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News / Community News

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  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 20, 2014

    The cold weather isn’t nudging the new addition to the community center along any too fast. The work is slow in the cold but it is moving along. The town council met Thursday evening. It was a quick meeting, less than an hour, and only regular business was addressed. Nothing new on the council’s agenda. A happy belated birthday goes out to eight-year-old Jenny Rooney. She celebrated her birthday on Monday this week. We hope she had an awesome day. The community center and town hall will be close...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 20, 2014

    Everyone is invited to the Community Thanksgiving dinner in the Pawnee School on Nov. 23 at 1 p.m. Turkey and ham are provided. Please bring a salad or dessert. The dinner is sponsored by the Friendship Alliance Church. For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church, Carol Opdycke read “Little Church With A Big Heart.” The sermon topic was “Sweet Peas.” Pastor Opdycke led the congregation to look up many scriptures in the book of Isaiah to find the word starting with “P” which fit t...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Nov 13, 2014

    Good morning Banner County! Hope everyone is staying warm. We all knew this was coming, but we do not have to like it, right? Monday morning we started the week off with SNOW, the second one this year to be counted. The very first one was just a ‘skiff.’ However, the weather did cooperate last Saturday, Nov. 8 and it was a beautiful day for a beautiful 50th wedding anniversary celebration for Sherry & Stan McKnight. Shimmers of gold decorated the Harrisburg Community Church hall as many, man...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 13, 2014

    Sunday sure was the calm before the storm. Or rather, the oven before the freezer. There were children laughing on the playground, music being strummed in garages, and people out walking and taking in what seemed like the last of fall. Saturday found many of us at the community center offering up our love and support to the Dave Branigan family. A touching memorial for a well-loved man. ‘Through It All’ was a beautiful and fitting song for the service. Please keep Jean and all the family in you...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 13, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church, Carolyn Ragsdale read “What Is A Vet?” The sermon topic was “The 23rd Psalm.” This psalm tells about the good shepherd, which is Jesus. Just as a good shepherd takes care of his sheep when they follow him, Jesus will take care of us when we follow him. As we follow Jesus by obeying his word, the Bible, he will lead us, protect us, provide for our needs, and give us peace. He promises that he will always be with us, and we will live wi...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Nov 6, 2014

    Good morning and welcome to some cooler weather. Last weekend was fairly decent; but with lots of wind and now my front yard is once again full of mustard weed. And to make things more challenging, we woke up with snow Monday morning! Now the weeds look very pretty. We have also had another time change and I don’t know about you, but I hate them. It takes me quite awhile to get my biological clock re-adjusted. On top of the snow, and the time change, I forgot about the Health Fair at the school....

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 6, 2014

    So, what did you do with your extra hour last weekend? It came right on time, ushering in the first significant snow of the season Monday. The clock gave the Branigans an extra hour with their loved one, Dave Branigan, before he passed away Sunday evening. Please keep his wife Jean and all his family in your prayers. It sounds like a funeral is tentatively set for Saturday, but look for more information at the post office or community center. The Halloween Carnival was wonderful. Between the...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 6, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church, Pee Wee and Cecelia Smock sang accompanied by Pee Wee on guitar. They sang “A Little Wooden Church In The Pines,” “His Call,” “Leave It There,” and “We Will Meet Again.” Pastor Opdycke then showed a video about the Monument which is located near Plymouth, Mass. It is the largest granite monument in the U.S. It portrays how this country was founded and was built by the Pilgrims. Liberty begins with faith in God, which leads to morali...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Oct 30, 2014

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors and friends near and far. Mowed my lawn again this past weekend and was thinking at the time, “Gee whiz, one more week and we are into November!” Fantastic weather we have been having, and it rained Sunday evening; lightning and thunder. This week for school events we have a high school triangular meet here at home TONIGHT at 5 p.m. The other competing teams are Hyannis and Crawford. After these games, the girls will begin competing in sub district play, whi...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 30, 2014

    Someone left the front door open. Or so it sure does feel like it. It must be time for Halloween because the temperatures took a nose dive down the thermometer. Remember to bundle up your little goblins Friday night. A late happy birthday to Travis Mclaughlin. He celebrated Saturday and we hope all his wishes came true. The Albin Elementary School Book Fair will be open late tonight, Thursday, until 7 p.m. to catch all you parents attending the parent teacher conferences. The “Sir R...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 30, 2014

    The 55 And Up Club potluck luncheon will be held on Friday, November 14th, at 12 noon at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over are welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your friends and family. This being our Thanksgiving luncheon, turkey, potatoes and rolls will be provided. We ask those attending to please bring a side dish. For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Shirley Wiggin played “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” on the aut...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Oct 23, 2014

    Hello out there, wherever you are. Last week, I mentioned the signs of the changing seasonthat are all around us – the leaf colors and cooler temps. Well here is another sign: I was in a store last Friday, at that time the third week of the month of October mind you, and guess what? If you guessed Christmas trees, etc. you are right. I get more and more turned off by all of that each year. They really are trying to steal all of the beauty and joy out of that time with their commercialism. Anyway...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 23, 2014

    Rolling down the streets of Albin, you might think there isn’t any business going on. Granted many buildings on Main Street that once supported solid commerce sit empty and lonely. However, there are many businesses that are run from a pickup truck or garage here in town. If you need help around the house, yard work, possibly a mechanic or even a dinner catered or a birthday cake baked, talk to you neighbors before heading to town. The price and service just might surprise you. The Albin E...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 23, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Steve Hauer played a humerus tape about rattlesnakes. The sermon topic was “No Other Name.” The scripture was from Acts chapters 3 and 4. Acts 4:12 says “Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.” There are many scriptures that confirm this. Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Then He rose from the grave. That is factual. It is also scriptural. To believe in Jesus is logical...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Oct 16, 2014

    Good morning Banner County! Here is hoping you haven’t blown away! Neighbors down south in Kimball have a couple of things going on Sunday, Oct. 19. The Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church located at 511 S. Howard, invites you to their annual “Fall Dinner & Bazaar.” It will be held from 11 a.m.-2p.m. and children under 5 years old are free; 5-10 years are $5; and 11 years and up are $8. Carry out is also available for an extra $1. For more information please call 235-3258. Also on that date beginning...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 16, 2014

    F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” It’s always refreshing in a season that ushers in dormancy to see neighbors preparing for the new life in spring. All those bulbs carefully dug out of the ground will bloom brighter. And the green grass of home will grow much nicer without all those leaves being raked this week. Growing up quite nicely in his own right is Zane Fowler, the Sorensen’s grandson. Zane will celebrate a birthday Oct. 20. Cassady...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 16, 2014

    The Hereford Community Church held their quarterly business meeting on Sunday. They will be planning for the upcoming 75th anniversary of the church. It was reported that 161 stockings were filled to be sent to New York City for underprivileged children. Some dates to put on your calendar include November 16 for the annual Harvest Home dinner followed by the filling of boxes to send to soldiers. Then December 21st will be the Christmas Candlelight service at 7 p.m. For the special this week Andr...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Oct 9, 2014

    Happy Fall,ya’ll! Wow, what a beautiful time of year. We still have green leaves and grass, plus fall colors and great weather. I just love it. Hope it is good for you too. I have to tell you, those Gulick girls are at it again. They recently got together to celebrate Maxine Lannings’ 95th birthday at her home. Sisters attending were Glenna Streeks, Janett Connour, and Janice Snyder; others were Harold Conour, Roy & Kay Edmunds, Kelly, Jennie & Richard Haefele, Tom, Kristen & Kaylie Trump, Sha...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 9, 2014

    The Wyoming wind has returned. Now, don’t get too upset. It does have its purpose, like everything in life. Think of the time we would spend shaking all the trees to make the leaves fall without it. Or gathering all those tumbleweeds in our bushes and fences all on our own would be a time consuming chore without our faithful wind. What a nice start to fall we have had, though. The dusting of snow and cooler temperatures for a few days weren’t that terrible. This week was filled with more nic...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 9, 2014

    For the special this week Karel Smock read, “The Aftermath of Daylight Savings Time.” The topic for the day was Communion and after burning their burdens, the congregation partook of Holy Communion. Pastor Opdycke taught on Prayer from the scripture in Luke 18:1-8. In this scripture, a judge who cared only about himself dealswith a widow woman who seeks justice. The judge finally gave the woman justice so she would stop bothering him. God cares about his people. God is loving, merciful, com...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Oct 2, 2014

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far. We had the first day of fall recently and it sure is starting to look and feel like the season. Leaves are changing color and days and nights are cooler. The Wildcats played their last home game of the season last Friday. It was also Parent's Night for the seniors. The weather was perfect! On agenda this week for sports we have Tonight, Thursday, October 2 high school volleyball at home. The game begins at 5 p.m. and opponents are South...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 2, 2014

    After the warm calm blue sky weather we had last week, the weekend ended with a few rain storms and cooler weather. However, I don’t think there was a consensus of our neighbors whether fall was here to stay or summer was hanging on for a little while longer. Some were mowing and watering the lawns. Others were burning leaves and cleaning up the summer leftovers from the lawns. Nothing like the smell of dry leaves and grass being covered with water or burned that reminds us fall and winter is o...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 2, 2014

    The next potluck luncheon for the 55 And Up Club will be held on Friday, October 10, at noon at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over is welcome to attend. Come join in the fun with your family and friends. For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carolyn Ragsdale read “Consider The Lilies,” The sermon topic was “The Nations.” The scripture was Matthew 25:31-46 which tells about the final judgement. There are several scriptures that say that natio...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Sep 25, 2014

    As the chlorophyll drains from the leaves, leaving behind the bright gold and orange colors and the birds start their flight south. Our neighbors are preparing for this big bad winter headed our way. However, the hay fields are still getting cut and some of our youth are using every last bit of sunlight to play on the fields and courts. The contract for the addition to the community center has been awarded and the process is getting closer to completion. Remember the Albin town council meeting...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 25, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Shirley Wiggin played “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” on the auto harp then asked the congregation to sing along. Carol Opdycke read “Rules For Christian Living” from Romans 12:9-21. The sermon topic was “Parousia” which means second coming. Jesus used parables to teach the people. Matthew 24 gives some of those parables to explain the second coming. These parables tell us to be alert, to be ready, to remain faithful, and that God is...

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