club meetings, and school events. If your club will not be meeting or has a change, please contact us so we can update the calendar with the correct information as soon as possible. Items should be received on Monday at 5 p.m., one week prior to... Full story

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Aug 13, 2015

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. This week has been Kimball/Banner County Fair week and most of you have been down that road either from personal experience as youngsters, with your own kids, grandkids, or all three. It was a good fair week, although the rain could have held off just a little. Blue & Purple ribbons for our two, lots of fun, hard work, and some sad faces on sale day. We were lucky enough to keep our one granddaughter for a night or two, and she really enjoyed... Full story

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 13, 2015

    This week at the Hereford Community Church Hannah Reifschneider celebrated her birthday. The special was Kathy Zitek. She read a devotional from the Daily Guideposts, then told about the Christmas Stocking project. They will be filling stockings on Oct. 4. Kathy offered some suggestions for items to put in the stockings. The stockings will be sent to New York City for underprivileged children. Pastor Opdycke was back from her trip to Canada and Alaska. She shared a little about her trip, and... Full story

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 13, 2015

    The burden of summer is to squeeze as many sunburned noses, trips to grandma’s house, nights slept under the stars, swims and ice cream cones into the three months of freedom as possible. It doesn’t seem like a burden Memorial Day weekend. However, often the lazy days slip by unnoticed and we use the grandest form of extravagance by thinking we will have more summer days. Then, that flyer comes in the mail. The one announcing back to school shopping. And that is when we start adding up all the... Full story

  • August Library News

    Submitted|Aug 6, 2015

    Fun for Kids! Thursdays: 10-10:45 a.m. August 20: Bikes August 27: Twinkle Toes Join in the fun with stories, songs, fingerplays, and more! Themed storytimes promote and model early literacy skills. (PreK; Pine Bluffs Branch) Movies at the Library Fridays: August 14, 21 1:30-3:30 p.m. Enjoy a variety of family-friendly films this summer! Each week for our Summer Reading Celebration, we’ll show a different one. Popcorn provided. (Children & Families; Pine Bluffs Branch) Summer Reading Send-Off Saturday, August 22... Full story

  • Steel Pan Band returns to Pine Bluffs for third performance

    Darrel Miller|Aug 6, 2015

    The Steel Pan Band from Trinidad and Tobago recently entertained residents of Pine Bluffs at the Pine Bluffs Baptist Church, where Pastor Dan DeBruyn hosted them for a third time. The band played a few hymns, a Disney song and a pirate themed medley for the children. Between each song the musicians looked to each other to prepare for the next song. A round of applause greeted each ending. The musicians minded their instruments and cast broad smiles intermittently to the audience. With bright red shirts signifying their group affiliation...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Aug 6, 2015

    The Banner/Kimball Fair has been going on since Monday and will continue through to next Monday; sale day is Aug. 10. Good beef and hog products for your freezer. Show day for hogs is Friday, Aug. 7, at 8 a.m., and for the beef it is Saturday, Aug. 8. So from now on if you see any big black steers walking around Harrisburg better call Stan, they don’t belong to my kids. Football practice will officially begin on Monday, Aug. 10, and school will officially begin one week later. I am not ready. T... Full story

  • Hereford News

    Aug 6, 2015

    This week at the Hereford Community Church, Janet Steffy and Pee Wee Smock celebrated their birthdays, and Chip and Janet Steffy celebrated their anniversary. Rev. and Mrs. Steffy are from Rockford, Ohio. They are the niece and nephew of Pastor Opdycke, and have been gracious enough to be guest speakers while Pastor Opdycke has been away on a trip to Canada and Alaska.... Full story

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 6, 2015

    Rev. Steffy spoke on the rules for Christian living from Romans 12:9-21. Next week, Pastor Opdycke is scheduled to be back and her sermon topic will be The Four M’s. If you have any news you would like to share, you can contact me at 970-895-2433 or by email at [email protected]. Where did all those kids and livestock go? The Laramie County Fair, of course. These little (and some big) guys have worked all year getting ready for this week. The fair started Saturday and runs through S... Full story

  • Community Calendar

    Aug 6, 2015

    Items for possible inclusion in the weekly community calendar should be typewritten or legibly printed. All submissions should include the name and daytime telephone number of the person submitting the information in case questions arise. Items which may be included in the calendar are church events, club meetings, and school events. If your club will not be meeting or has a change, please contact us so we can update the calendar with the correct information as soon as possible. Items should be received on Monday at 5 p.m., one week prior to... Full story

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Apr 2, 2015

    Good morning! Banner County, neighbors and friends near and far. Hope you are all well and dealing with the crazy weather. Weeks mixed with winter/spring and lots of wind here lately. A friend told me that we were supposed to have winds up to 60 miles per hour this past Sunday. I do not know if that happened; however, it sure gave it a good try. Forget trying to fly a kite, no way could you keep a hold of one. By about 5 p.m. it was absolutely beautiful out. Happy Easter to each and everyone of... Full story

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Apr 2, 2015

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Andrea Reifschneider sang Amazing Grace. New members were brought into the church family. Holy Communion was served. The sermon topic was Twelve, and the scripture was Matthew 10. Next week the sermon topic will be New Life, and the Prairie Songbirds will perform the Easter cantata Risen This Day at the sunrise service at 7 a.m. Following the sunrise service, there will be breakfast of donuts, sweet rolls, and drinks. The Church will... Full story

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Apr 2, 2015

    A light cover of snow reminded us that we never control the thermostat of earth. I doubt you heard many complaining. The moisture was much needed and encouraged to come again but perhaps in the form of rain next time. Another thing we don't control is death. Sometimes it seems to come early. When a loved one is suffering, it seems to never relieve their pain and prolong ours. Carol Moore passed away and our hearts go out to Bill and her entire family. Stop for a minute and send a card or call... Full story

  • Medical Clinic grand opening set

    Polly Taylor|Feb 5, 2015

    The Pine Bluffs Medical Clinic, formerly known as the Tri-County Medical Clinic, will host a grand opening and open house Friday, Feb. 13, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The new facility is located at 117 E. 4th St., in Pine Bluffs, and tours will also be available during the celebration. A number of dignitaries from around the state, including Gov. Matt Mead, are expected to be in attendance at the open house, including significant members of the state's medical community. An open invitation has been...

  • Mechanical failure blamed for blaze

    Tonia Copeland|Feb 5, 2015

    A trailer ablaze in the median stopped traffic along Interstate 80 and diverted traffic for five hours. According to Sgt. Wagner of the Wyoming Highway Patrol, a call was received at 2:58 p.m. February 2 of a tractor trailer on fire at mile marker 399 on I-80. The department responded to the call to find the driver of the unit, Wojtek Jachym, 29, was able to separate the tractor from the trailer carrying aircraft grade aluminum. Traffic along the interstate was diverted in both directions at 4 p.m., Wagner said, due to fire and inhalation hazar...

  • Police call leads to drug bust

    Polly Taylor|Feb 5, 2015

    What started out as a call about a missing juvenile quickly turned in a drug bust involving Kyle Adams, 19, of 103 Main St., in Pine Bluffs. Chief of Police Justin Trout stated that on Jan. 23, around 2:23 p.m., the Pine Bluffs Police Department received a dispatch regarding a missing juvenile. The Main Street address was given, and he went to follow up on the call. Once at the residence he discovered the juvenile was not missing, but there was obvious evidence of illegal drugs including...

  • Council begins land use plan process for Kimzey tract

    Polly Taylor|Feb 5, 2015

    The Town of Pine Bluffs Council heard from Randy Byers of The Design Studio, inc., on how the process for determining what the 300-acre tract of land known as the Kimzey land should proceed. The land, recently acquired by the Town of Pine Bluffs, located north across the railroad tracks, to the east and inside of the town limits, is the site of two wells, which the town plans to tie in with the existing infrastructure. The council has agreed to work with TDSi to determine the best possible use f...

  • Klinginsmith named to Clarkson College Dean's List

    Submitted|Feb 5, 2015

    Clarkson College is pleased to announce Katlyn Klinginsmith was named to the fall 2014 Dean’s List. Klinginsmith graduated in December with a dual Associate of Science in Physical Therapist Assistant degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Care Business with a major in Management. She was a member of the Clarkson College chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success Sigma Alpha Pi Interdisciplinary Honor Society. She is the daughter of Larry Graves and Gail Hockersmith, both of Pine Bluffs....

  • New Year is busy one for Pine Bluffs PD

    Polly Taylor|Jan 29, 2015

    The Pine Bluffs Police Department has been busy solving thefts, dealing with assaults and threats, and a hit and run accident. According to Chief of Police Justin Trout, a series of burglaries occurred at the Methodist Church on North Main Street between November 2014 and January 2015. There were four different occasions of breaking and entering involving a lone white female suspect. Items such as laptops, computer systems, a printer, television set and DVD player were all reported stolen. The...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jan 29, 2015

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church, Carol Opdycke read a humorous story about cell phones. The topic for the day was ‘Testing God’s Guidance.’ The scriptures were Ephesians 5:1-20 and Ephesians 6:10-24. The topic for next week will be ‘The First and Last Words of Jesus.’ The Prairie Songbirds will begin practice for Easter soon. They can always use new voices. If you would like to sing with them, contact Pastor Opdycke. Pastor Opdycke is hosting a Bible study at her home... Full story

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 29, 2015

    Hello folks! I sure hope that everyone is doing well and hanging in there. Spring is something like seven weeks away. About that time we will probably get a foot or more of snow, and then maybe spring not too long after that. The ice has been the biggest problem, and it is all melted around here, but it sure is awful in other places. It is time for me to buy a bouquet of flowers. I end up doing that once or twice during the winter to remind me that spring will be here! Winter birthdays... Full story

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 29, 2015

    Have you ever watched one of those scary movies where the bad guy sneaks into a house? The homeowners hear the floorboards squeak. Something goes bump as the intruder runs into furniture? And the homeowners find something ugly in their home. I have snuck into my mom’s house after curfew a few times, but that is another story. Fortunately she didn’t meet me with a ball bat. This weekend the Smith house had an intruder of the sweetest kind. My oldest son, Norman, surprised us with a visit. The... Full story

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