Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Photo in history

he Texas Trail Museum and Pine Bluffs Post would like more information on this week's historical photo. The Texas Trail Museum provided the following information about the photo: The photo was taken Feb. 6 1950 of Pine Bluffs residents traveling to Laramie to watch the Cowboys play football Left to right, FRONT ROW: Jack Harrison, (WHO IS THIS SMALL BOY), Bill Harrison, John Larson, Walton Olson, Frank Supon, Janet Supon, and Frank Supon Jr, Erniest Carpenter, Jim Larson, Joe McNamee, Chuck Binning, Sam Bray, George Razor. SECOND ROW: Harry Megor, Mrs. Megor, Betty McNamee, Mrs. Razor, Lenna O...


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