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Banner community news

Good mooring Banner County! Is there anyone out there that is confused as to what month this is? One day it is January for sure and the next day it may feel like March or April.

April is my month of choice — only 75 days — whoo -hoo. Although we are lacking in snow, we sure have had plenty of wind and tumble weeds.

Something new that needs to be mentioned is the annual reunion of the Gulick sisters. They had their 35th annual Christmas dinner at Janett and Harold Connour’s in Cheyenne. Those attending were Maxine Lanning of Pine Bluffs, Glenna Streeks and Sharry Soule of Gering, J.W. and Janice Snyder of Harrisburg. Rob, Marsha and boys of Cheyenne, Kenneth and Brenda and boys of Cheyenne, and Janett and Harold Connour. An excellent time was enjoyed by all.

The Banner County FFA students did exceptionally well at the CDE Contest last week. The team placed second and will be eligible for State Competition. As I report this, my internet service is out, therefore, I do not have access to the team members involved. I apologize and hopefully will remember to review this next week.

For school sports activities this week we have: Jan. 17 basketball at home vs. Crawford beginning at 3 p.m.; basketball Jan. 18 - 4 p.m. at Minatare. The high school varsity basketball MAC Tourney will go through, Jan. 20-25. You may call the school at 308-436-5262 for the Cats game, date and time. The high school wrestling team will compete Jan 18 at Cheyenne East, (no time available). On, Jan. 22, the junior high basketball teams will play Garden County at 2 p.m. here at home. Math Counts and Speech practice continues. I know the Speech team competed recently, but I failed to find out the results of that competition. Good luck to all of you and safe travel to all.

Other than sports and the regular everyday business of school the week remains calm. The harrisburg Community Church will hold a potluck dinner immediately after church Jan. 19. The annual business meeting will be held after the dinner. Everyone is invited to attend. With no internet I have no schedule for events in Kimball or Gering/Scottsbluff. We do however, have birthdays and those include: Haddie Grubbs, Savannah Jordan, Wilma Post, David Gifford, Rick Larson, Barb Cross, Susie Neal, and Margaret Jean Van Pelt. Happy birthday to each of you; and special wishes to Margaret Jean on her 90th! One couple will celebrate an anniversary, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Travis Cochran. Well folks all the news for now. Have a great week and take care until next time. Call at 436-7152, or 641-1335 and please send mail to [email protected]. Barb Cross (Mrs. Rod)


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