Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908
Sorted by date Results 151 - 175 of 222
1 years ago April 24, 2014 Trinidad, Colo., April 21.- Thirty three dead, more than two-thirds of them women and children; a score missing and more than a score wounded, is the toll know tonight to have been taken by the fourteen-hour battle which raged Monday and last night with uninterrupted fury between state troops and striking coal miners in Ludlow district. The death list is growing hourly. Ludlow camp is a mass of charred debris and buried beneath it is a story of horror unparallel in the history of industrial warfare. In the holes...
1 years ago April 17, 1914 Mrs. Francis E. Warren, the young wife of Senator Warren of Wyoming, was known in Washington society during her girlhood. Before she came to take her place as a matron of the official set at the capitol she was often a guest at the home of her uncle, the late Justice Brown of the Supreme court. Senator and Mrs. Warren are now occupying what was formerly the Brown home, in which as a girl Mrs. Warren spent so many happy days. It is well adapted to entertaining on a generous scale. Its drawing rooms contain some rare...
1 years ago April 10, 1914 Fort. Worth. - That there is a world-wide shortage of cattle was the gist of an address delivered by the T. Pryor of San Antonio, Tex., at the thirty-eighth annual meeting of the Texas Cattle Raisers’ association at Fort Worth. Pryor said high prices tend to increase the cattle supply on hand and diminish consumption. 75 years ago April 13, 1939 Poland is the key nation in Britain’s campaign, through Russian adherence to a Stop Hitler bloc is far more vital to the British cause. But Poland will not allow soviet troo...
1 years ago April 3, 1914 The City of Cheyenne, capitol of the state of Wyoming, has been notified that if it expects to secure the control station for passing aeroplanes during the flight from the Atlantic to the Pacific next year it must dig down and secure in the neighborhood of $10,000 for prizes. Cheyenne wants to become control station, but from a report in the Cheyenne papers the people of the neighboring country must do the digging if Cheyenne is to get the station. Cheyenne shows usual loyalty to her patrons of the surrounding...
1 years ago March 27, 1914 Two sections of pasture burn Burns, Wyo. March 25 — One of the most disastrous fires that ever occurred in the vicinity swept a thousand acres of the Bastian Schmaker stock ranch today, taking haystacks and range in its course. H.C. Hubbard was burning thistles across the fire guard. The range ignited and almost two sections of range reserved for spring pasture was burned, including 30 tons of hay. It crossed Muddy Creek in its course, but was finally checked by the united efforts of neighborhood farmers. 75 y...
1 years ago March 20, 1914 “Pine Bluffs, Wyo., March 14 — Because the unprecedented fall of snow early last December crushed down grasses in the district which had not yet cured, horses are dying from “forage poisoning.” Mold formed on the crushed grass and now is poisoning horses. The heaviest loser in this district is E.J. Dillon, five of whose horses have succumbed.” The above “Special” appeared in bot the Cheyenne and Denver papers. The fact of the matter is the Cheyenne papers got the article from last week’s Kimball Observer; the A...
1 years ago Rev. Harold Forde came down from Cheyenne yesterday and will remain several days to assist in the Presbyterian revival services. Nearly all electric services has been placed on the meter system. The work of placing meters on the balance of the service will be completed soon. Henry Wisroth, Dan Rainrigh and George Planbeck each received a gas tractor this week. They were unloaded at Egbert Wednesday. The work of remodeling the City Hotel is nearing completion. The roof of the building has been raised and the outside covered with...
1 years ago A Farmers' Institute, under the auspices of the Agricultural College of Wyoming will be held in the opera house at this place, Thursday, March 5. J.H. Davis, who has been depot agent at this place for several years, has resigned his position and was checked out Monday. "Jack" has been the most accommodating agents in the employ of the Union Pacific and his many friends here join us in wishing him success and good health wherever he may go. The weather man is getting quite punctual....
1 years ago I will sell dirt cheap my two stallions or trade for mares. Richmond the registered Percheron horse No. 1800 lbs. in common flesh; work in any harness. Lucky Joe, registered standard bred stallion, weight 1200 lbs., perfectly gentle for lady to drive; city broke. Sound and right in every way. E.T. Stoner. Al Bender, the barber, suffered from an attack of rheumatism several days the first part of the week. If you know a news item tell us about it. Don't keep it to yourself and then...
1 years ago Farmers have commenced hauling grain again. They report the roads improving and that about all of the big snow we had is gone, but leaving two-thirds of the ground covered with ice. The Basket Ball team will go to Kimball Tuesday evening, February 10, for a game with the Kimball team. A number of the friends of the players will accompany them. Fred Weigman of Albin was in town a couple of days this week getting out a sale bill for his sale which will be held on February 17. Rev. Woodworth arrived here Saturday and will take... Full story
1 years ago A pertinent instance of the habit of the American press as at present conducted to conceal, distort and pervert news unpalatable to is powerful constituents is offered by its treatment of the facts about the income tax. That in a nation of so-called prosperity and of 100,000,000 people only 425,000 (or one person in 235) have incomes of $3,000 or more is not exactly what might be expected, but it is nothing compared with the real state of things disclosed by the inquiry. It appears that there are in the United States 38,240,000... Full story
1 years ago The attitude of some of the Pine Bluffs business men toward The Pine Bluffs Post is withholding advertising patronage from that paper may force the owner of the printing plant to seek a new field. The Post can be printed anywhere in Laramie county, Wyoming without forfeiting its legal standing in the county or state. Should any person or firm desire to purchase the Post plant and business before February 1 they are invited to call at the office with their bank roll. Cash talks in this case. The roads are in such a condition that... Full story
1 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hawk dined with Thos. Daytons family Xmas day. Old Santa made his usual rounds Xmas eve being the first time for several years that his sleigh and reindeer came into play. A number of men in our neighborhood engaged in a rabbit hunt Xmas day and as usual saw more rabbits than they got. There has been a petition signed up by a number of the tax payers of Pine Bluffs which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their regular meeting next...
1 years ago Burns, Wyo., Dec. 10 – The new Farmers' elevator here burned to the ground at 11:30 this forenoon. It was full of grain and although the loss is not definitely known, it is understood that both and contents were covered by insurance. This is a bad blow for the farmers of this vicinity for the capacity of both elevators here has been over-taxed to handle the present crop. It is not known certainly how the fire originated but possibly from the office stove. The manager, Mr. W... Full story
1 years ago On the illustrious date of November 20 the mayorettes (sic) of the coming generation met for the purpose of providing a means of entertainment during the long evenings of winter. It was decided to form a club named the Pine Bluffs Recreation Club made up principally of the young single men of the community, although married men could join if it was convenient for them to do so. The place sought that was fitting and proper was the Blair Hall. The posterior room is to be fitted with...
1 years ago The Ladies Aide will give an oyster supper in the Stevens' building, south of the City Hotel, Saturday evening, November 29, 1913. Supper will be served from 5:00 to 8:00. Come one, come all. After a quarter of a century of service, Dr. Hedley still remains on of the masters of Lyceum. He has been heard by more than a million people, and the verdict has always been one of unqualified approval. He is recalled again and again. His impress for good upon his time has been remarkable...
1 years ago A basket ball (sic) team has been organized with Menzo Garlock, captain; Kenneth Smith, manager, and Geo. Karlstum, treasurer. Grounds have been fixed up just north of Association Hall and the boys are practicing up for the first game which will be played here on Thanksgiving day between the Pine Bluffs and a team from Egbert. Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a does of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For sale by...
1 years ago Postmaster General Burleson's attention should be called to the rotten mail service that is being dished up to the American people. We have no fault to find with the postmasters, but there is surely something wrong somewhere when mail is on the road three or four days between two post offices. Two wagons to which were attached eight horses and two drawn by six big mules attracted much attention on Carey avenue yesterday for the animals proved that they were drawing more than...
1 years ago Henry Hanson, who recently returned from a trip to Canada, does not speak in very glowing words of that promised land, although crops are something wonderful in that section. He says the homesteaders up there are receiving only 22 cents for oats, and paying about double for clothing and provisions than the prices charged here. Some of them who have gained title to land withing a few miles of the railroad are offering it for sale at $10 per acre. John W. Farmer, custodian at the...
1 years ago Today nearly every city and village along the old "Overland Trail" through Nebraska and Wyoming is celebrating the official opening of the Lincoln Highway. The route passed directly through Pine Bluffs, and at this place is only a few hundred feet from the old trail. The Pine Bluffs Methodist Episcopal church stands in the old original "Trail" and it would be a fitting tribute to the old travelers of the "Overland Trail" should a special service be held in that edifice this...
1 years ago New hotel for Kimball. - The present Whiteman house is to be removed and replaced by a three-story brick hotel, strictly modern, January 1, 1914. Cost about $34,000 and to be conducted under the management of Fred M. Whiteman. This town has had wonderful growth during the past 18 months, having doubled in population. A new reservoir for irrigation purposes, being under construction here making the second in this district. A flouring mill has just been completed. The overflow of tra...
1 years ago To the People of Wyoming: The Lincoln Highway Association has determined that the great highway to be forever called the Lincoln Highway, as a memorial to Lincoln, one of the martyred presidents, should cross the state of Wyoming from east to west. It is thought especially fitting that on the evening of October 31st there should be an old-time jollification to include bonfires and general rejoicing; this for the purpose of impressing upon the people-and especially the younger...
1 years ago Miss Ruth Hildreth, daughter of W. E. Hildreth of New York city, was killed, and her sister, Dorothy Hildreth, was perhaps fatally injured in Hammondsport, near Rochester, N.Y., when Lincoln Beachey lost control of a 100-horsepower aeroplane and it swept a number of spectators off a roof from which they were watching the exhibition. Forty thousand frenzied fans saw the Philadelphia Athletics sweep through the defense of the New York Giants for an earned 6 to victory in the opening...
1 years ago Only eight more days remain to determine the ownership of the splendid prizes to be given away in the Post voting contest. Saturday, October 11th, is the last day that the contestants have to hustle for the votes. The Great Contest of the Pine Bluffs Post is now the theme of conversation in hundreds of homes in Laramie County. How to properly feed a feeder calf - The calf may be left with the cow for three or four days, or until the mild is fit for use. The calf should then be...
1 years ago A wonderful bit of modern surgery, said to be without a parallel, was performed by Dr. W.M. Lawrence, Jr., surgeon of the Overlook hospital at Summit, N.J., on Charles P. Walters, whose arm was caught in the cogs of a press and the flesh ripped from elbow to wrist. Dr. Lawrence decided on a desperate experiment in an effort to save the man’s arm. The abdomen was the only place with flesh enough to supply that torn from the arm, and an incision was made there and the arm laid w...