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  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Apr 17, 2014

    Albin Elementary Kindergarten Screening April 23, 2014 Must be 5 years old by September 15, 2014. Please call school at 307-245-4090 for an appointment. Pd. Adv. A white blanket of fresh spring snow coated our roads and blooming flowers. The tulips and irises will probably still bloom but those fragile crocus and little purple shoots are all but a spring memory. We are smack dab in the middle of calving and planting season. Branding dates are being set and the farming and ranching world is...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Apr 17, 2014

    The Hereford Community Church held their quarterly business meeting on Sunday morning before the worship service. Routine items of business were discussed. They are planning to attend a Rockies game. The date is to be determined and those who wish to attend should let Steve Hauer know. The yard sale, bake sale, and car wash will be June 7 from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. There will be a clean-up day on May 31. For the special this week Carol Opdycke read “I Lay Down My Life For The Sheep.” The ser...

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Apr 17, 2014

    Good morning to all! Aren’t you glad that this past Sunday was Psalm Sunday and NOT Easter Sunday? Wow ... this crazy weather! My ‘Weather Bug’ predicted this snow and was right on the money, blast it anyway. We had beautiful Christmas card pictures Monday morning out of our windows; dazzling blue skies and unbroken pure white snow settled on the cedar trees and the distant hills. Not bad for December in April. Oh well. Next Sunday it is supposed to be beautiful with nice temperaturers. A great...

  • Burns News

    Sharon from the Burns Library|Apr 17, 2014

    Good Friday communion service at 7 p.m. and the Easter service at 9a.m. at the 1ST Prebyterian Church of Burns. Pd. Adv. We are getting very excited for Summer Reading Celebration here at the Burns Branch Library! Our theme this year is Spark Your Imagination. The kick-off is May 23, the first day to sign up, and we have a special treat planned for you. All ages can participate. All children who finish Summer Reading will receive a book as a final prize and there is a neat prize for adults who finish. We received lots of new books this week....

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Apr 17, 2014

    I wasn’t able to attend the village board meeting last week, but I got a short recap from Tim Nolting. Dog licenses are due in April - hopefully you all saw the signs and made it to the discounted shot day for your pets on April 15. If not, you’ll have to take your dog in to the vet to get updated shots and then bring in the proof of vaccination to get your license. The board held the first reading of the proposed resolution for an increase of the village water rates. The Panhandle Area Dev...

  • New notes

    Apr 10, 2014

    The Sisters Grimm is proud to be one of 2,300 bookstores and libraries across America supporting World Book Night 2014. On April 23 – Shakespeare’s birthday–25,000 volunteers from Kodiak to Key West will give away half a million free books in more than 6,000 towns and cities across America. The Sisters Grimm serves as a community base for local givers, receiving the books that they will be giving out and providing useful resources. Sisters Grimm will also be hosting a reception for local givers on Wednesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. At that time,...

  • Potatoes on the move

    Apr 10, 2014

    April 3, Brown Enterprises loaded a semi truck full of certified potato seeds. The potatoes will be shipped to California, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska and Washington. Ruben Ramirez stands on top of the truck overseeing all the potatoes. Nora De La Cruz helps with the machinery....

  • Day care garden discussed at town meeting

    Allie Hurley|Apr 10, 2014

    During the regular town meeting on April 6, Nancy Sundin introduced an idea to the council. She explained the south side of the Day Care building has been growing a lot of weeds. Her idea is to pull the weeds and add a garden. Sundin said she has noticed a lot of spring weeds growing on the side of the day care. She said she is going to talk to the director of the day care and ask to add a garden for the kids. There is no landscape, only rocks and weeds Sundin said. She said vinegar is a good spray to use to kill the weeds. “It actually k...

  • Burns News

    Sharon from the Burns Library|Apr 10, 2014

    Burns schools will have an early release April 17 to start their Spring Break that goes through April 21. Old School Café will be closed April 18 in honor of Good Friday. The café will also be closed on April 25 so Charlene can watch Derik swim at the regional games for the Special Olympics. These will be held in Cheyenne and many are going to cheer Derik on! Go, Derik! We are rooting for you! Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language was printed April 14, 1818. The introduction of a standard American dictionary helped sta...

  • Albin News

    Charlene Smith|Apr 10, 2014

    Things on the streets of Albin are pretty quiet. It was warm enough this weekend, however, to tempt some young folks on to the basketball court. The sounds of summer are slowly getting easier to hear. Spring Soccer has begun and Jillian McLaughlin is still in need of refs. Come out and cheer on the Wildcats as they kick in a few goals. The Albin Baptist Church has a weekly bible study group on Wednesdays. 5 p.m. is the Spanish version and 7 p.m. is English. On Thursday mornings at 6:30 a.m....

  • Banner News

    Barb Cross|Apr 10, 2014

    Good morning Banner County and surrounding friends near and far. I do believe that spring has sprung, although as surely as I say that it will snow. I have had tumble weed duty as often as I possibly can get out there, and let me tell you, I still have a month of work ahead of me. I am not alone on this job either. Rod and the kids have also enjoyed the task. Might not have a good choice of wording when I say ‘enjoyed,’ but I will let you fill in the blank! Happenings in the Burg this week inclu...

  • Bushnell News

    Jamie Carpenter|Apr 10, 2014

    The village board met at 7 p.m. on Wednesday. The community center board meets Monday, April 14. The Sisters Grimm will host a reception for World Book Night givers at 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Feel free to stop by if you’d like to learn more about the program or find out how to participate next year. The actual World Book Night book giveaway event is Wednesday, April 23 - givers will be handing out free books to light or reluctant readers and encouraging them to read more. The bookstore will be c...

  • Hereford News

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Apr 10, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Carolyn Ragsdale read “Why Did Jesus Fold The Napkin?” It was Communion Sunday and the congregation began the service by burning their burdens.Pastor Opdycke read Psalm 118. Then Holy Communion was served. The sermon topic was “The Civil Trials.” After the Jewish leaders had condemned Jesus to death, they took him to the Roman authorities because they were not permitted to kill anyone. They went first to PIlate, but when Pilate found o...

  • Hereford community news

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Apr 3, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Karel Smock read “Spring Makes All Things New” and “God Never Promised Rainbows.” Then Pastor Opdycke read an article from the Greeley Tribune about attending church. The sermon topic was “On Trial.” Between the hours of midnight and 9 a.m. Jesus went through five trials. The first trial was with high priest Annas. The second trial was with high priest Caiaphas. And the third trial was with the Jewish supreme court. John 18:12-14 an...

  • Banner community news

    Barb Cross|Apr 3, 2014

    Hold onto your hat and put rocks into your pockets! My gosh was the wind ever trying to blow my house down. How about you? Do you dislike it as much as I do? Beautiful day except for that outrageous wind Monday morning. Hopefully the weather will just continue to improve as the week wears on. Our girls’ traveling basketball team finished up this past weekend in Chadron. One heartbreaker was a one point loss, but they learned a lot in the over all course of their time spent. Thank you very m...

  • Bushnell community news

    Jamie Carpenter|Apr 3, 2014

    The fire department’s chili and oyster soup feed this past weekend was fantastic, as usual. Sorry I got the date wrong in the news! The bookstore will be closed on Sunday, April 6 so that we can attend the Friends of the Library event in Kimball, a talk on the North Platte Canteen by Charlotte Endorf - everyone is welcome! The Granny Craft Club meets on Tuesday, April 8. The Calvary United Methodist Women meet on Wednesday, April 9. The village board meets at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9. If y...

  • Albin Community News

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Apr 3, 2014

    Hopefully you weren’t fooled too much Tuesday. I think the biggest fool around is the weatherman. That old “lion” seemed to have eaten the “lamb.” The roads around home are drying up and the spring flowers are starting to find their way through the mud. Soon it will be time for the little guys to start running on the green green grass of the sports fields. Jillian McLaughlin tells us spring soccer season will start soon. If you want to sign up your little guy or possibly coach or ref, contact t...

  • Burns community news

    Sharon from the Burns Library|Apr 3, 2014

    Taco Bingo will be held on April 5th at Burns Elementary. Food service will begin 5 p.m. with bingo beginning at 6:30 p.m. Please help support the Carpenter and Burns schools in this great fundraiser. Stop by for breakfast, lunch or dinner at the Old School Café located in the Burns-Plex. They are open 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday – Friday. They offer fresh pies and pastries plus a different “special” everyday. I’ve heard the hamburgers, cheeseburgers and other entries are delicious, as well! The Burns men’s and women’s track teams participated...

  • Albin community news

    Monte Lerwick and Charlene Smith|Mar 27, 2014

    Up here in Albin, the streets have declared a cease and decist (sp) on precipitation. Not only the gravel streets but the paved ones are buckling under all this water. What is it? Spring showed bring May flowers? We should have enough for the Rose Bowl Parade. The Farm and Home Show sounded like it went well. Jillian K., Jillian M. and Michelle served over 100 people the free lunch. Many speakers presented valuable information and a bunch of booths were in to browse through. The Sunday lunch... Full story

  • Herford community news

    Carolyn Ragsdale|Mar 27, 2014

    For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Steve Hauer read “Is The Bible The Inspired Word of God?” The sermon topic was “A Friend’s Denial” referring to Peter. All four gospels tell about Peter when he denied knowing Jesus. But Jesus still loved Peter and gave him a second chance, just as Jesus gives each of us a second chance when we don’t do what we should. Peter repented and was forgiven. That is what we must do, too. When we make mistakes, we need to repent and ask forgive... Full story

  • Banner community news

    Mar 27, 2014

    There sure is a lot of nonsense going on. Leprechauns, pots of gold and such and on top of all of the that mother nature has been pretty wacky. Wind chills making the weather four degrees one day, school closures, and 50/60 degrees again. All in the same week. Somewhere in all of that is spring. Although we have been enjoying the girls’ traveling basketball team competitions I am unashamed to say that I am happy that they are about to come to an end for this year. Our girls will play in Chadron this weekend, so you know what I will be up to! T...

  • Bushnell community news

    Mar 27, 2014

    The Bushnell Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2. The bookstore will be closed on Sunday, April 6 so that we can attend the Friends of the Library event in Kimball, a talk on the North Platte Canteen by Charlotte Endorf - everyone is welcome! If you have news, announcements, meeting times/dates, information about events happening nearby, or anything else you’d like to share, please contact me at [email protected] or 308-230-0683.... Full story

  • Burns community news

    Mar 27, 2014

    March 30 is author Anna Sewell’s birthday. The daughter of a successful children’s book writer, she helped edit her mother’s manuscripts from an early age but was not published herself until she was 57. Black Beauty, the first significant children’s story in the English language to focus on animal characters, established the precedent for countless other works. Sewell wrote the book during the last seven years of her life, when she became an invalid confined to her home. The book was published shortly before her death in 1878 and became...

  • Banner community news

    Mar 20, 2014

    Top o’ the morning to all of you Irish folks out there! St. Paddy’s Day has come and gone and 2014 is almost 1/4 of the way over. Hard to believe. They say time flies when you are having fun, I personally am not having that much fun. Did anyone happen to see any leprechauns this past Monday? I did not, but I did see a lot of little short people. They were on the basketball courts in several school gyms in several counties, and several states. Most of the ones I am talking about were probably 6/7 years old. Our girls involved in the Banner Cou... Full story

  • Burns community news

    Mar 20, 2014

    The Burns Branch Library will have displays of James Patterson and Louis L’Amour’s books this week in celebration of their birthdays. James Patterson, one of the world’s top-selling novelists was born March 22, 1947. He is best known for his thrillers, the Alex Cross detective series and the Women’s Murder Club series. He has written books in a variety of genres, from historical fiction to young adult. His novels have sold an estimated 220 million copies around the world. Born March 22, 1908, Louis L’Amour dropped out of high s... Full story

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