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News / Community News

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  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Nov 7, 2013

    It was a little dark and spooky Sunday evening. No, no goblins were the cause. They had their fill of tricks and treats at the Albin Community Center Fall Festival Saturday night. The electricity went out Sunday evening for about four hours. No word yet on the why, just glad the "powers" that be got it fixed. Happy Belated Birthday, Ron Lerwick! He turned 60 and there was a sloppy joe pot luck at the community center last Sunday evening in his honor. Corn harvest is in full swing, lots of down...

  • Grover News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Nov 7, 2013

    The Senior Citizen organization has renamed their club. It will now be known at the 55 and Up Club. The next potluck luncheon will be our Thanksgiving dinner. It will be held on November 8th at 12:00 p.m. at the Friendship Alliance North Church. Meat, potatoes, and rolls will be provided. We ask that those attending to please bring a side dish. Everyone 55 and older are welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your family and friends. Pastor Ben Nevius and his wife Elizabeth will be...

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy Janet the Burns Library|Nov 7, 2013

    The Bountiful Baskets program in Burns was a success for me and I encourage others to try it. I received fruit and vegetables and my family has used it all. I was impressed with how well organized everyone was. I parked at the Burns-Plex, stood in line, picked up my groceries and was back in my car in about 15 minutes. A very nice young man even carried my sacks to the car! The website is and the baskets are $15.00 each. A person must place an order the Monday...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Oct 31, 2013

    Good morning, Banner County and to all of our neighbors and friends. I hope everyone enjoyed the month of October as much as I did. It went by so fast that it was pretty unreal. Here we are facing the last week and looking straight at November. I saw a note not long ago that said we had 60 days until Christmas. That was a while back however. And I was shopping for some fall colored party cups while I listened to piped in Christmas carols. Bah humbug!! Anyway, today is Halloween, my least...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Oct 31, 2013

    Happy Halloween! Don't forget to set your clocks back on Sunday. The Lions Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6 in the community center. The bookstore's hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You're also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for someone to be here. Johnson's Surplus is still open on Sundays. Stop in to see what new items they have in the store! If you have news,...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 31, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Kathy Zitek read a story from "Anecdotes" by Verl Timm about a sunrise service at the Church. The sermon title was "God Communicates With Us." We see in the Bible that God began communicating with people back in Genesis Chapter 3, and he has been communicating with people ever since. Psalm 19 tells some of the ways God communicates with people. God wants to talk with us. If you seek Him with all your heart, you can expect to hear from Go...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Oct 31, 2013

    Happy Halloween! Make sure you remember all those little ghouls and princesses out there and drive safe. Oh, and remember to leave some candy out. I'll be by later to trick you out of some. Jillian McLaughlin tells us due to the Burns Broncs home playoff football game Friday, the carnival will now be held Saturday, Nov. 2, at the community center starting at 4:30 p.m with a chili cook-off and supper. The carnival will start at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $5 per person, 12 and under free with a paid...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 24, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Shirley Wiggin played “Amazing Grace” on the organ with Carol Opdycke on the piano then asked the congregation to sing. Pastor Opdycke continued the study of the Holy Spirit with “The Holy Spirit Empowers You.” Galatians 5:19-26 tells us that if you are guided by the Spirit, you won’t obey your selfish desires. The Holy Spirit empowers you to live the life that God has planned for you. The Holy Spirit gives you the power to overcome...

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy or Janet Burns Library|Oct 24, 2013

    Congratulations to all the athletes in Burns for their winning weekend! The Pine Bluffs/Burns girls cross country team took first at Glenrock, the football team beat Wheatland and the varsity volleyball team won their games against Saratoga. The boys cross country team came in fifth. This weekend will be the final weekend for the runners as they participate in the state meet at Douglas and we wish them good luck. The varsity volleyball team will travel to Wright for regionals and we wish them...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Oct 24, 2013

    Good Morning! Hope this finds everyone well and enjoying the fall weather and the turning of the leaves. This may not be Vermont, but we still have some beautiful trees this time of the year. I have heard that Brad Brown is feeling much better, and up and about somewhat. Great to hear that. We are also keeping Charles Anderson in our thoughts as he continues treatment and future surgeries. The Banner County School kids have finished ‘Red Ribbon Week’ this week. Information during this week is al...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Oct 24, 2013

    There have been reports of a silver car showing signs of suspicious activity in Bushnell, driving slowly around town and parking in front of the playground and a few homes. Please keep an eye on your children and remind them not to get into cars with strangers. The bookstore’s hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You’re also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for someone to be here. Joh...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Oct 24, 2013

    Kindergartener Duggan Kriz, son of Kelly and Jillian Kriz, big brother to Demmie, served as the Burns Bronc ball boy at the Burns Wheatland football game Friday night. Way to go, Duggan! We received a nice article about the magic show from the Parents Group in Albin. Here is what they said. On Thursday, October 10, residents of the Albin community and outlying areas were treated to a “Grand Magic Show”, performed by illusionist Duane Laflin. The show was brought to the Albin Elementary School gy...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Oct 17, 2013

    Now you see Albin neighbors, now you don’t. A bunch of us were at the Magic Show Thursday evening. And what a show it was. Rumor had it Cody and Shawnae Branigan and family saw this act in Custer last summer and talked them in to coming down to do a show for the Albin Parent Group. Very nice. And although I didn’t make it in time for pancakes, I hear those disappeared as quick as a rabbit in a magicians hat. Thank you to the Albin Parent Group for making it happen. At the end of the show, Jil...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 17, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Alison Mickelson read “Grandma’s Letter.” Then Steve Hauer sang “What If I Give All?” Pastor Opdycke began her teaching on the Holy Spirit with “The Gift of the Holy Spirit.” In John 14:15-31 Jesus tells his disciples that He will be leaving them, but the Holy Spirit will be coming to take his place and will live in them. The Holy Spirit helps us, guides us, teaches us, and makes us forget about ourselves and think of others. We ne...

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy Janet from Burns Library|Oct 17, 2013

    The Burns Branch Library has two Halloween programs coming up! First of all, on Friday, October 25 at 1 pm, we are showing The Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy. This is great for all ages and we’ll provide the popcorn. The second program is our annual Halloween FUN! Drop by on Saturday, October 26 from 10am – 12pm for some games, trick or treat candy, crafts and a washable tattoo. Come in costume – we will be! There is no school on Friday, October 25 in the afternoon. In the Pine Bluffs Libra...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Oct 17, 2013

    Keystone, South Dakota as well as other places are now dealing with flooding. Other areas are still cleaning up with earlier floods or maybe destructive tornadoes. Our weather here has been pretty lousy off and on this past two weeks; however, I think we can count ourselves lucky considering how bad it is in those areas. This past Thursday evening was awfully bad with hard rains and high winds. The kid’s trampoline is on the ground. So are a few tree limbs. We were without electricity for at l...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Oct 17, 2013

    The village board met on Wednesday, October 9. Tim Nolting announced that a petition to recall him as board member has been filed with the county clerk. He suggested that if the required number of signatures is collected, the village should hold a town meeting to get input from everyone in town on how to proceed. He was told by the county that a special election will cost the village $3000-5000. Concerns were raised about harvest trucks moving through town too fast and not stopping at stop...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 10, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Amy and Renee Martin sang “Healing Stream of Love.” The sermon topic was “Watch What You Say.” God tests our faith by what we say. James Chapter 3 talks about the tongue. If you can control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body. Remember, God hears every word we say. So think before you speak. The congregation burned their burdens then prepared themselves to partake of Holy Communion. After the worship service...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Oct 10, 2013

    The Granny Craft Club meets on Tuesday, Oct. 15. The Firemen’s meeting is on Thursday, Oct. 17. Bushnell author Deb Carpenter-Nolting will present a reading of her new book, “Grizzly Attack in Colorado: The Ed Wiseman Story,” on Saturday, Oct.12, at 2 p.m. at The Sisters Grimm. The bookstore’s hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You’re also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for someone t...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Oct 10, 2013

    Well. Weather was definitely the main topic, the ruling force in our lives this past week. I had planned on being out of town that weekend so I was on my computer with my friend the Weather Bug quite often. He kept warning of the nasty stuff to come so I planned on leaving earlier to out run the snow. The place that I was running to just happened to be where some of the heaviest snow landed, South Dakota. The retreat was cancelled. Ayden and I and many others were extremely disappointed, but we...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Oct 3, 2013

    Good morning folks in Harrisburg, Banner County and friends near and far. Fall has officially arrived and you know last week one day we had hail. I have a pumpkin plant that is pretty well chopped up. As of yet I have not had time to clean it up, hopefully I will get to that soon. Pull the pumpkins and feed the rest to the chickens. Even the days that are into the 80’s have that lack of super-hot heat right now and it is just great! This past week-end was the 87th annual Farmer’s Day in Kim...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Oct 3, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carol Opdycke read the story “We Didn’t Do The Green Thing Back Then.” The sermon topic was “Faith Tests - Part 2.” James Chapter 2 talks about how we treat other people. We are not to have favorites. Don’t favor the rich over the poor. All people are created equal. We show our faith by our works. Faith that doesn’t do anything is dead. Next week the sermon topic will be “Watch What You Say” and Holy Communion will be served. After the...

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy Janet from Burns Library|Oct 3, 2013

    Fall is officially here. The last day of summer was September 21. As I am writing this, the forecast for this week is windy and cold with some possible rain. Sorry to all the farmers out there who are still trying to get their Fall crops planted and up! I guess we are never happy. We prayed for rain all summer and now we are praying that it will stop! I don’t know what the last, drop dead date is to plant but several years ago I was going to the Carpenter school on Halloween for the c...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Oct 3, 2013

    The community center board meets on Tuesday, October 7. The Calvary United Methodist Women meet on Wednesday, October 9. The village board meets at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9. The bookstore’s hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You’re also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for someone to be here. Johnson’s Surplus is still open on Sundays. Stop in to see what new items they have in the s...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Oct 3, 2013

    October is here. Pumpkins are coming out, the colors are changing, and my candy dish is just about empty from Easter goodies. Must be getting close to Halloween. “Oh, Oh, Oh, it’s magic, you know it.” Or maybe it’s just a show. Either way, come and be amazed as the Albin parent group along with Albin elementary hosts a MAGIC show. And it’s FREE! Just one of the ways Albin stays amazing; great volunteers who keep us entertained. The Magic Show will be held at Albin elementary, Thursday,...

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