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  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 1, 2016

    The 55-and-Up Club will hold their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, September 9, at 12 p.m. at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over is welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your friends and family. There will be a door prize! Kelly Osthoff from the Alzheimer’s Association will be giving a presentation. For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Pee Wee and Cecelia Smock sang “There’s A Quiet Understanding” and “Amazing Grace My...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Aug 25, 2016

    Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day it is. This past week we had almost two inches of nice soft rain over a two day period, followed by a day that seemed like early fall— perfect. Now it is warming up some, and I am okay with that. The students here at Banner County School, K-12 had two days of school last week and this is the first full week of school for them. Pre-school started yesterday Wednesday, August 24 with 10 students. It is also time for our first football game of the s...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 25, 2016

    Everyone likes a good washing before they take on a new adventure or start a new project. Evidently the ground is no different. All of Eastern Laramie County received a nice rain last Thursday evening. The same night our students were attending their Back-To-School nights. Some even had some isolated flooding with the sudden and heavy rain. But the burst of fresh water was as welcome a smell as the sharpened pencils and paper in the school hallways. Remember to be extra careful these first few...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Aug 18, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far! Welcome to new neighbors Bret and Tiffany Jefferies and their children. We like to see those empty homes fill up! We all here are trying hard to switch gears from school, and all of the changes that are coming with that. Schedules, homework, and ball games are just a few. Most of you have been there done that or are there now, either with your own kids or grands. Busy times indeed. Buses ran today, Thursday, August 18, for a full...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 18, 2016

    The 55 And Up Club met for their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, August 12. Carolyn Ragsdale won the door prize for the women. Harold Weisbrook won the door prize for the men. They are planning an outing. On Friday, August 26, the group plans to travel to Nunn, Colo. to visit the museum there and attend Nunn Days. If you would like to join them for the outing please contact Karel Smock at 970-895-2262 or Lola Nussbaum at 970-895-2302. This week at the Hereford Community Church Shirley...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 18, 2016

    The Fiesta “Jesus of Nazarene” had a wonderful attendance. Everyone enjoyed the red and green chili. The seven bikes were won by Avery Anderson, Eduarde Gurrda, Vanessa Pery, Angel Arzola, Max Lonzano, Leslie Guterrie and Reece Chauy. A big thanks to all who helped with the event especially the community center staff. A big birthday wish going out to Julie Rabou. And a big happy anniversary to Jason and Jillian McLaughlin. May everyone celebrating enjoy their special day. Many big congrats out...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 11, 2016

    Have you ever noticed how quickly changes come in our Wyoming seasons? Well, of course you have, you live here. Earlier this week, the cool morning start was a few degrees below what it usually is. It was that first morning when we all realize a short autumn and long winter are not long off. It still warms up into the 80’s, but the nights remind us as the days get longer the coolness will linger long after dawn. The Town Council meeting is scheduled for tonight, Thursday August 11 at 7 p.m. R...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 11, 2016

    This week at the Hereford Community Church Pee Wee Smock and Hannah Reifschneider were celebrating their birthdays. For the special Karel Smock read Musical Woes from the book God Uses Cracked Pots by Patsy Clairmont. Pastor Opdycke has returned from her trip to Ohio. While she was there she visited Noah’s Ark. A man in Ohio has built a replica of Noah’s Ark and it now open to the public.The sermon topic was Obedience is the Key to Receiving Blessings. The scripture text was John 14:23-31. Nex...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Aug 11, 2016

    The Kimball/Banner County Fair has been underway for the past few days and man is there a lot going on, and more will be going on for the rest of the week beginning today with the animal weigh ins. Tomorrow at 8 a.m. the swine will begin the show, followed by goats at 11 a.m. and sheep at 1 p.m. Breakfast will be available at the concession stand until around 8:30 a.m. and the Exhibit Hall will be open for the 4-H and FFA projects. Saturday, August, 13 the concession stand will be open as well...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Aug 4, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far! Wow, here it is August, the month I have been dreading since May. August means summer is almost over and I am never ready, although we sure have had some awfully hot days. A few folks here in town sure have some nice gardens going though so the extra heat has been good for that. My garden project was a total failure this year, so maybe I will get a chance again come next spring. At this point, that seems like a long, long way off. Speaking of...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 4, 2016

    Every life has its share of storms. We all learn to weather through them. But the storm that hit Pine Bluffs Wednesday, showed us all that a little help from our friends serves as a nice shelter after storms. Our thoughts are with all the residents of Pine Bluffs as they continue to clean, repair and rebuild their homes and businesses. Only a few birthdays on our calendar this week. Teegan McLaughlin will turn 8 August 6. He is sure to have a storm of fun that day and hopefully every day. Happy...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jul 28, 2016

    Good morning, Banner County! I hope you are all doing well. I cannot hardly believe that this is the last week of July, but that is what my calendar is saying. Another clue is all of the harvesting that has been going on, plus county fairs that are popping up all over the place. I still have many things to finish, so I am hoping for a late fall. I realize in talking this way I seem to be forgetting August. I am not. It is just that with our fair in August and school starting three days later...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 28, 2016

    About 50 miles west of us there is a little rodeo going on for 10 days. Cheyenne Frontier Days is a great opportunity for family and friends to get their cowboy on. Many of our neighbors volunteer their time, contributing to the 2,500 volunteers who keep the fun rolling. Whether you volunteer or just wander through the exhibits and villages, and take in a rodeo and show, CFD is like a big ol’ backyard. Lassoing another year is Kaden Malm on August 1 and Melissa Nichols August 5. Lots of cake a...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 28, 2016

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Andrea Reifschneider reported on her week at church camp. The sermon topic was Through God’s Eyes. Next week there will be a guest speaker and there will be a potluck luncheon following the worship service. Then on August 7 the sermon topic will be Obedience. The 55-And-Up Club will hold their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, August 12, at noon at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over is welcome to a...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jul 21, 2016

    Good morning Banner County! If you are a part of the farming community then congratulations on getting the wheat harvest underway. Combines can be seen all over the county. Good thing. I sincerely hope that the weather co-operates. All of these high temps are perfect to get the fields cleaned up! Birthdays here in Harrisburg and of county families near and far include:Ron Havengar, Amanda Cochran, Norris Leafdale, J. T. Evans, Trey May,TJ Grubbs, Kaylee Bohnsack, Nancy Olsen, Lindsey Soule, Bret...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 21, 2016

    It happens every year. A summer storm of wind and hail blows through our area leaving us or our neighbors frantic about the uncontrollable loss. This years storm hit Burns and Hillsdale pretty hard. Many roofs on homes, cars and crops were nothing more than a mangled mess Monday morning. Please keep those affected in your thoughts and prayers. Sometimes sending a card or dropping off dinner in a dish brings those families so much more than words and food. Every year, whether it is stormy, hot...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 21, 2016

    There was Vacation Bible School this past week at the Hereford Community Church. For the special on Sunday, July 17, Rosalyn Reifschneider, who led the VBS, reported on the VBS activities. Some of the students recited memory verses and sang This Little Light Of Mine and Father Abraham. The sermon topic for the day was Seeking God and the scripture was Acts 10. This story about Peter and Cornelius is a good example of seeking God. The sermon topic for July 24 is Through God’s Eyes. On July 31 t...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jul 14, 2016

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far! I hope all are doing well and handling this heat wave we have been experiencing. Wheat harvest has started however, and I expect we will see much more toward the end of this week. We send our sincere sympathy to the the family of Jim Nelson, son of Katherine and the late Rudge Nelson, long time Banner County resident who was involved in a car accident this past week. Sympathy also goes to the family of Wiley Cross also involved in a vehicle...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 14, 2016

    If life is like a parade, then Albin Day must be the band with the majorette team. The music and the action always draw you in and make you pencil in the day for next year. It may only last one day and, by most everyone’s standards, is a smaller town festival. But just like the band with the baton girls, they may pass by in an instant, but they get your foot tapping and bring a smile to your face. Money makes everyone smile as well. Five lucky people were smiling at the end of Albin Day when t...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 14, 2016

    The 55 And Up Club met on Friday, July 8, for their monthly potluck luncheon. Those present enjoyed the good food and good fellowship. The door prize for the men was won by Harold Weisbrook. The winner for the women was Carolyn Ragsdale. Karel Smock and Lola Nusbaum told about some of the resources available through the RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) and shared literature with the group. The 55 And Up Club meets on the second Friday of the month and everyone 55 and over are welcome to a...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jul 7, 2016

    Well, the Fourth of July has come and gone. As we shoot off or watch those fireworks, we are reminded of the men and women who have used real gun fire in war after war for us, our country and all that we stand for. We definitely enjoy our family time with picnics, the lake, rodeos and more; however, we must always remember to thank those who have given us those times through their service and sacrifice. The next big event going on in our area is the ever popular Oregon Trail Days. Gering will...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 7, 2016

    onday night, did you notice all the “candles” being lit for our countries birthday? There may be no fireworks big enough to show our love and respect for the great America, but we sure do try. Another thing we try hard at is keeping our town great. If you have any ideas to improve Albin, take them to the town council meeting July 14 at 7 p.m. The council has an opportunity to apply for 6th Penny Tax funds and would like to encourage you to send them any ideas you might have. If you have any que...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 7, 2016

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Kathy Zitek read some Capsule Sermons then an article from the Freedom Street Press about July 4. The congregation burned their burdens and partook of Holy Communion. The sermon topic was Which Way, America? The scripture was Daniel 9:1-19 which is Daniel’s prayer for the people. Pastor Opdycke suggested that to fix this nation we need to unite the wisdom of the elderly with the energy of the young. Next week the sermon topic will be A...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jun 30, 2016

    Boy, is it hot. How hot is it? It is so hot people have started bringing their beach chairs and towels to the water vapor in the roads. Perhaps you have a hot idea for our town that requires a little funding. The council has the opportunity to apply for 6th Penny Tax funds and would like to encourage you to send them any ideas you might have to improve our community. No project is too small or large. If you have any questions, call the town hall and speak with Jillian. All ideas need to be...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jun 30, 2016

    The 55 And Up Club will hold their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, July 8, at 12 p.m. at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over is welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your friends and family. There will be a door prize! Hereford resident Cynthia Schlaer is enjoying a visit from her brother Jay Tanner from Red Hook, New York. Jay is a musician who sings and plays the guitar and harmonica. Together Cynthia and Jay performed a concert for the people...

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