Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Hereford News

For the special this week at the Hereford Community Church Andrea Reifschneider sang Amazing Grace. New members were brought into the church family. Holy Communion was served. The sermon topic was Twelve, and the scripture was Matthew 10.

Next week the sermon topic will be New Life, and the Prairie Songbirds will perform the Easter cantata Risen This Day at the sunrise service at 7 a.m. Following the sunrise service, there will be breakfast of donuts, sweet rolls, and drinks.

The Church will hold their quarterly business meeting on Sunday, April 12, at 10 a.m. before the worship service.

The 55 And Up Club potluck luncheon will be held on Friday, April 10, at 12 p.m., at the Friendship Alliance North Church in Grover. Everyone 55 and over is welcome to attend. Come and join in the fun with your family and friends. We will be celebrating the Easter holiday. There will also be a door prize.


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