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News / Looking Back

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  • Looking Back

    Mar 28, 2013

    1 years ago Disastrous floods in last century. 1813-Austria – Hungary, Poland, Prussia, Silesia: floods caused by incessant rains; live lost, 1,800. 1824-St. Petersburg and Ronstadt: overflow of Neva; lives lost, 10,000. 1825-Denmark: North Sea broke through to Limjford, making northern Jutland an island; one-third of Friesland submerged. 1836-South of France submerged. 1843-Canton, China, inundated; lives lost, 10,000. 1874-Northampton, Mass., Mill river valley; lives lost 144.1874-Pittsburg and Allegheny rivers overflowed; lives lost, 1...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 21, 2013

    1 years ago Chicago. - A thread of romance spun fifty years ago between the lives of John Goode and his then girl bride, was broken when the white-haired couple stood tottering before the bar in the court of domestic relations. It was the little, bent old woman who first quavered out her story. “I guess John and I’ve come to the parting of the road,” she began. “And – and, judge, we - we were married fifty year ago - fifty year ago.” The old man raised his head for a moment. He looked at Judge Gemmill with apology. “You see, judge, I am a...

  • Looking Back

    Mar 14, 2013

    1 years ago With the pleasant, matchless spring weather, activity begins among our neighboring farers. The weather conditions during the past winter have been almost ideal for another bumper grain crop and we predict a harvest which will cause some of our older farming states to sit up and take notice. Wm. R. Black is fitting up a gymnasium for the boys and girls in the old Davison building. There will be several classes organized, which will include classes for boys and girls, base ball volly ball (sic), and basket ball (sic) teams ect....

  • Looking Back

    Mar 7, 2013

    1 years ago Washington, March 4. -In the presence of a vast throng of his fellow citizens, Woodrow Wilson today stood in front of the east portico of the capitol and took the oath of president of the United States. Thomas R. Marshall already had been sworn in as vice-president, and with the completion of the ceremony the ship of state was manned by the Democratic party, which had been ashore for sixteen years. President Wilson’s first act was to serve notice on office seekers that they will not be welcome at the White House unless they h...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 28, 2013

    1 years ago Francisco I. Madero, deposed president of Mexico, was assassinated in the streets of the capitol by the minions of Victoriano Huerta shortly after midnight. Jose Marie Pino Suarez, deposed vice president, who rejected an offer of his life as the price of disloyalty, also was slain by the same hand that murdered his chief. The double assassination took place in an automobile in which the victims were being taken to the penitentiary, the echos of its shots mingeling (sic) with the dying strains of the American celebrations of the...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 21, 2013

    1 years ago Several cases of diphtheria have developed in Sheridan, as the result of which several families have been placed under quarantine. Governor Carey vetoed the bill granting Mrs. Mary Stressner of Rawlins $2,500 because her husband was killed by escaping convicts. The legislature of the State of Wyo spent the first fourteen days of their session in squabbling over who to be United States senator and the balance of the term has been used up in fighting the Governor and Immigration Comm...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 14, 2013

    hington — All talk of postponing the inauguration of President-elect Wilson to a more advanced date, on which there would be a reasonable prospect of find weather, has been abandoned. The inauguration will take place on the time-honored, if not weather favored, 4th of March. The pancake is a distinctive American institution. It is eaten only in secret in our best families. It would be eaten openly and above board were it not that folks of the upper circle have to maintain their dignity before the servants. Properly made, the pancake is a t...

  • Looking Back

    Feb 7, 2013

    1 years ago Geo. Cook. (sic) purchased a fine big stallion one day last week. He may well feel proud of his purchase. Frank Paulin has dug a well and erected a windmill over it in the past week. Local markets: Oats $.85, Spring Wheat 1.05, Fall Wheat 1.05, Flax 1.00, Hogs 6.60, Eggs 20, Butter 25 75 years ago One of the largest crowds in Pine Bluffs in many months was in town Tuesday to attend the power farming show and to partake of the bounteous feed put on by Fred Fisher of the Pine Bluffs...

  • Looking Back

    Jan 31, 2013

    1 years ago The re-election of Frances E. Warren to the United States Senate by the two houses of the Wyoming legislature in separate session Tuesday was ratified at noon Wednesday in joint session. The journals of the senate and house recording the result of Tuesday’s balloting were read and President Sage of the senate then announced that inasmuch as Senator Warren had received a majority of the vote in both houses, he had been elected senator in congress from Wyoming for the six years b...

  • Looking Back

    Jan 24, 2013

    1 years ago On Wednesday the house passed its first bill, the emergency appropriations measure carrying $60,000. The bill was put through under suspension of the rules and by unanimous consent. Eleven bills and one joint resolution were introduced and referred to committees, there being a marked progressive flavor to the legislation which they propose. The following are some of the common dishes which we like to know how to prepare well. When a piece of round steak seems to be hopeless, use the edge of a saucer and pound it until well cut,...

  • Looking Back

    Jan 17, 2013

    1 years ago Wednesday evening the P.H. Pelky Construction company of Wichita, Kansas, turned the keys on the elevator of the Pine Bluffs Farmers’ Association pending a settlement with the elevator company on the contract price. The Farmers’ Association are claiming $2,500.00 damage against the construction company for failure to company for failure (sic) to complete the structure within the specified time of the contract. The construction company agreed by their contract with the association to have the buildings completed and the mac...

  • Looking Back

    Jan 10, 2013

    1 years ago Word reached Cheyenne late yesterday (Monday) of the death of County Commissioner W.G. Curtis of Torrington. While it was generally known that Mr. Curtis was in poor health, the news of his death came as a great surprise to his many friends in the city. It was an odd coincidence that his death occurred on the day of his resignation from office of commissioner of Laramie county was to take effect. Residing in the newly created county of Goshen, Mr. Curtis could no longer serve as a commissioner of Laramie county after the opening...

  • Looking Back

    Jan 3, 2013

    1 years ago Pine Bluffs has a Record of Shipping More Grain Than Any Other Station on Union Pacific Lines. Railroad Official Surprised at Amount of Grain Now Awaiting Shipment at This Point. And Thousands of Acres of Virgin soil Still Awaiting the Magic Touch of the Plow. Alcohol will be found efficacious for removing grass stains from clothing. Bert Dalton, bank robber, leader of the notorious Whitney gang that held western Wyoming in terror a year ago, and who engineered the sensational jail break of nineteen convicts from the Rawlins...

  • Looking Back

    Dec 27, 2012

    1 years ago Cody – Three months ago Loe Nau’s lower jaw was destroyed when he accidentally discharged a shotgun. Now he has a new jaw. Nau, who is seventeen, has returned from Chicago, where he was the subject of remarkable bone, skin and flesh grafting. The surgeons built up a new sub-maxilliary (sic) on the ruins of the natural one, grated flesh to this, and skin to the flesh. Hardly a scar shows. Chicago’s Christmas cost nearly $20,000,000, making it the most prosperous in the city’s history. The little cottage in the Bronx where Edgar All...

  • Looking Back

    Dec 20, 2012

    1 years ago The weather man has been very naughty this week, Among (sic) the tricks he indulged in throwing gravel in the face of the people was the worst. The young people of our town deserve much praise for their efforts to raise the additional money needed to pay for the church piano. What is of value to our churches should interest all. President-elect Wilson returned from his vacation trip to Bermuda. New York.-President-elect Wilson held up a warning finger to any man who might deliberately start a panic in the United Sates in order to...

  • Looking Back

    Dec 13, 2012

    1 years ago The Catholics will begin the erection of a church at this place in the near future. In the meantime they will hold morning service at Blair’s hall every two weeks commencing next Sunday. Threshing has been finished in some parts of the district. The yeild (sic) has far exceeded expectations in all instances but the low prices of grain this fall has been quite a set back to many farmers. Denver.-Poverty stalking at the gateway to old age, displaced the visions of gold, comfort and happiness, and caused DeWitt C. Johnson, r...

  • Looking Back

    Dec 6, 2012

    1 years ago The Pine Bluffs Schools will indulge in only one week vacation during the holidays this year. The weather man dished up a little blizzard Wednesday afternoon and evening. About two inches of snow fell. It is expected that the electric light plant will be in readiness to supply the town with light Monday night. About half of the business houses and residences are already wired with the exception of the connection between the buildings and the supply lines. The poles for the new telegraph and telephone lines between this place and...

  • Looking Back

    Nov 29, 2012

    1 years ago One of the pleasantest social evenings spent along the state line for months was a school social given by school No. 9 at the home of John Adcock last Friday evening. A splendid crowd participated in the oyster supper which was served in Mrs. Adcocks’s dining room by the teacher and patrons of the school. The neat sum of $6.10 was realized and the pupils have already sent for a handsome book case for the school room, which is a very good start toward a library. Mr. and Mrs. Adcock entertained the company in the parlor-those who w...

  • Looking Back

    Nov 22, 2012

    1 years ago C.L.Beatty and C.E. Beyerle spent Sunday at North Platte, Nebraska, returning by way of the divide north of Lodgepole creek. They report that country all right, but not half so good as the Pine Bluffs district. It does not sound reasonable to say that matches are made in heaven when all the sulphur is in the other place. We are making arrangements for the publication of a big 8-page, 7-column edition to be issued on Monday, December 16. We are planning on getting the edition mailed so that the advertisers will have the benefit of...

  • Looking Back

    Nov 15, 2012

    1 years ago Taken up.- November 8, blach (sic) male hog at my place on Sec. 20-16-60. Owner can have the same by paying for this ad and expenses. Gust Carlson. The laying of the corner-stone of the new Agricultural hall will be an important feature of the day’s ceremonies, when Dr Clyde Augustus Duniway is inaugurated as President of the University of Wyoming. January 24, 1913, is the date set for the inauguration, and the occasion will be a significant one in the University’s history. Representatives will be present from Cornell, Har...

  • Looking Back

    Nov 8, 2012

    1 years ago While the enthusiastic airmen have succeeded in putting France far ahead of all other countries in the way of Military aeronautics, one captain, Saconney by name, has been doggedly working over many-carrying kites, of which so much was once expected, but which have been put in the dade by the more showily performing aeroplanes. With the election of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency assured by the earlier returns, the reports up to midnight gave indications that the electoral vote to the Democratic candidates would pass the 300 mark...

  • Looking Back

    Nov 1, 2012

    1 years ago The ball team from Egbert crossed bats with the Pine Bluffs locals on the home diamond Saturday afternoon and were taken into camp by the locals to the tune of six to five. The features of the game were Smith’s running catch of Swift’s short drive to right, Pewes’ catch of Moore’s hard line drive and Ford’s long three bagger in the tenth. About one thousand people enjoyed the Market Days celebration at this place last Friday and Saturday. The committee served a free dinner each day to all those who cared to partake of the delic...

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