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  • Potential: Living up to it, finding it, and letting it go for kinetics

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Oct 3, 2013

    The kids and I looked at a house for sale in Burns. It has potential for us to be closer to school and work. Not that we don’t love our neighbors and friends in Albin, but life would be more convenient and less money would be spent on fuel if we lived in Burns. Physics 101: The closer you are to the object in motion, the less energy you will spend catching it. The house in question is a “fixer upper.” Or maybe it would be better to call it a “tear it down before it falls down.” Not many peop...

  • Thought for the week

    Oct 3, 2013

    “I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” ~ Henry David Thoreau...

  • A hearty breakfast with a youthful Dick Cheney

    Bill Sniffin,|Sep 26, 2013

    It is almost stunning to see how healthy Dick Cheney looks the first time you see him with his new heart. The former Vice-President, Defense Secretary, Wyoming Congressman and President Ford’s Chief of Staff was in Lander and stopped by the Fox News All-Stars for breakfast recently. He was in Lander competing in the One Shot Antelope Hunt as Gov. Matt Mead’s designated hunter. His greeter Dave Kellogg brought the former Veep by to have some coffee and meet and greet some of the locals. Sev...

  • Letter to the editor

    Submitted|Sep 26, 2013

    When Democrats say you must vote for or against some idea of theirs or “the children will starve,” much like they did this past week regarding cuts to the food stamp bill, Democrats are using their time tested and very clever abuse of Western ethics… a strategy of Moral Extortion. Liberals want conscientious voters to think, “Well I must go along with Democrat/Liberal logic… I certainly couldn’t live with myself if I allow children to starve.” To even suggest that conservatives would harbor...

  • Thought for the week

    Sep 26, 2013

    “Every traveler has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering.” ~ Charles Dickens...

  • Other states mimic Wyoming as USA energy breadbaskets

    Bill Sniffin,|Sep 19, 2013

    For decades, Wyoming has basked in the glory of being the country’s energy breadbasket. But that was before the developing of a bedrock-fracturing drilling system known as “fracking” which has opened up most of the country for oil and natural gas drilling. Getting used to this kind of national energy production has been an absolute shock to the national consciousness. Heck, the USA is now a net energy exporter! Who could have possibly thought this could happen just a decade ago? Over 160,0...

  • Time for some 'dry' humor

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Sep 19, 2013

    With all this rain, puddles the debt of swimming pools, our neighbors to the south evacuated from their homes and unable to flush their toilets, and farmers wondering what was worse, drought or floods, I felt it was time to wring out a little laugh. Dry up some of the hurt and pain with a few tears released from the bucket of laughter. And what better way to work the giggle muscle than to laugh at someone else’s fallible experience. In this story, and due to the shear magnitude of us needing a...

  • With our dying breath

    Bob Bonnar, News Letter Journal|Sep 19, 2013

    Liz Cheney was wrong on both counts when she said, “Newspapers are dying, and that’s not a bad thing.” Cheney made the pronouncement in Jackson after the newspaper in that community reported — accurately — that she had purchased a resident fishing license prior to establishing residency in Wyoming, and paid a fine for making the claim of residency before she was entitled to do so. One of the biggest criticisms of Cheney since she announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination for U.S....

  • Lady Broncs move to 7-5-1

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Sep 19, 2013

    The Burns Lady Broncs traveled a good distance last week, playing a game in Lingle on Thursday and then heading to Big Horn to compete in a tournament there. They added three wins, three losses and a tie to their record On Thursday at Lingle the teams faced each other in four sets with Lingle winning 22-25, 28-26, 17-25, 15-25. Alex McCart had eight kills and Hailey Pyle had six. Mckenzie Ward also had six kills and added 13 digs. At the Big Horn Tourney the Lady Broncs defeated Sundance, Rocky...

  • Iron Sharpens Iron

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Sep 19, 2013

    A report was released a couple years ago that showed the results of a survey done by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The results were a tad disheartening. Asked 32 questions of varying difficulty about the world’s religions, Protestant and Roman Catholic respondents came out at the bottom of the learning curve — they couldn’t even provide correct information about their own religious beliefs. It’s pretty bad when you can’t name the first book of the Bible or the name of the Islamic h...

  • Fishinglicensegate, big money are stars of Liz Cheney challenge to Sen. Enzi

    Bill Sniffin,|Sep 12, 2013

    One of Wyoming’s retired Speakers of the House said the following: “I used to say I could go to Cheyenne and mess up with roads, health, K-12, etc, but if I messed up Game and Fish, I was dead! As to Liz Cheney’s problem with falsifying a fishing license application, in my opinion, it is a fatal error here in Wyoming. Her campaign is DOA.” In what is being called fishinglicensegate, the revelation that U. S. Senate candidate Cheney supplied false information for a resident fishing license and pa...

  • Passion, promises and football

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Sep 12, 2013

    There are not many things that I get passionate about. Okay, you’re right. If you’ve met me, you know I have a high level of energy and come off as very passionate. But usually it’s just excitement to see you, to talk to you, to be alive. But true passion for me only happens on certain issues. I, like everyone else, want wars to end, poverty, hunger and child abuse to stop and someone to find a cure for cancer. However, I hate divorce. I hate people breaking their promises. And I hate adult...

  • Washington Report

    Senator John Barrasso|Sep 5, 2013

    While Congress was not in session for most of August, events and announcements continued to happen in Washington this month. The Wyoming delegation fought successfully to secure the return of our state’s mineral revenue that was withheld by the Administration earlier this year. The Senate also passed an important bill to increase hydropower development and rural jobs in Wyoming and President Obama signed it into law. Wyoming Delegation Secures Return of Mineral Revenue to State Earlier this y...

  • A 'Little Good News'

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Sep 5, 2013

    Remember that old tune from Anne Murray, “Little Good News?” Back in 1983 it hit the number one spot on the country charts and was in the top 50 of the pop chart way before cross-over music was as common as reality shows. The lyrics talked about fighting in Lebanon, bad economy, and “one more sad story's one more than I can stand.” The song goes on to say how she would like to have the papers say “not much to print today, can't find nothin' bad to say.” I started in the print business a...

  • Thought for the week

    Sep 5, 2013

    Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity. Og Mandino (1923 - 1996)...

  • Iron Sharpens Iron

    Cynthia Shroyer, p|Sep 5, 2013

    The week is very young as I type this, but it has been fraught with pain and anguish for my family and me. I am experiencing the difficulty of living a thousand miles from“home” and it really hurts — a lot. I got a call Monday morning from my mother that opened with “I have bad news.” It wasn’t unanticipated, but it was unwelcome. My father’s older sister has been ill for a few weeks. Planning a vacation back home soon, I was praying heavily that she would get better enough for me to see her on...

  • 25 years ago right now, Yellowstone burned up

    Bill Sniffin,|Aug 29, 2013

    Is this hell? Or is it Yellowstone? That was my exact thought as I piloted a small, single engine airplane over the vast expanse of Yellowstone National Park in August of 1988, during the horrible fires that year. Flying with me on that day was the late Larry Hastings, one of the best pilots and instructors in Wyoming history. Also along and helping take photos was the late Mike McClure, a legend in his own right, as a premier photographer. Both men lived in Lander. We had been talking about mak...

  • The heartbeat of a winner

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 29, 2013

    My youngest son asked me over breakfast earlier this week if Wyoming had a chance of winning Saturday against Nebraska. I said there is always a chance but Nebraska is just tougher than Wyoming. He asked why. As I explained Division I football programs, the money and all the little boys dreaming of playing for top 25 teams, I wondered if all that mattered. Was it possible for Wyoming to win against an unbeatable opponent? Possible, however, not probable. For the past couple of weeks, I have...

  • Thought for the week

    Aug 29, 2013

    “Some people try to find things in this game that don’t exist but football is only two things-blocking and tackling.” ~ Vince Lombardi...

  • Measuring driving distances by the number of beers it takes to get there

    Bill Sniffin,|Aug 22, 2013

    Newcomers might find this hard to believe, but a common form of measurement a few decades ago, when it came to traveling Wyoming’s long distances, was: “How many beers does it take to get there?” For decades, our state did not have open container laws. It was accepted that folks traveled distances with a cooler of beer to sustain them. Thankfully, this culture of combining alcohol with travel has virtually disappeared. The toll of killed and injured people left in its wake enlightened our lawma...

  • Letter to the editor

    Aug 22, 2013

    Dear Editor, The August 15 issue of the Pine Bluffs Post contained an article on the school board meeting of August 12 in Burns. In that article, the writer stated that the conversation regarding the English/Language Arts curriculum “centered around vocabulary and setting expectations too high for some students.” I agree that there was considerable discussion about vocabulary, but no one on the board even implied that we in Laramie 2 are setting expectations too high. Such a statement sug...

  • Thought for the week

    Aug 22, 2013

    Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. Zig Ziglar...

  • This week marks historic anniversary of deadliest forest fire in Wyoming history

    Bill Sniffin,|Aug 15, 2013

    This week marks the 76th memorial anniversary of the worst forest fire disaster in Wyoming history when it came to loss of firefighter lives. In an obscure and difficult place to reach called Blackwater, a group of forest rangers and Civilian Conservation Corps firefighters lost their lives on Aug. 21, 1937. Lightning started the fire that burned some 1,700 acres in the Shoshone National Forest west of Cody on that fateful day. Although the fire began on Aug. 18, it slept and was not detected...

  • Chances are, pretty good ... you'll say goodbye more often than you want to

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 15, 2013

    There is a guy in Florida that has been bitten by a shark, struck by lightning, bit by a rattle snake and head punched by monkeys, twice, and lived to tell about it. Fate must have it in for this guy. He isn’t an explorer or an adventurer. His run-ins with the bad chances date back to when he was 10, when lightning struck the tree he was standing under. He escaped unhurt but a bit blown over. Taking chances can blow you over, sometimes in a good way. Isn’t the rule of thumb, and there is onl...

  • Thought for the week

    Aug 15, 2013

    There is only one difference between a long life and a good dinner: that, in the dinner, the sweets come last. Robert Louis Stevenson...

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