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News / Looking Back

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  • Looking Back

    Jul 13, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO July 12, 1917 STABBING AFFRAY Warren Flint of Kimball was seriously hurt last Friday morning when he was stabbed in a fight with two parties from Kimball named Richardson and Rose. It is not known which stabbed Flint. The wound was in the left breast, very close to the heart. It happened shortly after midnight, Friday morning. Doctor Marshall was summoned, the light plant was started up, and everything possible was done for Flint until morning, when he was taken to the hospital in Cheyenne on Number 3. He is now reported as...

  • Looking Back

    Jul 6, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO July 5, 1917 WOMEN TO REGISTER Cheyenne---In a proclamation by acting Governor Frank L. Houx, Thursday,July 17, was designated registration day for all the women of Wyoming at which time all the women of the state are called upon to register at their voting precincts, “for war service of such character and extent as circumstances shall permit.” It is estimated that between 25,000 and 30,000 women will register. The proclamation places the management of the registration directly under the women’s department of the Wyoming Council o...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 29, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO June 28, 1917 MILLION DOLLAR RAIN YESTERDAY A fine shower of rain Tuesday night, which extended nearly over the entire county tributary to Pine Bluffs, relieved the dry period that had about set in. In some places there was hail and a number of farmers in the Albin district were damaged, but the Post was not able to learn just how much damage had been done. It is thought that most of those who were damaged had hail insurance. Wednesday afternoon a small sized cloudburst descended on the eastern end of the county. In the town of...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 22, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO June 21, 1917 PROGRAM FOR CHAUTAUQUA At a meeting of the Chautauqua committee held Saturday evening at the Commercial Club rooms, an additional committee was named to have charge of the introduction program on the afternoon of the first day. Local folks will be in charge of the program for a few minutes only, in order to introduce the entertainment and give the chautauqua a proper start. Much enthusiasm is being manifest in the local course and the Post is greatly pleased to be able to print for the first time the complete program...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 15, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO June 14, 1917 FARMERS BANK HOLDS OPENING The formal opening of the Farmers State Bank last Saturday was a successful event in every feature. Cashier A. B. Mitchell had delayed the opening until he felt sure that every detail of the new building and the equipment had been looked after, so that nothing would be lacking on the opening day. Music was furnished by Miss Marguerite Doran and the ladies were given flowers, while the men were given cigars. The day was ideal and there was a large crowd in town and practically everybody...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 8, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO June 7, 1917 NO FEARS OF ZEPPELIN ATTACKS Although it would be a daring aviator who would attempt to cross the Atlantic for a night air attack on Washington, if some intrepid German Zeppelin commander should attempt the feat he will not find the capital unprepared. Apparently American army and navy officials have little fear of a German air attack on American coast cities. They are confident of their ability to give any would-be invaders such a warm reception that an attempted attack would not be repeated. Petrograd, June...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 1, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO May 31, 1917 MARRIED MEN TO BE DRAFTED Washington, May 30---Marriage will not save a man from selection. Only those with dependants will be exempted, and even in their case this applies to the first call only. This was made plain at the War Department. Secretary Baker declared that the government would install sufficient machinery to make certain that the dependants were real and not merely semi-dependants. All men living in Pine Bluffs precinct subject to conscription MUST REGISTER at City Hall next Tuesday, June 5. Men past 31...

  • Looking Back

    May 25, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO May 24, 1917 U.S.TROOPS TO GO TO FRANCE Washington May 21---President Wilson signed the conscription bill after rejecting that section of the measure which would permit Col. Theodore Roosevelt to organize volunteer divisions. President Wilson directed that an expeditionary force of approximately a division of regular troops under command of Maj. Gen. John J. Pershing proceed to France at as early a date as practicable. General Pershing and staff will precede the troops. All men between the ages of 21 and 30, inclusive, whether...

  • Looking Back

    May 18, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO May 17, 1917 BRITISH AIRMEN ROUT 14 GERMANS British Headquarters, France---Out of the high thin air, where the flying birdmen fly in a sort of dream world of adventure, have come within the last few days still more wondrous stories of dauntless deeds and feats of aerial tilting to spread the welcome glamour of romance over the more sordid side of the war. Above the British lines and well within the enemy territory the blue spring skies have been filled with the daring planes that seem to flash in and out among the bits of...

  • Looking Back

    May 11, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO May 10, 1917 DRAFT LAW NOW IN EFFECT Washington---Instructions concerning the methods of carrying into effect the mandates of the army draft have been issued by the War Department. Responsible officials will be governed by the following orders: “The president is authorized to call upon all public officers to assist in the execution of the law. The plan is, however, to rely on the people for the proper execution of the law. It is expected that patriotic citizens will offer their services free as registrars. Such services will be g...

  • Looking Back

    May 4, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO May 3, 1917 U-BOAT SINKS ARMED U. S. SHIP London, May 5---The American oil tank steamer Vacuum has been sunk. The captain and part of the crew and the naval lieutenant and nine American naval gunners are missing. The ship was sunk by a German submarine Saturday while she was on her way to the United States. The chief mate and 17 men, including three of the American Navy gunners, have been saved. Paris, May 2---In a powerful attack in the Champagne region Monday, the French troops captured several fortified lines of trenches in...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 27, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO April 26, 1917 NOW IS BEST TIME TO BUY THAT FARM After every war there is always a shuffling of the world’s population. The millions of men who are under arms are men who have broken home ties. Their village or town will never hold them again after the years or the months in the trenches. They will be faring forth all over the world to seek new fortunes in new lands. They will come to America---the land of opportunity and freedom. They will need land upon which to work out the fortunes they come here to seek. Laramie County, W...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 20, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO April 19, 1917 WILSON ISSUES CALL TO CITIZENS The whole nation was called upon for war service in a formal proclamation issued by President Wilson last night. Declaring that “mere fighting will be fruitless,” the president demanded the active cooperation of men and women in every walk of life---”a great international service army.” From the farmer to the housewife, each individual was called upon to do his or her share in conserving and making available for war use the vast resources of the nation. “The supreme test of the nation...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 13, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO April 12, 1917 On Monday afternoon, one of the most enjoyable parties of the season was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Karlstrum in honor of Miss Elaine Karlstrum, who had then reached the first milestone of her life. A large birthday cake, with one lighted candle, adorned the center of the table. All the children were seated around the table for the refreshments, which consisted of two kinds of cake, ice cream and candy. Little Elaine received many beautiful and useful gifts. PRESIDENT SIGNS WAR PROCLAMATION...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 6, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO April 5, 1917 DECLARATION OF WAR IS CERTAIN April 3---President Wilson, addressing a joint session of Congress, characterized the “present German submarine warfare as a warfare against mankind.” “I advise,” he continued, “that the Congress declare the recent course of the German government to be in fact nothing less than war against the government and people of the United States and that it formally accept the status of the belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it and employ all of its resources to bring the governmen...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 30, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO March 29, 1917 S. M. C. Mercer, last Friday afternoon, sustained a fracture of the skull when he was struck by a box car in the local yards. Mr. Mercer was employed at the coal chutes and was injured while in pursuit of his duties. He was knocked down by the shock but was not rendered unconscious. He was cared for by Dr. Marshall and No. 19 was held in order that he might be taken to the Union Pacific hospital in Cheyenne. Mr. Mercer’s sons, Lester and Doris Mercer, accompanied the injured man to Cheyenne and on their return t...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 23, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO March 22, 1917 The new law in regard to motor vehicles includes motorcycles as well as automobiles. It becomes effective March 28, 1917, and after that date all motorcycles owned and operated in Wyoming must be registered in the office of the secretary of state. CZAR ABDICATES Petrograd, March 10---Czar Nicholas II has abdicated the throne of Russia, both for himself and the 12-year-old czarevitch.. Grand Duke Michael Alezandrovich, his brother, who had been decided upon originally to be regent, also has abdicated. The executive...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 16, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO March 15, 1917 After an enforced vacation of nearly two weeks, caused by the prevalence of measles, the schools of Pine Bluffs resumed their studies Wednesday morning. The attendance was very light, owing to the fact that many of the young folks are still in quarantine. The school buildings, together with the books and other contents, were thoroughly fumigated and it is hoped the worst of the epidemic is over and that normal conditions will soon be restored. The refrigerator room at the creamer is being lined this week, and also...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 9, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO March 8, 1917 At a meeting of the stockholders of the People’s Telephone Company held last Thursday, it was voted to sell the stock of the company to H. H. Whaley. Accordingly, Mr. Whaley is now nearly the sole owner of the stock of the company, which was organized about six years ago and has been operating since. Mr. Whaley does not intend to raise rates in order to put the company on a paying basis, but hopes to secure enough additional lines in the various directions tributary to Pine Bluffs to put the business on a paying b...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 2, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO March 1, 1917 SPEEDERS ANSWER TO COURT A short but interesting session of Judge Mann’s court was held yesterday morning, the occasion being a sort of reception to automobile speeders. Six defendants were found guilty, paying $7 apiece in fines. Different members of the town council are planning to take turns in watching for violators of the speed rules. While the ordinance forbids a speed greater than 10 mph, it is understood that the councilman are not going to be unreasonable about it, but are determined to prevent the running o...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 23, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO Feb. 22, 1917 EIGHT ARRESTS FOR HORSE STEALING Wholesale arrests have been made during the last week on charges of horse stealing. The arrests followed a long period of investigation and detective work on the part of the sheriff’s office, aided by many others who have been losers of animals. Next Saturday night marks the reopening of the picture show program at the Opera House with the World Feature Film Corporation’s five-reel drama entitled “His Brother’s Wife.” This picture features Ethel Clayton and Carlyle Blackwell...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 16, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO Feb. 15, 1917 Every member of society owes a debt to the public. Every live town that expects to accomplish much cannot afford to be without a Commercial Club. There are duties of a public nature that if not done through an organization of this kind probably would not be done, It is because the individual has not the time or single ability to perform these duties that the entire community is asked to maintain an organization to unite efforts and bring about mutual cooperation to better and more effectually promote the public...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 9, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO Feb. 8, 1917 The post office will observe the regular Sunday hours on Monday, on account of Lincoln’s birthday. Frand Land this week sold sixteen hogs for $539.35. There were two sows with litters and the pigs were just 9 months old the day they were sold and averaged about 300 pounds each. Some record for a dry farming community. W. A. and Chas. C. Gross have secured the Saxon agency for this territory and have an announcement in this issue. The Saxon needs no introduction to the readers of this paper, as they all know the g...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 2, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO Jan. 25,1917 The employees of the C. W. Johnson store have been busy unpacking new spring goods. The shipments just received consist mostly of hats and shirts in the new spring styles. While the weather at the moment seems a little unseasonable to the thinking of spring clothes, yet it will be only a few weeks until spring will really with us, and Mr. Johnson is going to be ready for the trade when it opens. Of Course Not “Still trying to cut down expenses, Jibway?” “No. I’ve given up in disgust.” “Why so?” “I noticed the other da...

  • Looking Back

    Jan 26, 2017

    1 YEARS AGO Jan. 25,1917 Earl Rohman, 20-years-old, whose home is in Detroit, Mich., and who has been working on different farms in this vicinity for more than a year, was arrested Wednesday evening at Albin, charged with the theft of a saddle belonging to Charley Palm. Constable Whaley made the arrest. Young Rohman is being held in the custody of Officer Whaley and will have a preliminary hearing this evening, The boy is said to have made a confession and probably will be bound over to await the action of the district court. Alfred Johnson,...

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