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  • 'Burn out' or 'Do you deserve a break today?'

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 15, 2013

    McDonald’s didn’t start it, but its campaign propelled it to the forefront of people’s thoughts — “You deserve a break today!” Really? Do we really deserve a break? A break from what exactly? People think they need a break from being pulled over by law enforcement. What they need to do is use the brake to slow down and not speed. About that ticket? That would be your fault not the officers. Just sayin’. Moms say they need a break from the kids. Husbands need a break from family responsibilit...

  • Washington Report

    Senator John Barrasso|Aug 8, 2013

    In Wyoming, we are reminded regularly that coal is America’s most affordable, reliable and abundant energy resource. Back in Washington, the Obama Administration ignores reality and continues to try to regulate coal out of existence. This month, the debate over excessive Washington regulations was front and center. We also confirmed a Wyoming judge to the federal bench and worked on bipartisan legislation to help the terminally ill in Wyoming receive timely federal benefits. Bipartisan Bill Help...

  • The tender part of my foot

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 8, 2013

    As I was rushing to work this morning, I took a few minutes to bedazzle the toes. Just a quick trim, a few clips and a nice coat of pink cotton candy. Not much, but sure made me feel better and worthy of wearing flip-flops to work. I think any store that sells open toe shoes to women should give a free pedicure. Just one. Then the ladies who never had their feet pampered and looking like jewels shimmering on the dirty path of life, can experience beauty for their most used extremity. Podiatry...

  • The familiar comfort of life and God

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 8, 2013

    There’s a lot to be said for familiarity and comfort. And for the things that cause fear and chaos. We all have a pair of jeans that are so full of holes you really shouldn’t wear them out of the house, a T-shirt that is stained and stretched to the point of no return. Or slippers that have the mark of puppy teeth and a good washing won’t help how dirty they look. We have familiar songs we love to listen to, old favorites that bring back good memories. Movies we can watch over and over again, sp...

  • The Duck Whisperer's take on Wyoming political scene

    Bill Sniffin,|Aug 1, 2013

    What possible connection could a bunch of ducks have to do with Wyoming’s current political situation? Well, let me explain. My relatives refer to me as “The Duck Whisperer,” since we have tame ducks that qualify as our pets. No dogs. No cats. No parakeets. No hamsters. Just ducks. And we have odd ducks, sitting ducks, lame ducks and we even have daffy ducks. Here are some thoughts on the current political situation, duck-wise: • Sitting Duck – Although he is far from being a lame duck, U....

  • What to do with spent blooms

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    There was a clearance sale on flowers at the grocery store this weekend. A rose bush was marked down from $20 to $1.99. Even at that price it was going to be a luxury purchase, so I stood there and stared at it and tried to find something wrong with it. I left the store without the rose. I told the blooming youth in the car what I found and they agreed we should buy it. Hard to argue with $2 and three blondes. So, I parked again, and everyone got out to buy the clearance flower. When we got it...

  • Letter to the editor

    Senator Mike Enzi|Aug 1, 2013

    Earlier this month, Diana and I travelled over 2,000 miles across Wyoming. We held “Collecting Common Sense from Wyoming for Washington” listening sessions in seven communities in the state.We were pleased to hear from Pine Bluffs area residents. A New York Times reporter who attended a few of the meetings told me he was surprised with how informed people were. He shouldn’t have been surprised. I wasn’t. I appreciate the ability of Wyoming folks to know what is wrong and to come up with new ide...

  • Taking a lesson from password protection

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Aug 1, 2013

    I have so many Internet accounts! And each has a different password. That’s for safety, you know. At least that’s what they tell us from the “offices” of Internet-land. The problem for me, and others I’ve discovered, is that it is just plain hard to remember all those passwords. And personal identification numbers – don’t want to leave those out! Every account needs a different number or series of numbers and letters and we are not supposed to write them down. Huh? How are we supposed to remembe...

  • Walking through life's open door

    Patrick Cossel, Stevenson Newspapers|Jul 25, 2013

    The Son Never Shines on Closed Doors — Flogging Molly Texas is a hot and miserable state in the summer time. It is humid, crowded, full of bugs and just generally uncomfortable. But, despite all this, I had to go there. For more than 10 years my parents have called San Antonio home. They moved to the Lone Star state, after an extended stay in Kansas, to be closer to my grandfather. My mom wanted to be around for her father as he approached his final years. Now, with grandpa gone, my parents d...

  • It's time to sink the Blueways Order

    Cynthia Lummis, US Congress|Jul 25, 2013

    This column is an open call for Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to disavow the National Blueways Order. If you are wondering what a “Blueway” is, you are not alone. Few in Wyoming knew until word spread that the Department of the Interior wanted to designate the Yellowstone River Watershed as a “National Blueway” under Secretarial Order 3321. So what is a Blueway? According to Interior official Rebecca Wodder, a Blueway is a “pat on the back” that will bring “recognition to big river systems...

  • Another one bites the dust

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 25, 2013

    It’s my birthday. When I was a kid I dedicated an hour or so every day the week before my birthday waiting for the mailman to show up with cards. Funny how he always knew when it was my birthday. ;) I still look for cards to show up in my mailbox and while on card watch this year I found it, the thing that all people my age look for — an invitation to join AARP. I got a huge laugh 25 years ago when my ex got his invitation. Being 24 he was more than a touch insulted. Not me (at least not now...

  • Iron Sharpens Iron

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 18, 2013

    A friend shared this saying with me. It was brought to her by way of her elementary school-aged daughter. It sounded vaguely familiar, but right off the bat I couldn’t figure out why. Here it is: “I’m Burger King and you’re McDonalds. Gonna have it my way and you’re gonna like it.” Yeah. Read that one again. And maybe a third time or fourth. I laughed at first when I read it. Then it wasn’t so funny. I know I’ve heard that phrase before, but the part that struck me hardest was I can remember sa...

  • Machine politics in Wyoming: America be warned!

    Christopher G. Adamo,|Jul 11, 2013

    Almost daily, America reels from a new affront to the Constitution and the noble principles of the nation’s founding, evoking horrified responses from “We the People” who are continually stunned that such events could be taking place here. Clearly, those at the highest levels of the monstrosity we call the federal government now believe they have been unleashed from such quaint notions as their oaths of office or the rule of law. Implementing the next portion of the leftist agenda is merel...

  • 7/11/13 may be your lucky day

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 11, 2013

    Lady luck smiles on certain numbers. Odd numbers usually. But then, some odd numbers, 13 for example, which is the year we are stuck in for another five months, is frowned upon because it seems to cause so much misfortune. Today could be lucky. If you live close enough to a 7/11 you can get a free Slurpee from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Or maybe you want to hop on a junket to Vegas and roll the months’ paycheck on 7,11 and 13 tonight? Maybe get married? Lots of fun can be done with numbers. Maybe just p...

  • People get ready - it's way past time

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 11, 2013

    Everyday when I go to work I have to get ready; prepared to meet the day’s challenges. I have to shower, dress, eat breakfast, grab my food for the day, make sure I bring everything I need to the office to get my job done. The best thing for me to do is to prepare the day before. Actually preparing a week ahead is better. If I do that I find I am not wandering around making poor decisions that will harm me. If I plan ahead I can look at my schedule and find a place in each day for the i...

  • Lessons learned in 'Classroom of our Mind'

    Patrick Cossel, Stevenson Newspapers|Jul 4, 2013

    Working as reporter has given me the opportunity to cover a great many things. When I was a cub reporter, I was pretty eager to cover everything. I do mean everything. While covering an inspirational speaker, I became enamored by one of his motivation/self realization techniques — spending 10 minutes each day in the “Classroom of our Mind.” Today, while driving across the Hi-Line of Montana, alone, I figured it was be a good time to do just that. Truth be told, I make it a point to turn off a...

  • Washington Report

    Senator John Barrasso|Jul 4, 2013

    Regardless of what you’ve heard on the news, immigration reform is not the only thing the Senate worked on this month. The Senate Energy Committee just passed a bill to better manage forests and prepare for fires, and a bill that encourages helium production in Wyoming and raises revenue that will help partially restore Wyoming’s AML funding. We also introduced a bipartisan bill to repeal the broken renewable fuel standard that has driven up food and fuel costs for Wyoming families. Senate Pas...

  • Experiencing God

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jul 4, 2013

    The story of Abraham taking his promised son Isaac up on the mountain to sacrifice him is one that has been taught in Sunday School classes since Sunday School classes had their beginnings. My education of the event came complete with flannel-graph depictions of the old guy putting his teenage son on an altar made of stone. Just at the right time (and before any of the kids in class had a heart attack thinking their parents might take similar action) the teacher produced the image of a ram caugh...

  • Thought for the week

    Jun 27, 2013

    I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. Helen Keller...

  • July 4th in Wyoming unique but Lander's blast-off is All-American

    Bill Sniffin,|Jun 27, 2013

    In cities and towns across Wyoming, people see July 4 as a time of fireworks and blowing things up. But one town tops all the rest in the state and perhaps the nation. While watching televised images of the nighttime bombing of Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, I turned to someone and said: “I’ve seen that before.” It looked just like a typical night of July 4 in my hometown of Lander. The Independence Day holiday has always been a big deal for Lander since it is the home of the oldest p...

  • You can't push a rope

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jun 27, 2013

    Monday morning I sat in a quiet church next to my beautiful seven-year-old dressed in a new pink dress, listened to the organ, and waited. Waited for a pain that was as sure to come as the ache after stubbing your toe. We sat, sang songs and said “amen,” two things she loves to do. And, although the day was about love, it was also about letting it go. I helped her say goodbye to her desk-mate, lunch-mate and one of her best friends. Something a seven-year-old shouldn’t have to do. But life...

  • What's really in a name?

    Cynthia Shroyer, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jun 27, 2013

    I have been called by a number of names in my lifetime. On the first day of school I am called by my given name — Cynthia. Once I got to college it didn’t bother me to be so formal and when people use my given name now I hardly give it a thought. I usually go by Cindi. Spelling changed from a “y” on the end when I was a teenager. My father gets a kick out of finding stuff to tease me about on that issue and I love it! Teenage independence is an odd thing and he has played on it for years....

  • The way we lean

    Jun 20, 2013

    Wyoming newspapers have been publishing public notices since 1887, archaic sounding, but effective in reality. Some have suggested moving public notices to a web site for viewing may be more cost effective in today’s environment. Sounds good, but is inaccurate and contrary to the true meaning of posting them. That being that there is a permanent record that is not subject to change. With today’s technology comes wide opportunity for abuse. Things like the IRS using information as a weapon for...

  • Thought for the week

    Jun 20, 2013

    There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world. ~ Author unknown...

  • How do you heal a hurt

    Charlene Smith, Pine Bluffs Post staff|Jun 20, 2013

    My daughter had a bike accident Friday. It was no big deal, scary for mom and her due to the lack of complete certainty that everything was going to be alright. But a trip to the ER and four stitches later, we found ourselves at Dairy Queen admiring her new scratches and bruises, not appreciating how blessed we were. Not more than 24 hours later, a classmate of my youngest daughter died due to a tragic accident. A fluke. One of those sets of moments life drops on unsuspecting families all too...

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