Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Looking Back

100 Years Ago

January 21, 1915

Editorial – Over South

Thomas Bros will farm Carl Smalley’s place the coming year.

Mrs. P.E. Curlee purchased another good cow last week.

Jas. McDowell sold a good young mare to Frank Horr recently.

Jas. Kinkade began buying hogs Monday. He is paying top prices.

J.A. Holliday says he has made more money the past year from a herd of 9 cows than he made the three years previous without any cows.

Herbert House is now carrying the mail on the Graham Route in an auto.

Chas. Fisher has just completed a well for his father, John Fisher.

Tom Farr succeeded in bringing down a coyote with his .22 rifle last week.

Another surprise party took place Wednesday night, but this time Andy Fisher was the victim. A vey enjoyable evening was spent by all who were in attendance. We all feel better over these big eats.

Will Thomas will improve his homestead in the spring by breaking up about twenty acres of sod. E. Barton has contracted the job.

75 Years Ago

January 25, 1940

Local Men Taking Cheyenne Ground Course in Flying

Five Pine Bluffs youths are among the 49 students who have enrolled for the pilot ground training course, which opened Monday evening in Cheyenne under the sponsorship of the CAA. Charles Lee Butler, Clayton Butler, John Prosser, James Farr and James Dolan are those who have applied.

Instruction will be given at night classes in Room 219 at the senior high school. Special fields in pilot training will be covered in the ground course which will last until April.

50 Years Ago

January 22, 1965

Janet Bastian First on Summer Yearling Heifer at Denver

A Laramie County 4-H club member, Janet Bastian of Burns, showed her summer yearling Hereford heifer to first place honors in the Junior Division at the National Western Stock Show in Denver Saturday.

The heifer, Miss Onward, is a product of Miss Bastian’s own Hereford breeding project. In addition to winning the summer yearling class, the Burns 4-H’er was named to compete in the finals of the Junior Show showmanship contest.

Thirty-six Hereford heifers were entered in the Junior Hereford Breeding Heifer division. County Agent Wilbur T. Brettell said.

25 Years Ago

January 25, 1990

Ethel Gifford celebrates 100 birthday with family, friends in New Mexico

Friends in the Pine Bluffs are have learned that Ethel Gifford, former resident in the South Divide, south of here, celebrated her 100th birthday in Albuquerque, NM on Jan. 13.

Ethel, her husband Chester Gifford, and their daughter, Mary, came to Pine Bluffs in 1930 and lived on the family farm south of town until Chester and Ethel retired in Albuquerque in 1960. Chester passed away several years ago, and Mary said her family retired in Albuquerque near her mother.

Ethel was born in Hebron, Ne. The Gifford family moved to Lincoln, Ne., in order for Mary to attend urban schools.

10 Years Ago

January 27, 2005

Lions International Honors

Sanders serves for 40 years

E.G. ‘Mike’ Sanders, a long-time member of the Pine Bluffs Lions Club, was recently recognized for 40 years of service.

Lions International President Clement F. Kusiak sent a presidential certificate of appreciation. In his cover letter, Kusiak congratulated Sanders and said, “I’m sure those in your community who have benefitted from your efforts are most appreciative you joined our organization.”

Pine Bluffs Lions President Chuck Lyons presented the certificate and letter to Sanders during a special visit to the Kimball Manor. Lyons was excited to present the award to Lion Mike.

“The entire Pine Bluffs Lions Club thanks Mike for helping us make a difference in our community,” Lyons said.

Sanders served as president of the local club in 1967-1968 and has assisted in countless club activities over the years, including the annual spaghetti supper and the youth basketball tournament.

The Pine Bluffs Lions Club was chartered in 1922 and currently has 25 members.


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