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News / Community News

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  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Mar 16, 2017

    If you ever need to have a long, unimportant conversation, bring up the weather. That should keep you exchanging ideas and words and changing opinions more often than a raindrop turns into a Wyoming snowflake. The town council met last week and accepted Aaron Anderson’s resignation. They thanked him for his service and wished him well with his new position with Laramie County. The election for new council members and the mayor position will be May 2. Two council members and the mayor will be ele...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 9, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, friends and family. This past week was beautiful and we sure enjoyed some nice spring weather. Then Monday came with those terrible high winds and clouds. I don’t know anyone who likes the wind. With my opinion about that, on with the news, Banner County folks especially those who either do, or will be attending school here in Harrisburg, and all of you who choice your children into the Banner County School system are encouraged to attend the special Banner County S...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Mar 9, 2017

    This week, March 5, at the Hereford Community Church Kathy Zitek was celebrating her birthday. For the special Karel Smock read about St. Patrick’s Day. As we approach Easter, Pastor Opdycke’s sermon topic was The Voice of Judas. Some of the scriptures she chose were from Matthew 26, which tell about Judas who betrayed Jesus. Next week the sermon topic will be The Voice of Peter. She will continue to focus on some of the key people leading up to Easter. The church will celebrate Easter Sun...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Mar 9, 2017

    What is that saying, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Well, this lion of ours never seems to nap and in turn is very grumpy. Someone should throw him a lamb, maybe he would stop roaring for a bit. Lions are one of the biggest cats out there. But the smaller, house and farm variety seem to take a bigger part of our heart. Bubba, our family cat, passed away last Monday evening. Most people only get about seven or eight decades. I just spent the last couple with Bubba. And I...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 2, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors and friends! We here in the Burg received a gift of several inches of snow beginning last Thursday and continuing into the weekend. Over a foot in most places with very little visibility and an ice coat underneath it all. School was closed both Thursday and Friday and so was just about everything else on Thursday. The high school winter dance has been postponed and I do not have a date for that, but kids will know for sure. The 4-H beef weigh-in’s were a...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Mar 2, 2017

    The 55 And Up Club will hold their monthly potluck luncheon on Friday, March 10 at noon at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over are welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your friends and family. There will be a door prize! Troy Swain from the County will be here to give a presentation on oil and gas. Ken Ragsdale was celebrating his birthday this week at the Hereford Community Church. For the special Carolyn Ragsdale read The Year Many Americans Waited...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Mar 2, 2017

    Perhaps someone shouldn’t have mentioned the fact that Spring was here. Maybe this year, Spring is similar to some folks trying to leave their house in the morning. They make a few trips back inside before leaving. It doesn’t mean we cannot say “Spring is on its way,” it just needs to get everything together. We wouldn’t want it to forget the flowers or the songbirds or the warm bright sunshine, would we? So, the winter door might swing open a few more times. And the good thing about snow? Soone...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Feb 23, 2017

    Good morning everyone, I hope this week has been treating you well. Valentine’s Day has come and gone and our next holiday will be St. Patrick’s Day. I just want to say that I was wrong about the Valentine’s Day movie that played in Kimball at the Goodhand Theater. That actually was the name of the movie. As far as other days that are officially recognized, Ground Hog’s Day doesn’t mean too much to me. Shoot he could come out in one part of the county and see his shadow, and come out at the sa...

  • Albin News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Feb 23, 2017

    This week at the Hereford Community Church Jerri Sadler was celebrating her birthday. For the special, Carol Opdycke spoke about George Washington. The sermon topic for February 19 was Sin Is Serious - The Wages of Sin is Death. One of the scriptures was Matthew 10:28. The sermon topic for February 26 is The Cherished Treasure. The Prairie Songbirds choir will be practicing for their Easter cantata on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Briggsdale Congregational Church. For more...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Feb 23, 2017

    Someone should say what everyone is thinking. Spring is here. Calves are dropping like raindrops in California. Baby lambs are out in force looking for Mary. However, no matter how early the Spring or how nice the weather, some things will not grow back. Like the cut trees on 4th Avenue or Derik Smith’s leg. But Spring brings hope that someone will plant new trees and everyone will get to live their dream. So, plant a tree, and drop a line to someone who could use a nudge of hope. Or read a b...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Feb 16, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far. What beautiful spring weather we have been having here of late. I know that mother nature likes to confuse the flowers and trees and that we most likely will have more snow, but the rain has been nice. Did any of you happen to see the flood waters in Reno, Nevada? Fox News showed some pictures of the Truckee River which flows through the city and I was blown away. A couple of years ago my girls and I and assorted grands went to visit their...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Feb 16, 2017

    This week, February 12, at the Hereford Community Church for the special Carol Opdycke read about Abraham Lincoln and read the Gettysburg Address in honor of Lincoln’s birthday. The sermon topic for the day was Love Cares! One of the scriptures was 1 John 3:16-18. We show our love by helping those in need. Next week, February 19, the sermon topic will be Sin Is Serious. The Prairie Songbirds will begin practice for their Easter cantata on Wednesday, February 22, at the Briggsdale Church. If a...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Feb 16, 2017

    Do you think that groundhog got it wrong? Maybe he has cataracts and it was just a floater on his eye and not a shadow. Either way, it sure seems like Spring. Birthdays always put a little spring in our step. It must be that we are just happy to be alive and able to celebrate. One happy neighbor is Ana Maria Manning, who celebrates her birthday February 21. Money and town improvements also put a little spring in our step. The town council approved the 6th penny resolution for our projects to go...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Feb 9, 2017

    Good morning Banner County! How about that Superbowl? Quite an exciting game for most football fans I am sure. I for one can take it or leave it and usually watch it on and off. I like the commercials and the half time show, and I will say that the half time show this year was a whole lot better than the one last year. Which is my opinion and I am sure some folks would not agree, oh well. I would like to wish a ‘get well soon‘ to our friends and neighbors, Bill Nelson, Ruthie Brown and Mar...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Feb 9, 2017

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carol Opdycke read an article from an eastern newspaper about human trafficking. The sermon topic for the day was The Quest For Joy or How To Be Happy According To Jesus. One of the scriptures was Matthew 5:1-12 which is the Beatitudes. The sermon topic for next week, February 12, is Love Cares! The sermon topic for February 17 is Sin Is Serious. If you have any news to share you can contact me at 970-895-2433 or email...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Feb 9, 2017

    There is a reason not a lot of people are fond of rodents. They often stink of trash, have a dirty reputation, and represent the lowest of species on the circle of life. But worse than all that is the fact that one of their own tells us we have six more weeks of winter to endure, when he has the option to let spring appear in two. That darn groundhog. If only he would let us see green before St. Patrick’s Day. The community center is a great place to catch lunch with a friend for less than a p...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 26, 2017

    Good morning everyone, I hope this week has treated you well. Especially these birthday people: Owen Gifford, Nathaniel McGowan, Jaxon Loutzenhiser, Aaron Harper, Marie Parker, Abbie Fulk, and Timmy & Brody Burkman. Happy Birthday! Anniversary couple of the week is Mr. & Mrs. Royce Ammon, congratulations! This reminds me that I had a chance to visit somewhat with Winnie Rogers for a little while recently. She looks really good and it had been quite awhile since I had seen her, so it was really...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jan 26, 2017

    For the special this week, January 22, at the Hereford Community Church Carol Opdycke read from the Christian Book of Why. The sermon topic was Abiding in Jesus and one of the scriptures was John 15:1-17. Abiding means staying vitally connected continually. On January 29 the sermon topic will be The Most Important Commandment. Then on February 5 the sermon topic will be The Quest For Joy. If you have news to share you con contact me at 970-895-2433 or email [email protected]...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 26, 2017

    If you listen close enough, you can hear the hum of the days passing by with no fanfare. The only drum beat of the days is often our own hearts keeping time with the hours of deep winter. A few days of warm sunshine is the most jazz we get in these dull days of late January. Maybe what we need is an inauguration of spring a few months early. Something to plant, houses to clean, livestock to welcome and brand, something to do. This hum drum time of year might lead you to going without lunch....

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 19, 2017

    Good morning Banner County-ites! Hope everyone is doing well, surviving this roller coaster ride we call weather, and ready for the inauguration tomorrow. Did you happen to see the news clip about the person in some Maryland school that had posted on line the word tomorrow as tamarra? Well guess that person was fired. Thankfully I have spell check, although tomorrow is not one of my problem words I have plenty of others. The spelling bee will be coming up soon here in Harrisburg, but today...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jan 19, 2017

    There was a good turnout for the 55 And Up Club potluck luncheon on Friday the 13th. All those present enjoyed plenty of good food and good fellowship. Dorothy Timm and Ken Ragsdale won the door prizes. The 55 And Up Club meets on the second Friday of each month. Anyone 55 and over is welcome to attend. For the special this week, January 15, at the Hereford Community Church Carol Opdycke read From the East to the West, which was the Day 8 reading from the Book of Mysteries. The sermon topic was...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 19, 2017

    Some people are superstitious. I know of a man who stopped his car, got a broom and swept a black cat off his path so he wouldn’t have to drive where the cat walked. The only thing strange about this Friday the 13th starting off with a full moon the night before is how calm the Wyoming weather was. What a beautiful evening with the moonlight bouncing off the crested snow. What a way to sweep superstition away and bring in the beauty of Wyoming winter nights. Do you know the beautiful thing a...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 12, 2017

    Good morning everyone and happy January to you. Baby it sure has been cold outside! I have not been outside unless I have no other choice. There have been many of those, but at least I am not walking in it all day long. Last week due to the nasty weather one basketball game and one wrestling meet were rescheduled. The basketball game was anyway. This Friday, tomorrow, January 13, the basketball boys will play in Crawford at 3 p.m. I was at the school last Friday and watched part of the girls...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Jan 12, 2017

    Once upon a time there was a tree. He grew tall and strong in the dry, high and often frozen ground of southeast Wyoming. A feat in itself. The tree shaded a little house and watch a couple of generations of children grow and play beneath him. He swayed when the Wyoming winds blew. He endured “haircuts” when he grew too close to power lines. He dried a little when the summers brought little rain. The tree proudly protected the house and family when the winter brought storm after storm. But the...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Jan 12, 2017

    I hope you all have survived the cold and the snow. The days are getting longer. Spring is on the way! This week at the Hereford Community Church Tami Walden was celebrating her birthday. For the special Karel Smock read two stories from the book Church Chuckles. The sermon topic was Drink The Water - The living water that comes from Christ Jesus, the rock. One of the scriptures was Exodus 17:1-7. Next week, January 15, the sermon topic will be Listen To Me. Then on January 22 the sermon topic...

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