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News / Looking Back

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  • Looking Back

    Jul 28, 2016

    1 Years Ago July 27, 1916 The creamery will soon be built While the board of directors of the creamery company realize that on account of the dry spell it is rather discouraging to go ahead with the creamery, they feel that this is one of the great needs of this section and it will be all the more needed on account of short crops. They are determined to go ahead with the work of building the creamery, if possible. At the directorship last week, it was decided to incorporate the company under the cooperative incorporative law of the state...

  • Looking Back

    Jul 21, 2016

    1 Years Ago July 20, 1916 Sunday school picnic great The picnic which was given by the Methodist Sunday school last Friday was-well attended and enjoyed by all present. The names of the winners in the various contests follow: Little Mabel Bryam won the pretty baby contest and received a baby rattle and pacifier with which she was highly delighted. Miss Edith Anderson won the premium offered for the most beautiful young lady present. The prize was a handsome set consisting of two hair pins, two side combs, a backcomb and a string of beads....

  • Looking Back

    Jul 14, 2016

    1 Years Ago July 13, 1916 Pine Bluffs show a grand success The Pine Bluffs Show and Contest put on here last Friday and Saturday by Irwin Bros. was truly a red letter day for our town. It was by far the biggest event ever witnessed in this section and proves conclusively that Pine Bluffs is capable of doing big things. Over 1,500 people witnessed the show the first day and on the second day, the crowd was estimated at 2,500. This being the home of the Irwin Bros., they did their best to make it a complete success and all who witnessed it can...

  • Looking Back

    Jul 7, 2016

    1 Years Ago July 6, 1916 Fats defeat leans in very close contest Contending for the beautiful silver trophy cup, the fat men of Pine Bluffs played the lean men in a closely contested and interesting baseball game last Sunday. The fats carried of the cup and will hold it until this time next year when another similar struggle will take place. This is to be one of the big yearly events in our town. The game was too much of a non-professional one to justify a complete and detailed writeup. Nevertheless, it was beyond doubt the most interesting...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 30, 2016

    1 Years Ago June 29, 1916 Dance at Mitchell Ranch C. L. Hoard gave a very successful dance Saturday evening, June 24 at A. B. Mitchell’s ranch. A large crowd attended and enjoyed a good time. Many from Pine Bluffs attended and there was also a quite a number of Cheyenne people there. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. N. petrie, mr. and Mrs. Chas Embry, Mrs. C. R. Hall, Mr. Harold Brinker, and Mr. Pat Hayes. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Hoard and the crowd dispersed at daylight. Over south items Frank Land has 40 acres o...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 23, 2016

    1 Years Ago June 22, 1916 Wedding bells An event long anticipated by Pine Bluffs people, the wedding of Mr. Charles Kit Carson and Miss Rosella Elkstrom, both of this city, took place Sunday at high noon at the home of the bride's parents in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. The charming bride was gowned in silk net over silk messaline and carried a bouquet of bride's roses and valley lilies. The groom's gift of a diamond lavalier, completed the beautiful toilette. Picnic succ...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 16, 2016

    1 Years Ago June 15, 916 Ten graduate from eighth grade ­Opera House crowded when public school gives first commencement exercises Friday night of last week will always be remembered by the patrons of Pine Bluffs Public School; for it was then that the first eighth grade commencement was held. The class of 1916, six boys and four girls, entertained the public in a manner seldom expelled by a graduating class of a four-year high school. The members of the class were Hazel Carlstrum, Harold Johnson, Mabel Samuelson, Harry Johnson, Ralph...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 9, 2016

    1 Years Ago June 8, 1916 Egbert Happenings Tuesday, Tracy Bomhoff, Fred Klugherz and Loren Will went to Bushnell, returning with two new Fords which were disposed of before they reached home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Klugherz were Hillsdale visitors Sunday. Saturday, June 17 is the date set for the Farmers Picnic at Egbert. Various forms of entertainment have been arranged for by the committee including horse races, bucking broncos and grand ball game. Dance in the evening. Don't forget the date and...

  • Looking Back

    Jun 2, 2016

    1 Years Ago June 1, 1916 Local and personal The farmers’ elevator shipped a car of hogs to the Denver market today. Mr. R. A. Divilbess of Logan, Iowa spent last week here visiting friends and looking after land interests. He was accompanied by Mr. J. M. Vore, also of Logan. Mr. Vore remained for an indefinite stay. Mr. Divilbess while here purchased the Carl Oleson farm west of town on the Lincoln Highway. Mr. Oleson giving immediate possession to mr. J. F. Ball will occupy the place as soon as vacated. Farmers unhappy with Pine Bluffs s...

  • Looking Back

    May 26, 2016

    1 Years Ago May 25, 1916 Egbert Items Miss Lena Hesse of Kansas who has been visiting at Burns is spending the week with friends here. Little Anna Bell Stratton met with quite a painful accident last week. She was standing near her father who was chopping when when the ax flew off the handle and hit her in the check, cutting quite a gash. She was immediately taken to Pine Bluffs where Dr. Marshall dressed the wound, which now seems to be healing nicely. Terrible fire The residence of Charles Sample was destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon...

  • Looking Back

    May 19, 2016

    1 Years Ago May 18, 1916 New school building for Pine Bluffs The school board of District No. 7 has called a special election for Saturday May 27 to vote on a $2,000 bond proposition for a new school building in Pine Bluffs. Prairie Dell items Harry Edwards and family, Dick Edwards and family and P.M. Burn and family took Sunday dinner with Olive Good and family. This section of country was visited by a fine rain Saturday evening which was much needed. Miss Merna Burns called at Mr. Wisroth’s last Monday. Bert Macy is riding around in a fine...

  • Looking Back

    May 12, 2016

    1 Years Ago May 11, 1916 Verna Lerwick visited Friday and Saturday with Evona Hockersmith. Alfred Pence was the guest of Dwain and Wesley Hockersmith Thursday and helped celebrate Wesley’s birthday. The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mr. Mabbitt, which occurred at Cheyenne hospital, a result of injuries received April 29, when his team became frightened when crossing the tracks at Pine Bluffs, throwing him under the wheels of a train.. Egbert Happenings We had another small fire in Egbert Sunday morning which would have soon be...

  • Looking Back

    May 5, 2016

    1 Years Ago May 11, 1916 Origin of Mothers’ Day On the second Sunday in May 1907, Miss Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, invited a lady friend to spend the day at her home to commemorate the date of her mother’s death. It was then that Miss Jarvis disclosed her desire to dedicate a day to all mothers. Through the incessant work of this lady, the following year found the movement prospering, and on May 10, 1908, Philadelphia celebrated Mothers’ Day in church and home. She wrote thousand of letters to men prominent in public life, clergymen, influ...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 28, 2016

    1 Years Ago April 27, 1916 For better rural schools The second annual Rural School Conference will be held at the University on July 10, 11, and 12. This conference will be open to all county superintendents; rural teachers and others interested in rural school betterment. The program will be under the leadership of Professor H. L. Eby, head of the new Department of Rural Education in the University, and Miss Edith K. O. Clark, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The purpose of the conference is the consideration of such problems as...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 21, 2016

    1 Years Ago April 20, 1916 A creamery for Pine Bluffs Hardly had our Commercial Club gotten organized in working order before the big problem of locating a creamery in Pine Bluffs was presented to the organization and the way it is going after the proposition moves conclusively that we have some live wires here and that the new organization will accomplish some great things for the town and surrounding country. It took a great deal of wind work here to get the club started, but the storm has subsided and now it is raining results. Last week,...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 14, 2016

    1 Years Ago April 13, 1916 LARAMIE COUNTY HAS AT LAST SECURED A COUNTY AGENT It is now a settled fact that Laramie County will have a county agent. The board of county commissioners at their meeting last week voted the necessary appropriation to bear the county’s part of this expense. The majority of the board did not personally favor a county agent, but as there was such a strong urgent request by the farmers they decided to give the matter a trial. Now as this as been granted, the only thing to be done is to get the proper man for the p...

  • Looking Back

    Apr 7, 2016

    1 Years Ago April 6, 1916 A RUSH FOR WYOMING LAND There is a demand for Wyoming land these days. The Douglas land office during the present month has transacted what is in all probability the greatest volume of business since the establishment of the office 25 years ago. Up to Wednesday, 30,420 acres had been disposed of. Homestead entries comprised the bulk of the filings there being 102 of them, aggregating 26,820 acres. Enquiries received at the land office and by the locators here indicate that the next two months will see a much larger...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 31, 2016

    12 Years Ago April 3, 1941 YOUR NEWSPAPER IS BEGINNING THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR TODAY The Pine Bluffs Post is starting its thirty-fourth year of service to the people of southeastern Wyoming with this issue of the publication. At the site of the present telephone exchange, the Post began its existence on April 3, 1908 under the ownership of Roy D. Wilson of Kimball. Fred Mathias, his manager, took complete charge soon afterwards and as editor and publisher, with the exception of a few months until it was sold in April, 1914 to M.R. Hemphill and son,...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 24, 2016

    12 Years Ago March, 27, 1941 KERMIT WATKINS TO BUILD A HOME HERE Kermit Watkins, assisted by his father, John Watkins, began Monday tearing down the old Salem school house near the Lindbergh community. Kermit, who bought the building recently from Ray Stansbury, is planning to build a home for his family soon on property he owns at the corner of Fourth and Blairs Streets. ********** 50 Years Ago March 25, 1966 ALBIN WILDCATS ARE AGAIN STATE CLASS B CHAMPIONS The Albin Wildcats, defending state class B champions, and ranked No. 1 in the final...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 17, 2016

    12 Years Ago March 20 1941 BRITISH DACHSHUND Most unusual household pet in Washington is owned by the British ambassador, Lord Halifax. Believe it or not, he was a German dachshund. The envoy brought the dog from a kennel in Virginia shortly after his arrival in the United States. Note—The dachshund was widely used in American cartoonists during the last war as a sinister symbol of Germany, and some animals were mistreated by misguided zealots. A BIT OF MIXED Cross marriages between two families produce some queer mix-ups, but the situation c...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 10, 2016

    12 Years Ago March 13, 1941 WOMENS DORMITORY AT STATE UNIVERSITY TO OPEN SOON More than 100 independent women students now living in Laramie boarding houses will move into the University of Wyoming’s beautiful new $375,000 dormitory on March 26 at the beginning of the spring quarter. “The new dormitory has a much greater significance then the addition of another beautiful building to our growing campus,” Miss E. Luella Galliver, dean of women, explained. “It will mean an opportunity for 136 girls to enjoy extremely attractive and comfort...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 3, 2016

    12 Years Ago March 6, 1941 ED PROSSER’S HAND MANGLED IN WELL MACHINE ACCIDENT An accident last Friday while working with his brother on a well machine cost Ed Prosser the three last fingers and at least one joint if the forefinger of his left hand. Prosser, with his brother, Fred, was drilling another irrigation well on the land, which they farm together north of town when in some way his hand became entangled in the machinery. He was taken to a Kimball hospital, where it is now thought that his thumb and part of the forefinger may be saved. F...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 25, 2016

    12 Years Ago February 27, 1941 Would eradicate snakes by using blasting powder People living in the Goodstreak community north of Bayard, Neb. have suggested that their county commissioners set up a fund for the eradication of rattlesnakes. The plan is to purchase a quantity of blasting powder or dynamite and get an experienced “blaster” to make the rounds of sections known to contain many dens in the spring, killing the “rattlers” before they leave their habitats and scatter. Last year, one man killed over 500 at one place and the snakes...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 18, 2016

    12 Years Ago Febraury 20, 1941 Potato school to be held here Feb. 27 Quality potato production in Wyoming will be the theme of a all-day potato school scheduled here for Thursday, Feb. 27. This will be one of a series of meetings on potato inprovement being held in the western part of the United States. Cooperating in putting on the meeting are the Wyoming Agricultural College and Extension Service, the Union Pacific Railroad and local committees. County agent Louis Schilt is in charge of the arrangements. Termed a “follow-up” on the suc...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 11, 2016

    12 Years Ago February 13, 1941 County schools have small showing of tuberculosis The Wyoming Tuberculosis Association, assisted by representatives of the Laramie County Medical Society, have just completed a tuberculin testing survey of 20 rural schools and the town schools of Pine Bluffs, Egbert, Carpenter, Albin and Burns. A total of 775 students were tested and only two percent of the grade students showed positive reactions and three percent of the high school students. This is a very low percentage, as the average for the state is ten...

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