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  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 5, 2017

    Happy New Year! May this year bring you a sense of peace in a chaotic world, and a life situation where your joy can not be taken. Maybe temporarily disrupted, but no more than that! We had a nice break here at home over the past two weeks and were kinda/sorta ready for the second semester of school. The teaching staff returned on Monday, January 2nd. and the students the following day. As usual there are sporting events lined up a plenty, starting today Thursday, January 5th the high school wre...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jan 5, 2017

    Happy New Year! The Hereford Community Church began the new year with Holy Communion and the burning of their burdens. For the special Shirley Wiggin shared some church humor. Then Pastor Opdycke read Just For Today. The sermon topic was A New You and the scripture was 2 Corinthians 5:17. Next week, January 8, the church will hold their business meeting before the service at 10 a.m. The sermon topic that day will be Drink The Water. Then on January 15 the sermon topic will be Listen To Me. The...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 5, 2017

    Happy New Year! The new set of days came in pretty quiet around Albin. Some went bowling. Others had friends and family over. And a few young and adventurous dressed up and welcomed the change in high style. No matter how you brought it in, may it treat you like an old friend, giving when you lack, comforting when you cry, and celebrating when you win. So begins another quiet winter around us. A little political and town business might break up the monotony. January 12 is the town council...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Dec 29, 2016

    Good morning everyone! Here is hoping that you had a terrific Christmas. It was especially fun at our house because of one particular three-year-old and the way he perceives his world. Some very interesting conversations are held with that child, believe me. We walked to the mailbox Saturday and I had to have him explain to me why he stopped stock still and made slashing jabs in the air. Well, he was killing zombies. Who but grandma would not know that without asking? The weather was still nice...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 29, 2016

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope all of you had a blessed Christmas. The Hereford Community Church will start off the new year with Holy Communion. The sermon topic for January 1 will be The New You. On January 8, the church will hold their quarterly business meeting at 10 a.m. before the worship service. The sermon topic for January 8 will be Drink The Water. The 55 And Up Club will hold their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, January 13, at 12 noon at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover....

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Dec 22, 2016

    Good morning to all of you, Banner County and friends near and far. It is a beautiful crisp, morning with skies almost perfectly blue, a few fluffly clouds are hanging about and so far the wind is not blowing. Yesterday was the shortest day of the year with a total of 9 hours, and 21 minutes of daylight. Not enough my friends, simply not enough. However, looking on the bright side, now that we have the official first day of winter over and done with, we can carry on with it and get it over...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 22, 2016

    Merry Christmas and remember Jesus is the reason for the season, and everyday all year long. On Sunday, December 18, there were two services at the Hereford Community Church. At the morning service Steve Hauer was celebrating his birthday. The 4th Advent candle was lit by Rosalyn, Andrea, and Tommy Reifschneider. For the special Steve Hauer sang Mary Did You Know? The sermon topic was What Child Is This? One of the scriptures was Isaiah 9:6 and 7. The child referred to was Jesus. On Sunday...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Dec 22, 2016

    Albin is a great little town for many reasons. This time of year, we often are blanketed in white. The fresh snow stays undisturbed on some streets for perhaps the entire day. The light dusting doesn’t require a plow and it seems to keep neighbors in where it is safe and warm. The white blanket this past week didn’t, however, keep any heat in our area. It was cold outside. How cold was it? It was so cold, cows were throwing themselves at electric fences. It was so cold, the dogs had to put jum...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Dec 15, 2016

    Good morning, and a bitter cold December day awaits, getting colder as the week wears on. Not much snow predicted either, but as you know that changes around here quite often and sometimes even in the same day! With Christmas just around the corner, a tiny little bit of snow would be nice. With the season I have spent way more time in town than I normally do and you know, some people are just weird, or something. I am not trying to be judgmental , but observant. For example, while having lunch t...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 15, 2016

    The 55 And Up Club met on Friday, December 9, for their monthly potluck luncheon. There was a good turnout and everyone enjoyed the good food and fellowship. The door prizes were won by Harold Weisbrook and Lorna Miller. Everyone present received a Christmas gift and a bag of treats. The 55 And Up Club meets every second Friday of the month. Everyone 55 and over are welcome to attend. This week at the Hereford Community church Ken Willis was celebrating his birthday. Joyce Smock lit the third...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Dec 8, 2016

    Good morning friends near and far! I hope this week has been good to you. It is a busy time of year for sure, and it is definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Are you ready? I am not. The house is decorated, and the grand kids gifts have been bought. They are not wrapped however and the family here in this decorated home has not been taken care of. I hope to get right on it tomorrow, before the weekend when everyone else is trying to do the same thing. On top of that the weather has...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 8, 2016

    This week at the Hereford Community Church Jan Hauer and Andrea Reifschneider were celebrating birthdays. The second Advent candle was lit by Mike, Rosalyn, Andrea, and Tommy Reifschneider. For the special Pee Wee and Cecelia Smock sang Remember Me and Lets Put Christ Back in Christmas accompanied by Pee Wee on the guitar. The sermon topic was Swaddling Clothes and the scripture was Luke 2:8-12. Next week the sermon title will be Simply Spiritual. Then on December 18, the morning topic will be...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Dec 8, 2016

    Winter came suddenly this year. It always surprises some of us, even after living in Wyoming for years or even a lifetime, how we can have 50 degree weather and the next be whipped around in chilling 60 mile per hour winds with snow on the way. Maybe it isn’t that winter came suddenly, it is that we were spoiled with extra days of autumn. But don’t remain spoiled in thinking you will have any extra days to bake goodies and write your letters to Santa Claus and family and friends far away. Just a...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Dec 1, 2016

    Did you dig out from under the turkey just to find another container filled with leftovers? Maybe you visited loved ones and got wrapped up in hugs and kisses. Whatever reason you have to miss giving us your news, we forgive you. As long as you get it to us before the new year. Everyone had at least a few happy moments in 2016. Why not share them with all of us. A treasure stored is a treasure lost. We look forward to hearing from you in the next few weeks. Many folks around the neighborhood lit...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Dec 1, 2016

    Due to the early deadline last week, I didn’t have any Hereford Community Church news. We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. On Sunday, November 20, Steve Hauer sang “Bridge Over Troubled Water” for the special. The sermon title was God’s Blessings Surround Us. Pastor Opdycke read Psalm 100, 145, and 146, which are praise psalms. Thanksgiving is a day of prayer and praise. On Sunday, November 27, Joyce Smock was celebrating her birthday. For the special Kathy Zitek read a poem by Caro...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Nov 24, 2016

    Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! Most of us have a whole lot to be thankful for; homes, food, heat, water, friends, family and good health, just to name a few. I hope you all are just where you want to be this holiday and that you have a terrific day. Plenty of turkeys have found their way onto platters today, however I know of three that are still getting into my flower beds. They were all babies this summer and I am wondering if maybe they think they are dogs. They like to...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 24, 2016

    After the leaves change, or often before, the first snow falls in Albin. We all watched the leaves change, fall and blow away in a warm late year wind. Then we waited. Almost a month of open windows and propane tanks sitting idle, we waited. In true cowboy style, the storm came in when it was ready, stayed as long as it took to do the job, and left things, at least the snow melt, a little better than it found it. A man who holds close to cowboy ethics celebrates another year of weathering...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Nov 17, 2016

    Good morning! We are in the final countdown of days before Thanksgiving. It seems more like Easter with the weather we have been having, actually I think it has been warmer than some of our Easters over the past few years. Sunday and Monday, November 13 and 14, were the evenings of the “Super Blue Moon”, which happens once every 68 years. The moon is “super” because it is as close to the earth as it will be for another 68 years, and we are lucky to live during a time when we can see it. The Har...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 17, 2016

    There was a good crowd for the Thanksgiving luncheon on Friday, November 11, for the 55 And Up Club. Since it was Veteran’s Day, the veterans that were there were recognized and each received a gift. The door prize for the men was won by Fritz Duggan. The women’s door prize was won by Carolyn Ragsdale. Following the delicious meal, the program was presented by Jill Gardiner representing Abode Home Health of Colorado. Abode Home Health provides in home care for people in rural Weld and Lar...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 17, 2016

    With all the happenings around the world last week, Albin stayed on the straight and narrow. Like an old farm dog who peeks up from his nap to watch the feral cat get himself in trouble with the rabid skunk. We are no less interested than the pot stirrers who want to make everything about fear and hate. Except we prefer, like the farm dog, to sit on the porch, do what is asked of us and protect our loved ones in time of need. No matter which way you voted, or what you think may happen, Albin wil...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Nov 10, 2016

    Good morning everyone, another beautiful day in the neighborhood! By the time that this is actually in the paper, we will all know who won what election and there is no doubt in my mind that we will all be glad to have that process over with, whatever the outcome and no matter our political affiliation. However, at the time of this writing, we do not have those answers so I probably will rant and rave just a little bit next week! Our voting station is at the Banner County Courthouse as always...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 10, 2016

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Kathy Zitek told about Metro Ministries program to support a child. Then she read the devotion from the Daily Guidepost about how a simple item can remind us to be thankful. The sermon title was Do Not Be Anxious but rely on the Holy Spirit. The main scripture was Philippians Chapter 4. Next week, November 13, the sermon title will be Our Legacy of Faith. The Prairie Songbirds will be singing Stars and Stripes Forever followed by a...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 10, 2016

    What a beautiful long summer we have. Except for the cool autumn nights, you wouldn’t know we are two weeks from Thanksgiving. Be thankful for the time and the weather that you have. Moments will pass and weather will change. Worrying about either will do nothing more than rob you of the blessing of being present. Many people like to steal away a few moments with a good book. A great opportunity to help your heist of time and our school is the book fair. Don’t forget to visit the book fair thi...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Nov 3, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. What a beautiful fall morning it is. November already and, of course, signs of Christmas have been in the stores for a while now. I keep getting these countdown days until Christmas on my computer and quite frankly, I do not want to know just yet. I am still working outside and just not ready for the hustle and bustle. The varsity volleyball girls are preparing for district competition which will begin today, Thursday, November 3. I have no...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 3, 2016

    This week at the Hereford Community Church Pastor Opdycke read a proverb about the tongue for the special. The sermon title was The Holy Ghost. One of the many scriptures Pastor Opdycke gave was Romans 8:1-17. The Holy Ghost is not scary, He is our helper. Next week the sermon title will be Do Not Be Anxious. On November 13 the sermon title will be Our Legacy of Faith. The Prairie Songbirds will be singing Stars and Stripes Forever . Following the service there will be a potluck dinner...

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