Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Looking Back

1 Years Ago

August 3, 1916

Contract let for the new schoolhouse

Jack Rundall, former Pine Bluffs man, gets the contract

The bids for the construction of the new school building here were opened Monday and Jack Rundall of Chappell, Neb. being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract. Herbert Linn of Kimball received the contract for the plumbing.

The bids received were as follows: J. Sorenson of Cheyenne, $12,450; R. N. Lafontain of Cheyenne, $21,317; W. G. Kallaghan of Cheyenne, $20,740; Kenny and Rochett of Central City, $20122. Jack Rundall of Chappell, $17,948.

The contractor is to furn...


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