Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Albin News

The burden of summer is to squeeze as many sunburned noses, trips to grandma’s house, nights slept under the stars, swims and ice cream cones into the three months of freedom as possible. It doesn’t seem like a burden Memorial Day weekend. However, often the lazy days slip by unnoticed and we use the grandest form of extravagance by thinking we will have more summer days.

Then, that flyer comes in the mail. The one announcing back to school shopping. And that is when we start adding up all the fun and it doesn’t seem to calculate to the end of summer. But, folks, no matter how good you are at math, we have almost run out of summer days.

The harvesters loaded up and moved out of Albin Monday. They come each year and usher in the mid-summer heat and leave us with longer, cooler evenings and the school buses rounding the bend.

Those school buses are headed to school. Before they pick up your student, make sure they have everything they need.

Back to school nights will be held at all the LCSD No. 2 schools Thursday, August 20 from 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. Check with your school for more information. Information isn’t always available when you need it. Or sometimes, you just forget the information. It happens to us more often than we would like you to know. However, we always try to correct what we forgot and remind you of one of your neighbors special day.

Joan Hays and her son Curt Fox, share the same birthday, August 7. You would think that would bememorable enough for us to have it in the news each year. However, in between last August 7 and last Friday, many things happened and many important dates get forgotten. What won’t be forgotten is the pleasant smile Joan has for everyone and her quiet way of welcoming people. What won’t be forgotten is the go-getter attitude and high work ethic of Curt and the respect and care he shows for our little town. It seems we received the gifts from their extra candle on the cake. Joan and Curt traveled to Cheyenne for lunch on their birthday and it sounded like they had a very nice day. Happy belated birthday.

Laramie County Fair was very successful for some of our area youth. Kayla Krakow’s white face was judged as the Grand Champion. She sold her livestock at the fair to Capitol One Carpets of Cheyenne. Hunter Petsch won Grand Champion Steer. Honorable mentions from our neck of the woods would be Kelton Krakow with his black faced market lamb and Riley McLaughlin with market lambs. More of our kids participated in the fair but no word on their projects or how they ended up on the ribbon side of things.

Wyoming State Fair is being held this week in Douglas. Make sure you recognize the area youngsters courage and responsibility to participate in these events and work throughout the year on their submissions and livestock.


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