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News / Community News

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  • Community news: Bushnell

    Jamie Carpenter|Dec 12, 2013

    If anyone is interested in taking over Bushnell News, please let me know. I'd like to hand it over to someone who's more up-to-date on what's going on in the community. The bookstore's hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You're also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for someone to be here. Johnson's Surplus is still open on Sundays. Stop in to see what new items they have in the store! If... Full story

  • Community news: Burns

    Burns Library staff|Dec 12, 2013

    It looks like we will have relief from the very cold temperatures starting this weekend. Did you know the lowest temperature recorded in Wyoming, according to the Wyoming Annual Temperatures and Extremes website, was in Riverside, Wyoming in 1933? It was 66 degrees below zero! The Laramie County System Board of Directors is proposing a change in hours for the Burns and Pine Bluffs branch libraries. The changes are available for a 45-day public comment period and information is available at all... Full story

  • Community news: Albin

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Dec 12, 2013

    Happy Days of Christmas! There is something especially crisp and sparkly during this time of year. And no, it's not the snow left in your boots from being outside. The warmth of the season and the joy in everyone's hearts will melt any grinch mood or the snow that sneaks in. Speaking of warm hearts, we have a few birthdays and anniversaries coming up. Carol Sorensen will celebrate her birthday Dec. 25 and Kelton Krakow will turn 9 on Dec. 30. Albin does a marriage well as Larry and Karen... Full story

  • Community news: Herford

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 12, 2013

    This week at the Hereford Community Church the second candle in the Advent wreath was lit by Mike, Rosalyn, Andrea and Tommy Reifschneider. Then, Andrea read "Mistakes on Church Bulletins" for the special. The sermon topic was "Love Came Down." Jesus is God's love gift to mankind. Matthew 1:18-25 tells about the birth of Jesus. In order to share God's love, we need to know what love looks like and what love acts like. 1 Corinthians 13 describes love. Love will last. Love never dies. The... Full story

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Dec 5, 2013

    Well Thanksgiving is over, Black Friday is over and so is Cyber Monday. In at least two of the major shopping stores in our area Black Friday began on Thanksgiving Day. What kind of croc is that? I would like to hear your opinion, I just cannot believe that I am the only one who gets aggravated at this more and more each year. All of that aside, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I was really looking forward to the break, and was equally looking forward to school on Monday! One of these days t...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Dec 5, 2013

    Hello all and welcome to December. The month of giving and getting and celebrating the blessed life we have been given. Word on the street is that by the time you are reading this, a cold front with some snow and a "wee bit" of wind has moved in. As Monte said, "Batten down the hatches, it's about to blow!" Keep the home fire burning, it will soon pass. Maybe not to sunny and 75, but pass nonetheless. The Albin Elementary Christmas program is scheduled for Tues., Dec. 17 at 6:30 p.m. Please...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Dec 5, 2013

    I'd like to invite everyone to the open house at the High Point Welcome Center in Kimball from 4-7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 6. The Community Center board meets on Monday, Dec. 9. The Granny Craft Club is meeting at Jeanne Laboray's at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 10 for their Christmas dinner. The Calvary United Methodist Women will meet at Jeanne Laboray's at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 11 for a cookie exchange. The village board meets at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 11. Saturday, Dec. 7 is "Take Your...

  • Grover News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 5, 2013

    10 and Up Club Christmas Luncheon Date: Saturday, Dec. 14th Time: 12 p.m. Where: Friendship Alliance North Church PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE. This month we are having a soup and sandwich luncheon; with the soup and meat tray being provided. Those attending are asked to please bring a salad or dessert dish. Voluntary donations of food items will be accepted to put towards a basket for a Christmas needy family. PeeWee and Cecelia Smock will be entertaining with music. Everyone 55 and older are...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 5, 2013

    For the special service on Nov. 24 at the Hereford Community Church, Shirley Wiggin played "I Love To Tell The Story" on her auto harp then asked the congregation to sing along. The sermon topic was "Thanksgiving." Pastor Opdycke gave the history of Thanksgiving which has been celebrated since the pilgrims came to America. Abraham Lincoln set the last Thursday in November as the official Thanksgiving Day in 1863. It is a day set aside to thank God for all our blessings. Some of the things we...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Nov 27, 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving! How nice it is that we get a chance each year to take time to say "Thanks." Albin may be small in size but mighty in gratitude and reasons to be thankful. We have new equipment thanks to our town council and money from different funds. We also received a new ambulance to help us when we fall down or get sick. Our museum is completed and looking good. The school is teaching and helping our students learn and grow every day. The community center has provided entertainment for...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Nov 27, 2013

    The community of Bushnell and Sisters Grimm would like to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. Remember to be thankful for what you have and who you have to share it with. November 30 is Small Business Saturday - stop by the bookstore for festive refreshments and 40% off used books. It will be a nice calm after Black Friday and you might be able to start and finish your Christmas shopping. Everyone likes a good read. Once again, Happy Thanksgiving! We will talk to you in December....

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy Janet from the Burns Library|Nov 27, 2013

    I am writing this on Thursday, Nov. 21, and it's snowing. I shoveled an inch or so but it's still coming down. Wyoming weather is an interesting phenomenon, yesterday it was 40+ degrees and today it's 8 degrees and snowing! The Cheyenne library has a wonderful entertainer coming on Thursday, December 12 at 7p.m. It's Jerry Barlowe who is going to give a Celtic Christmas Concert. Mr. Barlowe is an acclaimed guitarist and a world class storyteller. It's going to be a great introduction to the...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 27, 2013

    Since the news is due on Friday rather than Monday this week, I don't have the church news yet. So I will just wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Don't forget to thank God for your blessing. Carolyn Ragsdal...

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy or Janet from the Burns Library|Nov 21, 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the Burns Branch Library! Did you know: In a letter to his daughter sent in 1784, Benjamin Franklin suggested that the wild turkey would be a more appropriate national symbol for the newly independent United States than the bald eagle (which had earlier been chosen by the Continental Congress). He argued that the turkey was a much more respectable bird and a symbol of courage. In 2007, President George W. Bush granted a "pardon" to two turkeys, named May...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 21, 2013

    The Hereford Community Church honored veterans for the special this week. The Sunday School students read the names of people from our congregation and their families who had served in the military then they sang "The Lord's Army." The theme for the day was "God Bless America" and after a short message by Pastor Opdycke, the Prairie Songbirds performed the cantata "The Patriot Song." The choir is under the direction of Erinn Flaharty. Choir members are Shirley Wiggin, Merietta West, Rita...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Nov 21, 2013

    I missed the village meeting last week, so all you Bushnellites will have to read the minutes in your monthly mailing to see what they discussed. For those of you who have Vistabeam internet, there have been regional outages the last few weeks - it's not just your connection! Hopefully they will fix the problem soon. Thursday, November 21 is the Firemen's meeting. November 30 is Small Business Saturday - stop by the bookstore for festive refreshments and 40% off used books. The bookstore's...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Nov 21, 2013

    Good morning! A beautiful fall day Monday, and for a few following days, but as my weather bug predicted, cold and possible snow for today. Ugh. Thanksgiving is near though so that means less than 30 days until Christmas. Has this month really flown by or what? School wise it has been somewhat less active as far as outside school events. However, with the official start of winter practice this past Monday soon ballgames will be heavily scheduled once more. Wrestling for the junior high has been...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Nov 21, 2013

    Pretty nice weather for the end of November. The geese were flying over towards the south on Monday, so I guess this, too, will pass. Word on the street is this will be a harsh winter. Maybe I could lasso one of those birds and camp down south for a while? Thanksgiving is upon us, a week from today as a matter of fact. Make sure you remember all the blessings in your life. You might not want to say all of them before eating Thursday, due to the food getting cold. But remember, even if you can...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Nov 14, 2013

    The Prairie Crafters annual craft sale is Saturday, November 16 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Bushnell Community Center. Crafts of all kinds and baked goods will be available. The family night Thanksgiving celebration is also Saturday, November 16. Join your neighbors at 6 p.m. in the community center for a potluck supper. The bookstore's hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You're also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Nov 14, 2013

    Good morning! Here we are smack in the middle of November. Hard to believe isn't it? The lawn is still green although this last snow wiped out all of the leaves. We woke up Monday morning to a shroud of fog for as far as we could see which was about ¼ of a mile. Cold too. I told the kids the bus might be a few minutes off due to the weather; she pulled in and Joe couldn't find his coat. She waited, and finally went ahead on to school, which is more than I would have probably done if I...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Nov 14, 2013

    It is always a darker day when we learn someone we once knew is gone forever. The "what-if's" and why's trouble us. Brad Jacobsen died last weekend and his services will be held Friday in Cheyenne. Wiederspahn Radomsky Chapel of the Chimes is in charge of arrangements. Please remember his family in your thoughts and prayers. John Eklund, father of Val and Johnie, passed away early Monday morning. Visitation will be tomorrow at Schrader Funeral Home with funeral services Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 14, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Steve Hauer read "The Sighs of the Puppy." The sermon topic was "Prayer Power." Prayer is the foundation of a relationship with God. Romans 8:26-30 tells us that when we don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us. We should pray about situations we face, for our families, and for our needs. We are told to pray in the name of Jesus. So even though God knows what we need, when we pray God moves to change our situations. Next week...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Nov 7, 2013

    Good morning! What a chilly morning it is, the time has changed and so has the weather. No more sandals, for a few months anyway. Some trouble caused a total blackout here in Harrisburg last Sunday evening. We had two extra kids at our house and with the four of them it was pretty exciting. I am not sure how long it lasted, but the kids pulled out blankets and pillows (because we had a generator hooked up & lights in the living room) they all piled in there, while I got my flash light and went...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Nov 7, 2013

    Wishing all who have served a happy Veterans Day! The community center board meets on Monday, November 11. The Granny Craft Club meets on Tuesday, November 12. The United Methodist Women meet on Wednesday, November 13. The village board also meets on Wednesday, November 13 - don't forget they meet at 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. in the winter. The bookstore's hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You're also welcome to make an appointment to...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 7, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carolyn Ragsdale read about All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day which are November 1 and 2. The sermon topic for the day was "Worship." Worship happens when we have a deep reverence and adoration for God. There are certain blessings you get from worshiping God in Church. We are born to glorify God and worship Him as the Holy Spirit leads us. Pastor Opdycke gave the story of King Josiah of Judah from 2 Kings 22 and 23. King Josiah heard...

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