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News / Community News

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  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Sep 25, 2014

    Little chilly Monday morning in downtown Harrisburg. Warmed up nicely for the rest of the week however, and should be pretty decent over the weekend. I was hoping for some of that beautiful fall weather for Monday because our 4th graders were spending the day at Flowerfield. They handle the cold much better than I do, so all went well. I spent a day there last week. I am always impressed with the ladies who teach, the inter action with the kids, and the entire learning experience. School days ha...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Sep 18, 2014

    Hello everyone! I hope you have been enjoying the summer season again this week. I am not sure how next one will be, haven't checked that far. We should have pretty decent weather though for our next football game against Wauneta-Palisade which will be this Friday, September 19 at home and will start at 2 p.m. The next day, Saturday will find the cross country team headed to Alliance. They will also compete in Scottsbluff on Tuesday September, 23rd. I do not have times for either of these meets...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 18, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Kathy Zitek told about the Christmas Stocking project. The church will be filling stockings on Sunday, October 5, after a potluck dinner following the morning worship service. The sermon topic was “The Main Actor” and the scripture was Matthew 24. God is the main actor in all of history, and He will be the main actor in the future history. Matthew 24 gives us many warning signs that Jesus will be returning soon. We need to be pre...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Sep 11, 2014

    The summer sights, sounds and smells are gently being carried away and replaced by rakes, chainsaw music and the warm smell of wood stoves being stoked. A bit of unexpected news from the Golden Prairie Church. Their Pastor resigned last Sunday and they are in need of a replacement. The congregation has always taken neighbors and troubled souls under their wing and offered support and help. This time they need our positive thoughts and support. Saturday, Sept. 13, the Golden Prairie Church is...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 11, 2014

    Lois McCurry is turning 90 on Saturday, September 27. There is an open house in her honor from 1 till 3:30 p.m. at Life Care Center, 2451 Pratt Street, Longmont, Colo. If there are people who can not attend, but would like to send a card, send to Lois McCurry, 1115 Grant Street, Longmont, CO 80501. A group of people from the Hereford Community Church visited the Wild Life Sanctuary near Keensburg, Colo. on Saturday, Sept. 6. All enjoyed seeing the animals at this great facility, and would...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Sep 11, 2014

    Hello to all out there in Banner County land, neighbors, near and far. Fall is definitely in the air and we are starting to have the weird weather, 97 one day and 57 the next. Now we are dealing with dead mustard weeds instead of tumble weeds. Haven’t seen a snake in awhile though! As usual this time of the year most of the action here in Harrisburg revolves around the school. Last week was the first varsity football game and Homecoming to boot. The team lost but only by about one touchdown and...

  • Burns News

    Stacy fron the Burns Library|Sep 11, 2014

    Golden Prairie Community Day Sept. 13, 6 P.M. Free! Food, Games, Bonfire, Music 4996 Rd. 226, Burns. Call Judy 547-2371 for more info....

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Sep 4, 2014

    Good morning Banner County! Here is hoping that you had a nice Labor Day weekend. We had a really nice stay-at-home-and-get-something done week-end, and it was great. I am trying desperately to finish up some things around here before the cold weather gets here. We had our first day of pre-school this past Tuesday and that was the start of Homecoming Week. Tuesday was 'signature day', the halls were decorated and a movie was shown that evening. Wednesday was 'crazy day' ,Thursday is 'class...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 4, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church, Amy and Renee Martin sang “Lord Have Mercy.” The sermon topic was “God Was Appalled.” The scripture was Jeremiah Chapter 5. Jeremiah was instructed to search the city of Jerusalem to try to find any righteous people. He could not find any who had not rejected God. So Jeremiah prophesied that unless the people would repent and come back to God, enemies would come and conquer the city. Pastor Opdycke compared our country with Jerusal...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Aug 28, 2014

    Good morning Banner County. At least for most of us Monday started out much cooler and probably not all that bad. However, a fire west of us a few miles kept the volunteer fire department busy beginning Sunday afternoon and all through the night. The fire was still under investigation as I wrote this the fire burned well over a thousand acres. It was still burning Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. so none of this is final as far as the amount of damage that was done. Area firemen came to assist as...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 28, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Steve and Jan Hauer sang “Remember Me.” The sermon topic was “Comforting the Afflicted” from the book of Jeremiah. The prophet Jeremiah preached for 40 years under the leadership of 5 different kings, and no one listened. Jeremiah kept telling the people to repent of their sins and come back to serving God. Pastor Opdycke compared the warnings of Jeremiah to America today. Some pastors are warning people to repent and come back to God,...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 28, 2014

    Saturday morning, Albin woke up to a nice warm summer day followed by a summer storm in the evening. Sunday, it felt like fall had arrived as the day had a cool and crisp start to it. That evening, our volunteer firefighters were called to help with a hefty blaze across the Nebraska border. Fall weather ushered in the first full week of school. The first full day of school was Monday for our Albin Wildcats. After a couple of half days last week, the students, staff and parents have fallen into...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Aug 28, 2014

    The Bushnell Lions Club meets Wednesday, Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. The Sisters Grimm has decided to become a seasonal business. We will not be open regular hours between Labor Day and Memorial Day, but keep an eye out for special events during the winter. You’re also welcome to make an appointment to visit the store by leaving a message at 308-230-0683, texting me at 308-360-1263, or emailing me at [email protected]. To help clear out stock before we close down for the winter, we are having a...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 21, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Ozzy Michelson read a letter he had written to his grandfather who is in heaven and also the letter he had received in response. The sermon topic was “Afflicting the Comfortable.” The scripture was from Jeremiah Chapter 2. A young King Josiah knows that the country of Israel has sinned against the Lord and he wants to clean up the country. Pastor Opdycke compared our country with the country of Israel at that time. We need to heed the...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Aug 21, 2014

    Good morning! and another hot one is in the forecast. Wow, August is coming through true to form. The hot weather is supposed to drop about 20 degrees next week and we will probably all be too cool! Maybe the snakes will take off, I doubt it though. More than likely they will be hiding in corners trying to stay warm or lying in the sun for the same reason. We had three here one day last week, and I have lost count of the total. One thing I know for sure is that we have had more rattlers than...

  • Burns News

    Stacy from the Burns Library|Aug 21, 2014

    Burns High School fall sports and school pictures will be taken Thursday, August 28th at 8:00am Upcoming Burns High School sporting events on Friday, August 29th include volleyball at Lingle and cross country at Casper Mountain. Saturday, August 30th the football teams will be in Lusk. Come out and support the local teams! Stop in the library and check out books and movies to celebrate The Wizard of Oz. Why? Because on August 25 1939, The Wizard of Oz, movie opened in theaters around the United States. Based on the children’s novel by L. F...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Aug 21, 2014

    The village board meeting was held Wednesday, August 13. It was a fairly short meeting, with several items being tabled until next month or later. Jennifer Ivy has decided to wait until 2015 to pursue her kennel license. Dwayne Brackeen brought up traffic issues on 2nd Street. The board agreed to try placing stop signs in that neighborhood to see if that will help slow down cars. The board wanted to let everyone know that there is a Tularemia (also known as rabbit fever) outbreak in Colorado....

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 14, 2014

    The rooster is waking us up a little later in the morning and the sun is peaking out above the horizon later. We are on the fast track to winter. Someone told me yesterday that there is a big artic front expected here in September that will drop a lot of snow. Enjoy these last gifts of summer. Not a big report from Laramie County Fair, but it sounded as though all went well. Kayla Krakow received Reserved Champion White Face in the Sheep Judging. The Pig Wrestling sounded fun, however, no one...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Aug 14, 2014

    Good morning Banner County! Same to all neighbors, near and far. We find ourselves in the middle of August. I can not believe it. Swimming pools will be closing and schools will be opening! The YMCA will be closing August 15th at 2 p.m. so the entire pool may be repainted. They expect to be closed for about 8 weeks. Most, if not all, out door pools are closed for the year. For many students, School will be held for a half day tomorrow, Aug. 15th. However, Harrisburg school bells will ring loud...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Aug 14, 2014

    Family night is Saturday, August 16. Join your neighbors at 6 p.m. in the community center for a potluck dinner and conversation. If you have news, announcements, meeting times/dates, information about events happening nearby, or anything else you’d like to share, please contact me at [email protected] or 308-230-0683....

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 14, 2014

    I don’t have the Hereford Community Church news this week. I wasn’t there because I attended my 50 year class reunion on Sunday. The sermon topic scheduled for next week will be “Afflicting the Comfortable.” Don’t forget the church will be going to the Wild Animal Sanctuary at Keensburg on Saturday, Sept. 6....

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 7, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Karel Smock read “How To Be The Perfect Grandma.” The topic for the day was “Looking For A Gideon” and a Gideon was found. Gary Hazen from Eaton came to share his experience on a mission trip to Bolivia during the last part of April, 2013. Gary joined five other Gideons in Bolivia distributing scriptures to school children. He showed slides of his trip where over 140,000 scriptures were given and thousands asked Jesus to be their s...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Aug 7, 2014

    The quiet hot days of summer aren’t very news worthy in Albin. Oh, there are still birthdays within our ranks. And I am sure a few anniversaries have slipped by us without a note. We still have the harvest traffic through town. The courts and ball field is still occupied by young and old alike until well after dark. And the rabbits have almost surpassed the human population. With all this summer ruckus, I guess there is no time to put any announcements in the Albin section. Just two short w...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Aug 7, 2014

    The Friends of the Kimball Library and the library board are hosting a pool party at the Kimball city pool from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, August 7. Entry to the pool is a free will donation. There will also be watermelon, cookies, and lemonade for sale. Money raised goes to support the carpet fundraiser project and other library projects sponsored by the Friends group. The community center board meets Monday, August 11. The village board meets at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August 13. If you have news,...

  • Banner Co. News

    Barb Cross|Aug 7, 2014

    It has been pretty warm here in Banner County this past week. The fire department has been out a few times and we all sure hate to see that. The last time I know of was a fire at Banner Feeding on Saturday evening. A possible one on Sunday evening. We have had a lot of nice rain, but with the harvest going on it is pretty dry in places. The Kimball/Banner County Fair is underway this week. Today is actually busy, busy because most animal weigh-ins are taking place. The fair grounds will be...

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