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News / Community News

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  • Burns News

    Sharon from the Burns Library|May 8, 2014

    Remember May Day and the tradition of giving May Baskets? Last night at 9 p.m. I heard a knock at the door. When I opened the door no one was there, but I found a little basket filled with all sorts of goodies, even treats for my dogs. I have not received a May Basket since I was a kid. What a wonderful surprise! May also brings the end of the school year and all the track meets, field trips and graduation. Monday, May 1, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.: fourth -sixth grade track meet in Pine Bluffs. Friday May 9: the fourth graders will be going on the...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|May 8, 2014

    I have a fun story to share this week: someone who came through Bushnell two years ago looking for directions to the High Point bought a Bushnell t-shirt and wears it regularly. He called me this weekend and said he was wearing it while walking around his neighborhood in the San Francisco area and one of his neighbors stopped him and told him that his wife grew up north of Bushnell. If any of you know or used to know Karen Ross (nee Barrett), she is now the Secretary of Agriculture in...

  • Trail Days Royalty

    May 8, 2014

    Brooke Darden of Pine Bluffs was recently named 2014 Pine Bluffs Trail Days Queen. Darden will reign over the 64th Annual Trail Days celebration that will be held July 30-Aug. 3. She is the daughter of Jim and Derede Darden....

  • Sunday Social Dance

    Allie Hurley|May 8, 2014

    The Pine Bluffs Heritage Society invited folks to show off their dance moves from 2 p.m.-5 p.m. May 4 at the Pine Bluffs Historic High School. The Dalton Fuller Band provided live entertainment. Dalton Fuller is retired and lives in Pine Bluffs. He preforms at the Sunday social dances so he can keep playing his music. "It's something fun to do with our friends on a sunday afternoon and it doesn't get over too late," Nick Hockersmith, Pine Bluffs Alumni, said. People from all over came to listen...

  • New notes

    May 1, 2014

    Piano recital in Kimball The public is invited to a Spring piano recital featuring selected students of Patricia Randolph at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the Kimball Baptist Fellowship Church, Sixth and Oak. Students performing will be: Kiersten Anderson, Bailey Bagnell, Bemis, Samantha Bemis, Chole Berger, Rachel Berger, Kallie Bush, Jordan Cook, Audrey Day, Donica Enevoldsen, Leif Enevoldsen, Deanna Horst, Abi Johnson, Victoria Johnson, Drake Linseott, Abigal Mars, Lydia Mars, Nathaniel Mars, Timothy Mars, Breanna McConnell, Deshka McConnell, Kylie... Full story

  • Banner community news

    Barb Cross|May 1, 2014

    Good morning here in Banner County and to our neighbors near and far. This past weekend proved to us once again that it is possible to have several different seasons within a 24-hour period. Sometimes less. Friday was beautiful, almost 80. Saturday, cooler wind … Sunday rain, snow, no electricity for almost 3 hours...and getting pretty chilly! Ayden went to do her chores Sunday early afternoon and made an interesting discovery. She has a pen for her older ducks, which currently house Jeffery (...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|May 1, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carol Opdycke read “Do You Wonder?” The sermon topic was “Devoted Love.” Luke 8:1-3 tell us there were many women who traveled with Jesus and his apostles and supported them. One of these women was Mary Magdalene, who once had seven demons in her. Because of what Jesus had done for her, Mary became a devoted follower of Jesus. She was at the cross when Jesus was crucified. She was the first person to see him when he rose from death....

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|May 1, 2014

    Another blanket of snow covered our neighborhood. If you were thinking, you would have sprinkled weed and feed on the green grass. The hum of lawn mowers filled the air Friday night and Saturday before the storm. What a nice sound reminding us summer is on its way. Speaking of trimming the grass, remember to not put your grass clippings in the dumpsters. The burn area down by the arena is open and you are able to dump them there. Better yet, plant a garden or a flower bed and use the cut grass...

  • Burns News

    Sharon from the Burns Library|May 1, 2014

    9 Burns Branch Library will host a plant and seed exchange. Stop in and enjoy a cup of coffee, look at some gardening books and exchange plants and seeds with fellow gardeners. We are getting very excited for Summer Reading Celebration here at the Burns Branch Library! Our theme this year is Spark Your Imagination. The kick-off is Friday, May 23, the first day to sign up, and we have a special treat planned for you. All ages can participate. All children who finish Summer Reading will receive a book as a final prize and there is a neat prize...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|May 1, 2014

    The Bushnell Lions Club meets Wednesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. in the community center. Celebrate the 69th anniversary of the end of World War II (in Europe) with The Sisters Grimm on Thursday, May 8 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will have a display of WWII era firearms, 30% off all WWII books, and free refreshments. Military uniforms and 1940s era costumes are encouraged! Saturday, May 10 is a village-wide garage sale day. Call Sally Johnson at 308-230-0763 to be added to the list. The bookstore will...

  • Public Notice

    Apr 24, 2014

    The Board of Trustees, Laramie County School District #2, will be accepting letters of interest until 4:00 p.m., Friday (May 2), 2014, from any resident to replace an open position on the Board of Trustees which was resigned on April 14, 2014. This is an at-large position and the appointed individual will serve the completion of term, ending December 2014. Please send letters of interest for the trustee vacancy to the attention of Esther Davison, Board of Trustee, addressed to Laramie County School District #2, P.O. Box, 489, Pine Bluffs, WY... Full story

  • Health fair draws residents, blood

    Allie Hurley|Apr 24, 2014

    Pine Bluffs residents were invited to a health screening from 7 - 9:30 a.m.on April 16, in the Pine Bluffs Jr./Sr. High School commons area. The Wyoming Health Fair provided the screenings. Deidre Hanson, high school nurse, set up the health fair as a community service through the school. Hanson said there are two health fairs each year. "This is a benefit for the town because the screenings are brought to the residents instead of them driving to Cheyenne," Hanson said. Hanson also said the...

  • Keeping Tabs

    Apr 24, 2014

    The United Methodist Church is hosting the UMW Spring Lunch “Living in His Grace” Saturday, May 3 starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Pine Bluffs United Methodist Church at 6th and Main. $5 for adults. Children under 5 are free. RSVP by May 1. Call 245-3789 or 245-3625. Pd. Adv. Submit your community news: 307-245-3763.... Full story

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Apr 24, 2014

    Easter Sunday was a beautiful day, all day! And the gorgeous weather has continued everyday this week. I will take it! I do believe that all of us have had enough of old man winter. With the Easter holiday the Banner County students had a four-day week previous and after, so this being the ‘after’ not a whole lot there to tell you about. District music at WNCC was today, so more on the results will come up later, and scheduled track meets Friday for the junior high at Chappell beginning at 9 a...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Apr 24, 2014

    The weather turned the corner to spring this past weekend. What a great time to get out and freshen up the green turf around our homes. Earth Day was Tuesday and we often take this time of the year to clean our little patch of the earth. If you have waste to get rid of after cleaning, check with the town before dumping certain items from your lawns into the dumpsters. The town is restricted on what it can take to the landfill but you can take grass, tree limbs and other cleanup items to the...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Apr 24, 2014

    The Hereford Community Church celebrated Easter with a sunrise service. For the special this week Andrea Reifschneider, Alison and Ozzy Mickelson read a dialogue about Easter. Pastor Opdycke gave a brief sermon. She noted that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus was a very important event in human history. Then the Prairie Songbirds choir presented the cantata “Majesty.” The choir was under the direction of Erinn Flaharty. The choir members were Kristina Sparks, Kathy Zitek, Karel Smo...

  • Burns News

    Sharon from the Burns Library|Apr 24, 2014

    The sun is shining, the roads are dry, farmers are plowing, people are raking their lawns and today I saw tulips and daffodils blooming. Dare I say it? Spring has sprung! On May 6, 2014, at 6:30 p.m., the Carpenter Elementary School will feature grades K–6, in their Spring Concert. On May 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m., the Burns Elementary School grades 3-6 will have their Spring Concert. Come enjoy listening to the children as they perform. Visit the Burns Branch Library and browse our new Books on CD and game collections. We also have several newer D...

  • Public Notice

    Apr 24, 2014

    The Laramie County Control Area Advisory Board will meet April 24, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. in the State Engineer’s Office conference room, 4th Floor East, Herschler Building, 122 West 25th Street, Cheyenne. Agenda items include consideration of an application from Janet Shatto (T.F. No. U.W. 43-6-342, Shatto 1-10 WSW); determination and providing advice to the State Engineer on whether the underground water in the Laramie County Control Area is adequate for the needs of all appropriators of underground water in the area; and miscellaneous items. F... Full story

  • On the hunt

    Allie Hurley|Apr 24, 2014

    Plastic eggs and prizes filled the eyes of children during the Pine Bluffs Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt began at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Pine Bluffs Leaning Rock Golf Course. The hunt was open to toddlers through sixth graders. The Pine Bluffs Lions Club held the event. Easter eggs were hidden in many areas on the golf course. Kids would line up and a member of the Lions Club would set them loose. Kids ran as fast as the could to find as many eggs as possible to fill their baskets. The...

  • Public Notice

    Apr 17, 2014

    The Board of Trustees, Laramie County School District #2, will be accepting letters of interest until 4:00 p.m., Friday (May 2), 2014, from any resident to replace an open position on the Board of Trustees which was resigned on April 14, 2014. This is an at-large position and the appointed individual will serve the completion of term, ending December 2014. Please send letters of interest for the trustee vacancy to the attention of Esther Davison, Board of Trustee, addressed to Laramie County School District #2, P.O. Box, 489, Pine Bluffs, WY...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Apr 17, 2014

    Albin Elementary Kindergarten Screening April 23, 2014 Must be 5 years old by September 15, 2014. Please call school at 307-245-4090 for an appointment. Pd. Adv. A white blanket of fresh spring snow coated our roads and blooming flowers. The tulips and irises will probably still bloom but those fragile crocus and little purple shoots are all but a spring memory. We are smack dab in the middle of calving and planting season. Branding dates are being set and the farming and ranching world is...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Apr 17, 2014

    The Hereford Community Church held their quarterly business meeting on Sunday morning before the worship service. Routine items of business were discussed. They are planning to attend a Rockies game. The date is to be determined and those who wish to attend should let Steve Hauer know. The yard sale, bake sale, and car wash will be June 7 from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. There will be a clean-up day on May 31. For the special this week Carol Opdycke read “I Lay Down My Life For The Sheep.” The ser...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Apr 17, 2014

    Good morning to all! Aren’t you glad that this past Sunday was Psalm Sunday and NOT Easter Sunday? Wow ... this crazy weather! My ‘Weather Bug’ predicted this snow and was right on the money, blast it anyway. We had beautiful Christmas card pictures Monday morning out of our windows; dazzling blue skies and unbroken pure white snow settled on the cedar trees and the distant hills. Not bad for December in April. Oh well. Next Sunday it is supposed to be beautiful with nice temperaturers. A great...

  • Burns News

    Sharon from the Burns Library|Apr 17, 2014

    Good Friday communion service at 7 p.m. and the Easter service at 9a.m. at the 1ST Prebyterian Church of Burns. Pd. Adv. We are getting very excited for Summer Reading Celebration here at the Burns Branch Library! Our theme this year is Spark Your Imagination. The kick-off is May 23, the first day to sign up, and we have a special treat planned for you. All ages can participate. All children who finish Summer Reading will receive a book as a final prize and there is a neat prize for adults who finish. We received lots of new books this week....

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Apr 17, 2014

    I wasn’t able to attend the village board meeting last week, but I got a short recap from Tim Nolting. Dog licenses are due in April - hopefully you all saw the signs and made it to the discounted shot day for your pets on April 15. If not, you’ll have to take your dog in to the vet to get updated shots and then bring in the proof of vaccination to get your license. The board held the first reading of the proposed resolution for an increase of the village water rates. The Panhandle Area Dev...

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