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News / Community News

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  • Lions distribute gift cards during Service Week

    Polly Taylor|Jan 22, 2015

    The Pine Bluffs Lions Club observed Service Week, addressing hunger last week, by distributing $25 gift cards from various grocery stores to groups in need. Bob Lyons, Lions Club treasurer, presented Pastor Dan DeBruyn at the Pine Bluffs Baptist Church with a card, and the pastor later said, "I won't have this card for very long. I know exactly who will get it, and I am grateful to the Lions Club for their generosity." The cards were purchased as part of a project the club worked on jointly...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 15, 2015

    Good morning! With school back in session we are off and running once again. If you were at the basketball game last Friday, you watched an excellent varsity boys game against Hay Springs. One of those where we won in overtime and had me standing in my seat. All other games were great too, but that one was exciting! I know I spend a lot of time here talking about school events, but most of you would agree that that is where most of us spend our time – one of the constants in our lives. Our k...

  • Hereford News

    Submitted|Jan 15, 2015

    The Hereford Community Church held their quarterly meeting on Sunday morning. Reports were given and current business discussed. They will be preparing for Easter on April 5, when the annual sunrise service and breakfast will be held. The special for the day was Karel Smock who read “The Kids Take on Church.” The congregation burned their burdens then received Holy Communion. The sermon title was “Trusting God’s Guidance.” The scripture was from Proverbs 3:1-12, Verses 5 and 6 tell us “With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not you...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 15, 2015

    You may not be thinking about sprinkler systems yet, or even water that is not in the form of snow. However, sprinkler systems are top on the minds of our council and mayor. The addition has come to a standstill, stuck until they figure out the problem. But just as sure as the snow will eventually melt, the community center addition will get done. It will be a nice complement to an already nice facility we have in Albin. The first home game for the Albin Wildcats will be Jan. 24 starting at 9...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 8, 2015

    Good morning, friends and neighbors, near and far! Brrrrrrrrrrr, that’s it. News is over! Haha, am I the only one out there who is really tired of this bitter cold? Bet not. You all know how I really feel about winter anyway. Snow is great the day before Christmas and that is about it as far as I am concerned. Moisture is great; that is, if it ever gets warm enough to thaw. Yes, “Baby, it’s Cold Outside”. This is the third day that school has been back in session. Today, Jan. 8, the high sc...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jan 8, 2015

    The 55 And Up Club monthly potluck luncheon will be held on Friday, Jan. 9 at noon, at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 years of age and older are welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your family and friends. Services were cancelled last Sunday at the Hereford Community Church. Next week, the quarterly business meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. before the worship service. The scheduled sermon topic is “Seeking God’s Guidance” and Holy Communion will be se...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 8, 2015

    What a pretty start to 2015 we had in Albin. The snow, still falling, covered everything in sight. But watch out for the roads. They are still slick and could cause you to run into something or someone. I took a new year’s run Thursday afternoon. The temperatures warmed to a balmy 28 and I thought it was a great opportunity to start a new resolution. Not even off 5th Avenue, however, a car came less than two feet from running into me. No big deal. It is icy and things travel when we want them t...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Dec 31, 2014

    Good morning! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2014 held many bad moments worldwide, some personal ones as well, but most years do. We as an optimistic society continue to look forward to each New Year with anticipated hope for the goodness it will bring. Many celebrations begin the evening before with parties and family gatherings. Many times, I have stayed up with kids who wanted to watch the “ball” fall from Times Square in New York as the last seconds of a year were counted down. I decided to look into the...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 31, 2014

    Church was cancelled this Sunday at the Hereford Community Church. Next week, the topic will be “Resolutions.” Holy Communion will be served next Sunday. Then, on Jan. 11 there will be a quarterly meeting at 10 a.m. before the worship service....

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Dec 31, 2014

    Church was cancelled this Sunday at the Hereford Community Church. Next week, the topic will be “Resolutions.” Holy Communion will be served next Sunday. Then, on Jan. 11 there will be a quarterly meeting at 10 a.m. before the worship service....

  • Banner County News

    Dec 24, 2014

    Merry Christmas! as I sit here this beautiful morning, it appears to look like early spring and not December. However, I am hoping that by the time that you read this you will be looking out your window to just a tad bit of snow! Regardless of the weather, I wish you and yours a very beautiful Christmas day. I did a little research on the history of the Christmas holiday and what I learned was disturbing as is most of the holiday history researches that I have done in the past. With pagan beginnings most of you know that most holidays were at...

  • Hereford News

    Dec 24, 2014

    This week at the Hereford Community Church, Rosalyn, Andrea, and Tommy Reifschneider lit the fourth Advent candle. For the special, Carol Opdycke read “A Letter From Kevin.” The sermon topic was “Peace.” The scripture was the Christmas story from Luke 2. Christmas is a time of peace. Before you can have the peace that God gives, you must choose Jesus. Begin by giving glory to God. Then as you completely surrender yourself to God, your peace will come. Next week, the sermon topic will be “Resolutions!” Sunday evening the Hereford Community C...

  • Banner County News

    Dec 18, 2014

    Good morning! Wow, Monday morning brought us snow and wind by the bowls full! School was cancelled by 5:30 a.m. and I am sure for those folks that get on the bus shortly after, that was a welcome call. I think we live closer to the school than anyone, aside than those on the school grounds and I was grateful! Yes, the moisture is nice, and it is December after all, and Christmas is only seven days away. So now, it looks and feels like December instead of April or September! With the school closed on Monday, that leaves four days this week and...

  • Albin News

    Dec 18, 2014

    ‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through Albin, Christmas Spirit road in on a load of the white stuff from Jack Frost and was lifted up on sweet notes from heaven at the Albin Baptist Christmas Program. Sunday night, over 100 people warmed themselves inside the Albin Baptist Church with the company of friends and neighbors and the special message of Jesus’ birth. Pastor John Morrison directed the Albin Community Choir in “Jesus, There’s Something About That Name.” Members of the choir were Vernita Anderson, Esther Davison, Martha El...

  • Hereford News

    Dec 18, 2014

    At the Hereford Community Church this week, Tami Walden and Andrea Reifschneider lit the third candle for Advent. For the special, Carolyn Ragsdale read “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” The sermon title was “Freedom.” When you receive your salvation, you receive freedom from your sins. Jesus came to save us from the judgment for sin, and give us the freedom to live for him. Pastor Opdycke then followed the Christmas story with Matthew 2 which tells about the wise men and how God saved the baby Jesus from King Herod who wanted to kill him....

  • Banner County News

    Dec 11, 2014

    Good morning to all in and around Banner County! The wind is blowing itself out this morning, and I am thankful for that. It does not look like December out there either, with no snow on the ground. I am OK with that also, until about December 24th. Without the bad weather we have safer travel for these activities: girls basketball here at home on Thursday, Dec. 11, today at 6 p.m. They will play Bayard. Saturday, Dec. 13 is the huge – and I do not exaggerate – high school Banner County Wrestling Invitational. It will begin at 9 a.m. and con...

  • Albin News

    Dec 11, 2014

    Chestnuts are not the only thing roasting on an open fire. The men in red, and not the one carrying the sack of toys, have been very busy this past week with range fires in the area. Three of them were over 100 acres. This week, Jack Frost must be nipping at someone else’s nose. Local temperatures hovered around 50 degrees most days. Get outside and enjoy it because the storage tank of warm weather will run out soon. Sunday, Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. the Albin Baptist Church will host their Christmas program, “Jesus: There’s something about that...

  • Hereford News

    Dec 11, 2014

    At the Hereford Community Church this week, Steve and Jan Hauer lit the second Advent candle. For the special, Carol Opdycke read “Eight Gifts That Don’t Cost A Cent.” The sermon topic was “Celebration.” Christmas, which is celebrated around the world, is a time of celebration. Even though the birth of Jesus is the reason for the celebration, he is usually forgotten. Luke 2:8-21 tells about the shepherds when the angel announced the birth of Jesus to them. They were joyful and celebrated. God loves people so much that he came himself in the pe...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Dec 4, 2014

    You know I am going to say it, so I might as well. Here it is December, and I just can’t believe it! As I write this today, I am looking toward events up through the 10th which is pretty close to the 15th, which is only ten days away from ... well, you know what I mean! We do have a couple of trees up at our house and I am kind of getting ready. I have thoughts of Christmas caroling, programs at school, and the most looked-forward-to one of all: the Christmas candle light service on Christmas E...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Dec 4, 2014

    By now all your guests, welcomed or not, have gone home. The leftovers are but a memory or shoved in the freezer for another day. And the scale keeps acting up, saying you weigh more than last week. Probably better to blame that ornery little cousin than the entire pecan pie you felt you needed to finish. Numbers aside, I sure hope the holiday was a pleasant one and you had the chance to sit and talk to loved ones and faithful friends who darkened your door. I had the opportunity to travel home...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 4, 2014

    This week at the Hereford Community Church, Rosalyn, Andrea, and Tommy Reifschneider lit the first Advent candle. For the special Kathy Zitek read “The Upside” from Guidepost magazine. The sermon topic was “Who Is He?” Isaiah 53 is a prophecy about Jesus, and Matthew 1:18-25 is the fulfillment of that prophecy. We each need to answer that question for ourselves: Who is Jesus? Is he the promised Messiah? Is he God’s son? We can be wrong about many things, but not about who he is. Next week, the...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Nov 26, 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your day is whatever you want it to be, a nice quiet day, one filled to the brim with family & friends, or somewhere in between. Yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for. Did you make it to the One-Act play, and Dinner Theater production this past Saturday? The play was hilarious, the dinner wonderful and was served and performed before a crowd of approximately 225. Plus a few more who attended the play performance after dinner. Job well done, and thank you...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 26, 2014

    Community – especially small communities – is all about the people in them. We celebrate victories alongside our neighbors, cry with them over the losses and help their loved ones grieve when time passes and they leave this world. Georgia Hanson, a longtime resident of the Albin area, passed away last week. Services for Georgia were held at the Catholic Church on Saturday. Her husband died not too long ago. Please keep Dennis Hanson and the entire family in your prayers. The community cen...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 26, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church, Steve Hauer sang “The Anchor Holds.” The sermon topic was “Thanksgiving Everyday.” We should begin our day with thanks, and end each day with thanks. Psalm 103 is one of the many scriptures that tells us to be thankful. Jesus is our example. He gave thanks in his prayers. We should always trust God to take care of everything in our lives, and not forget to praise him. Next week the sermon topic will be “Who Is He?” Come at 10 a.m. nex...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Nov 20, 2014

    Good morning! Waking up Monday morning to crystal blue skies, no snow, and very little wind seemed like a very good way to start off the week. The previous week felt like we were living in the freezer, and I didn’t talk to one single person who really liked it. On the positive side, the moisture was nice. I hope you were able to attend the Vets Program at the school last Tuesday. It was nice as usual. The speaker was Ron Johnson who presented a program of respect for all military, but also one o...

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