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  • Crock pot cooking is no 'nonsense'

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    Are you ready to say goodbye to summer? Have you gotten out your slow cooker yet? (Mine rarely sees the inside of the storage cupboard.) As summer turns into fall, it’s nice to take one last longing tasteful glance at fresh vegetable salads, berries filling the fridge and pie tins, and the whiff of grilled beef on the patio. But wait a minute. We live in the get-anything-you-want grocery market era. You can still have fresh tomatoes on a grilled burger. Maybe not picked out of your back yard s...

  • Trail Days Dispatch

    Aug 1, 2013


  • Welcome to Trail Days!

    Aug 1, 2013

    The Mayor and Town Council would like to welcome you to the 63rd Annual Trail Days Celebration honoring Life As It Should Be. You will find a multitude of activities to participate in which began last evening with an authentic chuck wagon feed, the coronation of the Trail Days Queen and a performance of the Trail Days Talent Show. We would like you to visit our newly renovated Pine Bluffs Historic High School and our revitalized and improved City Park. The Town is very proud of these projects...

  • Bowman presides over 63rd Trail Days

    Aug 1, 2013

    Welcome to Pine Bluffs Trail Days! I’m Summer Bowman, daughter of Lyle & Sheila Bowman. I am almost 17 and a junior in high school where my favorite sports are volleyball and track and favorite classes are AG, band and choir. I have shown livestock in 4H since I was 8 and FFA for the last four years. I enjoy showing horses and my mule in western riding classes. I also show market lambs and market goats. They are both fun animals with fun, playful personalities. My main goal each year is to w...

  • Trail Days royal tradition runs deep

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    6 marks the 63rd annual celebration of Pine Bluffs Trail Days. Presiding over the festivities this year is queen Summer Bowman. Until the 1970s, a new queen and attendant were chosen each year. In some years, there were more than one attendant, so many young ladies served as just queen or just attendant. After 1970, just an attendant was chosen yearly, and then moved up to queen the following year. The following is a list of Pine Bluffs Trail Days queens and attendants beginning in 1952. No...

  • Trail Days Events Calendar

    Aug 1, 2013

  • Pine Bluffs melodrama players ready to entertain

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    Once again the thespians of Pine Bluffs will be staging an old-fashioned melodrama for Trail Days, complete with olio acts and audience participation. A cast of five will take the stage for “Unhand Her, You Villian” on Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m., and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. On their way to Wyoming to see what has happened to their father/husband’s holdings, Perdita Glob (played by Sarah Coverdale) and Widow Glob (played by Kristina Steger) search for answers regarding their fathe... Full story

  • Talent as it should be at Trail Days

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    Brian Stevens remembers talent shows when he was a child. “I teach piano lessons and didn’t have enough students for a recital so I thought, why not a talent show,” smiled Stevens. “This first year we have mostly musical acts, but I hope it expands to different talents next year.” Stevens said the response for the show was “fantastic,” and is already planning for next year. With the help of Jeff Weller, Stevens attracted 20 acts for the show that he emceed while Weller added “comic relief...

  • There's plenty more to do at Trail Days!

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    Cynthia Shroyer & Archives/Pine Bluffs Post There is no shortage of activity planned for the 63rd Pine Bluffs Trail Days celebration. The Texas Trail Museum will be open and featuring a new Pastime Theatre exhibit. There are two parades, a 3-on-3 basketball tourney, the Covered Wagon Car and Bike Show, two rodeos, a 5K, and hamburger feeds— and that’s just for starters. Check the full schedule on page 4 of the Trail Days Dispatch for details....

  • Your seat is reserved!

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 25, 2013

    When you’re all done with the festivities at Cheyenne Frontier Days don’t forget your seat is reserved at Pine Bluffs Trail Days. The kickoff is Wednesday, Aug. 1 and the fun continues through Sunday, Aug. 4. During your time at the celebration be sure to visit the Texas Trail Museum to see the latest exhibit featuring the Pastime Theatre which includes these seats, movie posters and more. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Pine Bluffs Post will feature mor...

  • Harrisons to celebrate 60th anniversary

    Jul 25, 2013

    John “Jack” and Glennis Harrison will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Aug. 4, 2013. Jack and Glennis were married Aug. 6, 1953, at the Methodist church in Pine Bluffs. They were high school sweethearts and have been lifelong residents of Pine Bluffs. They owned and operated the Pine Bluffs Television System and several other systems in southeast Wyoming for nearly 50 years. Jack is a former town council member and mayor of Pine Bluffs. Glennis is a graduate of the University of Wyo...

  • Time to explore the chuck wagon

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 25, 2013

    Cheyenne Frontier Days kicked off last weekend. The music, the cowboys, the rides, and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t pay homage to the food. Next to Old Frontier Town on your walk over to Indian Village, is a section of chuck wagons. Most days they boil, sear, and bake meals our pots and pans haven’t even imagined. The cast iron skillet and dutch oven are staples for campfire cooking. But just because you own a Kenmore, doesn’t mean you can’t try your skills in cast iron. If you’re looking for su...

  • Zitek to celebrate 80th birthday

    Submitted|Jul 18, 2013

    Dorothy Mae “Dode” Zitek will be celebrating her 80th birthday on Wednesday, July 24. Dorothy was born the daughter of Floyd and Lydia Sharrah on a ranch in Nebraska. A couple of years later she helped to welcome her sister, Clara, to the family. In 1951, the family moved to the Hereford, Colo., area. Dorothy attended school at Grover, Colo., and finished her high school education there, receiving her diploma in 1952. Last year she celebrated her 60th high school reunion. Following high sch...

  • Birth Announcements

    Jul 18, 2013

    Crowder A daughter, Ashley Sage Crowder, was born to Sarah Kemp and Robert Crowder of Cheyenne at 3:14 p.m. on Feb. 7, at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. Warriner A daughter, Kristian Michelle, was born to Amanda and Jason Warriner of Cheyenne at 1:30 p.m. on July 2, at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center....

  • Dardens set to take CFD stage

    Submitted|Jul 18, 2013

    Pine Bluffs’s own Brooke and Derede Darden will be performing at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Free Entertainment stage next week. Performances are set for Monday, July 22, at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 24, at 11:30 a.m., and Friday, July 26, at 4 p.m....

  • Accompaniment for grilled dinners

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 18, 2013

    Right now the grills are as busy as a bee at the Rose Bowl Parade. It’s so hot, though, no one is thinking football or flowers. Just focusing on the tick-tick-tick-whoosh of the sprinkler and little giggling voices coming from the swimming pool. Not even the hum of the air conditioner can drown out the gurgle of your stomach. It’s dinner time. Grill time. Just in time to accompany grilled creations, farmers markets are in full swing. Giant juicy tomatoes, stalks of asparagus, fresh-dug car...

  • So, this is how you do the 'Watermelon Crawl'

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 11, 2013

    It looked more like a three-step or two-step but the young, old and middle aged alike enjoyed the cool breezes of table top fans as they sashayed Sunday afternoon at the Historic High School in Pine Bluffs. The Dalton Fuller Band strummed many tunes, including pop country hits such as the “Watermelon Crawl” while over 30 couples from Pine Bluffs, Sidney, Cheyenne and Scottsbluff danced away a summer afternoon. Cowboy hats, iced tea and lemonade along with personal drinks kept everyone cool unt...

  • Birth Announcements

    Jul 11, 2013

    Lindsay Brelsford and Tim Lynch of Highlands Ranch, Colo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Payton Grace Lynch. She was born on June 26, at 1:36 a.m. at Sky Ridge Medical Center in Lone Tree, Colo. Payton was 6 lb., 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. Her maternal grandparents are Roger and Sally Brelsford of Pine Bluffs. Her paternal grandparents are Lisa Lynch of Castle Rock, Colo., and Tom Lynch of Phoenix, Ariz. Her great-grandmothers are Reva Brelsford of Pueblo, Colo., and...

  • A berry cool recipe

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 11, 2013

    Red, purple, pink, and every shade in between is starting to pop up in the produce isle, on bushes, trees and shrubs. These little orbs and funny looking fruits are tempting us to eat healthier and sweeter. They can also help us cool off this summer with drinks and cool treats for our tables. I discovered Mojitos at my sister’s home a few summers ago. They are usually mixed with rum, but knowing I come with four non-drinkers, she added the rum to the adult drinks. All four of my children s...

  • Lions offered a look and a walk through Pine Bluffs history

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 11, 2013

    The Pine Bluffs Lions Club gathered over 20 history buffs at the Texas Trail Museum lawn early Saturday morning. The group would make seven stops and take steps through decades of Pine Bluffs history. Among the attendees were Pine Bluffs councilman Alan Curtis, town attorney Alex Davison and his wife Esther who is the chairman of the Laramie County School District No. 2 board, and Jack Bomhoff who is a trustee for LCSD 2. The tour bus traveled north of Pine Bluffs to the national registered... Full story

  • Boom: Happy Fourth of July

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 4, 2013

    Boom; a deep, prolonged, resonant sound. A loud, sudden, explosive noise, as the discharge of a gun. That is what happens at a fireworks factory on an hourly basis. Just think if you could safely create a few booms for yourself. Interested? It is always a little scary and exciting for a child to take a tiny wire flashing white hot lava-looking sparks from an adult they love. But once in their hands, the sky is their canvas for neon paintings. Some of us have grown up. The thrill is gone from... Full story

  • Andersons to celebrate 25th anniversary

    Jul 4, 2013

    Friends and family of Donald and Vernita Anderson will celebrate their 25th anniversary at a reception at the Albin Baptist Church reception hall, from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 7. Donald Anderson and Vernita Berry were married on July 1, 1988, in Lingle, with Rev. Dick Young officiating. Donald has been a life-long farmer north of Pine Bluffs, and Vernita taught school for two years in Pritchett, Colo., and 24 years at LaGrange High School, retiring in 1989. For the past 21 years Donald and...

  • Wilson, Johnson to wed

    Jul 4, 2013

    Leah Wilson and Nic Johnson are happy to announce their engagement and forthcoming marriage. Leah is the daughter of Tim and Carla Wilson of Lingle. She graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. Nic is the son of Craig and Val Johnson of Pine Bluffs. He graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Heath Promotion. Nic is now completing his last semester of...

  • Add some sparkle to your Fourth

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 4, 2013

    Between the heat, the popping and family and friends visiting, by the time dusk settles in across your piece of independence, you might need a little sparkle to light up your evening. Sparkle cake has been around for a while and recipes for it have been passed from generation to generation. There are ladies in my church family that can make the best angel food cake. And it’s said if you can master that, you can do anything in life. No fear, my non-baking friends. This recipe can work with an a...

  • Bang

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jun 27, 2013

    So, the kitchen is where the firework got its humble beginning. I guess the saying, “It’s too hot in the kitchen,” is not just about the stove. From scaring spirits away at the Chinese New Year events to warm July evenings across the United States, I’d say that is one recipe for success. But what about those folks who knowingly get down low and close to four inch mortar shells containing enough firepower to light up the night sky? And with a lighted flare nonetheless. That is the job, albeit...

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