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  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Nov 3, 2016

    Isn’t it April that comes in like a lion? Perhaps since the weather has been so kind to us, it decided to blow in the new month. Nothing can blow you away like a good book. Remember the book fair at Albin Elementary. If you cannot attend, you can submit an order online at The school needs orders to continue to offer book fair. All purchases benefit our school. Ghosts and goblins were out in force this weekend. The Halloween Carnival offered a blast of treats and t...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Oct 27, 2016

    Good morning everyone! This fall/summer/spring weather has been great, hasn’t it? We had a little rain one day here recently and that was much appreciated as it is way too dry. I started watering again last week and would rather do that for awhile yet as to have a foot of snow! Eighty one degrees in the middle of October though makes me stop and think about what month it is, and this week is pretty much the end as November is just around the corner. The students here at Banner County are f...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 27, 2016

    This week at the Hereford Community Church Donna Hoke was celebrating her birthday and Donna and Mel Hoke celebrated their anniversary. For the special Joyce Smock played Donna’s favorite hymn Victory in Jesus on the accordion, then asked the congregation to sing along. The sermon title was Thirty Pieces of Silver. Pastor Opdycke gave the story of Judas Iscariot to illustrate that greed and the love of money leads to other sins. She gave scriptures from Matthew 26:14-16 and John 12:1-8. To o...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 27, 2016

    What a wonderful time of year. The weatherman actually used “wonderful day” and “local forecast” in the same sentence recently. It is a great time to get outside and catch a few warm late year rays. Shining bright like a sun ray is the new Albin Ranch Mini Market. Liliana has opened her doors to customers. Her friendly disposition and goods are just what we needed in Albin. Store hours are 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Stop by and see what she has on the shelves. Halloween evening, beginning at 5 p.m., t...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Oct 20, 2016

    Good morning! Another beautiful fall day, just a little bit to much wind. Could be worse though, right? The damage caused by the rough weather in our eastern/southern states will take months if not years to recover from for those folks. A few locals here experienced the anxiety of the weather as they spent time in Florida during that. We are glad that all turned out well for them. Been pretty good around here except for a few minor bumps and one major one. The major one involved a cute little...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 20, 2016

    There was a good crowd for the monthly potluck luncheon for the 55 And Up Club. on Friday, October 14. The door prize was won by Leonard Wiggin. Following the luncheon, Cynthia Shlaer presented a program on her recent trip to China. Cynthia is a photographer who lives in Hereford, Colo. She recently spent five weeks in China and she showed a slide presentation of some of her photographs and told about her trip. It was a very interesting and informative presentation. This week at the Hereford Com...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 20, 2016

    Is it the wisp of corn dust or simply the strong winds ushering in the new season that has changed the air outside. Both leave us with amazing views. The combines rolling slowly over their dried golden harvest and the crisp leaves being lifted into the sky, hopefully dropping in our neighbors pile to rake. Almost poetic words that Bob Dylan might use. We may not win a Nobel Prize for “blowing in the wind,” but we certainly have a few prizes in people. Some are celebrating their birthday. Adr...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Oct 13, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. We have sure been having a wonderful fall. I personally hope that this beautiful weather holds for another month! The mums are really pretty right now and my lawn needs mowed at least one more time. I envy you folks who have your yards and gardens all in shape and prepared for what is to come. Friday night was pretty nice for the Banner County Wildcats Homecoming football game where Queen Savannah Jordan and King Cole Blanke were crowned....

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 13, 2016

    The Hereford Community Church met for their quarterly business meeting before the service on Sunday. They took care of general business items. There are some dates coming up to put on your calendar. On November 13, the Prairie Songbirds will perform their patriotic cantata during the morning worship service. There will be a turkey dinner following to celebrate Thanksgiving and Veteran’s Day. The annual Christmas candlelight service will be held on Sunday evening, December 18. For the special t...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 13, 2016

    When tragedy happens, some may tell you to have “the faith of a potato farmer.” That is, believing in what you cannot see and knowing good things are bound to come up. Richard Larson was a big potato man. Not only the kind that goes well with roast beef on Sunday but the kind that we worship before Sunday lunch. His life was one of believing in things that he couldn’t see, giving what he could to others, encouraging hope, as well as laughing and loving. In his 88 years, he served in publi...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Oct 6, 2016

    ncerely hope everyone is having a good week. Mine has started out not so good. Before the sun was up Monday morning I was sorting laundry. I decided that jeans were to be the first load, two loads actually. I do not check pockets, never have, and everyone in this family knows that. That is their responsibility. Well guess what got left in a pocket? A stinkin too darn expensive cell phone. One of two things had to happen. Either it would dry out and work, or it would not. Waiting to find out was...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 6, 2016

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Karel Smock read Plaited Hair from the book God Uses Cracked Pots. This week Holy Communion was served and the congregation burned their burdens. The sermon topic was Soli Deo Gloria, which is Latin meaning To God Be The Glory Alone. The scripture was Psalm 29, a praise psalm. After the service the congregation enjoyed a potluck luncheon, then filled Christmas stockings to be sent to New York City for underprivileged children through the...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Oct 6, 2016

    Another month has begun. As we edge closer to the end of the year, the warmth of the summer sun is just a glint in our eye as everything around us prepares for a long winter nap. Have no fear cold blooded friends. The propane company is just a call away. Speaking of lighting a fire, a few of our friends and neighbors will blow out quite a few candles this week . Barry Ward gets a wish granted October 9. He may use it for a championship basketball team. Celebrating birthdays on October 10 are...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Sep 29, 2016

    Good morning to you all! It is now officially fall, although mother nature has been telling us that for quite some time. This past weekend was pretty nice and would have been perfect if not for the wind. I am assuming that Farmer’s Day in Kimball was well-attended. We only made it to the demolition derby and if judging by the amount of people there, it was great. The stands at the fairgrounds were packed. All of the stands. We had another commitment at 5 p.m. so we left a little bit early. At t...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 29, 2016

    The 55 And Up Club will hold their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, October 14, at 12 noon at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over are welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your friends and family. There will be a door prize! Cynthia Shaler will be giving a presentation on her trip to China. This week at the Hereford Community Church Thomas Reifschneider was celebrating his birthday. For the special Steve Hauer sang “You Will Always Be A Child In M...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Sep 29, 2016

    If you have lived with any blessings at all, you have experienced a few of those fall days that seem to be gems sparkling in the fabric of the blanket of cold weather. Those days when the blue of the sky only pales in beauty to the last fresh green of the leaves before they change to the golden brown and bright orange of sleep. And the tall northern pines seem to stretch their needles to the sky and blend their evergreen with the late year bright blue. Take a walk on one of those days and every...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Sep 22, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, friends and neighbors. I hope this week has been treating you well. We sure can not complain about the weather, except maybe the lack of moisture. The sunflowers are looking nice though, aren’t they? We have seen quite a few deer lately, but not the elk. The leaves are beginning to change color too and are sure beautiful. As the weather turns colder and soon after the snow begins to fly we will not be able to enjoy our National Parks quite so much, if at all. So for S...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 22, 2016

    This week at the Hereford Community Church, Kathy Zitek was the special. She told about the Christmas stocking project and gave some suggestions about what to put in the stockings. They will be filling stockings to be sent to underprivileged children in New York City on October 2. There will be a potluck luncheon after the worship service that day, then stockings will be filled. Pastor Opdycke concluded her study of Noah. The scripture was from Genesis Chapters 8 and 9. She also shared a letter...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Sep 22, 2016

    There is a legend that claims the Native Americans used the seven sisters, a constellation, to tell them when to reap and sow. With all the technology the world offers today, the best guide to our weather is still the stars above us and the living animals and crops around us. The mullee and white tail deer started their search for foliage and cover which means hunting season is not long off. The corn in the field is just about dry enough to harvest. With no help from any “app,” we can saf...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Sep 15, 2016

    Well Happy Fall, y’all! Sure has cooled off around these parts. Time for me to get ready for a big change. That will take some doing. A sure sign is the fall festivals that are on their way. Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18, the Legacy of the Plains will host their 20th Annual Harvest Festival and the Grand Opening of the new Main Exhibit Gallery. They will begin celebrating at 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. There will be a tractor parade and bean harvesting the old fashioned way, since beans are t...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 15, 2016

    There was a good turnout for the potluck luncheon on Friday, September 9. Mariana Rohn won the door prize for the women. Denny Zitek won the door prize for the men. Kelly Osthoff was the guest speaker from the Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado. She explained the 10 warning signs of alzheimer’s disease. The signs are: 1. Memory changes that disrupt daily life. 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks. 4. Confusion with time or place. 5. Trouble und...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Sep 15, 2016

    A coolness is in the air, a different color of blue brightens our afternoon skies. A change is in the air. Maybe the weather thought since we have settled into the new school year, it, too, could settle into fall. This season of warm afternoons and cool mornings always comes a little too soon for the youngsters. As we age, it seems, we welcome fall more and more. It is a yearly reminder that even though some of us may be past the growing and fast-paced days of summer in our life, there are...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 8, 2016

    Some people from the 55 And Up Club traveled to Nunn, Colo. on Saturday, September 3, to visit the Nunn Museum. They found the museum very interesting with many items on display. Those attending were Leonard and Shirley Wiggin, Denny and Kathy Zitek, Bob Dunn, Marianna Rohn, Lola Nussbaum, Karel Smock and Carolyn Ragsdale. This week at the Hereford Community Church Karel Smock was celebrating her birthday. For the special Carolyn Ragsdale read about Getting Older. For the sermon topic Pastor...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Sep 1, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far! This week started out with cool Autumn mornings turning into summer mid-morning. If this will keep it up for about another month I may actually finish my summer projects. Our fall season is just around the corner though and we have football to prove it! My whole month of June was just gone this year. Every week I was either gone or we had family here, which was really great, but what little plants I had intended on making into a small garden did...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Sep 1, 2016

    Just about the time we all get a little gloomy that summer has slipped by, a whole bunch of bright yellow faces remind us that sunny new beauty is not just for the summer. The fields of sunflowers have started turning their faces to the late summer sun and as they smile towards the sky, we lift our spirits up for one last blast of harvesting summer rays. The harvesters have all returned to their homes and the streets of Albin are a little less busy. However, Aaron Anderson and the town council...

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