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  • Military News

    Submitted|Mar 21, 2013

    More than 100 Airmen from the 14th Airlift Squadron returned home to Joint Base Charleston, S.C. from a 120-day deployment to Southwest Asia March 3. Captain Jared Moore, command pilot was one of the airmen deployed. Moore is the grandson of Lance and Alice Theobald of Pine Bluffs and son of Larry and Teresa Moore of Torrington. While deployed, the 14th AS Airmen served under the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron supporting overseas contingency operations. “The pelicans have done it again,” said Lt. Col. Joseph Meyer, 14th AS commander, who...

  • Migrating to spring

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 21, 2013

    The signs that spring is here are pretty hard to miss. And even the most ardent change-haters have to smile when they see spring coming around again. Who wouldn’t like a season of clear, dry roads, moist soil good for planting, a brackets filled with 68 Cinderella story teams, and temperatures anyone can enjoy. The birds start to work as alarm clocks. The flying snooze buttons are making their northern migration back to their western nests. The top 68 teams in NCAA mens basketball are making t...

  • Beer, the staple of any kitchen on St. Patrick's Day

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 14, 2013

    What a holiday! Beer infused into all the meals, even the desserts. “Warm beer and bread they say can raise the dead,” probably because “in heaven there is no beer.” Or at least the University of Wyoming student section think so. As long as they aren’t chanting ugly slurs about it. St. Patrick’s Day is a holy day of obligation for the faithful, and we are supposed to abstain from work and worry, and have suitable relaxation of the mind and body. Which is what I suppose leads many people to p...

  • Gorman, Patterson exchange vows

    Mar 7, 2013

    Christina Elizabeth Gorman and Sean Michael Patterson were united in marriage July 7, 2012, at the Presbyterian Church in Laramie, with Rev. Dan DeBruyn officiating the double-ring ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Christopher Gorman. She is the daughter of Marjorie and the late David Gorman of Pine Bluffs. The groom is the son of Dave and Darla Patterson of Wheatland. The maid of honor was Jennifer Gorman, sister of the bride and the best man was Larry Wickman, friend...

  • Jares

    Mar 7, 2013

    Braden Lawrence Robert Jares was born to Robbi Russi and Larry Jares of Cheyenne on Jan. 16, 2013, in Cheyenne. He weighed 6 lbs. and was 18.5 inches long. He was transported to Denver’s Children’s Hospital shortly after birth where he spent a week in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. He is now home and doing very well. His grandparents are Norm & T.J. Russi of Burns and the late Otto and Velma Jares of Greybull. His great-grandparents are Bobbi and Walt Mecomber of Cheyenne....

  • Brent

    Mar 7, 2013

    A son, Julian Herbert-Mack Brent was born to Michelle Miller and Justin Brent of Pine Bluffs. Julian was born at 9:03 on Feb. 25, at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center....

  • Give a man a fish, he'll make you dinner. Teach a man to fish, he’ll be gone every weekend.

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Mar 7, 2013

    If my oldest was given a fish for dinner, you can bet fish patties would not be on the plate. But tuna or salmon patties are healthy, inexpensive, quick and simple to make. All that said, this recipe will not find its way to my future daughter-in-law’s kitchen. The cheapest kind of fish are the ones you catch, and not as they are thrown at you at the fish market. Not that we have one of those nearby. Even though our tundra is still frozen, ice fishing is just as productive and entertaining as i...

  • Friendship Alliance Church gains new pastor

    Submitted|Feb 28, 2013

    Friendship Alliance Church is pleased to welcome Pastor Ben Nevius and his new wife Elizabeth to Grover. Pastor Nevius has been their pastor since Dec. 2, 2012. “My wife and I have just moved to the town of Grover in January,” said Pastor Nevius. “We are so excited to be a part of the community and to see what God has planned for our future here!” The couple were married at the beginning of January in the small town of Fremont, Neb.. They both lived in Nebraska for their high school years,...

  • Plant in March, taste in June

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Feb 28, 2013

    There is a poem that has different translations and dialects about March. The poem from England goes, “March comes in with adders’ heads and goes out with peacocks’ tails.” I don’t know how many snakes we will see tomorrow, or even peacocks towards the end, but you can plant a few seeds of summer that will keep the snakes away and bloom like a peacocks tail. Starting seedlings inside really helps spring bounce our way quicker. Starting your own seeds will also save a little “dough” t...

  • Heirlooms Remembered

    Feb 21, 2013

    It was a chilly crisp day I let my thoughts fade away. The water flows over my hands As I grab the wet fabric bands. The soap residue sticks to my skin My hands not as wrinkled as they could have been. When the clothes finish with the wash I run it through the wringers to be squashed. Those wood rollers pressed and turned with the wheel The clothes slid under like a reel. Then one day we bought a motor That turned the wheel over and over. All you had to do was slide the clothes under And listen...

  • Presidential recipes from Washington and Lincoln

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Feb 21, 2013

    I know you think I’m going to give you a recipe for cherry pie, as we all tend to associate cherries, particularly cherry trees with our first president. But just as the mid-19th century accounts detailing the first Thanksgiving feast were debunked as nationalism, Washington’s the cherry tree story has found its way into the national myth column. Folks back then felt the nation was divided and needed to “cut” a unified history if it was going to survive. It worked, or I wouldn’t have brought it... Full story

  • Ode to Food: A Valentine’s Day treat

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Feb 14, 2013

    How do I love thee, let me count the ways. I love the scent of seasons mixed with melted butter. I love whipping egg whites with sugar to get fluff. I love how you fill my gut. I love food. I love my kids. Not the same way, of course. I could serve the kids up a serving of discipline, but never serve them up for dinner. Today, the loneliest, er, most romantic day of the year, it’s difficult to decipher the different types of love. Sort of like a novice in the kitchen trying to explain the d... Full story

  • Thompson, Cline exchange vows

    Jan 31, 2013

    Aundrea and James Thompson, and Morgan Cline would like to announce the marriage of their parents, Tim Cline and Sheri Thompson. Tim and Sheri were joined in marriage on Dec.28, 2012, in an evening winter wonderland double-ring ceremony at Pine Bluffs Baptist Church. Sheri was given away by her son, US Army Specialist, James Thompson. Standing up with Tim was his daughter, Morgan Cline and attending Sheri were her daughter, Aundrea Thompson, and son, James Thompson. Special surprise guest were...

  • Coffee and Conversation

    Jan 31, 2013

    Come join the staff at the Pine Bluffs Post every Friday from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. for coffee and conversation. Starting Feb. 7, 2013, we will put the pot on for you, perhaps test out a recipe and open our ears to your thoughts while we fill your cup. As T.S. Eliot said, “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” Come, measure some life and news with us each Friday.... Full story

  • Food for Sunday is a “Big Easy”

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jan 31, 2013

    Jack and Jackie Harbaugh’s boys are facing off in the most watched sporting event of the year. And it will be anything but easy. Jackie was quoted as saying, “One will win and one will lose, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t want a tie. Can the NFL do that?” The NFL may not provide a tie for the coaches’ mom in Super Bowl 47, but the recipes below will give you and your guests a reason to throw any diet out of bounds quicker than one of Jackie’s boys will throw in the red flag. From coast to... Full story

  • Burry, Michaud to wed

    Jan 24, 2013

    Robert and Patricia Burry of Pine Bluffs, announce the engagement of their daughter, Alisha Burry to Timothy Michaud, the son of Dennis and Susan Michaud of Pine Bluffs. A May wedding is planned....

  • Birth Announcements

    Jan 24, 2013

    Prettyman Selah Carmichael Prettyman was born to Phil and Christine Prettyman, by the grace of God and the skillful work of mid-wife, Carole Roedocker of Fort Collins, Colo., on Sunday, Jan. 20. She weighs 6 lb., 5 oz., and is a healthy little girl....

  • Lights, camera, action! It’s a wrap!

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jan 24, 2013

    It seems everything can be dressed up in its’ Sunday best to be served on Super Bowl Sunday, for Oscar night or even to that special someone in their lunch pail. The sandwich is not to be left out. And in this season of watching not only the two best football teams compete and the best actors vie for gold, we tend to also watch the calories that nominate themselves for consumption. If you have put any effort into healthy eating, you already know some completely innocent looking foods can turn v... Full story

  • Hot travel spots less than three hours away

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jan 24, 2013

    Wanna get away? Experiencing a fiscal cliff in your own check register? Well, you can still go somewhere exotic and exciting and keep the debit column from screaming in red. Southeast Wyoming is fortunate to have close proximity to outdoor sports and city life. Check out these events and places within reach of a half a tank of gas and less than $100. National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colo. is ongoing Jan. 12 through Jan. 27. The historic stock yards will continue to play host to the 107 year...

  • Adoption

    Submitted|Jan 17, 2013

    Curt, Wanda and Merina Theobald announce the adoption of their daughter and sister, Karlyn Faith Sheng Nan Theobald. Karlyn was born on Aug. 6, 2012, in Shanghai, China. Karlyn’s grandparents are Lance and Alice Theobald and Omar and Emma Helmuth, all of Pine Bluffs....

  • Correction

    Jan 17, 2013

    In the Jan. 10, 2013 edition, we mistakenly listed Sandy Rageth instead of Lois Rageth as speaking to the Pine Bluffs council in the Pine Bluffs council starts a new year article. Our apologies for any hardship this may have caused....

  • I have a dream...of a warm yummy dinner

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jan 17, 2013

    Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed and worked toward an America that was equal and free for all who lived within its borders. He was an inspiration to many, and not just to those fighting for liberties and justice. Kings words and enthusiasm in a future he was only able to dream about fueled many into positive changes and an America that strives everyday to encompass everyone in her warm embrace. Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. What better way to warm your family and remember the battles many...

  • Here come the low fat, low calorie dark dank dreaded days of January

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post Staff|Jan 10, 2013

    You didn’t think about the 400 calories a square of Grandma’s fudge. And forget about being mindful of the 1,800 calories on the plate at Christmas dinner or those parties where you munched 3,000 of the make-you -feel-good-now-but-later-regret calories. Sigh. You are not alone. Diet pills, systems and plans spend millions of dollars with marketing firms in December dreaming up ways to remind you in January of what you ate. Even if people don’t say it out loud, most of us are guilty of wanti...

  • The Americas, Asia bring in the holiday season

    Charlene Smith, Reporter for Pine Bluffs Post|Dec 27, 2012

    In some conversations about the number of continents, many people count North and South America as one. Our land-mass sharing neighbors to the south have many spicy versions of Christmas tidings. But for the intent of making friends from neighbors, we say, “Nuestro continente es su continente.” The Americas do Christmas well. So well, that many who don’t believe in the reason for the holiday, celebrate Christmas. Maybe that is the way it is meant, to include as many as we can in the mirac...

  • Birth - Smith

    Dec 20, 2012

    Smith Casey and Heidi Smith of Cheyenne would like to announce the birth of their son, Jacob Kahleh Smith on Nov. 29. Jacob weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces. He is the first child of the Smith’s. His grandparents are Gary and Lorraine Smith of Carpenter and Ben and Patrice Metzger of Cheyenne. His great-grandparents are Rodney and Maxine Soppe of Carpenter....

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