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News / Community News

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  • Grover News

    Cheryl Ososky|Sep 26, 2013

    The Senior Citizens will begin holding Senior Citizen Pot-Luck Luncheons again beginning on September 27th at 12:00. The luncheons will be held at the North Friendship Alliance Church. The Senior Citizens would like to welcome everyone back, and encourages those who are fifty five years old and older to attend. Come join in the fun with family and friends. The Staff and Students of Pawnee School feel the need to reach out to help those in Colorado affected by the recent floods. The school will...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Sep 26, 2013

    News, Notes, and Nonsense Hello Banner County, neighbors and friends. Great weather for ducks, isn’t it? My sympathies go out to everyone who is still trying hard to get wheat planted, beans in, and corn soon to follow. This weather has been pretty unusual for this time of year and I heard on the news that they have the first snow in the mountains up around Denver. I still have green tomatoes and pumpkins too! Still mowing the lawn, and until this past weekend have been watering. Did any of you...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Sep 26, 2013

    The Bushnell Lions Club meets at 6:30 p.m. in the community center on Wednesday, October 2. The Sisters Grimm is now an approved postal provider. We offer stamps and flat-rate priority envelopes and boxes. Starting in October, the bookstore’s hours for the rest of the winter are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You’re also welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for someone to be here. We will be closed Saturday, September 28 for...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Sep 19, 2013

    Can you believe we had over five inches of rain in about seven days? Some areas west of Albin received as much as 10” of rain! I guess that might be called a “genuine drought buster,” or so Monte says. The moisture went down as far as 36” according to local moisture probes. Some reports are saying “too little too late.” But I like to think that anytime you are given what you asked for, you should be thankful. Even if it is a spoon after the ice cream has been passed. You still made it to desse...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Sep 19, 2013

    Wow! What a week makes — difference in the weather that is! It has been downright chilly here a day or two. Personally, I have enjoyed it, although I hate the cold and still have outside chores to finish. Fall has definitely been in the air. The homecoming games were pretty exciting. Congratulations Wildcats, keep up the good work. The dance Saturday was fairly well attended and loud! Students really dress up now a-days, different than homecoming dances I went to at their age…a century or so ago...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Sep 19, 2013

    The village board meeting was held last Wednesday. The board approved the 2013/2014 budget. An audience member stated that there was a break-in at the old lumberyard last week. Village residents should keep an eye out for suspicious activity around town, make sure their own property is secure, and report any thefts to the sheriff’s department. In the discussion of the disposition of materials that were left in the building by FirsTier Bank, the board decided to leave the vault door in place a...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 19, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Shirley Wiggin read “Time” and Carol Opdycke read a news item about Australia. The sermon topic was “Care, Comfort, Power.” Pastor Opdycke used scriptures from Luke 12:13-21, Luke 16:19-31, and James 5:1-6 which all deal with the rich who do not care about others. The rich are not to use their power in the wrong way. They are to care about others and not be greedy. They are to provide comfort when they can. We were reminded of the terrib...

  • Albin News

    Sep 12, 2013

    Our town spent the day Saturday singing hymns and remembering one of our own, Phyllis Lundberg. Many friends and family joined in remembering Phyllis at the Albin Baptist Church Saturday morning. Phyllis moved here just after graduating high school when her dad was called to be the pastor for the Albin Baptist Church. She met Kenneth who had just returned home from serving in World War II. They shared 67 years together before he passed away. The three greatest loves of her life were her Lord,...

  • Burns News

    Sharon Stacy or Janet Burns Library|Sep 12, 2013

    VIBE at the Burns Branch Library on Monday, Sept. 16, at noon. Using VIBE you’ll create your own video while munching lunch! Work as a team using costumes and props – you can be the VIBE LIBRARY WINNER! Can you do it? Can you win? Bring your friends! (Grades 7-12). Remember there is no school on Sept. 16. Dinner and a Book Thursday, Sept.19, at 7 p.m. Bring a potluck dish to share and join in some good conversation. Get your book for this discussion now at the library. (Adults) Be sure to com...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Sep 12, 2013

    Good morning! How has your garden grown? We have been blessed with cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, peppers … and my garden did not do very well. Friends gardens have, and I thank them for sharing. I made salsa one day last week, and I am planning on freezing more squash. Well, as I mentioned last week, this is homecoming week at the school, with kids dressed pretty zingy. Quite a few teachers too! The football team will play their third game of the season for the homecoming game Friday against Siou...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 12, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Steve Hauer sang “Thank You For Giving To The Lord.” Pastor Opdycke concluded her study on “Think About Eternity.” The scripture was Psalm 73. In this psalm the writer is struggling with the prosperity of the wicked and the troubles of the righteous. But when he goes to the temple of the Lord and draws close to God, everything begins to make sense. He sees that those who stray far away from God will be lost, and those who draw close to G...

  • Grover News

    Jamie Carpenter|Sep 12, 2013

    The Senior Citizens will begin holding Senior Citizen Pot-Luck Luncheons again beginning on Sept. 27, at noon. The luncheons will be held at the North Friendship Alliance Church. The Senior Citizens would like to welcome everyone back, and encourages those who are fifty five years old and older to attend. Come join in the fun with family and friends. Submit your community news to 970-895-2497 or email it to [email protected]....

  • Burns News

    The Burns Library|Sep 5, 2013

    We hope everyone had a safe Labor Day and was able to enjoy the last holiday of summer. Upcoming sport events for Burns High School for the week will be on Friday, Sept. 6. The Burns High School cross country team will be in Gering, Neb., for an invitational that starts at 1 p.m. Burns high school girl’s volleyball team and the boys football team will be at Southeast. The girl’s volleyball game begins at 3 p.m. and the boy’s football game begins at 7 p.m. Good luck Broncs! This week’s zucchin...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Sep 5, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Kathy Zitek read an article by Bill Jordan. Then she told about the Christmas stocking project. The church fills and sends Christmas stockings to underprivileged children in New York City. The church will be filling Christmas stockings on October 6th after a potluck dinner. Pastor Opdycke encouraged the congregation to “Think About Eternity.” The scripture was James 4:7-17 which tells us to resist the devil and he will run from you. The...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Sep 5, 2013

    Do you enjoy seeing the sunflower fields follow the sun as much as I do? I don’t know how much profit the farmer gets out of those fields of moving yellow, but I truly enjoy driving or biking by them. It sounds like a cold winter is coming, so soak in that warm yellow sight as much as you can so the Indian summer can keep you warm through the frigid months. Jillian tells me soccer and volleyball registrations are continuing. She would like you to volunteer to coach, ref, or just help out with t...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Sep 5, 2013

    The community center board meets on Monday, Sept. 9. Granny Craft Club meets on Tuesday, Sept. 10. The Calvary United Methodist Women meet on Wednesday, Sept. 11. The village board meets at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11. The bookstore’s September hours are Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. However, we will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 11. You’re welcome to make an appointment to visit at another time, provided we can arrange for som...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Sep 5, 2013

    Welcome to September in Banner County, Nebraska and many parts of the country where the hot, hot weather continues! Early morning and evening have been beautiful however. We had a terrific amount of rain one evening last week, about Thursday I believe, and it was accompanied by fierce lightning and thunder that roiled forever. Was absolutely great! Friday early afternoon was a different story though. The clouds moved in, little lightning or thunder, and lights out at about 3:20 and stayed that...

  • Albin News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Aug 29, 2013

    Well, all is quiet in our little home town. Children have returned to school, harvest is slowly wrapping up, and we are falling quietly into autumn. Soccer and volleyball registration forms should be in your students back packs this week. Contact the community center for more information. I know they are in need of coaches for soccer. Remember the community center offers memberships at reasonable rates when you miss swimming and getting the outdoor summer exercise. We are blessed with an indoor...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Aug 29, 2013

    Good morning Harrisburg, Banner County, neighbors near and far. I hope this beautiful weather is setting well with you. Some days have been too blasted hot, acts like August. This is the final week of that however, as we sneak right into September. I would like to wish some local ladies speedy recoveries from various minor accidents, major operations, and general health problems. All are good friends and we wish them well soon; Ruthie Brown, Sherry McKnight, Gwen Bayerl, and Wilma Post we are...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Aug 29, 2013

    Hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend! I neglected to write up a summary of this month’s village meeting in last week’s news, so I’ll include it this week. The meeting was very well attended, with standing room only. Verne Hackbarth plans to start circulating a petition to get the proposed half-cent sales tax on this year’s ballot. Talk to him if you’re interested in helping get the word out. Mr. Calvert opposed the designation of his property as a nuisance. There was much debate ov...

  • Burns News

    The staff at the Burns Library|Aug 29, 2013

    School has begun for the year. Remember to always be watchful of children in and around our local schools and to obey the set speed limits for school zones. Upcoming sport events for Burns High School are on Friday Aug. 30. The Burns High School girls volleyball team will be at Lingle, while the boys and girls cross country teams has an invitational going on in Casper. Good luck to those who participate in these events. Once again it is that time of year to begin the Burns Branch Library Book...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Aug 22, 2013

    Thanks to everyone who came to our Bushnell Day celebration this year! Also, a big thank you to our volunteers, to the Calvary United Methodist Church for putting on a wonderful lunch and pie social, to the Green Valley Homesteaders for our entertainment, and of course to our sponsors. Sisters Grimm is hosting Wyoming author C.M. Wendelboe for a reading and book signing this Saturday, Aug. 24. Please join us at noon for his discussion of his newest book in the Spirit Road Mystery series,...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Aug 22, 2013

    Good morning Banner County! Hooray, school has started once again and 2013-2114 is off to a grand start. Buses were seen all over the county as excited students, teachers, and parents awaited their arrival for the first day of school Monday, Aug.19. Everyone that I have talked to seems to think that this summer has just flown by. I know it sure has for me. Up until this weekend, I was not all that ready for the kids at our house to go back. All of that has changed … I am ready! They are too, r...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Aug 22, 2013

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Karel Smock read “So God Made A Farmer.” Pastor Opdycke gave a brief report on her trip to Ohio. Then Ashley Turner gave a slide presentation and talk about her trip to Australia this summer where she participated in the track and field competition. After the service the congregation enjoyed a potluck dinner. The bell ringer from the Galeton area performed and there were games for the children to celebrate Hereford Day. Next week the...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Aug 15, 2013

    Good morning Banner County, all surrounding neighbors and friends. Here it is the middle of August — personally, I wish it was the middle of May! I am not ready for school to begin, which is four days from today. Guess I had better get in gear. The first day, Monday, the 19th will end with an early release and the remaining days of the week will be regular schedule school days. The school staff will start early with two full days, today and tomorrow. Good luck everyone, have a great year! A...

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