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  • Burns News

    Stacey from the Burns Library|Aug 7, 2014

    Summer is winding down, the County Fair is over and school will be starting next week. Do you have last minute vacations planned? I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer! Summer Reading Celebration at the Burns Branch Library will be wrapping up on Saturday, Aug. 9. We will be celebrating the end of summer reading at 9:30 a.m. with sundaes. This is the last day to pick up your summer reading prizes! The Burns Branch Library received some new books including Heaven Sent Rain by Lauraine Snelling, Remains of Innocence by J.A. Jance, Throw in...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 31, 2014

    The mid summer sun has kept everyone so hot in Albin, there are not many have cool happenings to report. A happy birthday wish to Teegan McLaughlin next week. I hope the little cowboy ropes in a great day. Kayla and Kelton Krakow are preparing for Laramie County Fair beginning next week. They will be showing market lambs, market goats and foods. Riley McLaughlin is also showing market lambs. More area youth will be at the fair competing in the arena and in front of the judges so plan a trip to...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 31, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Steve Hauer sang “Going Home.” The sermon title was “Easter in July.” The scripture was from Romans 5:12 through 6:14 which compares how Adam sinned with how Jesus provided redemption from sin. Before Jesus went to the cross, He was troubled. When He arose from the grave, He was joyful. Jesus brought joy to His followers, and He brings joy to us. We should live every day like it was Easter. We can make up our minds to be joyful every d...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Jul 31, 2014

    The Bushnell Lions Club meets in the community center at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6. The Friends of the Kimball Library and the library board are hosting a pool party at the Kimball city pool from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, August 7. Entry to the pool is free with donation. There will also be watermelon, cookies, and lemonade for sale. Money raised goes to support the carpet fundraiser project and other library projects sponsored by the Friends group. If you have news, announcements, meeting...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Jul 31, 2014

    Good morning Banner County! Harvest is well under way and completed in many parts of the county. With temperatures dropping a good 20 degrees a day or two this week, we are just hoping to get the wheat all in and be done with it. Last week was a busy one, still working on summer clean-up and thinking about fair and school. We ended the week with the potluck at the Harrisburg Community Church. Many folks are pretty busy at this time so the attendance was smaller than usual, but still really good....

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 24, 2014

    The Albin residents are getting their senses pulled into overdrive. The sight and smell of our community is in rare form this time of year. The sun soaked fields of wheat look like pale caramel dancing in the Wyoming wind. And the freshly tilled fields of soil almost looks like combed chocolate. If that wasn’t enough, the sunflowers are popping their bright and shining faces along the highway, making the green of the corn come out strong against the crisp blue sky, reminding our eyes just how ma...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 24, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carolyn Ragsdale read from Guideposts Mysterious Ways “More Than Coincidence.” The sermon title was “Barnabas’ Secrets” to what made him successful in his Christian life. The name Barnabas means one who encourages others. Paul chose Barnabas as his companion. Together they established many new churches. Barnabas was a good man who was generous, full of the Holy Spirit, and full of faith. We would do well to follow the example of Barnab...

  • Banner community news

    Barb Cross|Jul 24, 2014

    Good morning to all of you! Harvest is underway for the wheat farmers and hopefully all of you will get’er done before we have any bad weather, so far so good. Last weekend sidewalk sales were hot and heavy in downtown Scottsbluff. I did run into a few of you there. I happened to have my youngest grandson with us and he held out amazingly well. I do believe his favorite part was the lunch stop at Runza and the ice cream cone he shared with grandpa. Have you been to the new Runza? While we u...

  • Burns News

    Stacey from the Burns Library|Jul 24, 2014

    The Lego League will be meeting at the Burns Branch Library Thursday, July 31 from 4-6:30 p.m. to show off their final creations. Stop in the library to check them out! Friday Aug. 1 at 1 p.m., the Burns Branch Library we will be showing a family movie. We will be watching “Frozen,” Rated PG. Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter. Summer Readi...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 17, 2014

    What is the best part of Albin Day? The breakfast that the Burns FFA provided for donations was pretty tasty. But then the kiddie parade with the Albin Day Princesses in a beautiful carriage drawn by two beautiful black Percheron horses was pretty cool to see, too. The grand parade with all the political candidates was pretty entertaining and the candy provided a pretty sweet spot for the little ones that lined the streets. Team Wanda brought a splash of pink pride and reminded us how important...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Jul 17, 2014

    The village board met Wednesday, July 9. The health board met before the regular meeting and discussed tackling the issue of unlicensed vehicles as their next project. Ryan Reisdorff from South Platte Natural Resources District was in attendance to answer any questions on the public hearing for the Wellhead Protection Plan. The resolution adopting the new plan was passed. Being in compliance with Wellhead Protection keeps the village eligible for grants for our town water system. The interlocal...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 17, 2014

    The Hereford Community Church held Vacation Bible School last week. For the special, Rosalyn Reifschneider and some of the Bible School children reported on the week’s activities and sang two songs. The sermon title was “Closed-Fisted or Open-Handed?” The scripture was Mark 10:35-45. In this portion of scripture two of the disciples, James and John, asked for special privileges. Jesus tried to explain to them that in the Kingdom of God, they must be servants. They were not to be close...

  • Banner community news

    Barb Cross|Jul 17, 2014

    Good morning Banner County! hello to friends and neighbors, hope all is well with you. With Oregon Trail Days over for one more year, the summer marches on. We skipped much of the activities, but took in enough to last for awhile. The weather was terrific for the Craft Fair in the park Saturday morning. After the monsoon that they had in Gering Friday evening, I was wondering. Some cars were flooded out during that one along with the streets and over flowing drainage system. I always enjoy the...

  • Burns News

    Stacey from the Burns Library|Jul 10, 2014

    Saturday July 12 at 9 a.m. the Burns Branch Library Balloon Twisting will begin. Learn how to twist balloons into amazing shapes with Cecilia Villar. Friday July 18 at 1 p.m. the Burns Branch Library we will be showing a family movie. We will be watching “The Lego Movie,” Rated PG. An ordinary Lego construction worker, thought to be the prophesied ‘Special’, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the Lego universe into eternal stasis. Summer Reading Celebration is underway at the Laramie County Library System. If you...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 10, 2014

    Boy, is it hot out there. How hot you may ask? It is so hot the rooster in town thinks it is daybreak at 3 a.m. The Alumni Dinner for Albin will be held Friday, July 11. Fred Wood is preparing the meal. This is a great opportunity to visit with classmates and old school friends. Kay Goodschmidt, John Moore’s sister, is visiting from Garden City, Kans. She came in for Albin Day and had a nice visit at the community center before the weekend activities. Baseball season for the Albin Wildcats h...

  • Banner community news

    Barb Cross|Jul 10, 2014

    Wow, here we are looking at the middle of July, wheat harvest will be upon us soon if it hasn’t already. A beautiful vacation with relatives, grands, and kids was just what grandma needed! I have always known that I would love to live closer to water, sand and warmer weather and visiting is just pure joy. Coming home after all of the sightseeing and people is nice too. I was even to a point of missing my dog, and he drives me nuts a lot. So welcome home to Banner County to me So now we can c...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Jul 10, 2014

    The community center board meets on Monday, July 14. The firemen meeting is Thursday, July 17. Family night is at 6 p.m. in the community center on Saturday, July 19. Bring a potluck dish to share with your neighbors. Local author Carma Weisbrook will hold a reading and book signing at The Sisters Grimm at 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 19. “Remember Me...Remember Me Not” is a book to help children understand Alzheimer’s disease and how it affects their loved ones. If you have news, annou...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jul 3, 2014

    Bob Wagner’s 80th birthday party. July 13, 2014 at the Moose Lodge, 1019 S. Greeley Highway 1 to 4 p.m. Let your presence be your gift. Sometimes the road we travel has bigger bumps than we would like. Literally, the road through Albin is more like moguls down a slope than a street. Cheyenne Avenue, known to us as Main Street, has more than its share of potholes. However, the Town of Albin doesn’t legally own the street or maintain it. The State of Wyoming is in charge of the care and mai...

  • Burns News

    Stacey from the Burns Library|Jul 3, 2014

    NEW BERLIN LARGE COLONY OF GERMANS TO ESTABLISH TOWN EAST OF CHEYENNE Many German-Lutherans from Iowa, Illinois and other Eastern States to take up lands under dry farming methods near this city. In connection with the purchase yesterday by the Federal Land and Securities Company, of the J. L. Thomas’ ranch of 40,000 acres of deeded land 20,000 acres of leased land, east of Cheyenne, another important colonization scheme will be launched in this section. J.R. Carpenter president of the Federal Land & Securities company. Is in the city and w...

  • Banner community news

    Barb Cross|Jul 3, 2014

    Happy Fourth of July Everyone! With picnics, parades, and popular fireworks everywhere you look, it is a happy time of the year for sure. Remembering and appreciating the freedom that we have is a great thing indeed. I think of our current service men and women at this time more than on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. As we celebrate we need to remember those who are currently fighting to keep us safe and free and thank them endlessly. Vacation Bible School at the Harrisburg Community Church was...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Jul 3, 2014

    Sounds like the special village board meeting I missed last week was interesting. They didn’t get a recording of it, so I can’t report on it, but look for the minutes in the mail. The regular July board meeting We are having our 3rd anniversary celebration at The Sisters Grimm from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, July 4. Stop in for free refreshments, door prizes, and 50% off most books. If you have news, announcements, meeting times/dates, information about events happening nearby, or anything els...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jul 3, 2014

    It was a special day at the Hereford Community Church. Pee Wee and Cecelia Smock and Jerry Anderson blessed the congregation with music. They sang several songs accompanied by Pee Wee and Jerry on guitars, and Pee Wee read a poem called “Horseback Religion.” Next week Holy Communion will be served and the sermon topic will be “The Great Physician.” The church will have vacation Bible school July 7 to 11 from 9 a.m. till 12 noon. All area children are invited to attend, and any helpers would b...

  • Pine Bluffs Lions take walk for sight preservation

    Submitted|Jun 26, 2014

    The Pine Bluffs Lions Club will raise funds for sight preservation while having a good time and learning about the history of Pine Bluffs during the Historical Walk for Sight July 12. The walk begins at 8 a.m. at the Texas Trail Museum, 201 W. Third Street, in Pine Bluffs. The walk will end with a lunch at 12:15 p.m. and a tour of the Walker House at 1 p.m. A $25 registration fee will cover the cost of a t-shirt, a water bottle and a barbecue lunch. Sponsorship contributions will be used to...

  • Burns EMS financially plans best patient care

    Allie Hurley|Jun 26, 2014

    Burns Emergency Medical Service raised $148 at the chili cook off during Burns Day. Erica Maddison, supervisor for Burns EMS, said the money raised will be put into savings. Maddison said there was $3,000 let over from Mission Life Line. That money will be used for purchasing cardiac monitors. Maddison said Mission Life Line is a nation-wide project that brings early recognition of S.T. Elevation Myocardial Infarction, which is a type of heart attack. Maddison said the purpose of Life Line is to bring early STEMI recognition to rural...

  • Burns News

    Stacey from the Burns Library|Jun 26, 2014

    Did you know? John Adams believed that July 2 was the correct date on which to celebrate the birth of American independence, and would reportedly turn down invitations to appear at July 4 events in protest? Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826 – the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month. He recognized ice cream as a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by 90 percent of the nation’s population. In the proclamation, Pre...

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