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Herford community news

For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Andrea Reifschneider played a medley of songs on the piano. Pastor Opdycke talked about St. Patrick who established over 300 churches in Ireland. The sermon topic was “A Friend’s Betrayal.”

Judas Iscariot was one of the chosen 12 disciples of Jesus. He made an agreement with the chief priests for 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus so they could arrest Jesus.

Pastor Opdycke used the accounts of Jesus arrest recorded in John 18:1-11 and Matthew 26:47-96. Even when Judas came with the mob to arrest Jesus, Jesus called Judas his friend. We are instructed in the scriptures to love our enemies. Jesus provides us with His example. Next week the sermon topic will be “A Friend’s Denial.”


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